[劇情] CSI: LV 1114 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/02/11 13:42), 編輯推噓10(1004)
留言14則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
烤魚我幫你把背景音樂想好了 之 防雷頁~~ 又, o大你找我啊? 忙著再整理今天本店的劇情沒注意到, sorry喔~~ 本集重點: 烤魚家庭狀況交代 片頭, 人群在服飾店中逛著, 一名員工推著一堆箱子進入店裡. 店員A: Oh, what we got here? 推車員工: Back off, we go through those after customer first. 店員A: (覷著該員工離開了, 叫了死黨另一個店員過來翻箱子) I smell Gucci bags in one of those. 兩人開始開箱子... 店員A: A wig. 店員B: I can use a wig. 於是店員A準備把那頂"假髮"拉出來, 結果拉出來的卻是顆人頭!!! 而店員B此時也拿出一隻腳來! 莎拉跟囧尼來到現場... 囧尼: Dead body inside? Reed警探: Hard to define as a dead body. So far, we have a head and a foot. 莎拉: You know, I used to buy things at those places. Sometimes they sell really good stuffs. Reed警探: They always sell body parts? 三人走入店內檢查那些箱子 莎拉: Killer was tidy enought to wrap them up. 囧尼: We're going to need bring all those boxes in. 莎拉: So those boxes are Drop-ups or pick-ups? Reed警探: Pick-ups, and we already got those addresses that are on the routh of the bus. I can understand the need to get rid of the body... But to a thrift store? 囧尼: ... time was tough. 囧尼帶著箱子們回到局裡, 遇到在櫃檯前的一名黑人女子. 女子: Excuse me, does Ray work here? 囧尼: Yes, ma'am, I worked with Ray. Anything I can help you? 女子: I just want to say Hi. I'm not in Las Vegas often. 囧尼: I'm Nick, and are you happening to be Gloria? Gloria: (笑) I'm sorry, I'm Gloria. 囧尼: Follow me and I'll take you in. 兩人走在走廊上, 槍聲響起, Gloria縮了一下... 囧尼帶著Gloria走到一間房間裡, 小哈在開槍, 烤魚在一台車裡模擬開車時音響放的很大聲的狀況. 囧尼: Here he is. Well, he looks more like Dr. Dre than Dr. Ray now. Ray! Ray!!! Somebody here to see you. 烤魚: (先注意到囧尼, 然後看到他身後的人) Gloria. Gloria: Hi. 烤魚: It's suprising. 囧尼: (看看有點僵硬的兩人) You know, I really have works to do. Sorry I have to leave. Nice to meet you. 小哈: (飄過來) Hey! You got yourself a really good man here! 囧尼: Uh, Hodges, I'll need your help as well. 小哈: (還在講) ...But, huh, we're family. 囧尼: Hodges! 小哈: What? (被囧尼壓走了) 烤魚: Nice to see you. Gloria: Yeah. What you're doing here? 烤魚: Oh, just testing some records. Two guys said that they didn't here the gunshut, so... Gloria: (笑) 烤魚: What? Gloria: ...I'm getting married. I got engaged a couple months ago. It's nothing big, just a little chapel up on street. Ray, I know you won't come, but I really want you to meet Phill. You're still my best friends. 烤魚: Can I think about that? Gloria: Sure. 烤魚: And where you said it it again? Gloria: It's Eclipse. At the lounge, tomorrow night, at 8:00 o'clock. 烤魚: I'll think about it. Gloria離開時, 經過莎拉, 大衛跟囧尼在的那間實驗室. 囧尼: There she is. Look, look, look. (莎拉轉頭) 莎拉: She is beautiful 囧尼: Yes, she is. But she's a little bit different than I thought. I thought she would be more bookish. 大衛: We've worked with Ray for two years. This is the first time I see her! 三人回首繼續工作, 囧尼發現死者口腔裡有殘留的東西... 莎拉: You think the killer tried to shut him up? 囧尼: (採樣後用顯微鏡觀察) Barn fragments. 莎拉: Ash, xxx... 囧尼: Cremated human tissue. 莎拉: Cramains!? 烤魚跟羅賓爺爺正在檢視拼湊起來的屍體, 羅賓爺爺指出死者腳上被綁的痕跡, 可能是手銬, 也可能是鐵絲 羅賓爺爺: Hear you have a visitor today? I would love to meet her. 烤魚: I would introduce her to you if I know she's coming. 羅賓爺爺: Maybe you and Gloria could come over to have dinner this week. 烤魚沉默並轉移話題, 指出死者的死因是因為骨灰倒入後造成的窒息. 此時亨利出現, 帶著毒物報告, 亨利: He's double fisting alchol and drugs. 烤魚: So he's probably unconcious when the cermains is putting to him. 小哈跟囧尼在過篩死者體內取出的骨灰, 小哈: Why choose such a material to end up someone's life? 囧尼: Cremains were very cheap. 小哈: I'll have grave for sure. Something that somebody can worship me. (篩出某樣東西) Intact gold tooth! 囧尼: You know, if a cremitorion is doing the right job, it shouldn't be there. 小哈: Then idnetify the cremain helps to identify our victim! 囧尼: ... DNA should confirm. 烤魚來到了酒吧, 東看西看沒看到Gloria, 卻被另一個男人叫住. Phill: Excuse me, are you Dr. Ray? 烤魚: Yes, I am, and you...? Phill: I'm the guy who's marrying your wife. What you want to drink? 烤魚: Huh... a shot of bourbon. Phill: Hey, a shot of bourbon and a shot of xxx. (兩人乾杯, Phill注意到烤魚手上的戒指) Hey, looks like you make a deed for her, you should walk her down the aisle. 烤魚: (尷尬的笑了) I see that Gloria is fashionably late. Phill: Huh, I just want to day that I know Gloria wants you to be in the wedding, and I'm-I'm-I'm cool with that. Gloria: (出現) You actually came! Phill: Hey! We're just talking about the wedding. Gloria: Phill! Phill: What? He said he's gonna coming. Gloria: He's not gonna to come... 烤魚: I barely made to our wedding. So I want to inform you that I'll be early for this one. Gloria: You're gonna come? 烤魚: I'm invited? Gloria: Yes! Thank you! 骨灰檢驗結果居然有兩組DNA,金牙屬於一位Row Joe, 囧尼, 小葛跟Reed於是前往那間葬儀社... 囧尼: Hey, boys. (對著兩位正在把屍體送入火化區的員工) Reed警探: You guys in charge? 結果兩名員工對看一眼, 把骨灰處理桌整個翻向囧尼與Reed. Reed警探: Gross! (與囧尼一起追出去) 囧尼: (一邊在眾多棺木間搜索一邊說) See, now you made me mad. Reed警探: You make it harder than it should be, guys. 兩位員工翻到一個棺木架, 打到囧尼跟Reed警探, 兩名員工趁隙向外跑, 被守在外面的小葛放倒~~ 小葛: We'd like to take a look at your records. 於此確認了另一份骨灰來自Sabrina Pose, 兩年前因車禍過世, 同一天與Row Joe火化, 顯然火葬場偷工減料兩人一起燒... 囧尼, 莎拉跟Reed來到Pose宅, 依紀錄顯示鰥夫Ronald Pose跟女兒Camryn現在住在這裡, 莎拉注意到對接有thift shop的pick-up回收箱. 莎拉跟囧尼進入屋內搜尋. 莎拉: The ash tray is not there now. 囧尼: Maybe the killer took it with him. 兩人進入Ronald的房間... 囧尼: Found his night cap kit. It looks like ash trace on the lamp. 莎拉: Ligature marks on those. (床腳上有綑綁痕跡) This is home plate. 囧尼: Let's check the bed. (兩人翻開床單) More cremains. 莎拉: I got an ash roll. 拖拉痕跡一路延伸到房間另一頭的開放浴缸去, 兩人一致同意那是處理屍體的好地點... 莎拉: The killer probably packed him up here. 囧尼: So where he wraps him up? 莎拉+囧尼: (停頓數秒一起回答) Garage. 莎拉在浴缸搜查, 確認排水孔有血跡反應. 囧尼去到車庫, 發現數個箱子, 還發現被用來分屍個鋼線... 炯尼告知Reed他們的發現, 囧尼: So the killer killed our victim in his bad, packed him in the tub, wrap him up at the garage, and then moved those boxed across the street. Reed警探: And somebody disposes the body for you. That's kind of genius. 此時一名青少女騎著腳踏車接近... Camryn: Why are you at my house? Reed警探: Hey, Camryn. I'm Detective Reed, and this is CSI Stokes. We're the police. We have some questions for you, okay? When's the last time you saw your dad? Camryn: Last night. Before I went to bed. Reed警探: Was there anyone else in the house? Camryn: No. Reed警探: How did you go to school today? Camryn: (指指腳踏車) I'm on it. My dad goes to work early. Look, if you're going to talk to my dad, he's probably in his office. Can I go know? (想要進屋) 囧尼: (攔住) No, no, no. Camryn. Reed警探: You have to stay with the Child Service, just for now. Camryn: Why? 囧尼: Becauuse something really bad happened to your Dad. (Camryn倒抽一口氣, 抱住囧尼哭了出來) I'm sorry, honey. I'm so sorry. 小葛告訴烤魚說他們搜尋到一本雜誌, 上有一名女子Sydney Preston的照片與報導, 然後Sydney Preston的指紋基本上整個屋子到處都是. 小葛: She's the vic's ex-girlfriend. Maybe they didn't break up well, and Ronald wouldn't let her taking her things back. And then she decided to revenge... 烤魚: Revenge is one thing. But shoving him with his dead wife's cermain and slicing him... that's monster. 烤魚於是在員警陪同下到達舞蹈教室尋找Sydne. 烤魚: Excuse me, ladies. We're looking for a Sydney Preston. (看著走出來的女子) You're Sydney? Can we talk privately? Sydney: I can't. I'm rehearing. 烤魚: All right. Do you know Ronald Pose? Sydney: (翻白眼) Yeah, why? 員警: He's dead. 烤魚: (看著大吃一驚的Sydney) Did you still want to talk about it here? 回到局裡~~ 烤魚: When did you see Ronald last time? Sydney: Two weeks ago in Ron's house, when I found out he was cheating on me. 烤魚: Then? Sydney: ... I moved in with my mom. Haven't hand any chance to find another place. 烤魚: So you ended your relationship two weeks ago, but your stuffs are all still there? Sydney: I never got a chance to go back because I don't want to see him. 烤魚: Are those your stuffs? Sydney: Yeah, why? 烤魚: Those are the same boxes where we found Ronald Pose in the other boxes. Sydney: Someone cut him up? Why? 烤魚:You tell me. Sydney: You-you don't I killed Ron, do you? In spite of all those things, I still love him. I thought he was the one. 烤魚: You said he was cheating on you, so there're other girls? Sydney: Yeah. Serina, Tammy, Julie, Anna... the list goes on. Wait, where is Camryn? 烤魚: She's with the Children Service. Sydney: No. She-she doean't belong there. She could stay with me! Can I go now? 烤魚: Till we get your DNA sample. Sydney: Whatever it takes to get me out here. 囧尼正在跟鄰居牧師詢問, 牧師看到離開的Sydney. 牧師: What is she doing here? 囧尼: You know her? 牧師: Well, better than I know Ron. Camryn, she was basically all alone. You know, only baby-sitters aroung. But with Sydney? she changed. She's like a child with her. And I always thought they have a spiritual relatinship. When Sydney left Ron. It broke Camryn's heart. Sydney comes to me to complain later... 囧尼: Ever maintions what's the argument about? 牧師: Something about strange videos. 囧尼: What's inside the videos? 牧師: Girls. (聳肩) Sex tapes. I don't know. That's the last time I saw her, untill now. 囧尼, 莎拉跟小葛一起檢視目前有的證據~~ 囧尼: So basically only three people have the access. His daughter, the housekeeper, or Sydney. Killer must've wear gloves. 莎拉: Killer knew the house. 囧尼: My vote goes to Sydney. She had motives. 小葛: And the minister said there're sex video involved. But we didn't find one. I can go back looking for it. 小葛在一個保險櫃後找到了那些錄影帶, 結果錄影帶只是簡單的放問攝影而已...... 莎拉: (出現) Where is the sex? 小葛: Tell me about it. 莎拉: So you already saw all of them? 小葛: All but one. They're all numbered. But number 15 was missing. 某男子被找進警局, 還在講電話中被Reed警官打斷, 男子: Hey! That's a big phone! Reed警官: Oh, yeah? 莎拉: So what exactly did you do? 男子: Managers, agencies, prducers and directors those things. 莎拉: Busy man. So what you make? 男子: Reality shows, stripeshows, anything you can think about. 莎拉: She could book you. You know, she's the director here. 那些女生都是男子介紹給Ron的, 男子: He's not a club guy, he's my buddy. I'm trying to help him. He's kind of isolating himself, expecially after his wife's death. 莎拉: So you're trying to get him laid? 男子: Well, you can say so. 莎拉: And what you tell the girls? 男子: I introduced Ron as a executive producer to them. I think that will be easier for him to get alone with the girls. 莎拉: Then what if the girls wander why there is no following news? 男子: I'll tell them the project is cut-off, blah blah, those are easy to make up. By that time, the girl is hooked up on Ronny. Why? Reed警官: You are here because Ronny was murdered. 男子: What? Ronny is my buddy! I was trying to help. 莎拉: You got copies of those tapes? 男子: Y-Yes. 莎拉: I'd like to see the tape with number 15. 結果那就是Sydney的錄影帶. 莎拉注意到Sydney拿出來的吉他, 說那在那堆箱子中, 小葛則指出吉他缺少的弦剛好有四條, 用來綁人剛剛好... 然後囧尼走進來, 說他們在Ronald的屍體胸前發現奇怪的瘀青, 三人注意到那形狀跟Sydney膝蓋上套著的膝壂吻合. Sydney正在Children Service內探望Camryn. Camryn: Then I can stay with you? Sydney: (笑) Where else would you go? 兩人看到向他們走來的Reed警官跟囧尼... Camryn: What are they doing here? Reed警官: Sydney? You have to go with us. Camryn: (抱住Sydney) Please don't go. Sydney: Don't worry, I'll be right back. Camryn: I don't want to be here alone. 囧尼: I'll stay here with you. If you want. Sydney: (對囧尼點頭) Eveything is going to be okay, Cam. 局裡 Sydney: You guys sound crazy! I told you everything I know! 烤魚: (出示錄影帶照片) Yes, you tell us about Serina, Tammy, Julie, and Anna... but you didn't mention the videos. I believe this is the reason you pissed off and left. Sydney: Maybe I did. God, he was such a geeky business guy, wasn't my type. But still, I fell in love with him anyway. And this... I don't want people know I fell for something so stupid, including you guys. 烤魚: ... Are these your knee pads. (Sydney點頭) Is this your guiter? (Sydney點頭) The guitar is missing four strings. We suspect you chocked Ronald Pose with his wife's ramains. Sydney: I said I left all those things there! 烤魚: And probably you use them when you come back to pick them up. The knee pad is proved to be used to press Ronald when feeding him his wife's ash. We tested the DNAs inside the knee pad, a major donator is you. The other, shares DNAs with Ron. Do you know what that means? It means Camryn is the other donor. That mean you killed Ron, or you two work together. Sydney: You sound crazy again! I love that girl! And I love Ron, not let alone to ask a 13 year old to help me kill him! There is gonna be other explanations. Let me talk to her. Camryn: I know you would get me out there! I know that! (抱住Sydney) Sydney: No, it's the police get you out there. Look, Cam, the police thought us did something really bad to your dad. Camryn: But we didn't. You know that. Sydney: Yes, but the police doesn't. Look, Cam, if you know anything, you have to tell me. Or else we're not being allowed to see each other again. Did you hear anything? Did you see anything? Just tell me. Camryn: ... He got mad, Syd. Just because I'm playing your guitar. (回想畫面, Ron罵Camryn不聽話把Sydney的東西丟掉,) (Ron: Sydney is dead, okay! There is Sydney anymore!!!) Camryn: I used to celebrate birthday with my grandparents. ANd when they died, the babysitters are the ones to do that. I didn't have parents until you showed up. Sydney: What are you trying to say? Camryn: When he said you was dead. I want him dead. I fed him with mom's ashees, drag him to the bathroom, and got off your stuffs as he wished me to do... I hated my mom and my dad. They have me but they don't love me. I just looked good on their Christmas card. (窗外的囧尼跟烤魚對望一眼) He belongs with her. I belong with you. (手搭上Sydney) Sydney: (退開) I don't believe you! Camryn: (拿出書包裡的骨灰盆) Now do you believe me? What are you doing? (受到驚嚇的Sydney往外走) Where are you going? Are you mad? (看著Sydney消失,開始哭) 烤魚走近衝到走廊上坐下的Sydney 烤魚: It's always difficult to accept the truth. Especially about people you love. Denying cannot make it gone. Sydney: What will happen to Cam? 烤魚: She'll be detained, put into youth jails till she reaches legal age. After that, it's pretty much out of the courts. Sydney: ... Reed警官壓著Camryn出來, Camryn經過Sydney時跑過去把頭趴在Sydney膝上. Camryn: I love you, Syd. Sydney: ... (手撫上Camryn的頭) Camryn被拉起來繼續帶走, 回頭看了看Sydney. 在置物間裡, 烤魚換上一席正式西裝. 囧尼: (走進來) Wow, you're all dressed up! 烤魚: (苦笑) My wife is getting married. My ex-wife is getting married: 囧尼: But you still wear the ring, I think... 烤魚: I don't know what to do with that. I mean, we got divorced two years ago. I supposed I put it as part of my life... I love her a lot, Nick. I missed her. And when I saw her in the lab that day? I saw the sparks that I'm so familiar with that she usually show whenever she was really happy, so... 囧尼: So she is happy, and then you're happy. 烤魚: Well, it's pretty much like that. 囧尼: Okay (往外走, 又回頭) But, Ray, do yourself a favor, take the ring off before you go. 烤魚最後把戒指拔下, 放在櫃子裡. 本集心得: 1) Sydney演技實在不怎樣, Camryn倒是滿到位的... 2) 來人啊, 快來幫烤魚放陳亦迅"婚禮的祝福"! (拍拍) 於是說我每次都用word坐紀錄, 整理好再放上來, 好像都賺不到p幣耶... Orz 下集Justin Biber炸彈客回歸! 然後烤魚似乎又要跟Huskel面對面的樣子! 是說蜘蛛人先生到底到哪去啦??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/11 17:20, , 1F
我好期待蜘蛛人先生的後續...I am no one...
02/11 17:20, 1F

02/11 22:43, , 2F
我只注意到Sara 換穿了兩件CSI 新版外套,開頭那件類西裝
02/11 22:43, 2F

02/11 22:46, , 3F
02/11 22:46, 3F

02/12 05:30, , 4F
如果前妻沒有後續 實在不知為何要擺這段進來...
02/12 05:30, 4F

02/12 05:41, , 5F
剛查了一下CSI的收視創新低 demo和總人數都輸十點的TM
02/12 05:41, 5F

02/13 15:46, , 6F
02/13 15:46, 6F

02/13 15:46, , 7F
自己的父親 = = 還有一開始遇到警察的超強演技
02/13 15:46, 7F

02/13 16:52, , 8F
跟g大握握手,看的時候特別注意到Sara的新外套~ ^^
02/13 16:52, 8F

02/13 16:52, , 9F
02/13 16:52, 9F

02/14 03:15, , 10F
只能說她孔武有力 會用吉他弦還能把父親拖到浴室...
02/14 03:15, 10F

02/15 12:19, , 11F
02/15 12:19, 11F

02/15 12:26, , 12F
話說本店的小女孩一如往常都讓人很抖啊....= =
02/15 12:26, 12F

02/19 15:26, , 13F
02/19 15:26, 13F

02/21 21:00, , 14F
烤魚在片頭一台車裡模擬開車 這個案子沒下文了
02/21 21:00, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1DLCmwdr (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1DLCmwdr (CSI)