[劇情] CSI: LV 1120 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/04/30 03:22), 編輯推噓22(22018)
留言40則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
我很乖我都有很貼心的空防雷頁~~ 本集重點: Huskell, Huskell, Huskell. 片頭, 一台車在黑暗中開著, 是烤魚跟囧尼... 烤魚: You see the address? 囧尼: Man, I don't even see a house. 烤魚: Well, it's one of those farms located away from Vegas. ... if we can't see it, we should at least be able to smell it. 囧尼: Yeah, just following this road and we'll get to the crime scene... What's up with the GPS... (烤魚慘叫一聲, 緊急煞車) Holy cow! (擋路牛:Mooo~~) You know you kill one of those in India, you spent five months in jail. Mooo~~~(對牛大喊) 烤魚: (翻白眼, 打電話) Control, this is Lengsten. We lost. (囧尼身手按喇叭, 牛無動於衷) 兩人終於抵達犯罪現場... 員警: What takes you guys so long? You got a cow or something? 農夫: They're not. They're six hundred bucks of piece, they don't know when they're arrived. 烤魚: Where is the body? 員警: I'll show you. Watch your foot. (一團牛糞, 三人前往穀倉) ... when he came back to feed the cows, he saw this. 囧尼: Decap in hay. Well, that's definitely legs, but no hands. (夾起一隻蛆) First generation, third instar larva. Indeed... 96 plus hours? White, female, adult. 烤魚: (在糧草堆裡發現手一隻) That's not half. 囧尼: Killers sometimes remove the hands and head to avoid identification, but usually not dump them with the body. 烤魚: I don't think this is hers. It's too thick. The ridge is wild. Tells me it's a male. 囧尼: Yeah it's same here. (拿起另一隻手) She body, he hands. We have to look the rest of the hays to see if we can find the rest of them. 員警: It's easier than find the needles. 烤魚: (電話響起) Legsten. What? Yes, be right there. Sorry, Nick. Gotta to go. 囧尼: Hey! Where're you going? We have to search this farm! 員警: Looks like you just lost your ride. 烤魚趕回局裡, 凱姐跟布拔正在看著video... 凱姐: (轉頭看烤魚) Our friend Huskell surfaced. 影片中的Huskell: ... do I have to make a video, Ray? ... You know when I want, bad things happened. ... Maybe you're just afraid to catch me. Maybe you don't like look in the mirror, Ray. Maybe you don't like what you see. 烤魚: Where did you get this? 布拔: Vivian Tinsbell's parents. 烤魚: Vivian Tinsbell. One of his brides. 凱姐: Yeah, you walked in at the end of the movie. You need to see the beggining. 影片中出現Vivian: Please, Daddy. I'm sorry, Daddy. But you're the only one who can save me. He'd done things to me, and things he's going to do... Please, Daddy, what ever he wants, just pay him... (哭) 烤魚: When did they get this? 布拔: Four days ago. 烤魚: She's probably already dead. 烤魚: (走向坐在布拔辦公室中的白髮男子) Mr. Tinsbell, it takes you four days to forward this video? Mr. Tinsbell: Who are you? 烤魚: I'm Ray Lengsten. I've investigated Nate Huskell for two years. Why didn't you come forward sooner? Mr. Tinsbell: Well, my computer is slow and my e-mail... it's spam! I haven't seen it until last night. 布拔: Well, it's still 24 hours ago. Mrs. Tinsbell: Officer, we haven't seen Vivian years ago. She's a stranger to us. Now she's asking for our help. 凱姐: So, you're saying you don't care? Mr. Tinsbell: Listen, my daughther is mentally ill. She's a socially disorder and a constant liar. 烤魚: How did you explain the bruise on her face? Mr. Tinsbell: Well, I assumed it's self-caused. 布拔: So you're saying the video is a spam? Mr. Tinsbell: I'm saying the only time we heard from our daughther is when she's asking for money! She's not going to have a dime! Mrs. Tinsbell: You have the video, and my husband and I are going to go. 烤魚: Look! That video and your daughther is the only link we have to a escaped serial killer. And, if you're right, Vivian is only interested in money, then you'll get a call from Nate Huskell. When the call happenes, we need to be there. 凱姐: We all want the same thing. We don't want Huskell kill your daughther. 布拔: Or anyone else. 烤魚: Now please help us. 囧尼在法醫室裡, 幫斷掌照相. 羅賓爺爺: Hey, Nick. 囧尼: Hey. Please, don't ask me if I need a hand. 羅賓爺爺: Actually I'm going to tell you you smell like a porta party. 囧尼: Thank you, Sir. 羅賓: Aparently force-cased trauma... Pull and snap from forum. My guess is the killer is kind of happy about the handecks. 囧尼: So you think this guy is still alive when his hands get out of his body? 羅賓爺爺: No... rather posterior then. If you compare his wrist to her leg there, they're same forces trace. 囧尼: Same tool. Same killer. 阿奇在跟錄影帶奮鬥中... 阿奇: ...no metadude. We cannot tell where it is took. 烤魚: The video is e-mailed to Tinsbells. We should be able to trace that. 阿奇: I'll look at that. Huskell bounced at the networks a few times. (抬頭) ... the shirt looks good on you! Congratulation to your promotions! Sophia: Thank you, Archie. (走向烤魚) You must be Ray Lengsten. Sophia Cortes. (兩人握手) 烤魚: Nice to meet you. Sophia: Just heard the Huskell surface. FYI: I'm calling to the flats. 烤魚: That might not be the best move. Sophia: ... we have reasons to believe that Nate Huskell is crossing the state line. That's why we have to call the flats. 烤魚: But what about the video? The Tinsbells lived here. In Vegas. Why command the money in Vegas when he's leaving? Sophia: Huskell may not command the money at all. 烤魚: Then even if it's not about the money, it still connected to Tinsbella, that connected him to Vegas. Sophia: We all know how this works. ... you don't have the call. Unless you can prove that Huskell is still in state, I'm gonna make the call. 阿奇: Got it! Huskell got some IT helps for sure. The last location in some public place in Vegas. 烤魚: I know him. And you know I'm right. Sophia: (笑) You got lucky today. 布拔: (走進來)... they just got a call from Huskell. We're going to run it now. Sophia: Yes, Sir. We're on. 布拔烤魚跟Sophia三人聆聽電話. Huskell: Got a pencile or something, ready? Mr. Tinsbell: Give me a second. Huskell: You really should get more prepared for such kind of conservation. Maybe I should may sure you didn't get my old friend Ray Lengsten stalking this. Maybe I should hang up now. Mr. Tinsbell: No, no, please. Huskell: All right. 5:30 pm, at the benchmark, no cops. You heard it, Ray? (掛斷) 員警: No user information. Disposable phone probably. 布拔: And it is probably disposed now. Sophia: Shut up by Huskell. That man definitely sticked to you. 烤魚: 5:30. That gives us two hours. 囧尼回去找羅賓爺爺 羅賓爺爺: Whoa, thank you for showering. 囧尼: I'm not necessarily doing that for you but you're welcome. Got C.O.D. yet? 羅賓爺爺: No, I don't even have a head yet. Torso is fairly fit, ruled out my natural causes already. 囧尼: Okay, any idea can lead us to anywhere? 羅賓爺爺: No preganany history. No tatoo. No any implants. A scar there might suggest some surgeries. Age about 25 to 30. 囧尼: All right... (手機響) Hum, at least the hands get us something. It goes to a guy named Graham Kole. He is a plastic surgeon! 小葛跟囧尼前往該診所. 小葛: A plastic surgeon got his hands cutting off, huh? 囧尼: ... yeah, what kind of a surgeon worked in a stripool next to a Taco Bell? (推門, 門鎖著) Rrrr! 小葛: Well, we got a warrant. 囧尼: We do, don't we? (拿出警棍破窗開門) 小葛: (看著廣告板) Well, there's a head on the neck of Dr. Kole. (兩人走入手術間) Two blood pools. Two victims. 囧尼: Good chances are our primeres. Mr. Tinsbell來到公園的長椅上等著, 突然一陣電話鈴響. 烤魚: (在廂型車內) I don't think it's his phone. 阿奇: (透過耳機給予指示) Mr. Tinsbell. Please find that phone and answer it. (電話被黏在長椅下) Put it to yout right ear so I can record it. Mr. Tinsbell: Hello? 布拔: The other ear! The other!!! 阿奇: Mr. Tinsbell, please move the phone to the other ear. We can't heat him. Mr. Tinsbell: Wait a minute, I can't hear you. (扯掉耳麥才把手機換過去) 布拔: (烤魚抱頭) That's a bad response... Mr. Tinsbell: Where is Vivian? I did all you ask. I want to talk to Vivian now! (詢指示移動) The pink one? 布拔: (看著他拿起一個粉紅色書包, 拿出一個禮物盒) We don't think it's a gift, babe. What if it's a bomb!? 烤魚: (對阿奇說) Skim around the playground. There's a woman. Yeah, there, I think she's checking Mr. Tinsbell. Can we get a closer look? (阿奇操作) Damn, it's Tina Vincent! She's a bride! (衝下車) 烤魚跟便衣衝出, 烤魚在人跑走前把Tina壓制在地. 烤魚: Where is he? Where is Nate? Where is he!!! 布拔: Ray! Tine只是哈哈大笑個不停. 回到局裡, 烤魚在外頭看著凱姐詢問Tina. 凱姐: What are you doing in the park, Tina? Tina: What people are doing in the park? Walk dogs. Walk themselves. I found it very soothing. 凱姐: I found it very suspicious. That has to do with your relationship with Nate Huskell. Tina: Relantionship? No. I admired him. Because he's a very brave man. Because he's clearly a victim of the justice system that trying to put him to the crimes that he cannot even commit. 凱姐: You must also spent a lot time recently with Vivian Tinsbell. What's your relationship with her? Tina: She disgused me. And I think she's a bad influence on Nate. 凱姐: Sounds like you've seen Vivian and Nate recently. 律師: My client didn't say that. Please don't frame her. 凱姐: I couldn't even if I tried. Where is Huskell now? Where is Vivian? Are you awared that she is kidnapped? 律師: My client already told you all what she knows! Last time I checked, walking in a park is not a crime, but a cop beat up an innicient survilliance. We'll be in touch. Tina: (離開, 又轉身) Your presence couldn't hold Nate. He redeemed himself as free. Tell Lengsten he wouldn't be able to catch Nate, not untill he will him. 烤魚在檢查禮物盒, 亨利偷偷摸摸的出現在他背後. 烤魚: Where is Hodges? 亨利: Uh, he's moving out his mother's place. Finally. I'm not sure who is more traumatized. Is, huh, is it the package from the park? I've heard it's a gift to you. 烤魚: It's evidence. I just finish checking the outside. Scrambs and prints. I need to print it, where is Mandy. 亨利: Hm, Denvor. Conference. (烤魚把盒子一放) You're lucky. I've done my works... let me help you. You can do the box, I'll do the tapes. 亨利在紅色緞帶花的背面發現指紋一枚. 亨利: Ray? The size is probably male. Sticky, sticky. 烤魚: Well, even if we sure it's Huskell, run it anyway. (終於打開盒子, 亨利超好奇的湊過頭去, 結果是一張被撕過的照片) 烤魚跟布拔帶著照片去找Mr. Tinsbell. 烤魚: Do you recognize this male? Mr. Tinsbell: Yeah, I surely do. Where did you get the picture? 烤魚: Who is he? Mr. Tinsbell: That's Jake. He's Vivian's first husband. 烤魚: This is found in the box Nate Huskell gave you. You have any idea why he would want me to have it? Mr. Tinsbell: No. Not at all. 布拔: Tell us about this Jake York. Mr. Tinsbell: Well, he's just one of those men who wants to take advantages of Vivian. That's why he married her, actually. It last only a few months anyway. 布拔: Where is him? We want to talk to him. Mr. Tinsbell: Well, can't help it either. Jake took off. Along with the money, of course. 布拔: What you talk to Nate Huskell about today in the park? Mr. Tinsbell: Well, I can only hear about hald what he said. 布拔: (拿出紀錄) "That wasn't the deal." "I did what you asked." "Where is Vivian?" 烤魚: Sounds like you two have a conversation. Mr. Tinsbell: He was yelling at me. Most of those are about you! 布拔: "That wasn't the deal" sounds like about you. Mr. Tinsbell: ... 布拔: We want your computer, bank records, cell phone and credit card. 烤魚: (出示warrant) We're going to take a very long look of your life. 囧尼跟小葛在診所 囧尼: Those blood pools stayed long. Matches to the time line. 小葛: No bone fractions, though. 囧尼: So he got killed here, but probably got cut off somewhere else. 小葛: (發現手套一雙) Small blood smears. I think, Dr. Kole is probably seeing one of his patients before he became one of those blood pools. (看到地上的資料夾) Got a chart. Name part is teared out though. It's empty. 囧尼: Maybe the patient has something to do with this. 小葛: Okay, so the patient killed the doctor and nurse? 囧尼: If the doctor is working on someone, and the nurse stand beside him, she's probably the second blood pool here. And the blood traces gragged toward the door... 小葛: Probably from the shooter, huh? 囧尼: (從牆上取下彈殼一枚) Bullet. Looks like a 9 meter. Well, someone is definitely shooted. There are tissues on it. Back to back through. We need to bring this back to the lab, and to see if it matches to the hand, or the torso. 小葛處理彈殼上組織的DNA並檢查彈殼. 囧尼: (走進辦公室) Um, Mrs. Kole? I'm CSI Stokes. I'm sorry for your loss. Mrs. Kole: (打量囧尼) Well, it's more like my day had been lighted up, boy. 囧尼: (乾笑) Mrs. Kile, I'll need your finger prints and DNA. Mrs. Kole: (亮出長長的金色指甲) If you can pass these, be my guest. 囧尼: We'll see what we can do. Have a seat. Mrs. Kole: By the way, I didn't kill my crapy husband. 囧尼: If you didn't kill your crapy husband, you think who else will do? Mrs. Kole: Do you know Vegas is one of the biggest crime capital? 囧尼: I did aware that. Right hand first, please. Mrs. Kole: Well, then Graham did some famous "faces," if you know what I meant. 囧尼: I did. Yeah, please. So when did you last see your husband? Mrs. Kole: When he told me to bring my vibrator down. So, let's see, must be five days ago. 囧尼: How come you didn't call the police when he's not coming home? Mrs. Kole: Because I know where he is. He's either in XXX or OOO. 囧尼: Why would he slept in hotels when he has a home? Mrs. Kole: Because he doesn't have a vibrator, and he wouldn't bring home the real thing. And if he was in the house, then I would spend all night long, listening nothing but "Oh...huh... you're the best... no body like you." (囧尼非常不自在的看了看外頭走動的幹員們) Graham likes fake. 囧尼: Sounds good, still. Mrs. Kole: Thank you. 囧尼: And you have any idea who those famous faces are? Mrs. Kole: Asking the nurse. You have any idea how her looks done? 囧尼: Tell me. Mrs. Kole: Imaging a girl like me but minus 20 years or so. Mixing silicon, Bontax and other things. 囧尼: What does this nurse call? Mrs. Kole: Tigen. 囧尼: Tigen? Mrs. Kole: Tigen Murphey. I mean, who will have a name called Tigen. Right? Give me a break! 小葛的子彈檢查結果出來了. 囧尼: I got a name of Kole's nurse and ran the database but nothing really helps. (注意到小葛目瞪口呆看著電腦螢幕) You're right, buddy? 小葛: The bullet we found in Kole's office matches to the gun used in Huskell's escape. 囧尼: But the gun was used by a bride. 小葛: Then whoever the bride was, one of them must be in the office. And where the bride goes, Huskell goes. 囧尼: You think there is a chance for Huskell to go under a plastic surgery to change his face there? 小葛: And kill the doctor and the nurse to cover his trace. Which means, he probably has a different face in the crowd now. 囧尼: That means we don't know whom to look for anymore. 凱姐: Here's what we have: Huskell is out there and he probably has a new face. Sophia: A new face changed the game. 布拔: I'm sick of this man. He's like the Joker in the Batman. And we're not Batman. 烤魚: We have no hard evidence to put Huskell at the scence of the surgeon office. Sophia: That's what I'm thinking. 凱姐: Yet we do have a gun that we know one of the bried is using. 烤魚: And after the court, I saw all of the brides in the parking lot, including Tina. Expection is Vivian and Robin. 布拔: We know it's not Robin since she's dead already. 烤魚: Most likely by Vivian. Sophia: Vivian is helping covering Huskell's crime. Why is Huskell hold her then? 烤魚: He's not. The time line is wrong. While daddy got the video of his little girl begging for live. Vivian is out, killing the doctor and the nurse. 布拔: So Huskell and Vivian are working together. There is no kidnapping. Then why it is Tina showed up in the park? 烤魚: I don't know. There is must something to do with the picture Huskell sedning to us. 布拔: Tinsbell knows. But he's not talking. 凱姐: (接電話) Hey, Archie. We'll be right there. (掛電話) We may not need Tinsbell at all. 凱姐跟烤魚去找阿奇. 阿奇: ... turns out the video we recorded is not the first contact between Tinsbell and Huskell. 烤魚: You gotta be kidding me. 阿奇: No, I'm not. He just deleted it. 凱姐: When did he get this one? 阿奇: Well, several days before the second one. 烤魚: Put it up. Put it up. 阿奇: Sorry that I cannot get better resolution. Huskell: ... you pulled your daughther to me. She was such a fragile flower. She told me some secrets. The more I learned about you, the more I liked you. You're my kind of guy. But not everyone in this world is open-minded as I, so you have to open your wallet, ... how about 2 million. 阿奇: That's it. 凱姐: And so we know why Tinsbell refused to tell. 烤魚: He is being blackmailed. 凱姐: Huskell is being well-paid. Secrets between father and daughther. Apparantly Vivian got her bad taste of man quite early. 阿奇: But if Tinsbell wants to hide his dirty secret. Why would he come forward? 凱姐: Because Huskell forced him to do so. 小葛: (出現在門邊) I checked Tinsbell's bank records. He took 2 million dollars, in cash, five days ago. He told the back manager it is for some offshore investment deal. 烤魚: He lied to us. He bought Huskell 2 million freedom. Son of a bitch! (往外走) 凱姐: I know where you're going, Ray! 烤魚: Don't try to stop me, Catherine! 凱姐: Okay, then go ahead and you'll do what Huskell wants you to do excatly! (烤魚停下來) Huskell sent you Jake's photo for a reason... Huskell isn't talking to Tinsbell, he's talking to you. This is a game. 烤魚: "Catch Me if You Can." He wants to play it? 凱姐: Ray. 烤魚: (嘆氣, 冷靜下來) What did you want me to do, boss? 凱姐: You don't have to do this alone. We go after Huskell, together. 布拔凱姐跟烤魚來到Tinsbell宅, Mrs. Tinsbell開了門, 但是嚇到大家的是她胸前都是血... 布拔: Mrs. Tinsbell? Are you all right? What happened? Mrs. Tinsbell: My husband is in the study. 烤魚三人進入房間, 看見死在沙發上的Mr. Tinsbell. 烤魚: 0.32 on the floor. 布拔: Is it suicide or? 凱姐: We have to check GSR. 烤魚: Contact wound, blood split on the wall...... 凱姐: Blood on the wall fit the low angle entrance under the head. 烤魚: But why kill himself now when he already paid Nate Huskell 2 million dollars? 布拔: Take a look around. Maybe Huskell wants more money. 烤魚: (看向桌上) Didn't we take his computer, Jim? 布拔: Bought himself a new one. 烤魚打開電腦. Huskell: I know we have a deal. I appreciated the money. Financial supporting in mid age is so important. But the video Vivian showed me, not the family trip to Washington, you know what I'm talking about. I'm not a fan to police or church, and you're insane. So I have to share it to my friends in universal. I have so choice. I am sorry. Whow, Ray, the new recent moral part of the story... 凱姐幫Mrs. Tinsbell採樣. Mrs. Tinsbell: It wasn't his fault. He didn't want it. 凱姐: Excuse me? Mrs. Tinsbell: She came to him 凱姐: Vivian was a child. You are her mother. It's your job to protect her! Mrs. Tinsbell: You think it's strange that I gave birth to the true bride of my husband? 凱姐: ...... 小葛去找囧尼. 囧尼: Hey. 小葛: Hey. 囧尼: You got the DNA results? 小葛: You are sure you got all the body parts from the farm? 囧尼: Sure, I'm not going to lie that to you. But tell me. 小葛: The blood pool matches to Dr. Kole and the hand. The tissue on the bullet is a match to the nurse's blood. But, the DNA of the nurse, is not a match to the torso. 囧尼: What? Please at least tell me that the patient is Huskell. 小葛: Well... 囧尼: Come'on, you gotta be kidding me. 小葛: It is definitely male. But it's not in the system, and it is not Huskell. 囧尼: Possibly another victim? 小葛: And potentially more body parts to hunt in the farm. 兩人回去找農夫, 出示許多照片, 農夫: Never seen those faces, but that beautiful girl there... it's Tina. It's my cousin's daughter Tina...... She's the wild one. Wild in the eye. What's this about? 小葛: About this guy, it's Tina's friend. 農夫: (看著Huskell的照片) Can't say for sure. ... but one day, a pair showed up kind of early, and Tine was in the car. Saying the guy was in a car acident, and his face is all covered by bandage. Don't know if it's him. 囧尼: And did you know this creepy couple head to? 農夫: The old house. Just cross the road. 小葛囧尼跟員警去查那間房子. 小葛: Tire tracks. 囧尼: Yellow paint on the rock. Saying a recent visit. 小葛: Driving is a hurry. 囧尼: Can't see anyone. 小葛: I can see you. 囧尼: What do you mean? 小葛: Inside. There is a monitor! 三人會合. 員警: Back is still 20 minutes away. What do you want me do? 囧尼: Let's get inside. 三人看到一台攝影機與腳架, 然後聽到音樂聲從樓上傳來. 小葛: You heard that? It's music. 三人順著音樂前進, 順著蛆走入房間中, 看到一扇關著的門跟放著音樂的收音機. 員警: That's XXX. It's a beautiful piece. This is just not right. 囧尼打開門, 看見一張紗布罩著的浴缸, 紗布一掀開, 數據爬滿蛆的屍體出現在眼前. 囧尼: Talking about not right. 布拔: Found the rest of Dr. Kole and the nurse. The rest is Vivian Tinsbell. And a bonus body. Sophia: Found the ID? 布拔: Hum-um. Calvin Frost. He rented a exotic car two weeks ago but never turned it back. His DNA matches what we found in the office bed. Sophia: Which makes him Dr. Kole's last patient. 凱姐到了Dr. Kole的診所, 沿著字母排列看病人的資料, 結果找到了Calvin Frost的資料... 凱姐: I found Calvin Frost's chart. First visit date... the day of the murder. 烤魚: So he had bad luck being on the table at the day Huskell and Vivian showed up. 凱姐: ... so if I already found Calvin's chart, whose file was that? 烤魚: Huskell's. He killed the doctor and the nurse, and probably took his file to cover his trace. 凱姐: Well, I'll look at prints on the shelve to see if we can put him here. 烤魚: If it puts him there, that means he's still in Vegas four or five days ago. 烤魚走進法醫室. 大衛: Well, welcome to the chop shop. Parts are here, bodies are on the wall. 烤魚: Can I see Vivian's hands please. 大衛: Well, we have two lefts and one right. Dr. Robin is looking to identify which one is Vivian's. I used nail polish. Vivian is wearing Franch XXX. 烤魚: (檢查火藥) Positive response. Vivian was firing the gun before she got killed. (走進解剖室) Doctor? 羅賓爺爺: I know you're anxious for answers. Dr. Kole took a 9 mill on the chest. 烤魚: What about Calvin Frost? 羅賓爺爺: On his head. All of our victims were killed within hours four or five days ago. 烤魚: The evidence says Vivian is our shooter. But we have no evidence to say Calvin Frosy was killed in the office. 羅賓爺爺: If they're going to kill him anyway, why kill him in other place? 烤魚: Maybe they need help to remove the body? 羅賓爺爺: So they drive the bodies back to the house, kill Calvin there, and then commit to chopping? 烤魚: Someone using the same gun to kill Vivian, and then is the chopping part. 羅賓爺爺: Huskell? 烤魚: Chopping the body and then leave the job unfinished. Leave parts in the hay stack, and then parts in the bath tub. Whatever Huskell is, he is not unorganized. That is not his M.O. (思考...) Tina. Tina. She is his connection to the farm, she is his eyes to the park. She is his new number one! 凱姐查指紋... 阿奇: Hey, Catherine. I checked all the things in the old house. All purchased by Tina's credit card. And the SD card we found there? It records those videos Huskell sent out. And guess what? They're all recorded at the same day eight weeks ago. Right after Huskell's escape. 凱姐: He's planning this all the time. 凱姐: I print Calvin Frost's chart. Tina Vincent's fingerprints are all over it. But not a single one is Huskell's. 布拔: So no put Huskell on the scene. Just sweet. 凱姐: Well, we do know Tina Vincent and Vivian Tinsbell were there. Sophia: And Vivian Tinsbell was dead, Tina Vincent is in the wind. 烤魚: We're not going to find her or Huskell here. All the videos, the murder of Dr. Kole, are trying to make us think he was here. Sophia: And now you think he wasn't. 烤魚: Eight weeks ago, Huskell escaped the coustidy with Vivian. Then he went to Dr. Kole's clinic for surgery. Then he and Tina start working on Vivian's videos to send to her daddy. He stayed away to the background so we won't know he changed his face. Then he sent the two brides to kill Dr. Kole. They removed his chart, but not until they kidnapped the patient to help them removing the body to the house where he was murdered in. That's when bride turned on red. And Tina murdered Vivian. Then Tina started chopping the bodies. She chopped them scatterdly, like her scattering mind. Two days later, she showed up in the park, keeping an eye on Mr. Tinsbell. Then she disappeared. 凱姐: Huskell and Tina. They're both frigitivourous. Traveling as a couple draws less attentions. Sophia: So Huskell got a new face, two million dollars, a blonde new bride, plus a new car in charge. 凱姐: Plus the surgery, binbo, and polsha? 布拔: Well, if he is not in Vegas, I can think another place where he can fit in. We need to call LAPD. 鏡頭轉到LA, 一名非裔女性正在表演大提琴, 一名禿頭男子非常開心的鼓掌, 鏡頭轉到他身旁, 赫然就是Tina... Tina: Isn't she just heavenly. 男子: I think so. She is my wife. Tina另一側站著的, 就是Huskell... Huskell: Really? You are a quite lucky man. 本集心得: 1) 這不是face-off!!! 這不是face-off!!! 我可以說那臉根本沒變嗎? 2) Vivian這樣看起來滿可憐的...她媽真的太誇張了!女王一整個無言了... 3) 被Mrs. Kole調戲(?)的帥囧尼很好笑~~ 4) 話說實驗室老鼠跑光光只剩下亨利是怎樣? XDD 5) 下集250!!!看來是要把Huskell收線了? (蜘蛛人: 所以我是要爬過季還是cliff hanger哩?) 不知道是不是同時烤魚魔化倒數? 預告有他架著Tina脖子的一幕...... (說到魔化十點檔那隻派翠克同學這季好像穩定多了?) 下集, 如果我沒被期末淹沒的話筆記照舊, 如果被蓋住了就再說吧~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/30 03:27, , 1F
我要蜘蛛人啦!!!!! 千萬不要給我草率收尾阿!!!!
04/30 03:27, 1F

04/30 03:47, , 2F
04/30 03:47, 2F

04/30 03:48, , 3F
這集是本季難得從頭緊張到尾的 不過推理(瞎猜)的部份
04/30 03:48, 3F

04/30 03:49, , 4F
有越來越多的傾向 我猜下集Dr Ray理智還是會戰勝
04/30 03:49, 4F

04/30 03:50, , 5F
04/30 03:50, 5F

04/30 04:53, , 6F
我覺得他應該是去拉皮而已 XD
04/30 04:53, 6F

04/30 08:20, , 7F
我真的看到DJK就想砸電視了....乾脆叫BAU來治他 = =+
04/30 08:20, 7F

04/30 16:30, , 8F
04/30 16:30, 8F

05/01 00:32, , 9F
推1樓 我要"低都林"啦!!!
05/01 00:32, 9F

05/01 00:35, , 10F
05/01 00:35, 10F

05/01 08:08, , 11F
這集看的超緊張的!!! 希望快點出結局!!!
05/01 08:08, 11F

05/01 10:35, , 12F
最後表演大提琴的女生是烤魚的前妻耶 趕快收線吧
05/01 10:35, 12F

05/01 11:47, , 13F
有人跟我想的一樣嗎 最後聽到Sofia和凱姐說Haskell有
05/01 11:47, 13F

05/01 11:48, , 14F
新臉 女人 錢 跑車時 下一句我以為會聽到 We need call
05/01 11:48, 14F

05/01 11:49, , 15F
05/01 11:49, 15F

05/01 15:57, , 16F
是LAPD 吧?
05/01 15:57, 16F

05/01 15:58, , 17F
哈不好意思會錯意。 是說也不懂為什麼要找LAPD
05/01 15:58, 17F

05/01 16:47, , 18F
我結尾還小期待一下能來個crossover XD
05/01 16:47, 18F

05/01 20:10, , 19F
e大, 我完全沒有發現, 我只默默覺得那光頭好面熟...囧rz
05/01 20:10, 19F

05/01 20:11, , 20F
05/01 20:11, 20F

05/01 20:12, , 21F
要把線全部串在一起是很困難的啊~~ XD
05/01 20:12, 21F

05/01 20:12, , 22F
話說這一集還有一個 iamnoone 的梗要留到下一季嗎?
05/01 20:12, 22F

05/01 23:12, , 23F
天啊! 烤魚前妻?! 是有沒有這麼巧? 還是Haskell的陰謀??
05/01 23:12, 23F

05/01 23:13, , 24F
我本來也好期待 We need call MiamiPD XDD~~~~~~~~~~~~
05/01 23:13, 24F

05/01 23:13, , 25F
好久沒有 crossover 了咧.....:p
05/01 23:13, 25F

05/02 01:50, , 26F
05/02 01:50, 26F

05/02 10:44, , 27F
對呀,若是Miami PD多好, Huskell就需要何公這種人來治XD
05/02 10:44, 27F

05/02 12:30, , 28F
Arlo Givens 怎麼從 Kentucky 搬到 Vegas 了 >"<
05/02 12:30, 28F

05/02 14:02, , 29F
05/02 14:02, 29F

05/02 18:20, , 30F
我也想看下一集時 H一槍斃了 Haskell. 惡人要由何公治~
05/02 18:20, 30F

05/02 18:21, , 31F
不過我不懂結尾... 為什麼突然要找 LAPD?
05/02 18:21, 31F

05/02 18:33, , 32F
05/02 18:33, 32F

05/02 18:58, , 33F
Got it! 謝謝 pisacat :)
05/02 18:58, 33F

05/04 02:20, , 34F
烤魚 越來越.....唉
05/04 02:20, 34F

05/04 02:57, , 35F
幸好最後沒有衝動下去 希望他能一直維持最後的冷靜
05/04 02:57, 35F

05/05 03:53, , 36F
05/05 03:53, 36F

05/06 06:10, , 37F
烤魚不知道在激動甚麼 覺得他需要引人注意的調調不太適合
05/06 06:10, 37F

05/06 06:11, , 38F
LV 一開頭堅持Haskell還在LV態度超嗆 最後又好像沒講過這
05/06 06:11, 38F

05/06 06:12, , 39F
事一樣鐵口直斷Haskel已經溜了 甚麼都他講了算
05/06 06:12, 39F

05/09 22:25, , 40F
這真的應該call BAU了啊,變態要專家來治才對
05/09 22:25, 40F
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