[劇情] CSI: NY 713 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2011/02/06 04:10), 編輯推噓4(404)
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阿編你認真點好不好 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 1) 哈德遜河看起來很冷 2) 不是我要說, 結局可以在老套一點啊? 片頭, 人群在一個空間裡熱貼舞動著, 外頭, 兩台車禍的計程車司機對打了起來, 其中一台裡的乘客打了電話報警, 結果扭打中兩人差點被一台連結車輾過, 連結車繼續往前進, 撞破鐵門, 輾過安全錐最後衝入哈德遜河之中. 下一幕, 車廂中的男女拼命往上游, 順著直昇機的燈光. 接下來, 警方到達現場, 直昇機的燈光引領著連接車的打撈, Jo在水池邊看著, 她身後的救護車正在忙著處理傷患, 包子大跟弗帥也抵達了現場, 連結車正被吊著靠近岸邊... 包子大: Open it. Jo: Oh my God, Mac. It must be at least 20 people trapped inside the truck when it hits the water... It's a miracle we only have two bodies. 結果, 話聲剛落, 就發現車廂裡躺著一具屍體被壓在眾多雜物之下. 包子大: Made it three. 包子大: So what happened here, Don? 弗帥報告說總之就是一群人借用了卡車開派對, 但不知怎的卡車暴衝, 最後掉進河裡. Jo: I assume the truck should not move? 包子大: The driver could be drunk. 弗帥: No body remembers seeing the driver. The truck could be loosened or hitched. 包子大: Either way, it looks like the crush of the party wasn't an accident. 霍克葛格加蒙大拿來到現場探查. 蒙大拿報告說後門是被從外頭鎖上的, 後門上的鞋印應該是受害者嘗試破門的結果, 然後在駕駛座旁發現火焰氧氣桶, 可能是用來焊斷車頭跟車廂連結的... 蒙大拿: He knows people gonna suffer. He didn't care. 警局裡大家忙亂著詢問所有的受害者們. Jo: Do you remember seeing the driver? Gill? Gill: (搖頭) The truck was parked. I assumed it won't move. 丹尼: So you just show up when you get invited? Chris: Yes. We're all dancing, drinking, and the next things is a crush. 弗帥: Do you know the people from the party? Nill: (搖頭) Jo: When was the rear door was closed. 黑人男子: I don't know. I was dacing and enjoying the party. And all of a sudden... it's insane. Gill: The water was so cold, and it feels like the body is burning. Chris: The clock was ticking. We have to find a way getting out there. 丹尼: (點頭, Chris是拿了一張凳子最後擊破後門的人) Nill: We tried the back door, but it didn't move at all. 弗帥: Because it was locked. Nill: You mean somebody did this on purpose? Why? 弗帥: That's what we're going to find out. 丹尼: Is there a host? Chris: Not really. I was just following the music. Gill: That guy over there was a hero. I even don't know his name. Jo: Chris, his name is Chris. Gill: I owned him my life. We all do. (坐在她對面的黑人男子點頭) 弗帥: Was there anyone you don't know in the water from the party? 女子: It was too dark, I opened my eyes as hard as I can. 弗帥: What about on the dock? 女子: Honestly, all I can think about is seeing my family. Nill: I follow the light to swim, and then finally to the surface... This is crazy... 丹尼: You are lucky to get out. Nill: Aren't everybody got out alive? 丹尼: No, not everybody. 霍克葛格去找席德大叔. 席德大叔: Cameron Marshell. C.O.D. is drawn. (兩人繼續前進) 霍克葛格: One, victim number two. I saw he got serious crash. 席德大叔: Brat Howerster. He probably hit the bench directly when the truck flipped arounfd. Evidence suggests that he stopped breathing right before the water goes in. Sadly, our victim number three is not that lucky. 霍克葛格: (檢視屍體)... She was drawning but powerless to stop that. Do we ID her yet? 席德大叔: Just got back the hit of finger prints. (打開報告) Our Jean Doe is actually Miss Victoria Enzo. 包子大: Our victim is the daughter of Carmen Enzo. Jo: ...That the party of random guests could be just a trap. She is actually the target. 包子大: Recently Enzo just negotiated a deal that favors the other side... Jo: His daughther's murder could be a revenge? 包子大: Or at least a warning. 地下勢力Enzo先生來到警局... Enzo: You don't have any idea who did this to my daughther, do you? 包子大: Not yet. Enzo: Victoria always like to dress up. A favorite was to dress up this white, long dressing. I was always looking forward to take her down the aisel. 包子大: I'm sorry for your loss. I just want you know that all the efforts will be put to bring the justice to your daughther. Enzo: Justice means different to different people, Detective. (轉身要走) 包子大: We have reasonable suspections that Victoria could be targeted because of you and the nature of your work. Enzo: (停下) I took resposibility of my works. But my wife and my children, they're supposed to be off limits. 包子大: Not everyone have the same understanding. Could you at least let us know who has conflicts with you in this city? Enzo: It's a long list. 包子大: (拿出紙筆) Sit down. Enzo在寫名單, 弗帥跑來敲玻璃窗, 包子大走出去. 弗帥: Somebody you got to meet. Jessica: Vicky wasn't supposed to be there. 包子大: How do you know that, Jessica? Jessica: Because I was the one being invited, not her. (哭) I asked her to go my place. She wasn't supposed to be there. It should be me! Jessica: I got the invitation in the mail a few months ago. It's hand-writing, just being left on my mailbox. Jo: Any RVSP requirement? Jessica: No. 包子大: And you just decided to go? Jessice: I just think if someone put that much effort to the invitation, the party itself must gonna be insane. I was stuck in the bar I worked. And I think if I cannot enjoy it, then at least Vicky can. 大家清查所有的客人, 發現總共只有Chris, Nill跟Gill是有拿到這樣的邀請函的人, 然後只有Gill的邀情函還在她身上...... 包子大: The killer use formal invitations to make sure those targets will show up. 於是嘗試要找出四人之間的關聯性. 丹尼: Here you go. Jessica: They all look familiar... Like I said, I'm a bartender, I saw hundred of faces every day. Chris: I saw this one at the party. (指出Gill的照片) 弗帥: How about before the last night? Chris: No. 弗帥: You sure? Chirs: Oh yeah, I'll remember the face like that. Gill: I'm sorry... I can't recognize any of them... Jo: Close you eyes. That might be helpful to revision. Gill: (閉眼又睜開) I'm sorry. Nill: I'm not very good at this... My parents always tell me to look past phyisical appearance. 包子大: They're smart people, then. 詢問繼續進行著, 結果發現四人都有被騷擾的經驗. Chris: Oh, yeah, those prank calls. Didn't say anything. They just laugh. Gill: The garbage bins! Trashes are removed out and scattered everywhere. Jo: Prossibly caused by animals? Gill: That's what I think. But my husband put stones on top of the bins and that still not work. We finally move the trash bins into the garage. Somebody is doing this purposely? To my life, to my family's life? All this period of time? 報告匯整~~ 丹尼: Jessica said that her apartment was breaking into but nothing is stolen several times. Jo: ... so our victims all have the experience being stucked. 包子大: But not necessarily to be the same one. Jo: But if they were all be stucked by the same guy, we have to find out what's the trigger. 包子大: Yes. And so far we have now is the invitation. 亞當檢查邀請卡, 發現材質是不會留下指紋的紙張, 使用的墨水材料也都是夭壽貴的, 更特別的是墨水裡面混有人的血液. 弗帥跟Jo於是來到一個人體彩繪會場... 弗帥: Excuse us. Makiko Kiluka? 畫師回頭看兩人一眼, 有轉回去繼續工作. Jo: New York Police. We have a few questions for you. 畫師於是停下完成工作, 觀眾鼓掌, 畫師離開, Jo跟著走. 弗帥: (眼睛對上其中一位模特兒) How are you doing? (被回頭的Jo拖走) Jo: Did you make this invitation? 畫師: I usually don't do commercial art. Jo: In order to prevent misunderstandings, that's make it clear. Is this your work? We found blood in the ink. 畫師: I put blood in my ink as a special identity. Like I said, I don't usually do commercial arts. But this guy paid cash, in front. 弗帥: What's his name? 畫師; John, something, maybe Smith? 弗帥: How he looks like? 畫師: I don't really remember, he barely look to my eyes. I guess I made man nervous. He had a dark hair, light skin. 弗帥: Dark hair and light skin? That is very helpful. Jo: (拿起水彩跟畫筆) Maybe there is better ways to charge the memory. 包子大: This might not be accurate. But do you recognize this guy? Nill: I think that is just gonna be paranoiz.... He's staring at me, across the street, just into my eyes. 包子大: You sure this is the same guy? Nill: Yeah... But his eyes are further apart. And, huh, he has scars. Jo: The restroom is just right that corner. I'll wait here. Jessica: Thanks. (往前走, 經過Nill的審訊室, 停住了) 包子大: (抬頭看到, 走了出來) Jo: (注意到走廊上的兩人, 接近) Jessica, what is it? Jessica: That's Johnny. 包子大: You know that man, then? Jessica: We were engaged. Jessica: I met John at college, we went out a few times, that's all then. We reconnected and things went differently. Jo: When did you guys reconnect? Jessica: About three years ago... Then last year he suprised with this engaged ring. Jo: And? Jessica: Then I saw those sides of him I don't know before. He became possessive... If I wouldn't check with him regularly, he would call me cheating. I even caught him following me. Still, I didn't dump Johnny. He called it end with me. 包子大: Why didn't Jessica mentioned this before. Jo: She could miss the connection. 包子大: Or she could cover for him. Jo: Okay, so we have the connection of John to Nill and Jessica now. What about others? 丹尼報告說Gill說John可能是那個在她小孩的幼兒園邊窺探的人, 但不確定. Chris說曾有個敘述相仿的男子撬開他gym的置物櫃過, 但是他沒成功追到人, 所以也沒看到臉... 丹尼: Why go after them? 包子大: Unless he become possesive to someone else. 於是弗帥, 包子大跟丹尼去到John的公寓, 裡頭沒人. 包子大: You should alter. 弗帥: (乖乖打電話去通報) 丹尼: ... This guy must being afraid of something. 包子大: (看著貼來遮比所有窗戶的報紙) Social isolation, indicates his insecurity goes to paranoiz. (拉開報紙, 包子大看到樓下的一台黑禮車) I'll be right back. 丹尼: All right. 丹尼檢查著一個沿牆放的櫃子... 弗帥: What you got there? 丹尼: Looks like we got some dry blood. 弗帥: Could be another victim. 包子大: (走進禮車, 車窗搖下, 是Enzo) Let me make this clear. Any interferance with this investigation will not be allowed. I'll call you if we get the testify of the suspect. Enzo: ...If I find him first, maybe I'll give you a call. 亞當跟Jo報告說, 丹尼發現的血跡來自於兩個不同的男性. Jo: ... maybe one of his stuckers come infront of him? (電話響) Danville. You sure? Okay, right there. (掛電話) It's John. Jo來到法醫室, 席德大叔跟霍克葛格都在那. Jo: How long did he die? 席德大叔: ... At least 24 hours. Looks like something inside. Jo: I don't really get it. This guy wants to be noticed, but no one in the party relly remember sawing him. 霍克葛格在John口袋找到一封邀請函...... 霍克葛格: ... he invited himself? Jo: That means one of our victim was lying to us. 結果發現, John其實也是被騷擾的受害者及殺手的target之一, 公寓的血跡有案底作證, John曾經報警說有人入侵他的公寓,扭打後被對方逃掉. 蒙大拿來報告, 說他們比對了John的鞋子與卡車門上的鞋印, 顯示兩者是吻合的, John那天也在派對上, 還是嘗試要救大家的人之一. 包子大: So one of our victim is our driver, and the killer. 包子大, Jo, 丹尼跟弗帥四人討論... Jessica雖然有動機但是不在場證明很清楚,bar的客人都能證明. Gill有確切的攜帶著她的邀請函, 證明她是目標不是殺手, 剩下兩個人~ Jo: You told Detective Messer that you felt the responsibility to save everyone. Why is it? Chris: I don't know. It's just the right thing to do. Jo: That's quite heroic. Chris: Well, I'm not a hero. Jo: This tragedy will make you a hero. Media will all come. You'll be put under the flash light. Chris: Hopefully not! I was a high-school athelets... Being under the flash light ruined my chance to going pro. That's the last thing I would want to be. 包子大正在詢問Nill, 一開始一切貌似正常, 直到一名女警拿著水進來, 包子大發現Nill的不對勁...... 包子大: (叫住女警) Wait, could you put that on the table. (Nill目光閃躲女警, 女警準備離開) Hold on, pour Mr. Cooper a glass. (女警照做) Nill? (Nill伸手要接過水杯, 水杯掉落) Jo: You have a girlfriend, Nill? No? You plan to find one? At the party with all those beautiful and sexy woman. Tell me, Nill. Why you think a guy like you was invited? Nill: I don't want to talk to her. I want to go home. 包子大: Answer the question. Jo: Oh, I forget you cannot even look into their eyes...A looser, a kind of man that women look like not exist. Nill: (拍桌) Bitch! All of you! Jo: Not like you, Nill. Not a murder. You and Gill once together? Nill: She dumped me! And Chris? He never invited me out. Jo: But you were once friends, until middle school, right? And Jessica... she doesn't even remember your name... And what about John? Nill: He dumped her! He deserved to die! I'm much better than him! No body wants me. I was tired of being alone... 包子大: That's why I'll to make sure you won't get out anyway, all alone. 下班的包子大跟Jo走出警局... 包子大: ... He decided to kill the people who he thought to be responsible for the failure of his life. Jo: He never realize that himself is his biggest enemy. Possession is a dangerous thing. 身後, Nill被壓出警局, 記者們蜂擁而上, 大家都沒注意到人群中的Enzo... Enzo開槍, Nill倒地, 員警們上前制服Enzo. Enzo: (看著回過頭的包子大) He killed my daughther. 本集心得: 劇情本身犯案動機什麼的是還好,Enzo最後警局前的槍擊老梗到不行, 而且更重要的是把Enzo父女梗拿掉完全不會影響案情發展的說~ 那到底為啥要加這個梗哩? 是要顯示包子大有威嗎? 可是這樣結局又打嘴巴了啊? 阿編我真是搞不懂你們啊....... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/06 04:13, , 1F
這集真的蠻糟的 整體架構不錯 一些小地方讓人很不耐
02/06 04:13, 1F

02/06 04:15, , 2F
父女梗 Neal的動機 Mac對嫌犯的側寫結果該員是受害者囧
02/06 04:15, 2F

02/06 23:00, , 3F
這個父女梗 不知道跟之前動物園獅子吃人那一集有無關係
02/06 23:00, 3F

02/06 23:01, , 4F
獅子吃人那一集也出現這樣的情結 也可能我想太多 = =
02/06 23:01, 4F

02/07 01:07, , 5F
我只知道兇手是True Blood第二季的大反派 = =
02/07 01:07, 5F

02/07 01:53, , 6F
02/07 01:53, 6F

02/07 01:56, , 7F
Enzo不是很有權勢的人嗎...何必自己當殺手= =
02/07 01:56, 7F

02/08 23:34, , 8F
這一集真的很虛= =,本來很期待,結果莫名其妙就結尾了
02/08 23:34, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1DJQwPgY (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1DJQwPgY (CSI)