[劇情] CSI: NY 802 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間12年前 (2011/10/02 12:56), 編輯推噓13(1301)
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亞當你有欠揍到 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 嗯.... 想不出來??? 片頭, 台上一個band在表演, 台下一名男子笑得傻傻的看著金髮正妹主唱. 男子的朋友: (拿著酒走回來) You know what? Man, you look like you're falling in love. 男子: Oh yeah? I just hope she feels the same! 男子的朋友: Look around! Every guy here is truly for her, and she got her eyes only on you! 鏡頭轉到案件現場, 男子就是本次案件的死者, 金髮主唱受到很大的驚嚇... 蒙大拿: (走進來) Excuse me, officer. 丹尼: Sergeant. 蒙大拿: Sorry, sergeant. I'm looking Danny Messer. He is my husband. He is... I think I haven't seen him for a while. 丹尼: Are you trying to break my heart? 蒙大拿: (笑) So who's our victim? 丹尼: Michael XXX, a college kid. 蒙大拿: What about the girl? 丹尼: She found the body. Said that she met the victim a few weeks ago. They came back to the apartment together last night. Probably the luckiest thing in his life. 蒙大拿: Unfortunately it's also his last. 電梯打開, 一雙黑皮鞋踏了出來~~ 丹尼: Hey, stranger. Heard that you're back! 包子大: It's official. I've talked to Sinclair yesterday and retook all my paper. 丹尼: Great. It's great news. Welcome back. (兩人進入現場) 蒙大拿: Hey! Welcome back! See, I told you he'll be back. 丹尼: (站在封鎖線外) You did? 蒙大拿: Yeah, I told you that he will be back! 丹尼: I think I am the one who said that... whatever. 蒙大拿: Hey! 包子大: All right. Are you two done? We have a body to process. 丹尼: (碎碎唸) The window is broken... some useless prints... 包子大: Hum, are you working in the crime lab or me? 丹尼: You. Do your thing. I'll just go check on the cans. 包子大: I missed all these. 弗帥在詢問金髮主唱Miranda. 弗帥: Why didn't you take a deep breath? Relax. Did you heard any sounds? Fights? Screams? Miranda: No, just the shuts. When I come in, Michael is on the floor already... 包子大跟蒙大拿邊蒐證邊看向弗帥跟Miranda 蒙大拿: She found him and called in. 包子大: Victim lived here alone? 蒙大拿: His roommate's name is Josh Herman. His best friend. 包子大: When is the last time he was in? 蒙大拿: Not sure. We're still tracking him down. (死者旁邊許多鈔票)     Well, we know the rubbery is not the motive. 包子大: Then what it was? 換包子大去詢問Miranda. 包子大: Just take your time. I know this must be hard for you. How long have you two met each other? Miranda: Just a few weeks. We met in this music store I worked in.      He went in with his roommate Josh.      (回憶畫面, Michael跟Josh邊挑CD邊拌嘴, Miranda插嘴) 包子大: Sounds like you two really heated it off. Any problem between Michael and Josh? Miranda: No. They two are like brothers. 包子大: We found like three hundread and forty bucks there. Any idea how that come from? Miranda: I have no idea what he is doing. He seems like he's doing pretty well. (回憶畫面, Michael買了Miranda店裡她很喜歡但是很貴的吉他送給Miranda) 包子大: It's quite an expensive gift from someone you just met. Miranda: He didn't even have to do that. I was already fallen for him. He is so different from men I know. Sweet, genious, honest. I can't even imagine how anyone would hurt him. 警局裡, Jo在問兒子新室友的事情, 經過辦公室看到亞當付錢給霍克葛格. Jo: ...I'm your mama. I needled. That's what I do. 亞當: (對霍克葛格嘟噥)...Money cannot buy you happiness. 霍克葛格: You want to bet? Jo: Never mind, I'll call you later. (掛電話)   (對著走出來的亞當問) Okay. What was that all about? 亞當: What? Jo: Sheldon. Money. 亞當: Oh, that. Hawks said that Mac will come back on 30th or ealier. Jo: Which means you put it on somewhere later than the 30th. 亞當: Um, kind of. Jo: What you mean kind of? 亞當: Kind of... like... never. Jo: You really believe that Mac Taylor will not come back to this crime lab? How can you two let me out of this? I'll clean up you two fools! Jo走進包子大辦公室, 包子大正在整理中~~ 包子大: Any word from Flack about the roommate? Jo: Josh Hermann? Still in the wind. You think he has something to do with this? 包子大: Possible suspect, hopefully not another victim. They were roommates. If he needs something inside, why go through the window? Jo: If we get someone fits the discription, I'll let you know.(閃人) 包子大: (叫住Jo) Hey. No "Good to see you, Mac," "Welcome back."? Nothing? Jo: (笑) I know you weren't gone at the first place. 包子大去到法醫室... 席德大叔: Mac Taylor! Here's a spot for sour eyes. 包子大: It's good to be back, Sid. 席德大叔: So, how does it feel like? 包子大: What? 席德大叔: Being outside. You made it, man. You're free! 包子大: It feels good. I'm glad when I accomplished it. 席德大叔: It means your institute lies. So here you are, back here again, don't you? This work is funny, you know, first you love it, then you hate it, and then eventually you depend on it...(遠目) 包子大: Sid. 席德大叔: ... I processed your victim. Defense bruise. Small entrance wound near the arm of victim. Close distance. 包子大: ... so the entrance wound we thought first is really an exit wound. What's that you're working with? 席德大叔: A piece of skin I found attached to the victim... 包子大: (看著顯微鏡下的圖樣) Some kind of reptile, or a fish? 席德大叔: Yes, you're right. It's a reptile. 包子大: It's good to be back. 包子大去找亞當, 亞當正在模擬的打碎玻璃框裡爬來爬去 包子大: Now this is what I missed. Adam. 亞當: (抬頭) Hey, boss! Welcome back! 包子大: It's good to be back. Now would you like to tell me what you're testing with? 亞當解釋說Miranda衣服上的磨損看起來最有可能是被玻璃碎片勾過造成的 包子大: ... Looks like Miranda Ryan is lying to us about how she got into Micheal's house last night. Jo詢問Miranda, 包子大在外頭看. Miranda: ...I was in shock. I wasn't thinking straight! ...You think I break into Michael's apartment, shut him, ran out and dispose the gun, come back, get all blood on my shirt and then call the police? Is that what you think? Jo: I don't know. Is that what happened? Miranda氣憤的作勢要離開 Jo: Sit down. I said sit down... I listened to your songs. I watched   your performance videos on-line. It's all about those anger, frustration... Is something happened to you when you're younger? You lost someone? Someone close? Mother, father, siblings? Miranda: Are we done? Jo: No, we're not done unless you tell me what happened last night. We both know that you break in Michael's place last night and we have evidence to prove that. Why don't you tell us what happened? Miranda: Michael lost his key on the club... 回憶畫面, 兩人在Michael門前擁吻~~ Michael: I can't believe this. I lost my keys. Miranda嘆了口氣, 然後眼睛一瞥又笑了, 吻了Michael後往外跑 Michael: Hold on, where are you going? Fire escapes? What are you doing? This is dangerous! (Miranda踹破窗戶) Okay, didn't see about it. Jo: What about his roommate? Where is Josh? Miranda: He said he has crushed in some friend's place. Don't have a name. Jo: You could tell me all these before, you know. Miranda: (不耐煩) Yes, yes, I know. I just don't, okay!? ... Look, I am sorry. I just don't think you'll believe me. I got in trouble before. Jo: (翻檔案) Shop lifting. Fake ID. Nothing is involved in murder. But I could be wrong. Miranda: ...It was my dad who died. Car accident. I was 16. He would      like Michael. My father. He would have approved. 弗帥走來找包子大~~ 弗帥: We like it or? 包子大: Not sure. Everything she said could be supported by evidences though. How about Josh Herman? 弗帥: I checked with Brooklyn City College, where both Michael and him registered for. He didn't show in any classes today. No recent ATM or money deposit activities. But, he did just get a 12000 saving. 包子大: How did a college kid get that kind amount of money? 弗帥: I can think several ways, and none of them is legal. I talked to people who saw Josh and Michael together in the club. They have quite a fun time. Josh is going around buying people beers. 包子大: ... let's find him. 霍克葛格拿著Michael身上smash的分析報告找包子大 包子大: (皺眉看著成分) Ink, glass cleaner.... 霍克葛格: I'm not sure what all those mean as well, but this, could be helpful. Tatoo-after care lotion. 包子大: Sid didn't find any tatoo on our victim. 霍克葛格: Then maybe his roommate did. 包子大: You got the name of the tatoo place where this lotion come from? 霍克葛格: (笑) Mac, you've been gone too long and forgor how to did      this. Flack is on his way there now. 弗帥站在刺青師旁邊. 弗帥: (對正在刺青的女子說) That's a good choice. Yin and yan. Now you think yan, after 15 years, you probably think yan.    (女子翻白眼) 刺青師: Yeah, I remembered this guy.  (回憶畫面, 刺青師幫Josh刺海豚, Josh碎碎唸分享海豚知識) (比如說海豚是除了人類以外唯一會因為"樂趣"而做愛的動物...) 弗帥: Dolphin? That's what this guy want on his back for permanent? 刺青師: Yeah, I heard you, man. I did my best to help people to get things they won't regret later. But this guy is determined. He kept telling me how smart dolphins are, and how people training them for military use. Crazyt stuffs like that. 弗帥: How much for a size like that? 刺青師: Over a grand. 弗帥: A 100 bucks for that? Wow. 刺青師: 200 buck now. 弗帥: That's all you're talking about? 刺青師: Yeah, he just go on and on about dolphins. Oh, and his friend. Talking about how his best buddy met a girl and how that destroyed their relationship. If I have a guess, I'll say it's the obsession on dolphin creates the seperation, not the girl. 弗帥: (遞出名片) Listen, if he happens to come back for... um... a starfish tatoo, let's say. Give a call for that, okay? 刺青師: Yeah. Jo跟兒子在間咖啡館碰面. Jo: Taylor, before let's talk about your new roommate, where is the    old one? Taylor: I have to kill him. I asked him who his favorite director is and he said Woody Ellen. Jo: That's funny. I like him. Taylor: I can let you live with him... It's just, we were different. Jo: All right. So what's wrong with your new roommate? Taylor: Nothing. Jo: Then why are we meeting before the meeting? Taylor: I need you to sign on my new lease aggrement. Jo: (笑) I see... Taylor: Now can you sign it? Jo: No. Not until I meet with your new roommate. Taylor: Why? Jo: I'm your mother! I want to know who's moving in with you! Taylor: You don't trust my judgement? Jo: It was not like that. It was... I just want to be careful. What's his major anyway? Taylor: Art. I know, it's scary. Jo: ...Actually it looks great. I just want to meet him first. 於是說回到警局的Jo居然就這樣查了這位Alex Kirkland... 亞當剛剛好來找Jo. Jo: How many college roommates you have? 亞當: Poof. Let's see. Tod, the first one is the tummikinisome like. Jo: Tummikinisome? 亞當: You know, sort of drink too much, passed out too much... Jo﹔ Oh I don't want to know that, just ball parking for me. 亞當: Um... 12, I guess. Jo: 12 roommates? Any of them ever get arrested? 亞當: Tod was slept in public area once... why? what's up? Jo: Taylor was moving in with this guy. 亞當: (挑眉走到電腦前) Oh, man, you are in mom code and looked him up? (閱讀電腦紀錄) Transpassing in criminal scene...    Looks like you guys have something in common. Jo: I'm just concerned. Do you have something for me? 亞當: Yes. The skin Sid found? Report comes back. Jo: Snake skin? ... Pigmentation is a little... 亞當: Off? Jo: Unnatural. 亞當: I'll keep working on that. Oh, and all the thing about Taylor? It's gonna to be fine. Usually people with priors, they never did a crime inside the 5 kilometer range around where they live. Jo: Oh, get out of here. 亞當: Hahahahaha... 蒙大拿檢查吉他與鈔票中, 包子大走來~~ 蒙大拿: Mac, what would you say if I told you I can quite draw you money? 包子大: You're trying to talk me back to my retirement. (笑) I'd say it's too good to be true, not to mention illegal. 蒙大拿: Oh, it's definitely illegal. You got five buck on you? 包子大: Five buck? This gonna be good. 蒙大拿: Okay, we got ink, auto degalasia, alumi oil and glass cleaner. All the four ingredients of the smash Sid collected from Michael's body, right? Watch this. 蒙大拿示範了如何把紙鈔上原來的金額弄不見, 好重新印出更大的面額的鈔票的方法~~ 蒙大拿: Paper is the real thing. The water mark and the serial number is wrong, but... 包子大: It's not a five, but a twenty now. It explains all the 20s on the crime scene. Whoever the murder is knows the money is fake. 蒙大拿: Now we know the real reason for Michael's murder. 亞當告訴包子大說所有相關用具上的使用者都是Josh, 包子大要亞當確認說如果有任何連結指向Michael要馬上讓他知道 包子大繼續走進辦公室和Jo, 蒙大拿以及霍克葛格討論案情~~ 目前所有證據都指向Josh是製造偽鈔的人, Jo提出說會不會Michael發現了這是質問Josh而被殺害? 霍克葛格更進一步的說搞不好Josh也喜歡Miranda... Jo回到她的辦公室時發現一個sealed的檔案夾, 裡面式各種畫作等紀錄~~ 霍克葛格: (走過來) Hey. (探頭看) Impressive. (指其中一張那種牆上的塗鴉的照片) I'd do that. Jo: Really? You, doctor Sheldon? 霍克葛格: (笑) I was young. Who is the artist? Jo: I don't know. I haven't met him yet. 霍克葛格: Whoever he is. It's good. 蒙大拿忙的團團轉在接電話處理Josh蹤跡的報告. 丹尼: ...That does look working on prefession. 蒙大拿: There's a call saying Josh spent XXX amount few weeks ago in XXXXX. 丹尼: Wow, that's a lot of bad bills. What's he buying? 蒙大拿: Jewelry, clothings.... 丹尼: Who is running the DMC? 蒙大拿: (輸入號碼, 出現Josh的照片) 丹尼: Wow, that's not what I'm expecting. 蒙大拿: (嘆氣) Come'on, honey, I just can't get out of this now.     Can you wait for an hour? 丹尼: Schedule a break, babe. You know that's... 蒙大拿: Are you mad? 丹尼: Yeah (嘆氣), but not to you. To these... 又一通電話響~~ 蒙大拿: It's Messer... (丹尼看著她) Really? Thanks! 蒙大拿跟丹尼說紙鈔的追蹤唯一一筆由Michael使用的紀錄, 是在Miranda工作的店那兒, 買的就是那把吉他~~ 弗帥跟Jo去找人... Randy: Thank you for passing the news about the bills... Jo: You have a problem with Alabama? 弗帥: She came from South. Let's start over. Jo: Did you just sell a Gibson guitar? Randy: Yeah. Wait! Was that the kid pass me the fake bills? 弗帥: Where are you last night of 2 am? Randy: Why? What was that about? Jo: Michael was murdered. We just want to know where were you last night. Randy: I was sleeping. At home. Jo: Can anyone varify that? Randy: No. Look, I have nothing to do about it! Yeah, I was not happy. That doesn't mean I will kill people for a hundred of bucks. So if you excuse me, I got a ran to make. 回到局裡~~ 包子大: My question is, why would Michael use the fake money at where Miranda is working? Jo: Maybe he didn't realize it. 包子大: So Josh is the one really using the money around. Maybe someone is trying to trace him down and then ran into Randy's music store. Jo: But then it was Michael there instead. 包子大: Josh is not running from the police, but from those guys. 霍克葛格出現告知蛇皮檢驗結果上面有Acynic paint Jo說那可以用在指甲油上, 然後想到Randy有塗指甲油. 兩人正在討論間包子大接到了電話... 包子大: There's a report about spotting Josh in XXXXX. Jo: He's buying drug after Michael's death? 包子大: He wasn't buying drugs. He was buying a gun. Josh帶著槍走進打烊中的Music shop Randy: We got a problem? Josh: (舉槍) Yeah, we got a problem. Michael is my best friend. Michael told me it was you. I heard that on the phone! 回到當晚, Randy跑去Michael那興師問罪, Michael還沒搞懂到底怎麼回事就被逼著打電話給Josh要錢, Michael只趕著要Josh趕快逃跑, 然後接下來Josh就聽到電話裡的槍響了. Josh: Michael has no idea that the money is fake! Randy: It was an accident! (脫下帽子) You see this? This is from Jimmy. Your counter-fit money! Randy摸到了櫃檯下的槍, 兩人持槍對峙 包子大: (帶著警方衝進來) NYPD! Drop it! I said drop it! Randy先放下了槍, Josh還僵持著 包子大: Killing this man cannot change anything. Josh收了槍, 包子大制服了Josh, 弗帥則上前押住Randy. Randy: What? He is the one who pointing a gun to me. 弗帥: (拿起Randy的槍) Is this the gun you used in murder? You know what I called this? Proof. Jo跟Taylor見面要一起吃飯~~ Jo: Hey! Taylor: Hey! Mom! Jo: Your new roommate! Glad to meet you. (看向Taylor) You didn't tell me it's an attractive girl. Attractive woman, actually, very attractive. Taylor: I didn't buy it. You found it on Internet, didn't you? Jo: No! Taylor: Or what your police database, hum? Jo: No! (對Alex說) I just check those beautiful artworks you made, which I'm willing to hear more about. (對Taylor說) I'm starving! Why didn't we get a table? Taylor: Yeah. (對Alex說) After you. Jo: (咬耳朵) She's cute. Taylor: Mom, she's a roommate. Just a roommate. 警局裡~~ Josh: I know if I told Michael it's fake, he won't take it. He was such a nice kid. He always made the right decision. I felt stupid. I'm an idiot. If I can go back, I won't do that. 回憶畫面, 兩人在玩遊戲, 然後Josh問Michael說要再一輪嗎? Michael說不了他等等要去找Miranda. Josh問說兩人進展如何, Michael笑的靦腆的說就一般般, 然後說他真的很喜歡Miranda, 不想太躁進把人嚇跑了這樣~~ Josh看著好朋友臉上的表情, 想了想掏出錢來要Michael去把那吉他買下來... Michael推辭了一下, Josh一副小錢而已的樣子, 於是Michael收下了 Josh: Michael was my best friend. I just want to help him out. Get him the girl he wanted. That's all. 包子大: (嘆氣) I'm trying to sympathize you, Josh. I really am. But what I can get best is you willingly drag your best friend into this. You know the best way to help people you loves? Leaving these people out of it. 最後, Miranda在台上唱著的歌, 相對場景是包子大一一把東西放回辦公室裡, 其中一個新放出來的東西是Brooklyn Wall的感謝獎狀 本集心得: 1) 好吧重點勉強可以說是包子大回歸?可我心目中他根本沒走哇... 2) Messer夫妻檔有夠閃(墨鏡) 3) 亞當你好欠揍~~怎麼會覺得包子大不回來了勒? 4) Jo姐姐媽媽模式全開那還滿好笑的~~ XDD 是說以後小女生要交男朋友也都會被先查有沒有案底吧? XDDDD 5) 案件就...還可以......(挑眉) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/02 13:33, , 1F
我真的覺得肥當好好笑 XDDDD 霍克葛格賺錢請客啦 XDDDDD
10/02 13:33, 1F

10/02 13:34, , 2F
可是阿嬌姨這樣查應該是違反規定吧 .....囧
10/02 13:34, 2F

10/02 15:12, , 3F
阿嬌姨可是前FBI,這樣子搞可能不是第一次了 XD
10/02 15:12, 3F

10/02 15:12, , 4F
看他兒子的反應就感覺得出來 (茶
10/02 15:12, 4F

10/02 22:43, , 5F
Re: 心得1) 所以阿嬌姨沒有跟包子說「您回來惹」,因為阿
10/02 22:43, 5F

10/02 22:43, , 6F
嬌姨也是認為包子沒走啊 XDDDDDDDDD
10/02 22:43, 6F

10/03 04:20, , 7F
10/03 04:20, 7F

10/03 09:56, , 8F
Danny就只出現兩場戲ˊˋ 雖然依舊很閃,真厲害XD
10/03 09:56, 8F

10/03 10:37, , 9F
一開始就在犯罪現場曬恩愛是要慶祝包子大回來嗎 xDDDD
10/03 10:37, 9F

10/03 17:56, , 10F
10/03 17:56, 10F

10/03 22:51, , 11F
10/03 22:51, 11F

10/05 01:14, , 12F
女主唱是Hell cats的女主角耶!(雖然被砍了....)
10/05 01:14, 12F

10/11 01:12, , 13F
10/11 01:12, 13F

10/28 13:50, , 14F
比較習慣Danny在實驗室裡 >"<
10/28 13:50, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1EX-y9Vl (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1EX-y9Vl (CSI)