[劇情] CSI: LV 1110 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/12/10 14:08), 編輯推噓11(1106)
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咦? 這集某人都沒出現耶 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點:每個人都有每個人的故事跟容易投射的對象耶... 片頭, 一對母女在超市內購物著, 媽媽推著滿車的東西卻進入了Express count, 於是排在她們身後的男人非常不滿. 男子: Come'on! This is the express count! Less than 20 things! 媽媽更加匆忙的看著店員刷條碼, 結果他的小女兒卻又轉身抓了一包餅乾放進推車裡. 媽媽: Holly, please stopped. I'm sorry, honey, but... 男子: Are you waiting to the morning? Just pay! 媽媽打開錢包, 卻發現現金不足, 問店員可以簽check嗎? 男子: Oh, come'on! It's cash only! 總之媽媽付了錢, 走出了店外, 店外幾個小混混的車正大聲的放著音樂. 男子: (隨後走出來) Turn that crap down! 男子準備上車, 忽然三聲槍響, 他從車後偷看, 發現那名媽媽中彈倒地, 剛買的牛奶在地上流洩...... 天亮了, 警方到達現場. 布拔: Apparently this whole thing starts because of a different taste of music. The male victim is Hector XXX. He works as the collector manager. 莎拉: Tatoo on the hand. Probably has something to do with the gang. 布拔: We haven't identify the female victim yet. Apparantly she's just an unlucky customer. 囧尼: One shut on the abdomen, one shut on chest, and one on the left eye? Suggested it's a close range. This could be a retaliation. 莎拉: But why a soccer mom becoming a target? 小葛: (剛問完男子話) This jerk over there just told us the victim has a daughter with her. 莎拉: She had a kid and two grocery bags. Here we have the grocery bags... I'm thinking she had her in the car. 囧尼: Killer jacked the rail with the kid on the back seat. 布拔打電話要局裡出動警力搜查白色箱型車跟金髮小女孩. 囧尼詢問店員小姐 店員: You've heard what they said. But you never thought you'll be involved. 囧尼: The victim is in your line? 店員: Yeah. She has the cuttiest daughter in the world... 囧尼: Does she always come here? You ever seen her before? 店員: No. I've been working here for a year. She came into my express count with too many things. I don't think it is on purpose. But there's the guy being impatient and mean... 囧尼: Yeah, we've talked to him. 店員: She seems... in a hurry and upset. The whole time she seems like she's going to crying. And her cell phone rang. She didn't answer it. 囧尼: So she paid in cash? 店員: No, she haven't had enough. I let her pay in check. 囧尼於是通知局裡的阿奇用支票上的姓名等資料調查死者身分. 阿奇: (輸入Cheistine Moore.) Husband... Daniel Moore. Some kind of protected security. 囧尼: He probably doesn't know his wife's death yet. 大衛跟羅賓爺爺驗屍中, 大衛由Hector身上取出的彈殼為0.22. 忽然一名男子闖了進來... Daniel: Agent Moore, FBI. Looking for the female victim on the gun shut scene this morning. 大衛: (愣住) ...She's in the wash room. Hey! (Daniel直直闖進去) 羅賓爺爺: (在屍體旁邊愣住) No body gets in without my permision! Daniel: Cristine... was my wife. 羅賓爺爺: I'm sorry for your loss. But that's another reason why you should get out and let me finish my job! No one should see their beloved ones like this! Daniel: ...(舉拳就往旁邊的玻璃窗揮下去) 羅賓爺爺: (嘆氣) David, find the first aid for me. 布拔匆匆趕到. 布拔: Agent Moore, I am sorry. But I need you to keep it together. I know this is hard... Do you have an alibi last night? Daniel: I was on a case. Rylan Gause. That's the guy you want. And he has my daughter! 小葛跟莎拉調閱了Christine的電話留言. Trent: Christine? This is Trent! I've seen him following you and Holly. Rylan Gause. I- I don't know what to do. He is going to kill us all! Just like Dad always said! Daniel跟布拔解釋他跟Rylan Gause的案件, 羅賓爺爺忙著包扎他的手. Daniel: ... six young girls. I never found any of them. 布拔: When did he get out? Daniel: 52 days ago. 布拔: Did he threat you? Daniel: Me and my family. (不耐煩起來, 揮手阻止羅賓爺爺) All right, enough! Hey, we're done! 布拔: Your family. Is Holly your only child? Daniel: I have a son... 布拔: What's his name? Daniel: Trent. (驚覺布拔的意思, 打電話) Hey, Trent, it's dad. Call me back when you hear this immediately! It's emergent! (在打電話給學校) No, when you see Trent ask him to call me immediately, okay? (掛電話, 對布拔說) Trent didn't show up at school today. It's not like him. 布拔: Let's go. 布拔, 莎拉, Mitchell警員跟Daniel來到Trent在外的租屋處, Daniel不顧Mitchell準備先上前探查的動作, 直接撞門進去, 莎拉瞪大眼睛. Daniel: Trent! Trent? 布拔: Agent Moore, we need you to cooperate with us, okay? If Rylan Gause is here waiting for you, he would shot you when you come into this house! Daniel: He got all of my family! 凱姐, 囧尼跟特警小組前往Rylan Gause的租屋處. 特警小組: It's all clear. 囧尼: We'll take from here. 凱姐: Thank you. 囧尼: (踏進屋裡) If I was Rylan Gause to revenge someone sending me to the jail, I'd kill his wife and son. 凱姐: And take the little girl because I can get some fun. Check the bed. 囧尼: (上前翻開床套, 空的) Where else can he hide her? 凱姐: That's take a look at this apartment. 在Trent的小屋的搜索持續進行中~~ 莎拉: Found some sticky materials along the window... Daniel: It's corn statch. From the gloves Gause always wears. He got them from grocery stores. 莎拉: Agent Moore, with all the respects to your professional, you need to stay back and let me do my works. Daniel: Come'on. I've seen all those things enough. It's not     helping. 莎拉: (盯著大喇喇踏在現場的Daniel) You're overlaying your shoe prints. Daniel: It's not so hard to identify! Gause was a 10 which was way bigger than me. 莎拉: (注意到Daniel的手傷開始滲下血滴) You're contaminating my crime scene. 布拔: Enough. Agent Moore... Daniel: Cop-fast than victim-in-hospital. I'll find my son in my way! (轉身要走, Mitchell擋著) 布拔: Let him go, Mitchell. Let him get out of here. 莎拉在Daniel走後繼續查著, 發現浴室裡的嘔吐物等. 布拔: That's assuming Trent Moore is still alive. 小葛小哈在局裡翻閱Rylan Gause的檔案資料. 小哈: It's ironic that Agent Moore's own kids get snatched. 小葛: Not if the guy he's chasing decided to turn the table on him. 小哈: ... it says that one of Gause's victims is his own cousin... Gause's parent can't cooperate. 小葛: I hate family when they're trying to protect those guys. 凱姐在Gause公寓牆上發現掛勾... 囧尼: Let me see that thing. (沿著掛勾附近的縫隙探查)    Yeah, there's something. It's a kiddy porn, I think. (結果掉出來一堆童書)"XXX the Elephent," "My Doggy's Tale"? 凱姐: Children's read-aloud books. 局裡, 小葛跟小哈總算有了一點線索~~ 小哈: It said that those kids went missing when they were playing at the park. 小葛: Gause selected his victims in the park. That's where he went shooping! (打電話) 凱姐: They could be trophies. (接到小葛電話) Yes?  小葛: Is there a park near the place. 凱姐: Yes, we passed by one when we came here. Why? 小葛: Gause chosed his victims in parks. And when he's done, he goes back to the park for hunting! 於是囧尼跟凱姐趕往附近的那個小公園... 囧尼: (看到拿著手機錄影的Gause) There he is! (然後看到衝過來的Daniel)      What the hell Agent Moore was doing here?     (看到Daniel準備掏槍) Gun! (衝過去把Gause撲倒) 凱姐: (舉槍對著Daniel) Stand down! 囧尼: Where is she? Where is Holly? Gause: I don't know any of this! 囧尼: Okay, you're under arrested. 回到局裡, 布拔面無表情的看著Gause的錄影... 布拔: What's that about? (一個小女孩在影片中蕩著秋千) Gause: It is not illegal to make video tapes. That-tht's a cute little girl. I wish I had one like her. 布拔: What are you doing in the park? Gause: I'd just spent five years in jail. I like parks, open places. 布拔: Where is Holly Moore? Gause: Is that any relation to Daniel Moore? (知道Daniel在外頭看,轉頭)     Oh, did you loose that cute sweetie you have? Oh, but you have two children, so you still hace one left.(笑) ...You're the sick one! You hear me, Daniel! 布拔: Where are you last night? Gause: Some bar in Red Lamp. What's the name of the bartender? Oh, Terry. We had a nice conversation about cars. Go find him. He'll remember that all. (笑) 布拔: Feel pretty good about this, huh? (開始哼歌)     "I went to the Animal Fair..."... "Hair."    Yeah, we found your little collections. And let me tell you, if we found any print that fits with anyone of those little girls, we'll walk you the rest of your life. 失蹤的箱型車出現了, 沒有Holly的蹤影, 小哈跟莎拉負責調查, 他們發現一個三明治包裝, 但是一來Christine根本沒機會吃到, 二來Holly還吃不了一整個三明治. 小哈: I can't answer who ate it. But if Christine didn't need it, and Holly doesn't need it. Then who ever drving this car must have, right? 莎拉: Gause. 但是三明治包裝上的指紋卻與Gause的指紋通通不合~~ 囧尼告訴Daniel壞消息~~ 囧尼: We checked all the books. They're in no way to connect with those girls. Daniel: Of course not. He wears gloves all the time! He sits there tourturing those kids to death! 此時布拔領著Gause出來, 他們沒有證據繼續扣押他... Gause: Just keep Mr. FBI away from me. Oh, hey! (看到Daniel)      I'm sorry what happened to you. Someone else did something.     And all that time wasted on me? Only yourself to blame. Only yourself. (離開) Daniel: You're letting him leave? 布拔: There's no evidence linking him to the case... Daniel: Gause is stalking my family! Are we on the same side still?     (怒氣沖沖的離開) 囧尼: Is it only me or Agent Moore seems care less about his wife? 布拔: (嘆氣) I've seen a lot like that. When you put all of your mind in chasing someone, and then something happened to your family? It's always the the bad guy to get away. 羅賓爺爺出現在凱姐辦公室. 羅賓爺爺: Catherine, I got a call from Christine Moore's sister.      She called to arrange the release of the body. 凱姐: Isn't it the job of spouse? 羅賓爺爺: Unless the spouse is in the middle of an ugly disvorce. Christine asked for a total custody of Holly. She also asked guardianship of her stepson. The plan is to move both the kids back to the Kenses. 凱姐: And Agent Moore never mentioned that... 布拔跟警方去Gause公寓找人... 警員: Agent Moore's car parked on the back, still warm. 布拔: So let's hop he's not that stupid. 但是他們看到的是已經死在地上的Gause跟站在屍體旁的Daniel. 布拔: Drop it. Daniel: My gun hasn't been on fire. You can check it. 布拔: I want all your weapons. Daniel: I am reaching now. 布拔: Two fingers. (接過槍) Daniel: I come to torture him, to get where my family is.     But unfortunately someone beat me, too. 小哈檢查Trent小屋的證物及紀錄後有新發現... 小哈: He is 18 and leaves alone... He has schizophrenic    disorder. Paranoid type, chronic with acute    excerbation. Without taking the pill at regular time, he can soon have hallucinations, delusions, and problems with feeling like humgry. 莎拉: The sandwich wrapper... 小哈: Question is, what is he doing following his stepmother and sister at 4:00 am? 莎拉: He witnessed the shooting. 布拔詢問Daniel. 布拔: You never told us that Trent has schizophrenia.    And he needs psychialist treatment. Daniel: Trent is just fine! I told Christine so!     Come'on, you believe that? We hunt down those guys, and you just got them shortly behind the cells. Because there is the little pill that will fix any problems! So my son and I are crazy, while Rylan Gause is sane? Go to hell! 布拔: We know Gause was killed with a 0.22. We also know Trent was with Christine. Trent was not kidnapped. I think he killed Christine. How's his relationship with Holly? Daniel:... He loves Holly. 布拔: If Trent got Holly, where would he go? Daniel: My first wife died because of cancer when Trent was 10, they're very closed. Sometimes, he just likes to go back to the old house. 布拔: Where is the old house? 莎拉跟Mitchell前往那棟房子. Mitchell: I heard something. 莎拉: I'd like talked to him. He's more relax with women. (Mitchell點頭) Trent? My name is Sarah. I'm here to help you. Where is Holly, is she okay? Are you alone? (慢慢走進屋內) Trent? We've been looking for you. You're saved now. You can drop the gun now... Trent: (邊哭邊顫抖) He has my baby sister. He killed Christine!    Rylan Gause! Always watch to Rylan Gause! 莎拉: Rylan Gause is dead. He can't hurt you anymore.    This house belongs to your mother, right? I know she loved you. And she would want you to drop the gun down...    If you hurt yourself, who is going to take care of Holly? Trent: He follows up. He talks to me. (忽然變臉) He's me!     I'm Rylan Gause! I killed little girls! He-he has their pictures, ask him! 莎拉: (上前攬住男孩) It's okay. Rylan, give it to me. (拿下槍抱住Trent)    It's okay. 小哈去找囧尼. 小哈: Did Sarah get anything from Trent Moore yet? 囧尼: No. He's David Chapmen shooting John Lenoon, who believe he's John Lenoon. 小哈: Oh, then did Sarah find any bed bugs at where she found Trent. 莎拉: (走進來) No, but I did see bites from Trent. 囧尼: (看著小哈) Itchy? Got from home? 小哈: No, my mother is very clean. 莎拉: Maybe he picked up that when he tried to find where Holly was. 凱姐進行了彈道調查, Trent的槍是殺了Gause的那把沒錯, 但與擊斃Christine的那把不合, 凱姐打電話告知布拔. 布拔: Then who killed Christine? 凱姐: Trent told Sarah it was Gause. 布拔: But it's not. So who else know his M.O.? ... Thanks Catherine, I'll come back to you. (掛電話, 看著坐在他眼前的Daniel) Daniel: ...Trent told you where Holly is? 布拔: No. My guess is, you followed Christine and watched her leaving the store. She was leaving you and she was taking all of them away from you. So you shut her. But you didn't know Trent was there on the back seat. And the kid's delusion made Trent thought Gause killed Christine. He's panicked. He drove away, wanting to protect his sister... Daniel: I just want to give Trent a normal life. I worked so hard on Gause's case. Somewhere in between, I ruined something important in my life. 布拔: Agent Moore, you and I, we both worked to find justice. Well, here is the time. The time to let your son know the truth. That Rylan Gause wasn't the only bad guy in his life. Daniel去見Trent. Trent: (撲上前) I killed them. Your daughter, you wife. Daniel: No, you're not. You're Trent. You're my son. You love Christine and Holly. Trent: (開始哭) I thought I could stopped him. He killed them, Daddy. Like you always said him would did. (人格又變化了) I am Rylan Gause. I killed them all! Daniel: Trent, stop it! Son, you killed Rylan. You did it. Rylan Gause was dead. And you saw me. Not Rylan Gause, but me. Trent: I saw him following us. He talked to me. I didn't know what to do. Daniel: (抱住Trent哭了) I wanted to put Gause away for good. I didn't want Christine to take you away from me. I'm so sorry, son... Where is Holly? Trent: I don't know. She's gone. She's done... I lost her. I lost her. 在外頭觀看的凱姐跟布拔 凱姐: Well, we have our confession. 布拔: I would rather to have the little girl. 莎拉, 小葛, 阿奇利用汽車的衛星系統想要找出Trent最後停留的地點, 結果標出Las Vegas一塊不怎麼安全的區域... 囧尼: That looks not like a safe place to hide... 莎拉: Yeah, but he was running out of gas. He was scared. And he doesn't have money with him. Speaking of the bed bugs... 囧尼: I'll tell Brass to check at all the motels of that area. 囧尼布拔來到一間motel. 布拔: A yound man with a little girl like that won't be east to miss. 囧尼: (進入那間房間, 翻開床墊) Bed bugs. She wasn't here. (聽到隔壁房間傳來小女孩的哭聲...) 兩人去敲隔壁的房門, 一名講西班牙語的女子開了門. 女子: (西班牙語) 囧尼: Yes, yes, we're looking for a little girl. 女子: A young man asked me to take care of her for a while. But he never come back, and I... 囧尼: Don't worry. That's right thing to do. 布拔: (進入房間) Hey, Holly. We're looking for you. Come'on, I'm gonna take you out of here. Come'on. 最後, 莎拉去看Trent, 醫院裡失神的Trent看了莎拉一眼, 把手搭在沙拉的手上, 莎拉笑著蓋住Trent的手. 布拔則帶著Holly的狐狸玩偶, 把玩偶交到Daniel的手裡, 換上了囚衣的Daniel大大鬆了口氣, 緊緊的把頭貼著Holly的狐狸玩偶, 布拔很感嘆的在Daniel身邊坐下...... 本集心得: 1) 果然莎拉就是會特別容易同理有精神疾病的人, 布拔就是能了解家庭破碎的執法人員的苦..... 2) LV果然是一間總是會注意到蟲子的實驗室~~XD 這週好像三家都還有新進度, 不過接下來就都是放假時間囉~~(嘆氣) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/10 15:34, , 1F
12/10 15:34, 1F

12/10 21:40, , 2F
12/10 21:40, 2F

12/11 00:58, , 3F
12/11 00:58, 3F

12/11 01:42, , 4F
NY 通常是冬休一個月,一月份最多回來兩集。
12/11 01:42, 4F

12/11 01:43, , 5F
12/11 01:43, 5F

12/11 02:36, , 6F
Catherine這好也有完全沒出現的時候啊 這集還蠻好看的
12/11 02:36, 6F

12/12 00:08, , 7F
這集好悲傷... 推會注意到蟲子的實驗室
12/12 00:08, 7F

12/13 03:13, , 8F
12/13 03:13, 8F

12/13 15:13, , 9F
12/13 15:13, 9F

12/13 15:13, , 10F
12/13 15:13, 10F

12/14 00:03, , 11F
我注意的是: 有 Cath 但沒 V, 難道還在冷戰中? @@
12/14 00:03, 11F

12/14 00:12, , 12F
V 是客串,本來就是久久出現一回啊!
12/14 00:12, 12F

12/14 08:50, , 13F
12/14 08:50, 13F

12/15 23:11, , 14F
k大, 我知道啦~~ :P 不過越接近1119,感覺越複雜...
12/15 23:11, 14F

12/19 16:06, , 15F
12/19 16:06, 15F

01/10 01:38, , 16F
01/10 01:38, 16F

01/10 01:39, , 17F
01/10 01:39, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1D0SFBDX (CSI)