Re: [WC10] 卡納瓦羅分析義大利兵敗原因

看板Calcio作者 ( ̄艸  ̄*)時間14年前 (2010/07/04 18:08), 編輯推噓4(405)
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下面是Football-Italia的報導, 我想是比較忠於米體原文的訪談(但英國人只節錄了國家隊的部份) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cannavaro on Cup humiliation Friday 2 July, 2010 Fabio Cannavaro has reflected on what went wrong for reigning champions Italy at World Cup 2010. Cannavaro反省本屆世界盃義大利走過的錯誤。 The Azzurri crashed out at the first round stage after a 3-2 loss to Slovakia saw them finish bottom of Group F. 藍衫軍在小組賽中最終以3比2輸給了斯洛伐克,並且以小組最後一名之姿慘遭淘汰。 "In the first half against Slovakia I saw that my teammates were pale and running on empty," Cannavaro told La Gazzetta dello Sport. 「在對斯洛伐克的上半場比賽,我看到了我的隊友們顯得緊張而無所適從。」Cannavaro 告訴米蘭體育報。 "I understood that we would not come out of that game and in my head the thought of it being my last match ever for Italy was throbbing stronger by the minute. I really didn’t want it to end that way." 「當時我就了解到我們無法順利晉級,也很清楚這會是我最後一場替義大利出賽。 從那一刻起,這些思緒就不停地在我腦中抽痛著。我實在不想以這樣的方式結束自己的 國家隊生涯。」 Italy failed to win a game after 1-1 draws against Paraguay and New Zealand, performances which made a mockery of Cannavaro's pre-tournament statement that: "No one defends like us!" 分別與巴拉圭與紐西蘭1比1平手後,義大利仍然無法取得一場勝利,這讓Cannavaro在南 非行前豪語的「沒人能像我們一樣防守」顯得十分諷刺。 The veteran, who has now left Juventus for a career in Dubai, admits that today's Italian defender is not what he once was. 這位即將離開Juventus前往杜拜踢球的老兵坦承,今日的義大利後衛已經不比曾經了。 "It's not a laughing matter," he added. "To concede goals in a certain manner, including from a throw-in, shows that something historic from our game has collapsed. 「這可不是什麼好笑的事,」他補充,「一直被以特定的方式進球,甚至是從邊線球而來 的進球,說明某種重要而具歷史價值的東西已經從我們的比賽中消失了。 "We need to teach youngsters how to man-mark again. Although I have to admit that we lost our shine on the pitch. 「我們必須重新教導年輕球員怎麼盯人。我得承認義大利球員已經從球場上失去光芒了。 "I just hope that this lesson will serve the youngsters well in the future as it did me after the 1998 World Cup." 「我只希望這次的教訓能在未來對我們的年輕球員們產生好的影響,就像1998年的世界盃 給我帶來的成長一樣。」 Turning to tactics, Cannavaro revealed that using Giorgio Chiellini as a left-back was not the only tactical switch which Marcello Lippi pondered before the tournament. 談到戰術時,卡隊揭露將Chielllini移到左後衛並不是Lippi在南非行前唯一考慮過的換 陣位。 "He wanted to change something because he knew the team wasn't as strong as before, he thought a shake-up could provide a stimulus," the 36-year-old continued. 「Lippi試著想改變些什麼,他很清楚這支隊伍不如以往那般強勢,想藉由重新排列產生 刺激。」 "Even before that he was hoping to get Alessandro Nesta back into the fold and play with a three-man defence but then everything collapsed. 「他甚至還希望能說服Nesta回到國家隊好踢三後衛,但後來所有事都泡湯了。」 "Lippi remains a great animal on the field of play, it's just this time he had different players at his disposal." 「Lippi仍然是那位非常優秀的天才教練,只是這次他能用的球員和上次不一樣了。」 Asked if he had any regrets, Cannavaro rues the injuries which saw Gigi Buffon and Andrea Pirlo play no more than one half of football each in South Africa. 當卡隊被問到有沒有任何遺憾時,他提起Gigi和Pirlo的雙雙受傷而甚至無法只讓其中一 人出現在場上的事。 "I would have liked to have had a shot at the World Cup with Buffon and Pirlo, as well as Fabio Grosso and Luca Toni despite the difficulties they encountered in the past season." 「我會希望能和Buffon與Pirlo一起賭一把,還有Grosso或Toni,儘管他們在上賽季遭遇 了種種困難。」 ---------------------------------- 米體義文原文: 購達抗英文連結: 中文版內容就上一篇的: 港譯: 用Google翻譯米糕把米體的義文翻成英文看了一下, 如果沒錯的話,其實卡隊根本沒有抨擊球隊, 「球員對比賽充滿恐懼感,陣形戰術也是錯誤的,所有這一切導致了我們的出局。」 是米體引人注目的標題, 而所謂的錯誤的陣形也只標題有寫(內文倒是看不出來他有這麼說。) 後面的Rooney、C. Ronaldo和所謂的團隊, 其實是在訪問的後半部,話題已經和國家隊的事情扯開了。 記者問到了他接下來世界盃的情勢看法之類的, 他大致提了他支持的球隊,然後是幾個球星(球隊)遭遇的問題, 總結一句「只有團隊合作才能贏球。」 簡單來說就是這幾句話被移花接木扭曲意思了…… 只能說購達抗……( ̄ー ̄;) 有需要的話,節錄了(應該是)那部份的義文原文: Ora "tiene" per l' Argentina? "Maradona resta un grande, ma a dirla tutta spero vinca la Spagna. E c' è un perché: Argentina, Brasile e Germania questa Coppa se la porterebbero definitivamente a casa, essendo il terzo successo. E siccome la Bambina, come la chiama Materazzi, la sentiamo un po' nostra speriamo resti lì." Cosa sta dicendo questo Mondiale? "Che grandi come Ronaldo e Rooney sono a casa. Perché senza squadra non vai da nessuna parte: solo Maradona ha vinto da solo. L' Inghilterra non me l' aspettavo, ma è rimasta schiacciata dalla pressione. E poi guardate anche campioni come Messi e Kakà quante difficoltà incontrano: solo perché il gruppo funziona vanno avanti." 有錯誤的地方請指正orz -- █████████████████ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/04 19:02, , 1F
07/04 19:02, 1F

07/04 20:22, , 2F
07/04 20:22, 2F

07/04 20:23, , 3F
博努齊: 感謝前輩指導 我已經能體會你失位的奧義了 !!
07/04 20:23, 3F

07/04 20:30, , 4F
07/04 20:30, 4F

07/04 20:30, , 5F
可惜的是他的身體已經跟不上了 還是可以給年輕人教育的
07/04 20:30, 5F

07/05 01:39, , 6F
07/05 01:39, 6F

07/05 11:16, , 7F
感謝翻譯 不過我怎麼記得切妮妮是傳說中僅存練盯人的
07/05 11:16, 7F

07/05 11:16, , 8F
07/05 11:16, 8F

07/06 00:00, , 9F
07/06 00:00, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #1CC5sO5U (Calcio)