Re: [劇情] CSI: NY 810 & 811 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2012/01/16 02:59), 編輯推噓6(606)
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於是說這是繼續811劇情簡述的防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 嗯...耶...marriage is war? 片頭是一對相敬如冰的夫婦用餐, 兩人氣氛頗尷尬, 同時夾雜著之後兩人遭到襲擊的畫面. 兩名蒙面歹徒闖入家中以膠布貼入夫婦的口並纏繞住雙手. 包子大跟Jo來到現場, 丈夫Ron已經死亡, 妻子Elizabeth在歹徒離開後報的案, 女兒Megan正從戲院趕回家. 蒙大拿跟Jo開始搜查現場, 發現手機/面具/包裹/打開的保險箱/拆信刀/被劃開的畫/畫框上的纖維 包子大詢問Elizabath案發情形. Elizabeth表示他們聽到敲門聲, 她去查看, 透過門孔只看到被放置在外頭門廊上的包裹紙箱, 於是她開門去拿箱子, 轉身要回房內時被歹徒闖入. 歹徒要Ron帶他們去保險箱, 沒想到Ron在辦公室內掙脫了束縛跟對方扭打起來, 扭打打回了客廳, Ron扯掉了其中一名歹徒的面具, 該名歹徒以槍拖痛擊Ron, Ron最後頭破血流躺在地板上, Elizabeth被另一名歹徒拖到另一間房間, 威脅說她敢出來就死定了. 後來Elizabeth聽到前門關閉的聲音, 等了大概十分鐘後爬回客廳, 看到Ron的狀況打了911求救... 警局裡, 席德大叔驗屍中, 在衣服上發現碎紙片, 霍克葛格檢查面具, 採集DNA, 蒙大拿檢查包裹, 紙盒是空的, 但裡面的痕跡可以幫忙推測原來裝的是什麼. Jo告訴包子大說Megan的不在場證明確認了, 她當晚是在看Rocky Horror Picture Show. 包子大表示他從來沒看過, Jo說包子大會喜歡的應該要找機會看一次 蒙大拿去找丹尼, 丹尼正開心的耍著撲克牌, 丹尼辯解說撲克牌幫助了他的創造性思考這樣, 同時告訴蒙大拿說畫框上的纖維是駱馬毛, 然後要蒙大拿抽一張牌~~ 丹尼: Trust me, it's gonna pay. 蒙大拿笑著抽出一張黑桃Q, 丹尼要蒙大拿把牌放回~~ 丹尼: (邊洗牌邊搓手) Statistiselectricity first. (然後浮出了黑桃Q) 蒙大拿: (笑) That is ourstanding. I never thouht that. What's my pay-off? 丹尼: The fragement Sid found on the body? Check this. 蒙大拿: It's the Queen's face! So maybe our killer has a gambling issue... I think you should stick with your day job though. 丹尼詢問蒙大拿的進度, 蒙大拿表示她從箱底得到蠟質. 丹尼: Wax? Like vanilla candles? Nice! 蒙大拿: How's the magic? 丹尼: My Queen! 弗帥跟蒙大拿循著紙箱/蠟燭清單一處一處調查中 弗帥: I believe this is the last one? 蒙大拿: You're like Danny. You're not listening what I said! 弗帥: No! You said that at the last stop. That makes it two, instead of one. I think the problem is that you're not saying what you think you said! You says that, too. Don't you? 蒙大拿: Yes. Word for word. 兩人接近正在搬動紙箱的工人, 卻發現對方跟Elizabeth的描述極為相像. 對方一發現他們就跳上車嘗試逃跑, 弗帥隨手攔了一台車追了過去, 蒙大拿則上了警車開到另一頭擋住對方的去路, 被對方撞上車尾, 弗帥: (一邊逮住還欲逃竄的駕駛) You all right? 蒙大拿: (點頭) 回到局裡, Elizabeth成功的辨識了這位Marc先生為當晚的攻擊者. 包子大跟弗帥嘗試要讓Marc供出同黨, 但被Marc拒絕了. 席德大叔那卻有額外的發現, 席德大叔告訴Jo說Ron頭上的傷看來並不致死, 雖然眼底出血的徵狀跟頭部撞擊出血吻合, 但槍托造成的傷口又完全不能說是嚴重的外傷...... 霍克葛格告訴Jo說在保險箱裡有第二隻手機, 手機裡面是Ron的事業夥伴Phillip Routh對他大吼大叫的錄音. 丹尼說那把拆信刀也指向Phillip. Jo跟丹尼於是詢問Phillip, Phillip表示Ron跟Elizabth正在鬧離婚, Ron為了不讓Elizabeth拿到錢正在很誇張的拋空資產, 他劃破Ron的畫是為了提醒他公司他也有一半的事實, 但Phillip否認認識Marc, 也否認跟Ron的襲擊有關. 接著, 包子大告訴Jo, 他們發現Ron與一名Eva Hutton有染, 兩人甚至合謀打算謀殺Elizabeth... Jo於是請來了Eva詢問, Eva否認認識Ron, Jo出示她的社群網路profile page, Eva大驚表示那是在她本人完全不知道的狀況下產生的~~ 同一時間包子大去找Elizabeth, Elizabeth表示她只是有所懷疑, 並沒有證據, 也說她對於Ron要"擺脫"她的計畫並不知情, 包子大要求取得她的電腦與手機等聯訊工具. 在局裡的Jo跟蒙大拿開心的偽造包子大的網頁中 Jo: Dirty Hairy? He won't be happy with that! 包子大: (出現) University of Chicago? What is that for? 蒙大拿: Mac! Jo: It's your profile page, Mac. It's all part of the investigation. Oh that one is cute. (看中一張蒙大拿google到的包子大照片) 蒙大拿: Yes, that is. Jo跟包子大解釋說只要有照片跟基本資料就可以偽裝成另外一個人在社群網路公佈資訊, 包子大問說那是誰裝成Eva Hutton的? 蒙大拿說亞當已經在Elizabeth的電腦裡重建出被刪除的profile資料了... 包子大: What kind of person will make a fake profile to have an affair with her own husband? Jo: They're in divorce. She probably wants to win by proving he has an affair. 蒙大拿: But why use real people? You can totally fake it on Internet. Jo: Because real person could be identified, but not fake person? 席德大叔告訴Jo說他在Ron的氣管裡發現棉纖維, Ron事實上是被悶死的... Jo很疑惑說的說在現場沒發現任何枕頭啊? 沒道理兇手沒帶走紙箱卻帶走了枕頭? 霍克葛格, 包子大跟Jo討論案情, 推測明明Ron跟Elizabeth都看到Marc樣貌的狀況下, 只殺了Ron卻沒對Elizanbeth動手是因為Ron知道歹徒是誰. 另外就是丹尼確認的紙牌是Rocky Horror Pic Show的道具之一, 在Megan看的是第一場Rocky Horror Pic Show的狀況下, 非常有可能是她把碎屑帶回家的 - 以Marc同黨的身分. 弗帥詢問Megan, 把證據都呈現給她看... 弗帥: Marc is in custody. He already confessed. What we don't have is why. Megan: Marc promised me no one will get hurt. It was an accident. 弗帥: So what is Marc to you. Megan: Boyfriend. 弗帥: I can imagine that's all his idea? You don't have to protect him. Megan: It was my idea. 弗帥: Why? Megan: Because of them! You don't have an idea how it was. All the hatres... Finally I have enough. My dad is throwing away anything. He was doing that just so that my mom will not get that. I just want to get some money. Just start all new with Mark. We didn't know he would fight back. Marc knocked him because he had to. But we didn't mean that at first. 弗帥: Who smothered him? Megan: What? No! Neither of us. You got believe me. I hated it what my father did to our family. But still he was my dad! I love him! I can't do that to him! 外頭Jo對困在父母之間的年輕女孩表示了極大的同情 包子大: You believe her? Jo: Yes I do. 包子大: This left only one person has the chance to do that. 包子大請來了Elizabeth, 她表現的對事情終於要落幕鬆了一口氣. 包子大: Did you know your daughther have a boyfriend. Elizabeth: Why? She mentioned she's seeing someone. That's all. I don't know the name. 包子大: Marc. Marc Justin. Elizabeth: Wait, that sounds familiar, isn't it... 包子大: I'm telling you the two rubbers invading your home is Megan and Marc. She already confessed. Now, think carefully. Is there anything you want to tell me? Elizabeth:... no. 包子大: Are you sure? Think long and hard about what you're going to tell me. Elizabeth搖頭 包子大: Oh, that is cold. You're actually willing to let your daughther go down with the murder. The murder you did. ... You thought about calling 911. But then you realized that this is the best thing could happen. Only you didn't know one of your attacker is your daughther. And that oil on Ron's face will end up on your shirt. Elizabeth才是真的殺了Ron的人, Ron頭上的傷只是讓他意識不清而已, Elizabeth用肩膀壓住了他的口鼻悶死了他... Elizabeth: You have no idea how 20 years of marriage can do to a person. 包子大: Then get a divorce. Elizabeth: Our marriage is a war. Our divorce is the cold war. Ron didn't care me or Megan! No, he would screw her, too! 包子大: Is that how will you told her? What about now? Elizabeth: He was going to kill me! 包子大: We recovered the e-mails. Including one that he sent to a friend. Joking that he was going to teach you a lesson. He knew it was you. He wasn't going to kill you. (離開) 包子大在辦公室整理檔案, 信件夾通知You have a mail, 原來是社群網站的交友要求, 包子大原來是要直接刪掉的, 最後卻點開了View Friend~~ XD 本集心得: 1) 案件內容持續沒愛... 嘖... 2) 但是麥氏夫妻持續很有愛, 我好想看看露西喔~~ 3) 包子大的Friend Request應該很快就爆了吧~~ XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/16 03:53, , 1F
01/16 03:53, 1F

01/16 16:23, , 2F
這季的海灘跟大蘋果分別停在第7跟第6集 有空再一次看完
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