[閒聊] WOW製作群:淦樹哥是35年前的最後受害者已回收

看板C_Chat作者 (恋は渾沌の隷也)時間9年前 (2015/07/03 10:00), 9年前編輯推噓21(21019)
留言40則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
http://goo.gl/kvklr0 So is Hellfire Citadel the last raid of the expansion? It's currently planned and that's the way we look at it--the wrap-up. It's hard to beat someone like Archimonde for a boss, as players know. He's a pretty amazing guy to fight. It's clear to people who have played the storyline-- they saw Tanaan Jungle at the start of their experience and now they're wrapping around to it again. We see it as that pinnacle of where players are getting to. At BlizzCon, you mentioned Faralhon, a zone that would have been introduced in WoD. Did you completely push it off, or do we have some hope to see it? Faralhon was a very cool idea, something we were excited to deliver on. It didn't really fit into the story we were telling, how we expected it to play out. Things change over a course of an expansion, and there's a number of things we talked about that ended up different. At that BlizzCon, you could choose where your Garrison would be, another thing we realized wouldn't work. Things change, it doesn't mean Faralhon isn't an awesome cool place, it was on thh map originally because we thought there was cool story we could tell there--concept art, Netherstorm lore-- but it didn't play into the expansion. 是說從市占率跟財報來看 淦樹哥要榮任本遊戲的最後一個BOSS也不是不可能 以下開放種草 -- 戦犯乗り越えて 進む 意思を 嗤う 牌よ 巨乳の安寧 レズの繁栄 死せる山の主に点棒を! 囚われた屈辱は 凌辱された 絶望のその彼方 獲物にされる テル! 躱された衝撃に 怒り覚えながら  鮮やかに 放銃を穿つ 紅蓮の弓矢 《槓撃の魔王リメイク》 ──阿知賀女子学院麻雀部 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1435888850.A.E3E.html

07/03 10:02, , 1F
07/03 10:02, 1F

07/03 10:02, , 2F
07/03 10:02, 2F

07/03 10:02, , 3F
07/03 10:02, 3F

07/03 10:03, , 4F
玩家將扮演幽光進行攻擊 注意 死亡的幽光將被砍除角色
07/03 10:03, 4F

07/03 10:05, , 5F
另外請注意這是伺服器級的任務 玩家幽光的數量必須
07/03 10:05, 5F

07/03 10:05, , 6F
07/03 10:05, 6F

07/03 10:07, , 7F
07/03 10:07, 7F

07/03 10:08, , 8F
07/03 10:08, 8F

07/03 10:10, , 9F
07/03 10:10, 9F

07/03 10:13, , 10F
原來是 阿奇蒙德
07/03 10:13, 10F

07/03 10:13, , 11F
你應該是說第6版吧 但是會有第7版嗎?????
07/03 10:13, 11F

07/03 10:15, , 12F
耶耶 淦樹哥被拖來當一年尾王,地獄吼(爸)解套了
07/03 10:15, 12F
You announced from the beginning that Grommash was the end boss of the expansion. How did you change your mind during the flow of the expansion? That changed when we were designing the raid, Hellfire Citadel. We felt like we wanted to do something that felt a little more, encompassed more of the story outside of Draenor. We positioned Grommash at that villian and he plays a big role. but Pulling Archimonde into it with the Dark Portal, everything feels like a grander scale. that's just a decision we made, it felt stronger. It doesn't mean that Grommash is any less of a character, if anything, it lets you know that the story of what's happening here is big, and it could affect the story in the future. It's making sure we end on a very epic note.

07/03 10:17, , 13F
想問一下 宇宙那麼多星球有能量 為啥一定要選世界之樹
07/03 10:17, 13F

07/03 10:17, , 14F
07/03 10:17, 14F

07/03 10:38, , 15F
07/03 10:38, 15F

07/03 10:50, , 16F
因為世界樹種在無限之井(復刻版)上 一切都是那些自以為的
07/03 10:50, 16F

07/03 10:51, , 17F
白癡泰坦害的 沒事尿個無限之井衝三小
07/03 10:51, 17F
你現在是在怪我們蛋哥囉 不過反觀五色守護龍王 兩個瘋 一個失蹤 一個產卵play 一個還在睡 世界守護法師整天變烏鴉亂飛 嗯...

07/03 10:51, , 18F
07/03 10:51, 18F

07/03 10:51, , 19F
07/03 10:51, 19F

07/03 10:56, , 20F
07/03 10:56, 20F

07/03 10:56, , 21F
他們上班上了一萬年 換成我也會發瘋搞失蹤睡到自然醒再說
07/03 10:56, 21F
最扯的是某位自稱發瘋被自稱治好之後就跑去準備滅世了 你要說他跟另一個瘋瘋的沒一腿我才不信

07/03 11:00, , 22F
那個黑了幹了藍的他老婆阿 我應該沒記錯吧
07/03 11:00, 22F
是說他也是被另一個瘋龍派去的人自稱治好的 嗯..

07/03 11:00, , 23F
07/03 11:00, 23F

07/03 11:00, , 24F
07/03 11:00, 24F

07/03 11:01, , 25F
07/03 11:01, 25F

07/03 11:41, , 26F
WOW版有文章6.2就是最終版本 地獄火是最後副本
07/03 11:41, 26F

07/03 11:41, , 27F
所以版眾已經崩潰了 包括我 乾
07/03 11:41, 27F

07/03 11:44, , 28F
不過幹樹哥死在這還是很好笑啊…當年是人類 獸人 夜
07/03 11:44, 28F

07/03 11:44, , 29F
07/03 11:44, 29F

07/03 11:44, , 30F
07/03 11:44, 30F
都失去特異功能了 還回來給嫌嗎

07/03 11:44, , 31F
錢 最後陪葬一顆世界樹讓一大群幽光自爆擊敗幹樹哥
07/03 11:44, 31F

07/03 11:44, , 32F
07/03 11:44, 32F

07/03 11:51, , 33F
這必然的啊 當初時光之穴這段做超讚 結果6.2
07/03 11:51, 33F

07/03 11:51, , 34F
07/03 11:51, 34F

07/03 11:55, , 35F
07/03 11:55, 35F

07/03 12:20, , 36F
07/03 12:20, 36F
睡到管家叫不醒 叫外人來打掃房子 不過她開眼也只有兩次 一次姦夫鹿被淦樹哥害死 一次被之翼整到不爽 ※ 編輯: windwater77 (, 07/03/2015 12:31:24

07/03 13:15, , 37F
07/03 13:15, 37F

07/03 13:16, , 38F
至於那條阿藍...後面這票凡人捅出這堆婁子 確定他有瘋?
07/03 13:16, 38F

07/03 13:16, , 39F
07/03 13:16, 39F

07/04 12:45, , 40F
07/04 12:45, 40F
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