[劇情] CSI: LV 1108 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/11/12 14:41), 編輯推噓15(1504)
留言19則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
果然全世界的政府都一樣財團最大 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 媽啦要搞得環評活像虛設一樣的話乾脆一開始就不要設環評算啦!(翻桌) 片頭, 三名年輕人在一處spring附近停下轎車, 男生A: Lexie, come' on... Lexie: Is that cold? 男生B: Come'on! Lexie: All right... (脫掉衣服露出裡面的粉紅色內衣) It smells like raw egg... 男生A: Lexie, come'on. Lexie: Okay~~ (脫掉胸罩跳下去) 三人打起水仗來, 忽然Lexie轉過身... Lexie: Oh, hey! (打了男生A一巴掌) 男生A: Hey! What's that for? Lexie: Just look. Keep your hands with you! 男生A: I didn't touch you! Lexie: (忽然轉向男生B, 瞪他) 男生B: What the hell!? 一具屍體在三人之中浮起...... 警方抵達現場... 布拔: When I was young, I once did skinny-dipping in New Jersey. 烤魚: (笑, 對大衛打招呼) Hey, David. How's there? 大衛: (跟另一名員警正把屍體移出水面) Actually, it's kind of nice in here. 烤魚檢視被拖上岸的屍體 烤魚: Interesting pattern of wound. 囧尼: Maybe he hit a stone? 烤魚: A stome won't do this, might be a pistol butt. (檢查傷口跟鼻腔等處)... That means he was dead before he got into the water. 囧尼: (注意到死者袖口處的缺損) Looks like shirt's torn. 大衛告知烤魚死者的肝溫 烤魚: It puts his death to 4-7 hours. 囧尼: Brass's guy checked all aroung and there's no vehicles except the kid's Jeep. How did he get here? 烤魚: And who he is with? 烤魚蒐集泉水樣本後回到坡上 囧尼: (拿了一瓶水給烤魚) Hey, stay hydrated here. The color of the soil is different from others. Looks like it stands under engine for a while. Maybe that's how the victim gets here. 凱姐跟羅賓爺爺檢視屍體中~~ 羅賓爺爺: Mrs. Robbins's birthday is near, any suggestion? 凱姐: How about a diamond? That's BFA. 羅賓爺爺: And man's nightmare... I'm thinking something gold? 凱姐: Gold for the 50th? 羅賓爺爺: All right... let's see. The skull is clean. His liver is enlarged. Brain and kidny are peppered. This is a very sick man. 凱姐: C.O.D.? 羅賓爺爺: I'm moving to that. He drawned... Not too good for him, but good for us. We can easily get the water from his vocal vessels. 凱姐: If he drawned in the hot spring, the water sample Ray collected should match. 羅賓爺爺: (抽出了死者鼻腔內的液體, 用眼睛看都知道不一樣) Well, I'm not water specialist, but this..... 凱姐: Confirm that he did not drown in that spring. 死者身分查出為Walter Burns, 為一名rancher, 居住在Cable Springs. 親人只有一名老婆, 而她在去年過世了. 囧尼: I checked his phone records. One name poped out. 凱姐: (看紀錄) Rosalin Johnson? 布拔跟烤魚找來這位Rosalin Johnson 布拔: What makes you to call Walter Burns 3 times a day? Rosalin: He's helping me with some works. I'm writing a book. 布拔: What's that about? Rosalin: Not at liberity to say, but if you're interested to read. It's coming soon. 布拔: Oh yeah? Walter Burns was found dead yesterday. Rosalin: Oh... 布拔: So? Rosalin: What happened? 布拔: Not at liberity to say. Rosalin: Fair enough. How about this? I help you, you help me. 布拔: Tell me what you guys talking about. Rosalin: About his ranch, his health. 烤魚: ... Walter was a very sick man. Rosalin: You do an anatomy? Can I see the report? 烤魚: Can I see your story? Rosalin: Am I free to go? 布拔: Just don't go too far. Rosalin: (往外走幾步後回頭) Oh, Walter's wife was sick, too. You might want to look at that as well. That's on the house. (離開) 布拔: (翻了翻白眼) Reporters. 阿奇, 小葛跟囧尼在處理一部車輛, 車主為Richard Adams, 車主失蹤了, 而遺留在現場的車是唯一引導他們調查的證據. 阿奇利用車上的導航系統找出車主居住的地點為Cable Springs. 小葛在車門外側找到血跡, 囧尼在車內找到一枚九厘米的子彈... 小葛: So the gun is fired inside the car, but instead of staying inside the car, the blood is outside... Why they bubbled? 囧尼: It suggested saliva. 推測, 車主被槍指著脅迫下車, 站在車門邊後被兇手開槍擊中, 口沫混合著血液由口鼻部噴出, 濺印在車門上. 囧尼跟Reed警官前往車輛廢棄現場~~ Reed: (對一對擋路的妓女+嫖客說) Hey, Shela. You can leave now. And you? It's different story. If I ever see you here again, I'm gonna give you a ride home to your wife. (嫖客逃之夭夭) 囧尼: That's a good PR. Reed跟囧尼說她與Richard Adams的妻子談過話, Mrs. Adams說她與她先生的最後一通電話, Richard說他剛離開辦公室, 在回家的路上了 囧尼: He lived and worked in Cable Springs. This is definitely not his office... 兩人走到車子原來停放的位置 囧尼: Here we go. Looks like we get some blood here. (注意到地面上的白色碎片) Looks like a piece of bone.    Maybe Adams is done when the killer shut the second time. Reed: Got a bullet shell. 囧尼: Yeah, it's the same brand I found in the car. If he was hit here... Body couldn't be far. 兩人往路邊的垃圾堆前進, 看到垃圾之中露出了一隻腳. 囧尼: There he is. Hello, Richard. Reed: (伸手拿出Richard的手機, 手機螢幕是夫妻合照) Pretty wife. Wander if he called someone last night before he died... (準備撥號) 囧尼: Wait, you just called right now? 手機最後一通電話通道的號碼是Rosalin Johnson的答錄機! 囧尼: Rosalin Johnson? Two dead men in 24 hours, and both of them make their last call to Rosalin Johnson? That must be an awful story she's writing. 囧尼去與Mrs. Adams談話 Mrs. Adams: Richard had been on edge for weeks. 囧尼: Mrs. Adams, your husband works for Conserv Solutions. What his work about? Mrs. Adams: He... drove aroung those ranches... just make sure there is no problem... 囧尼: Ranches? Mrs. Adams: Anyone who complaines. 囧尼: What kind of compalines? Mrs. Adams: I... I don't know... You have to ask the company. 囧尼: Mrs. Adams. You ever heard Rosalin Johnson? Mrs. Adams: You mean the reporter. She called him all the time. 囧尼: Did you awared of any suggestions that they extend the relationship beyond that? Mrs. Adams: Are you suggesting me that Richard had an affair with her? No. Richard didn't want to talk to her at all. But she's so pushing. She was convinced it was... (猛然發現自己講太多而停下) 囧尼: It was what. Mrs. Adams: I can't tell you. Every employee's family members signed an agreement before. If I violated, I'll loose all Richard's benefits. 囧尼: Mrs. Adams, your husband is murdered! We need to know everything to get the killer. What, did somebody threat you? Somebody from the company? Mrs. Adams: ... Not from the company. 結果Mrs. Adams帶囧尼去垃圾桶看她收到後丟棄的一個東西... 囧尼: Goat's head? Somebody sent you a goat head? When? Mrs. Adams: The day before yesterday. 囧尼: The day before your husband die? 於是那顆爬滿蛆的羊頭被送回實驗室解剖 羅賓爺爺: Bug spray should keep the creepy crawiles away... 烤魚: 2-star stage maggots... Been dead for 24 fours.    (檢查切口) Yeah, this animal is dead before someone    seperate its head from the body. 羅賓爺爺: The brain looks like Walter Burns. 烤魚: Could they have the same disease? 羅賓爺爺: Probably. I saw the God Father several times - this is a message. 烤魚: (拿了羊腦液塗抹培養皿) Okay, so we'll let this culture    grow overnight. 囧尼去找小葛 囧尼: How's going? Is it goat blood on the truck? 小葛: As long as they developed a presumptive test for goats blood, I'll let you know. 阿奇: You got to see this.    (讓囧尼小葛看他從Richard Adams手機裡找出來的影像) 囧尼: That's my goat! 小葛: You sure? 囧尼: Yeah, the left-lip is damage 利用手機的座標系統找出拍照地點, 是在Walter Burns的牧場旁邊的另一個牧場... 小葛: So he's the owner of the goat. 囧尼: And maybe the owner of the 9 millimeter and the truck with oil leak. 阿奇: You think he killed Walter Burns and Richard Adams? 該牧場的主人叫做Bill Gilbson, Reed, 囧尼跟烤魚一起造訪他. Reed: This is not exactly a ranch. Too quite. 囧尼: (走回來) The truck is good, but he could fix it now. (忽然傳來一聲槍響) Reed: (拔出槍前進) I got a point - don't shoot me at my ass. 三人繞過建築物, 看到牧場的主人手上拎著一頭死羊... Bill: What the hell you people be in my property? 囧尼: You want tell me what you are doing? Bill: I put him to death for mercy. Because he was sick! 囧尼: Not for throwing it to your neighbors home? Bill: Are you accusing me killed Walter? 烤魚: Did you? Bill: No! Walter was a friend. In a way, he was lucky. He got put down to mercy as well. (笑) Reed: Drop the ruffle down. I don't want to shoot you, sir. Bill: I buried my wife. Now I'm burying my last animal...    I'm not afraid. What do you care? I got good, sweet    water from my well for 40 years. 40 years! And what they paid me for my minimor? That's even not enough to pay my wife's chimo. 烤魚: Your wife had cancer? Bill: Like Walter's wife. Like Walter himself! We tried. We tried to talk to the major, the health department, the company... but no body listen to us! Now you law force finally come down here. But accussing me murder! You don't care what we're suffering! 烤魚: We care. We want to know what happened. Bill: Now, Walter was going to prove the company is poisoning    us. Then he turned up dead! You want to know what happened? Let me show you!    (Bill把手上的火柴丟往井裡, 瞬間井就炸開了!) Bill當場身亡, 烤魚跟囧尼開始檢查現場... 烤魚: I don't see any evidence leading to the explosion. 囧尼: I don't mean to challenege your intelligence, Ray. But water is not supposed to explode like that. Maybe the problem is the water? Like xxxxx. 烤魚: I had a cousin who lived there at that time. He said the water is not flow, it oozed. 囧尼: Maybe we got the same thing here. 烤魚: (打開水龍頭採樣) I don't mean to challenge your intelligence, but the normal water won't bubbling like this unless it's Perrier. 囧尼: What causes that? 烤魚: Not sure yet... But highly flamable...    (拿出火焰噴槍) 囧尼: (倒退三步) Whoa, whoa, whoa. 烤魚: Just an experiment. 囧尼: You're a smart guy. 烤魚: (把噴槍湊近水龍頭開口, 輕按一下火焰馬上出現)    Methane. All people and animals around here got sick. 回到辦公室, 烤魚找來Rosalin. Rosalin: I heard that Bill Gilbson is dead. 烤魚: You have to talk the PIO. Rosalin: Fine. (轉身要走) 烤魚: I can talk off the record. (Rosalin回頭) We suspect that water sources for those ranches in Cable spring is contaminated. Rosalin: Yeah, and people there already know that a year ago. 烤魚: Richard Adams went there and talked to them. He knew there is something wrong. Which means Conserv knows that, too. Rosalin: I can draw the conclusion myself. 烤魚: And now they're all dead... why? Rosalin: Because... they figured out a year ago what you figured out now. Lots of sick people in Cable Springs already learned that. 烤魚: Have you seen your doctor recently. Rosalin: ... Yes. You can read that in the book, too. 烤魚: Just when it will be available to read? Rosalin:... Unfortunately my resources are dying now... Have you ever heard the word "fracking"? 烤魚: Sounds like a Sci-Fi word. Rosalin: Look it up, and then give me a call.(離開) 烤魚: Very well. 小哈去找羅賓爺爺~~ 小哈: I'm not gonna touch anything. 羅賓爺爺: Good. Is that the report of Walter Burns's water sample? (拿了報告開始看)      Methane,xxx, ooo and Benzane!? This result suggests cardiovascular damage, liver dysfunction, ooo, xxx, and even nerve system shriking! And the bacterial culture? Come'on over here. Come this way. Take a look. 小哈: (戰戰兢兢靠近顯微鏡) I don't need a mask, do I? 羅賓爺爺: No. 小哈: (看了顯微鏡底下的影像) Nasty. 羅賓爺爺: These all together suggested metastatic carcinomos. That's why those people and animals sick. 小哈: It is the same toxin in Walter Burns as what Dr. Ray got from the ranch, but the density of those chemicals are higher... 羅賓爺爺: He drawned in the source of contimination! 凱姐在跟艾禿爭辯 凱姐: We need to warn people! 艾禿: And tell them what? We don't have enough evidences yet! 烤魚: I got it! 凱姐+艾禿: ? 烤魚: Fracking. It is a process to get gas from the rock beds. It is formed by pumping the fracturing fluid into the wellbore at a rate sufficient to increase the pressure downhole to a value in excess of the fracture gradient of the formation rock. This create miniearthquakes. 凱姐: And the fracking fluids? 烤魚: If the company follow the protocol, it enters the groundwater. 艾禿: The Conserv Solution must did environmental assessment before they start drilling...... I'll can the health department and you guys keep working on the crime. 烤魚: The water is crime. 艾禿: Seriously, it's not Chinetown, Ray. 烤魚: All right, you need more direct evidences? The contained soil analysis showed the oil is from a commercial vehicle. The only commercial vehicle the killer can drive in that area is Conserv Solution's trucks. 艾禿: Well, I'm not sure it is enough for a warrant... 凱姐: Get us a warrant. 囧尼烤魚來到挖掘現場 囧尼: I got to take a look of your trucks. 工頭: Why? 囧尼: Because a paper said so. (遞出warrant) 烤魚: Do you guys have a gym out there? 工頭: What? No! 烤魚: Then why there is a pool there? (指指地圖) 工頭: We pumped it out and stored it there. 烤魚: Fascinating! 囧尼在查卡車的過程中發現工地周圍鐵絲往上纏了一片布料... 囧尼: Ray! Got what looks like a piece of shirt here. 烤魚: It looks like Walter Burns's shirt? 囧尼: Yeah, man, I think he is here. 烤魚: I think he tried to get the evidence of the contamination.    The prood is in that evaporasing pool. 囧尼: Somebody spots him and hit him. He passed by the pool, and drawned. Then they moved him...    (對著走過來的工頭說) We need the list of names of your truck drivers and their driving licenses. 工頭: I gotta call my boss. It gonna take a while. 囧尼: You take all the time you need, Hoss. Nothing moves while    you call. 烤魚接到小葛電話... 小葛: Hey, Ray, found your leaky truck! 烤魚: Keep the driver there, then. We have to ask some questions. 小葛: Yeah, well, he's not going anywhere. 401a, hit and run, fertality. 小葛那邊的現場 Reed: I have been up and down this road and no sign of the other car. 小葛: Well, have a look at this. Somebody loosened the screw.    Our driver, Cody Trimble, walked down to fix it, and then - boom - he got hit by another car. Reed: And that's a take-care of the Conserv. 小葛: That was not an accident. 囧尼烤魚試射了Coby車上發現的九厘米, 想當然爾的完全吻合... 囧尼: Too easy. 烤魚: And this is the same color of Walter Burns. He drowned in that pool. Cody Trimble pulled the body to the hot spring... He did all these by his own? 囧尼: That's some serious company royality. 凱姐跟布拔討論案情, 艾禿出現 艾禿: That's it. Case closed. 布拔: What? They told you so? 艾禿: No, they're not telling you. I'm telling you now.    You got the bad guy. Justice has conserved. Case closed. 凱姐: What about the Conserv Solution? 布拔: And I know for sure somebody with money-pocket paid Coby to do his dirty works, and then dispose to him! 艾禿: Et tu, Brass? 凱姐: Bill Gilbson blowed himself because the company took everything from him. His health, his ranch, and his wife! And there is hundred of Bill Gilbson there. 艾禿: (妥協) Keep the case open, and let me know if you guys    get any advances leads. (離開) 凱姐與布拔相視而笑~~ 最後, 烤魚與Rosalin見面~~ 烤魚: "Fracking" is that Conserv Solution used to pumped gasoline out from the rockbeds. But apparantly they contaminate the water resources by keeping the fracking fluid on the surface. Rosalin: (笑) You get a gold star. 烤魚: Thank you. That was Walter want to get. He wants to get the evidence to prove that. Rosalin: I tried to talk Walter out. I said I had better ways to prove what the company done. But Walter didn't listen to me. I worked on Richard for a long time. And he finally realize that. He finally see that people are dying...       (咳嗽了起來) 烤魚: Short, controlled breathe. That's it. That's it. Rosalin: (平穩下來) I thought I could finish it before there is no time left. I believe the "one person can change the world" thing. Mayne I was wrong. I'm still going to publish the book anyway. 烤魚: If you publish it without solid evidences, Conserv will bury you. They will sue you or even worse... Rosalin: They will try. That's how they win. By threatening people. By silencing them. But funny thing is, I'm not afraid anymore. I guess it means I have nothing more to loose. 烤魚: Or not. Take this. (遞出一張名片) It's my friend. She's starting a clinic trail. Holding the slat for you. Least I could do. Rosalin: (笑, 收下名片後離開) 本集心得: 1) 因為是跟本人major相關的東西, 一整個看的很熱血/火大~~ 2) Bill老伯無奈又憤怒的怒吼那一段好心酸... TAT 3) 總覺得艾禿大概也受了不少"關切"的壓力......      4) 讓我想到茱莉亞羅勃茲的"永不妥協"跟一本叫做"沙鷗飛處"的書... 5) 對啦對啦, XX石化好安全, 叫那些董事長經理什麼的全部搬下來 到工廠旁邊住啊! 還可以就近監督刺激生產力勒~~多好~~ (好吧對不起我激動了Orz) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/12 14:54, , 1F
感謝pisacat 嗚嗚,我也是想到永不妥協(女王好好看)
11/12 14:54, 1F

11/12 22:59, , 2F
"You are not Erin Brockovich!!"
11/12 22:59, 2F

11/13 01:10, , 3F
到底"低都林"什麼時候才會再出現呀>< 我要"低都林"....
11/13 01:10, 3F

11/13 04:17, , 4F
看來這集不會有後續了(遣憾) 司機的死大概沒法另演一集
11/13 04:17, 4F

11/13 15:49, , 5F
這集真是令人感到無奈... T^T
11/13 15:49, 5F

11/13 17:27, , 6F
這集有提到Erin Brockovich阿~ 就是你們說的永不妥協!
11/13 17:27, 6F

11/13 18:08, , 7F
11/13 18:08, 7F

11/14 00:04, , 8F
或者Damages的Patty Hews+Ellen Parson
11/14 00:04, 8F

11/14 00:57, , 9F
11/14 00:57, 9F

11/14 13:42, , 10F
永不妥協阿 偷推Julia Roberts
11/14 13:42, 10F

11/15 01:00, , 11F
11/15 01:00, 11F

11/15 01:00, , 12F
11/15 01:00, 12F

11/15 10:49, , 13F
11/15 10:49, 13F

11/15 11:59, , 14F
11/15 11:59, 14F

11/18 11:01, , 15F
看完心酸+1 感覺那裡居民好無奈 財團夠可惡!
11/18 11:01, 15F

11/26 03:54, , 16F
老伯那段我都快哭了= = 可是接下來的那幕又很好笑...矛盾阿
11/26 03:54, 16F

12/04 19:54, , 17F
說Erin Brockovich的時候我笑了... 因為女王不就有演其
12/04 19:54, 17F

12/04 19:54, , 18F
12/04 19:54, 18F

12/05 19:50, , 19F
12/05 19:50, 19F
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