[劇情] CSI: LV 1204 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/10/14 04:04), 編輯推噓16(1602)
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賭城活字典就是你了!小葛! 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 小葛 = 賭城活字典確認無誤, 雖然我完全FOLLOW不能 片頭, 眾多賭城舊時代的照片, 原來是一間Gang Museum的開幕秀 DB: (跟艾禿一起走進來) The story of the mob is the story of America. ...Chicago, Detroit City... Finally Vegas... pretty much sum up the American dream. 艾禿: And that's why we're here. 一邊的記者小姐在訪問前來開幕的Mayor. 記者: Why you name it "The Gulito Museum"? Mayor: Why not? Look around, what we got? We got Moe, we got Moe, we got Moe! 小葛陪著凱姐出席~~ 小葛: Congratulations! 凱姐: ? 小姐: Your dad was listed in the Vegas history now. 凱姐: (看著博物館裡的照片) Forgot how handsome he once was. DB: (走過來看著介紹) Goodfella Sam's daughther turn to be a CSI. What a lovely story. 凱姐: Sam is not a goodfella. 小葛: (笑) Sam is a playfella He was connected, but no killer. You know, all those mobs... they have people to support. 凱姐: Sam - they were no angels, but family comes first. They got to provide food. 小葛: And OOO, XXX. ###... I didn't even get to the family wagon. (看到什麼壓低音量) Oh! Look! It's unbelievable! DB: Why are we whispering? (順著小葛的目光看到三位女士) 小葛: Mob widows! (開始介紹) All together! Unbelievable! DB: Well, it's nice to see that the wives stay in touch. 忽然一陣槍響, 大家嚇了一跳, 然後才知道是展覽安排的梗, 在笑聲之中Mayor上台致詞了, 接近結束時大家舉杯慶賀, 結果又是幾聲槍響, DB的馬丁尼杯被打破了, 而Mayor中彈倒下, 艾禿: (衝過去) Get the medic and security in! 警方抵達現場 Mayor秘書: (對艾禿說) You better solve it quick. 艾禿: Lound and clear. (走向DB,凱姐跟小葛) You hear that. 小葛: Opening a museum like this can definitely irritate some conflicting opinions. Publicity stun? 艾禿: Well, it sounds like he'll be fine. That's a good point. DB: The shut sounds close. 凱姐: ...So I guess he's lucky tonight. 三人開始檢查現場. DB: Okay, I heard four shuts... nearby here... (找到槍) Do you have... never mind. (抽出假人身上的手帕包住槍) 凱姐: 0.38 Colt revolver. 小葛: So much like mob style! Dump the piece and leap out. DB: Right. (對凱姐說) Go walk with me. (對小葛說) Greg, um, why don't you go get your kit? Start processing okay? 小葛乖乖點頭 DB跟凱姐走到近入口處, 那裡原來是由四面玻璃隔出的展示空間. DB: Glasses are broken on both sides. 凱姐: I think I heard several shuts from here... It's on the way of the shooting then. (扶起一個倒下的假人) DB: Not the best shut. 凱姐: But probably the best cover. DB: We have two shooters. 凱姐: Shooters left from the front door. Somebody would see it. (於是兩人往外走) DB: Oh-huh, body. Security guy. 凱姐: (撿起屍體旁的槍) Smith and Wessen .38 special. DB: Got a tire impression in water. Better taking a picture before it gets dried. (拿出手機照相) Hey! (然後又對著凱姐) 凱姐: What are you doing? DB: Trust me. You got to be remembered at the night of this opening. (拍照) You look great. (凱姐無言) 囧尼跟Morgan一組處理另一樁案件. Morgan: So the Mayor got shut. And what are we doing on the primo cases? 囧尼: Well, someone needs to deal the case. And it's by me. Morgan: That's the nice part. 囧尼: Oh. 兩人走進房裡, 死者是一名整理房間的飯店housekeeper, 死因為一根狠狠由死者左眼刺進去的馬丁尼籤. 布拔: ...Someone didn't like their Martini. Morgan: Those people are pigs. So who is this room registered to? 布拔: Prince Francois Narjil... He's spot in the casino. People are on their way there. I'll go practive my curticy in front of the elevator. 大衛跟Morgan和囧尼報告了肝溫與可能死亡時間. Morgan: (看者死者被撩起的裙擺) Possible sexual assault. 囧尼: (看著死者手腕) Grabing trace. So the killer probably encountered the victim here. She resisted, and he used the weapon that's easiest to get... bump. Morgan: And he just leave her here? And go to the casino? 囧尼: If he was the cold killer. 小葛在講台上搜索, 找不到其他子彈... DB: Could be on the Mayor? 小葛: But then where is the blood? You got shut, you bleed. DB: All right. First one take out my Martini. Next three the direct hits. (跟小葛要手電筒) May I? (趴下, 看到講桌下有東西) Oh, yeah. (問小葛) I'm sorry, glove? (拿出彈殼) 小葛: ...What else can be hit? DB: Good hit. 於是DB去找在醫院裡的Mayor, 結果Mayor雖然沒穿防彈背心, 西裝卻可是利用防彈材質特製的~~ DB: Yeah, here it is. (在破掉的西裝外套裡找到彈殼) Mayor: ...I got a tailor. He was the best! DB: I've never seen such things before. So what are you afraid of? Mayor: I was the mayor of 12 year and you didn't get every votes actually. ...Which is why I got to be bullet-proof, baby. And you got a lot to do. Morgan看到另外一名housekeeper在擦眼淚 Morgan: Excuse me, I'm CSI Brody. Are we okay? Housekeeper: No, I'm not. Maria was my friend. We worked together for 6 years. Her husband got injured and she has to work to support him and all their four children. Morgan: So you know her well. I'm sorry. Housekeeper: She was a good person. A kind person. Morgan: Did you here last night? Housekeeper: Yes. Here. In this suite. Morgan: Did you hear anything? Housekeeper: No. It was too loud. The party. Morgan: Did you see Maria enter the suite? I just want to help her and her family. Housekeeper: ... The prince. He was very demanding. He was here a lot. Same suite. He always calls Maria. Some nights, he will call as many as 20 times. Morgan: Did the prince ever ask inappropriate demands to Maria? Housekeeper: She won't say. She won't complain. Like me, she was just happy to have a job. Morgan回到套房裡, 囧尼剛剛發現了一台隱藏的攝影機 Morgan: Apparently a princess is not always necessary for a prince. 囧尼: You mean the sexual variety. Morgan: Science pointing this way. 囧尼: Well, then, look at what I found behind the saver. Linking to some remote video place... Morgan: Maybe the prince tried to make some home sexual tapes? 囧尼: Or maybe someone tries to use it to blackmail him. I'll track this down. In the meantime, you print on His Majerity. 凱姐去找羅賓爺爺, 羅賓爺爺跟凱姐說死掉的守衛腦袋裡的子彈是枚.44 凱姐: But all we found in the scene are .38. Now it's a .44? Can't wait to call Ecklie. We got three shooters! 布拔詢問Prince Narjil, 非常不配合... 布拔: So, Prince, you know this woman? Narjil: (看照片) No. 布拔: Oh yeah? For the past years, she's the one cleaning all those dirty you created in that suite. Narjil: So what? She's a maid. She is paid to do that. What's that to do with me? 布拔: You're talking about a hired help. She was found dead in that suite. Where were you last night? Narjil: The spa. And from there, to the casino. Where your people found me. 布拔: This is CSI Brody. Morgan: (在旁邊早就聽到很不爽) I'm hired to take your samples. Narjil: Yeah? Wait, didn't I see you before in the XXXX? Yeah... topless. Morgan: Remove your watch and jewelries. (對方無動於衷) I'll let you give me thousands of bucks after finished. If that makes you feel more comfortable. (收好東西, 準備採DNA) Open up. (無反應) I get paid by the hour. (Narjil不甘不願張了口) 負責處理槍枝檢驗的正妹去找DB. Xiomara: Word is like that you're a hard one. I'd better let you know this. The .38 hit Oscar Orman, the Mayor, is used before. ...All seven dated to the 80's. DB: (愣住, 接過Xiomara的報告) What's your name? Xiomara: Xiomara. DB: Okay. Wait a minute... Greg! (朝外面大吼) 小葛: (慌慌張張跑進來) What did I do? DB: Did you know any of those guys? 小葛: (看檔案) Knowing? It's more like understanding the history. (賭城講古時間) 大意是某個當年賭城大亨Gedda跟他的hit man Vinnie還有當時的 律師現在的Mayor Oscar之間及其被害人們的過往... DB: Right, right. (打斷) How come the Gedda guy never be charged of murder? 小葛: It's all done by Gedda's hit man, Vinnie the Mouse, and... (繼續講古) DB: Greg. 小葛: Right. Vinnie Sapphire is missing. I'll tell Brass and bring her in. 布拔詢問Vinnie的"遺孀", 開場時穿綠色禮服的mob widows之一. Joanna: ...Well, if he came home, he didn't come with me. 布拔: And maybe that piss you off? Joanna: Well, don't , I love Vinnie. He's not a goodman anyway. 布拔: You're right. Goodman will never need a lawyer. Joanna: Vinnie walked out from me and our marriage. Just a small advice to an old friend, Brass. You should do what Vinnie always do. 布拔: And what's that? Joanna: You should look for a new piece of ass. 布拔: (笑) I just don't understand why Vinnie will leave you. Joanna: (笑) That's because you're a gentleman. Next time you need some helps or drive by Tom's Bar on Conevell, why don't you stop by in? I'll bring you the whiskey I hide in my drawer. 小哈調閱了博物館附近街口的監視錄影帶, 照到了一名穿著西裝帶著西帽駕車的男子... 凱姐: Vinnie's car. Vinnie's gun. 小哈: And Vinnie's suit, too. 凱姐: Vinnie is back. 羅賓爺爺的檢驗報告說Maria沒有被性侵害的跡象 Morgan: Just because the prince didn't assault her does not mean he didn't kill her. My money is on the prince. 囧尼: He really did piss you, didn't he? It could be that Maria is the one putting the camera there... Morgan:... Gives the prince more motive. 囧尼帶著Morgan去煩Mandy循問追查結果 Mandy: (邊查邊忙邊跟囧尼一來一往碎碎唸)...Sweet talk never work so well. Morgan: I'm not a sweet talker. Mandy: Oh, I like you! Here! 囧尼: (看著Mandy追查到的人) Lapaz... Morgan: Let's look him up. 囧尼詢問Lapaz, Lapaz同時也是名毒販, 提供"派對用藥" 囧尼: So what? He hired you to made home sexual videos? Or maybe you set him up. With that lipstick cam, you will get in trouble definitely. And guess what? He won't even admit he heard your name before. Did you change your mind now? Lapaz: I'm gonna let my lawyer help me. DB跟小葛回到警衛屍體發現的現場... DB: Shoot me. (站在車輪胎印的地方) 小葛: Huh? (站在警衛屍體的地方) DB: I said shoot me. 小葛: (聳肩) You're the boss. (動作中) DB: Bang bang bang bang bang~~ Now you're dead. 小葛: But I was not ready! DB: And that's exactly what happened! Thanks, that was fun. 囧尼跟Morgan拿到了Lapaz那的錄影帶, 開始查看... Morgan: Night stand? 囧尼: Why on a night stand? It's nothing sexy. 下一秒鐘的影片出現的是一雙手, 穿著Housekeeper制服的女子, 打開保險箱, 取出裡面的鑽錶什麼的, 之後又放了鑽錶回去. Morgan: My first in LA. I worked in faud cases. ... when I looked the prince's watch, I just thought it's cheap...... Morgan把這件事告知布拔跟Narjil, Narjil一掌拍爛手錶鏈. Morgan: That was evidence. 布拔: And that was a lot of anger. Narjil: I did not see her. Morgan: Oh yeah? I think you did. And I think you saw her hand in the coockie jar, and then you did something. (丟出Maria現場陳屍的照片) Narjil: (看著照片, 愣住了) That's how she died? I know you think I'm a pig. The truth is that I'm not that dirty. I may do some bad things, but I never take a life, not to mention like that way. DB解開了.38來源之謎~~ DB: So the .38 is in the exhibit! It comes from the security guard! And then he was shot by the .44 from his partner. Xiomara: How did you know that? DB: Uh, I shut Greg. DB跟凱姐回到現場模擬, 展示窗外側玻璃被打破了, 警衛先生要拿裡面的什麼東西, 偏偏此時拿.38 Colt revolver的槍手A出手攻擊Mayor與警衛 (結果是打破Martini杯與內側的玻璃), 於是警衛先生順手拿了Smith & Wessen .38開槍制止(卻打中Mayor), 槍手A撤離, 警衛先生也往外撤, 走到車邊將東西交給拿.44的同夥槍手B, 後被一槍奪命. 凱姐: So what's that? DB: Something worth the guard's life. 囧尼跟Morgan繼續查Maria的案子. 推測也許Maria跟Lapaz合作偷竊卻起了內鬨. Morgan拿起Maria的推車上的單子, 看到Narjil很"奧客"的要求 Morgan: Can you believe this guy even put his special request on a form? Trash can must be empty within half an hour... Towels need to be replaced at XXX every day... 囧尼: Wait. Those are clean or dirty? Morgan: I don't know. 囧尼: Maria just come in to take the old towers... (拿出紫外光) These are towels from crime scene. There, can you see it? Those are new. Morgan: Where did they come from? 兩人找了之前Morgan在現場遇到的那位Housekeeper來. 囧尼: You reported that four of your towels are missing, right? Housekeeper: People steal. 囧尼: Yeah? Why don't you start telling us what happened between you and Maria that night then? Housekeeper: I haven't committed any crime. I didn't enter the suite. You can check my key card. Morgan: We didn't check the key card. We searched the house. 囧尼: You haven't commit any crime? How about boulary, fraud and murder? We have all the evidences now. Morgan: A little truth might shake out several years. Housekeeper: Maria went in the bathroom. Then I went to the save. She saw me and confronted me. I tried to persuade her to join. But she said she was no thief. She said she gotta speak to the Head of Housekeeping... I cleaned for those rich people for all 6 years now! Those people... they rich. They don't see me! They only leave trashes for me to clean. They have money. They have lawyers. They have people to take care of them! I have no one to take care of me. I have to take care of me. Morgan: How about Maria? You said before that she was supporting her four kids. Who was going to take care of them? DB, 小葛, 凱姐跟艾禿在猜想Vinnie會跑哪去了, 艾禿接到電話說警方發現了Vinnie的車, 在Highway旁的一家旅館上. 布拔帶人趕到現場, 一人死在床上. 布拔: Oh, man. I got a female DB and it ain't Vinnie. (查看桌上的證件) Monique Roberts. 凱姐: Monique Roberts? Why it sounds so familiat... Yeah, she was a friend of Sam's. (看著床上的裝束) Vinnie's suit. 布拔: She's the girl Vinnie. Narjil可以閃了, Morgan把他的鑽錶等被偷的東西拿回去給他. Morgan: These belong to you. Narjil: This woman, Maria Gaza. She lost her life for these? Someone who gives her life ... for me. Please give this to her family. (交給Morgan一個信封) Narjil走了, Morgan查看內容物, 是一張100,000,00的支票. 警局裡, DB問小葛是否知道Vinnie的某位受害者Ceasse Mascrinitto埋在哪. 小葛: Why? DB: Find out where he is burried and pay our respect. 兩人到了那間教堂, 才剛接近位置就聽到女人的尖叫聲. 結果發現那是抓狂中的Joanna, 還砸爛了那裡的東西. Joanna: Vinnie! He's always such a disappointing!!! DB: Madam, calm down, okay? Good... why don't you come with me, and the nice gentleman there will bring you a glass of water. Joanna: I need to sniff more than a glass of water. (領著DB走) Get my purse (對小葛說) 局裡. 布拔: Joanna, we found GSR on you. Why did you kill her, Joanna? Joanna: Because she is a bitch. I know that already. Vinnie is always such an idiot. Don't worry. Oscar will get me off. He said. Don't worry. There are a lot of money. Oh yeah, but he didn't say where he hide all the money to me. 布拔: So you got her back. Joanna: ...God whacked Vinnie. The bitch called me a few weeks ago and she says Vinnie is died of cancer. 外頭DB跟艾禿和Mayor秘書解釋狀況, Vinnie死之前告訴了他的情婦藏錢的地方, 而那些他當年的東西一直都是扣在警方/地方政府手裡的, 直到這個mob museum的點子出現了而所有的東西被放進了博物館. 於是情婦跟他的小男朋友, 也就是警衛先生, 決定打劫博物館, 並告訴了Joanna整件事尋求合作. 布拔: Then why bother to shoot Oscar? Joanna: If he choose to defense Vinnie, he should have got Vinnie off... So Oscar got to be deserved. Almost. Damn suit. 外頭艾禿問說那所有西裝啊, 車啊, 槍啊都是怎麼來的, DB說由老婆跟情婦各自提供的. DB: They were setting Vinnie off. Quating from the wive, "the perfect suspect guy is a dead guy." 三人忽然看到Mayor出現... DB: My. Mayor? 秘書: What are you doing here? Mayor: I'm here for my client. 艾禿: Who was that? Mayor: Joanna. 艾禿: (跟另兩人一樣愣住) Sir, she tried to kill you. Mayor: I know, but she was in title of "defence." This is America! (走進布拔辦公室) 艾禿: If I ever get in trouble, I want this guy to defense me. DB: If I ever get in trouble, I want his suit. 本集心得: 1) 雖然才四集, 個人相當看好囧尼跟Morgan的發展性啊... (不過看下集預告抓狂的好像是小葛?) 2) 依然非常賭城的一集, 但是活字典的翻頁速度實在是有誇張到~~ XD 3) 受害者幫加害者辯護這種官司還需要打嗎? XDD -- ※ 發信站 :批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/14 04:06, , 1F
假如說老葛是人體維基百科,小葛就是人體賭城維基 XD
10/14 04:06, 1F

10/14 04:06, , 2F
DB在LAB直接用叫的把小葛叫來真的是好好笑 xDDDDDD
10/14 04:06, 2F

10/14 04:07, , 3F
DB真的注入了新活力了 XDDDDD
10/14 04:07, 3F

10/14 07:05, , 4F
這集的市長是Vegas現任市長客串的唷! 連名字都沒改!
10/14 07:05, 4F

10/14 21:26, , 5F
10/14 21:26, 5F

10/14 21:50, , 6F
10/14 21:50, 6F

10/15 00:06, , 7F
10/15 00:06, 7F

10/15 10:57, , 8F
10/15 10:57, 8F

10/15 16:38, , 9F
10/15 16:38, 9F

10/15 16:45, , 10F
10/15 16:45, 10F

10/16 00:48, , 11F
oscar goodman 是前任市長,現任市長是他太太Carolyn
10/16 00:48, 11F

10/16 08:20, , 12F
10/16 08:20, 12F

10/16 08:20, , 13F
10/16 08:20, 13F

10/16 09:43, , 14F
10/16 09:43, 14F

10/17 00:16, , 15F
小葛又變寵物嗎?XDD Morgan正, Xiomara也很正!!!
10/17 00:16, 15F

10/19 23:26, , 16F
10/19 23:26, 16F

10/24 18:50, , 17F
這一季到目前,我都覺得好好看喔(撒小花) Morgan超正!!!
10/24 18:50, 17F

11/09 11:20, , 18F
11/09 11:20, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1EbqGytC (CSI)