[劇情] CSI: LV 1208 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/11/18 11:12), 編輯推噓16(1608)
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所謂的正義到底是什麼? 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: Justice!? 生日派對現場, 有各種不同的電玩遊戲進行著, 然後現場暗了下來, 大螢幕上開始出現派對主角的身影... (幼年的小男生錄影片段) 掌鏡者: So, Kevin, tell us what are your wishes? Kevin: First, I want to make a lot of money that I can't even fit into my house. (螢幕上出現to-do list的checking樣式) I want a mansion, and I want a whole bunch of awesome things to play with! (影像轉成大人的樣子) ...And who will guess that the skunny kid grows to a man here today? ...Mind if I join the party? 全場來賓歡呼, 螢幕拉開出現後面的35歲大蛋糕, 以及... 死在大蛋糕最底層的壽星Kevin. CSI抵達現場, 小葛凱姐跟DB負責處理, 凱姐: ... expensive birthday party. DB: The vic's name is Kevin Fetzer. He's an entrepreneur opened a big company. 小葛: ...The King of Drunken Dunkey Jungle! The party company that fulfilled all the dreams man once have as a kid! 凱姐: Maybe that explains the underwear... (死者下身穿著的只有卡通圖案的內褲) DB: Or- killer put that on him and turned him into a kid again. (指指蛋糕最上層的痕跡) Check out these. 小葛: Candels, redressing... 凱姐: Killer took some time. DB: After he took his life 凱姐詢問死者的好朋友 凱姐: So you're victim's best friend, when was the last you saw him? 朋友: Around ten minutes before the opening... He went to check the cake and also the arrangement of the candles. 凱姐: No one goes with him? 朋友: Kevin likes to control things himself. Kind of a control freak. 羅賓爺爺來到現場 羅賓爺爺: Blunt force entry... loosing two front teeth, not so cute in his age. Something stucked between... could be dinner. 小葛: ... Kevin got dirty with one guests right at the beggining of the party. DB: Do we have any idea who the person is? 小葛: According to the witness, Kevin called him dad. DB: Maybe his dad comes back to remind him who is the grown-up. 法醫室裡囧尼跟莎拉跟大衛處理另外的案子 大衛: So Dr. Robin got the party and all those fun things, and see what I got here... 囧尼: Are you whining? That's not very Super Dave of you. 大衛說明了死者的狀況, 被套在輪胎裡潑油後活活燒死 大衛: Jimmy, let's go, we have works to do. Jimmy: He has me inhaled in the scene. 莎拉: ...Gange neighborhood. 囧尼: Oh, let me guess, no witness. 莎拉: They heared the screaming... 囧尼: Let's try to ID this guy. 莎拉: ...I'll say that's try from the man. 凱姐去找羅賓爺爺聽取驗屍報告, 頭上的鈍器撞擊傷是死因, 羅賓爺爺同時指出Kevin腹部有美容手術的痕跡. 凱姐: People makes money, remakes themselves. 布拔負責詢問Kevin的父親. 布拔: (放出監視器的錄音) "... You're a weak, scared little boy!" So? You pissed off and decided to show Kevin who's the grown-up? But then you're not a exact father, do you? Who will band a ten-year old kid from home? And now, you crashed his party, you beated him and then you left him there. (丟出死者照片) 爸爸: He is always... sick and twisted and something else. So I'm not surprised that someone wants to beat it out from him. However, I was not there. Go check XXX Casino. I had better luck yanking those letters to get money there. Happy birthday to me! 小哈找到凱姐. 小哈: ...The weapon was wood. Baseball bat? 凱姐: ...Of five inches? 小哈: (忽然想到什麼) Wooden ball. Arcade wood ball. That's what bastard killed your vic. (叫出那種遊戲的影像) 凱姐: There's a pool at the party. That's a good place to start. DB在走廊上叫住小葛. DB: How's the swapping? 小葛: All swapped, all clean. DB: All right, another task for you. Go to xxx hotel with Morgan. (小葛微笑著走了) It's a scene, not a date! You wacky kid! DB去找凱姐, 凱姐告訴DB說她發現Kevin跟Arcade wood ball在很久以前就有關聯了 凱姐: In 1991, a kid named Mickey XXX goes missing. ... The weapon, a bloody arcade wooden ball, was next to his body. (出示當時的新聞報導) "Kevin XXX said that nobody in the arcade will forget this day." And guess who's the primary person of interest? Kevin. DB: Somebody turned Kevin's birthday to his judgement day. 小葛跟Morgan的旅館現場, 死者為Darlene Parker Morgan: ...Witness said that no one enter or left the room. 小葛: Snuck from the window? Morgan: (看著床上的碎片) Some crystal shells... Maybe Meth? 小葛: (採集死者嘴邊的黃色粉墨) I don't think it's drug... (檢查死者手上的割痕) ...session goes sideways. Consistent with a single, sharp blade. Morgan: (看著沾滿血碎掉的鏡子) Bloody Mary. 小葛: Yeah, there's the glass. Morgan: No, not the drink. The ghost. You say the names three times in the midnight, and the ghost will come out from the mirror... 小葛: Are we at a crime scene or a seventh-grade sleep over? Morgan: (採集起地上沾血的鏡子碎片) Just a theory. 當年處裡Mickey的案子的警探是V警探, 凱姐找他來問當時的狀況. V警探: The body gets plenty of miles by its own. And then, all of a sudden, that Fretzer boy brought out a pair of shoes... 凱姐: Ugh, Mickeys? V警探: Yeah, said they got that from the shoes shelf in the arcade. Just happen to be looking there. He has an alibi. ...DNA testing is new and we didn't test it. That was my first case. I went all in. I cracked out. You know the killer is right in front of you, but know nothing you can do. 凱姐: We've all been there, Lou. V警探: Anyway, I'll check with Mickey's family. But if that was my kid? I won't wait for 20 years. 莎拉跟囧尼與拉丁裔警探討論他們的案子 警探知道死者, 說死者是從前一個知名幫派的其中一員, 和另一個幫派常發生衝突, 不過重點是現在兩個幫派都不在了, 而那的敵對幫派的老大人在獄中... 囧尼: He could have heard the word inside, couldn't him? No Bueno. But you can... 警探: Tu? Nunca. 小葛去找羅賓爺爺問旅館女屍的驗屍結果. 小葛: ...And didn't like what she saw. So we're thinking this might be a kind of suicide. 羅賓爺爺: Those cuts? This one is rage. Did you and Morgan find any drug in the scene? 小葛: I collected some yellow powder traces, but I don't think it is drug and Hodges is still in analysis of that. Why? 羅賓爺爺: ... Ether-like odor. PCP. 小葛: That can explain self-illution. 羅賓爺爺: ... in her mind, it could be self-defense. 小葛: If it's PCP, we'll get confirmation. 拉丁裔警探跟囧尼詢問幫派老大. 囧尼: Espectro. 老大: Serious? Someone goes after him for real? ... before I have the chance to stick on him? Must been a lucky shut, it ain't easy to be close to him. 囧尼: (出示死者照片) No, it's not just a lucky shut. 老大: (看著照片, 臉色變了) Marta. 囧尼: Who's Matra? 老大: You don't know what he once did? Look at that. No man kills like that. For a sinner like Espectro, university gave power to this man. 囧尼跟莎拉於是翻出Marta Artiro的舊案子, 那名女子的死法跟Espectro一模一樣, 而且Espectro是嫌犯之一. 莎拉: But why 9 years later? 囧尼總之去找DB報告這個進展. DB: Okay, two crimes. 囧尼: Both blast from the past. DB: You think it's an coincidance? 小哈告訴Morgan說小葛採到的黃色粉末是花粉. 小哈: ... highly-sculputured shell. And, unlike the only David Hodges, the pollens are possibly from some common flowers. 亨利: Morgan, I got the toxinology result. Morgan: (對小哈說) Thanks for the flowers, but I got a date with Henry. Morgan: Angel dust? 亨利: And a very old one. I also analyze the other chemical compound in the system and found XXX. It's used to manufactor PCP, the angel dust, until 1991. Morgan: Who will keep a drug for so many years? 亨利: I can think of some spots... With age, delicate notes for delicious vanilla? Morgan: So the victim is dosed with a blast from the past. DB: (經過聽到停了下來) Did you just say "blast from the past"? Morgan: Yeah. Henry ran the toxinology test to see what Darlene took, and it turns out to be an old angel dust sample. DB: Today, the past is the present. Henry, ran the database to see if Darlene Parker is linked with any kind of old cases. 亨利照做, 很快就有了結果~~ Morgan: (看著搜尋結果) Whoa. DB: (走進凱姐辦公室) Happened again, again. 凱姐: What? DB: Darlene Parker, the victim of Morgan and Greg's case. Her 12 and happy daughther died with Angel dust overdose. (出示剪報) 凱姐: A little girl with a drug like that? DB: Her brother, Ken, admitted he shuffled that down to his sister's throat. 凱姐: And 22 years later mom choosed to die in the same way? DB: Or, somebody force her to do that. Death by deja-vu. 於是CSI小組的family meeting time. DB: Tonight we're visited by the spirits of old cases. Sorry, I haven't been sleep... 凱姐: Maybe someone thought it's time for them to pay back. 莎拉: ...But the Parker case was solved? Her brother, Ken, admitted the crime, right? 於是DB去找布拔問當時的詳情 布拔: (看著當年的小女生的照片) We found scratches on her arms... Gram and throw down. Dumped like a trash. Ken Parker, 19 at that time, confessed. DB: And the mom? 布拔: She was at home asleep. Anyway, Ken actually had an alibi. He said he was so messed at the night of his sister's death and forgot he had an alibi. Things checked, and he walked out. DB: So Darlene was actually the only one at home with the girl that night... Why not restart the investigation? 布拔: The attorney thought that after so many years that "muddling the water" isn't worth it. I'll say the water is cleaner when the justice is done. DB: (沉默的看著布拔一會兒) All right. So someone wants her to pay for the murder and therefore murdered her... 布拔: Whoa, whoa, whoa- the little girl is murdered. Darlene got what's coming to her. Now, I have works to do. 亨利跟小葛想要找出angel dust的來源, 結果發現當年的證物被一名Stan Richardson警探check out了, 而這位仁兄退休後並沒有把證物交回... 凱姐去找V警探探聽... V警探: Richardson? He retired a month ago. We all used to hang out with him. He'll have a beer with us and listen to us bitching our job. Make you feel better. 凱姐: You ever mentioned Mickey's case to Detective Richardson? V警探: 20 years ago. Yeah, I might. Why? 凱姐: ...a number of files is no good. V警探: (跟凱姐僵持了一陣, 嘆氣妥協了) ...last I heared, some guys still tip their cases back to Richardson. DB則找上布拔 DB: Bradd, what you drink? Scotch? 布拔: Yeah, sometimes? DB: ... Have you ever drunk with a Stan Richardson? 布拔: I believe he's in some houseboat to enjoy his retirement life now. DB: Do you know where the houseboat might be? 換布拔跟DB大眼瞪小眼. DB: ... we believe that Detective Richardson has something to do with those revenge cases. 布拔: You're wrong. It's fantasy. That cops want to fulfill justice by their own hands. DB: The angel dust evidence killed Darlene's daughther and her now was checked out by Richardson two days before he was retired. And it never comes back. 布拔: (慢慢坐下) Richarson is not a murder. DB: Well, maybe he called it justice. (電話響) 囧尼: Hey, Russell, we can trace Richardson down now. He made an direct deposit to some bank. Catherine and I are going now. DB: Okay, make sure you bring backups. (看一眼布拔後離開) 凱姐跟囧尼來到某養老中心... 護士: Mr. Richarson, somebodies are here to see you. 凱姐: Mr. Richarson? Richardson: You finally caught up to me. 凱姐跟囧尼驚訝的看著躺在床上瘦骨如柴的老人. Richardson: You've got my cofession. I made them pay. 凱姐: No offence, Mr. Richardson. But we talked to your nurse... 囧尼: End-stage of pancrease cancer... Richardson: University has its ways to grant power. 凱姐: Since you're so comfortable with the university, you mind if we look around your little corner? Richardson: (做了個隨意的手勢) If you see anything you like? I don't need it anymore. 凱姐跟囧尼到處查看著, 凱姐發現一盆花. 凱姐: Nick, there was lily pollen on Darlene's crime scene. 囧尼: (湊近查看) Soil was disturbed. 兩人掀開壤土, 從裡面找出一個黑盒子. 回到局裡, 囧尼跟莎拉檢查盒子. 囧尼: Sara? I see evidence of the PCP killed Darlene on it. 莎拉: Hidden compartment. 囧尼於是拉開夾層, 拿出一把刀. 囧尼: What you think? Evidence of another cold case? 莎拉: Maybe Richarson has other names on his list. 囧尼: Revenge. Cool and served. 於是說DB跟小葛在試著找出到底是哪個傢伙在名單上... DB: (看到Sheriff走進來) Sheriff Susan. Sheriff: ... Richarson was my first partner. I cannot explain why. But I got a bad feeling this is his next target. DB: (接過檔案) Rex Camford? Sheriff: The couple went to a cabin near a lake, and the wife went missing. We never found the body. But no doubt in my mind that Camford killed his wife. 凱姐: (走進來) Sheriff!? DB: Catherine, Sheriff brought us our next potential victim here. 囧尼: Hey, guys, look at the record from the hospital... DB: (紀錄顯示Richardson從醫院check out的時間點都很剛好) Someone has been keeping Richardson updated at his cases. 亨利追蹤到Rex Camford回到賭城後的行車紀錄, 車子現在正在某個湖邊... 於是說警方出動. 布拔: Sam! It didn't do jexk! DB跟囧尼也趕到了, 布拔持續對那名員警喊話中. 布拔: I'm trying to help you. Drop the gun, Sam! DB: (看著被Sam浸在水裡的Rex) Hey, guys, he's not moving! 布拔: Sam! Sam: Sir, you can help me out! (丟開Rex, 舉槍作勢) 布拔: No!!! (Sam當然沒開槍, 但是其他包圍他的員警在這種狀況下當然開槍了)    Control, this is Brass. We have an officer down, 419. 囧尼跟DB上前想要搶救中槍的Sam... 囧尼: No pulps. It's too late. (看著DB) Why don't you back off him? 而此時以確認被拉上岸的Rex Camford還活著... 布拔: (拿起對講機) One additional, middle-age man, requires medical. 天亮了... 囧尼: It's a long night. DB: So why did Vega brings Rex here? There are so many other lakes...   What you say will wake somebody up. 兩人於是找來潛水員下去湖底探查... 囧尼: (看著浮出水面的潛水員) That looks like a skull. DB: Oh yeah. Sharp orbital margins. Female. 囧尼: I worked on the case before. You know what I remember most from the case? The gun we found in Rex's house. The missing bullet. DB: (看的應該就是Rex妻子的頭骨) Richardson isn't the only who has a hole in his skull. Richardson過世了, 布拔來到他的病房, 發現了一封信. Richardson: To my colleague who have shared the burden we took: A lot of you may not agree what I did, but you'll understand why I did it no matter what. And what it is like. What it is like that the picture painted broad and clear in front of us, and we watch the killer walked way. Well, I could not let that continue. I made a list. Five names. Those deserves most of the revenge. ... I rest in peace. DB去找布拔, 布拔拿了Richardson那兒大家的合照放在自己的辦公室裡. DB: I heard about the letter. Cops can be refreshingly freak sometimes. I know we are probably not going to buy a summer house together, but I have to say that- remember we did put away a wife killer. (布拔依然沉默) Okay, good talk. (準備離開) 布拔: Hold on, Richard said that there are five names... DB: Vega was the fifth name. Nick and Sara found a knife inside the box under that flower pot. It belongs to a case that Vega worked on a long time ago... You know what I think? Richardson knew that Vega is a dirty cop and kept the knife. Because he wants Vega to pay his sins just like others. 布拔: You know what's ironic? Vega and Richardson, they died in the same day. Sometimes I felt like just leave all these, get on a motorcycle and go far, far away. DB: I think that's a very good idea. 本集心得: 1) DB你來不及了, 布拔早就跟企鵝說好要一起買船(應該是吧?)了~~ XD 2) 布拔拍拍, 為什麼我一直好想吐槽說如果在邁阿密一切就不一樣了? 3) 聽到要跟Morgan負責一個案子而偷笑的小葛很可愛,大推gMR!!! XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/18 12:01, , 1F
11/18 12:01, 1F

11/18 13:01, , 2F
Q___Q Vega薯叔一回來就被黑還被發便當,劇組還我可愛的
11/18 13:01, 2F

11/18 13:02, , 3F
11/18 13:02, 3F

11/18 15:38, , 4F
遙想5x12 snake這集, Vega薯叔跟囧尼合作無間啊 Q__Q
11/18 15:38, 4F

11/19 04:15, , 5F
看到a大才想起幾乎已經忘記的正義蜘蛛人還沒結案= =
11/19 04:15, 5F

11/19 04:15, , 6F
演到一半我也以為這集是蜘蛛人的後續 結果一集結束 囧
11/19 04:15, 6F

11/19 13:34, , 7F
11/19 13:34, 7F

11/19 20:17, , 8F
11/19 20:17, 8F

11/19 20:18, , 9F
11/19 20:18, 9F

11/19 20:24, , 10F
在海邊那邊我真的看不太懂耶! 為什麼囧尼救不了sam時
11/19 20:24, 10F

11/19 20:24, , 11F
看起來好像快哭了 然後還跟DB說 why don't u back him off
11/19 20:24, 11F

11/19 20:25, , 12F
然後DB就把那個救回來的壞人放下? 我這邊完全一頭霧水
11/19 20:25, 12F

11/20 01:09, , 13F
11/20 01:09, 13F

11/20 11:13, , 14F
看到最後 布拔也要離開劇組了嗎?! 我不要~~~~>"<~~~~~~
11/20 11:13, 14F

11/20 19:36, , 15F
不會吧布拔也要走阿..說真滴最後我其實看不太懂耶= =''
11/20 19:36, 15F

11/20 20:37, , 16F
Richardson才是最賊的 他利用一樣有罪的vega去殺人
11/20 20:37, 16F

11/20 20:40, , 17F
11/20 20:40, 17F

11/20 20:41, , 18F
一方面非法正義 一方面又真的維護了執法該有的正義
11/20 20:41, 18F

11/20 20:45, , 19F
11/20 20:45, 19F

11/25 01:01, , 20F
我很喜歡7和8的劇情耶 案件都不錯比NY好! S12有彌補到自
11/25 01:01, 20F

11/25 01:04, , 21F
從老葛離開後的失落感! DB把LV又救回擁有獨特的特色~~
11/25 01:04, 21F

11/25 23:34, , 22F
11/25 23:34, 22F

11/26 00:28, , 23F
11/26 00:28, 23F

12/12 00:31, , 24F
12/12 00:31, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1EnSqL9B (CSI)