Re: [閒聊] 五十嵐孝司的AMA已回收

看板C_Chat作者 (小米)時間9年前 (2015/05/30 19:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《a71085 (iii)》之銘言: : : 原文網址 : 原本打了一個多小時的簡譯按到A完全被洗白身心俱疲了 辛苦了._.> 那以下我用比較機械式的方式翻一下您貼過來的部分好了 如果有不通順或是詞不達意的地方請多包涵 (有些地方要去看原本問問題的人才知道他為什麼會那樣開頭) : 剪一些下來給大家看看就好了 : 對於小島事件的感想---商業公司要賺錢 : Actually, I'm in contact with a lot of ex-Konami people. Konami is a company : and probably has some kind of strategy but since I've been out of the loop : for a year I really can't say. 事實上, 我跟很多科拿米的前員工有聯絡. 科拿米這間公司可能有某種他們的策略, 但是 我已經離開多年了所以也很難說. : 對於手遊策略---同上 : Konami is a business so they are just following the market. It makes me sad : but a business is going to business... 科拿米是間商業公司所以他們只是跟隨市場趨向. 雖然我很難過, 但是在商言商... : 新遊戲內怪物的設定---印加太陽神與所羅門72魔神 : It's not really a feature per say but one of the things I am looking forward : to most is working with Inti. They are great a creating really challenging : boss battles with a nice risk/reward approach. I think having them on board : will make some of the boss battles very challenging. The current monster : designs are based around the 72 lessor demons in Solomon's tome. But I love : classic movie monsters as well so they will probably show up in the game too. 也許不是值得一提的事情, 但是我最期待的一件事情就是跟Inti合作. 他們非常擅長創造 有著良好難度跟獎賞且有挑戰性的頭目戰. 我想有他們的加入會讓某些頭目戰非常的有挑 戰性. 目前的怪獸設計是基於所羅門七十二柱魔神, 不過我也喜歡經典電影裡面的怪獸, 所以牠們也有可能會出現在遊戲內. : 是否加入連線元素---非常想,但是製作起來很貴,還在想方法找資金方面的平衡 : Wow! A fan of Harmony of Despair makes me happy. I'm constantly looking at : the backer comments on the Bloodstained page. The more sort of requests we : get for multiplayer, the more we want to prioritize it. That being said, : online is a very expensive undertaking so we'd have to find a good balance. 哇! 有(惡魔城)絕望協奏曲的粉絲讓我真的很高興. 我一直有在關注贊助者們在網頁上的 留言. 希望加入多人模式的人越多, 它的優先順序就會越前面. 我得說線上模式是個很花 錢的工作, 所以我們得找到個適當的平衡. : 遊戲戰鬥模式是否會有改變---不會,會偏向經典的惡魔城模式 : Hello! Here we go. IGA wants to keep this closer to the style he is familiar : with. There are a lot of pieces to balance for the game so a combo system : might change the entire dynamic. Therefore he'd like to go with a more : classic "dodge and attack" style. 你好! 開始吧. IGA希望能讓遊戲比較接近他所熟悉的模式. 遊戲裡有很多東西需要平衡, 而連擊系統很可能會影響整個遊戲的感覺. 所以他還是想要往比較傳統的"閃避與攻擊"這 種模式走. : 惡魔城中最喜歡的靈魂---米諾陶斯,因為 超 級 大 : It's kind of embarrassing, I can't remember the name but it's the soul that : gives you a giant axe. I like it because, it's just big (overly so) for the : sake of being big. 說起來有點不好意思, 我想不起來那隻怪的名字, 不過是會大斧頭那招靈魂的怪. 我喜歡 這隻是因為: 牠很大, 就是很大. : 最讓自己感到驕傲的作品---月下夜想曲與純愛手札 : There are two for me. Obviously SOTN is one. It helped forge more career and : allows me to have all these great fans. The other one is Tokimeki Memorial - : A dating simulation game. It actually caused a minor social "revolution" and : change in thinking in the Japanese society when it was released. It was very : popular. 對我來說有兩個. 月下夜想曲當然是其一. 這讓我更加投身於此還擁有一批很棒的粉絲. 另外一個則是純愛手札, 一款戀愛模擬遊戲. 事實上這款遊戲在發售之初造成了一場小型 社會"革命", 還改變了日本社會的一些想法. 這在當時可是非常有名的. (...全屬性130等條件的有名嗎) : KS上BACKER的獎勵---不能設計BOSS,但是雜魚可以,會推出投票讓大家選擇新的目標 : 獎勵 : Unfortunately, no. There is a reward in which you can design an enemy but : bosses affect the whole of the game play and we need to make sure everything : syncs up in the game. That being said... keep watching the campaign page. We : will have a backer vote/contest soon. Should be exciting! 很可惜, 不行. 是有讓你們可以設計敵人的獎勵, 但是頭目們會影響到整個遊戲的體驗, 所以我們得確定所有東西都能跟遊戲一致. 說到這個... 繼續關注活動網頁. 我們很快就 會有個贊助者投票比賽. 應該會很刺激! : ,另外每個紀念版都保證親手簽名 : Michiiru and I have pledged to sign the collectors edition. That tier was way : more popular than we envisioned... Honestly, it means I'll be signing several : a day from here until the end of production. So yes... it will be a personal : challenge but I'm happy to see so many people want it. Kojima is so busy. We : REALLY got lucky to have her do the 100 dollar collectors pack illustration. : Now that was a miracle. みちる跟我保證會在典藏版上簽名. 那層的人數比我們當初想的還多... 說真的, 這代表 我在生產結束前, 得這邊簽上好幾天的名. 所以說, 是... 這對我個人來說是個挑戰, 不 過我也很高興有這麼多人想要. 小島(文美)現在很忙. 我們真的很幸運曾能請到她幫我們 畫100美元典藏版圖像. 現在那就只是個奇蹟了. : 為什麼當初會來KS集資---找了半年找不到有人想投資,唯一可能的投資者說了,你如 : 果能證明你這塊招牌還能賣,我就願意投資 : I think it's a matter of perception. But we have always tried to be up front : about the game. We mention that we had background funding in the announcement : video which is the most commonly viewed piece of the kickstarter campaign. I : can say this though, the only way to do this game was though kickstarter. I : personally spent 6 months out of work trying to find funding for the game and : didn't find it. Finally an investor said they would cover most of the budget : if we proved there were sufficient market needs. This was the only : opportunity on the table for me so it was either do Kickstarter and be : successful to make Bloodstained or I would not be able to make another : console Igavania game. Kickstarter helps all kinds of indies. We do call outs : in our campaign as well. I don't think it's either/or. 我想講起來應該是直覺. 不過我們總是嘗試能在遊戲的最前線. 我們在網頁上那個最多人 看的宣傳影片裡面也提過有個背後的出資者. 我只能說, 能作出這款遊戲的唯一方法, 就 是經由Kickstarter. 我個人花了六個月的時間離開工作, 試著找人願意投資這款遊戲, 但是沒人願意. 最後有個投資者說, 他們可以出大部分的錢, 但是我們得證明我們對市場 還是有影響力的. 這是我面前唯一的機會, 不是經由Kickstarter成功, 就是我得放棄再 作出一款五十嵐孝司風格的動作遊戲. Kickstarter能幫所有獨立製作者. 所以我們也把 我們的活動也放上去了. 我不覺得這是個這樣不然那樣的事情. (...這是我唯一想到能翻出Igavania的方法了OTL) : 當初預想會達到的最高募款金額---80萬 : I was expect 800K at the absolute most... I was wrong (laughs). Yeah, we : prepared for something much smaller initially and really had to shift gears : to provide better content and more goals attached to the stretch goals. 我當初預期最多80萬... 我錯了(大笑). 對, 我們一開始準備的東西比現在小的多, 然後 現在真的得開始弄些更好的東西跟更多的目標在目標表上了. : 最後附錄一段關於惡魔城故事的問題與回答 (最後這段我完全不熟, 所以就只能照字面猜測 如果有人知道詳情的歡迎補完) : Why was Shanoa so special? You once said that Shanoa was a code name, but we : never got her real name. I personally always thought she was the child or : grandchild of Alucard and Maria, others thought she might be a Belmont or : Morris, could you finally give us the answer? : What is up with St. Germain? Aeon? This whole time traveling group, we never : got any real information about them... Can you tell us anything? Are they : related at all with the stop watch subweapon? (發問者) 為什麼Shanoa(シャノア)這麼特別? 你以前說Shanoa是個代號, 但是我們一直不知道她的 真名. 我個人是猜測說她是德古拉跟瑪莉亞的子孫, 也有人猜她是貝爾蒙特或莫里斯家族 的一員, 可以請你最後給我們個答案嗎? St. Germain(サンジェルマン)跟Aeon他們到底怎麼了? 我們從來沒得到過這整群時間旅 行的人的真正資訊... 你能跟我們講什麼嗎? 他們跟那些碼表副武器有關嗎? : 1) Neither of those theories is correct. Sadly, I didn't have a real name in : mind... but I wanted to give her an aire of mystery. 2) OK... that was a long : explanation that will be hard to type out but the bottom line is he liked the : idea of St. Germain time traveling and then needed a reason behind it. So : there were time-traveling "time watchers"... Sounds like he was looking for a : balance but liked the concept of time-travel. (IGA) 1) 兩個理論都是錯的. 很可惜, 我現在想不起來任何真名... 不過我想讓她保持神秘感. 2) 好... 解釋起來會很長, 但是基本上他跟St. Germain時間旅行的點子有關, 而且他背 後也需要個理由. 所以有時間旅行的"時間監視者"... 聽起來他在找個平衡點, 但是還是 跟時間旅行的概念有關. -- こんにちは、死ね! <(゜∀。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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