[劇情] CSI: NY 707

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/11/07 13:38), 編輯推噓11(1106)
留言17則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
日光節約時間要結束啦~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 包子大拍拍... 片頭, 包子大聚集實驗室人員.... 包子大: I recieved a memo from my superior officer just prior this meeting. It reads as follows: "There is no sniper." (沉默, 把memo撕掉) Make no mistake about it. New York City has a sniper. And he is good....... He's percise, he's determineded, and he leaves no witness. Our hope is this is a one-time case, and our killer will be in custody soon. I know that is the press wants the public to believe. I do know, what we can't know is when and where our shooter will stike again. 又一名受害者, 席德大叔忙翻了, 彈殼不知道為啥粉碎在傷口上 霍克葛格走進來, 跟席德大叔說他有第二名狙擊手受害者要處理 霍克葛格: Vanessa Walter. Her wound looks clearer? 霍克葛格建議用掃描儀器檢視子彈位置, 席德大叔準備進入顱內取出子彈時, 屍體頭部卻忽然爆炸了! 爆炸威力正擊席德大叔的臉部, 席德大叔倒地... 霍克葛格: Sid! Sid, are you all right? Get the ER in! 丹尼: (跟Jo一起出現在法醫室) Doc! Jo: Oh my God. 席德大叔被擔架帶走 霍克葛格: You'll be all right. 席德大叔: Yeah. 霍克葛格: (走回去找丹尼跟Jo) Looks good, a little bit confused, but he'll be fine. Jo: Without the glasses, he'll be blind now. 丹尼: What happened? 霍克葛格: We're examining the second victim, and all of a sudden her head just explode. 丹尼: Explode? Jo: The entry is different from the first victim. 丹尼: Yeah, and we still not sure how could that be. 霍克葛格: I ran the text screening and the result is about to come back now... (檢視儀器) Nitro Glysero. Jo: He not only killed people, but he actually shooting them with explosive bullets! 包子大跟那位superior officer正準備前往記者會現場... Officer: Look, your people is another thing. I need you not spill out to the press. Look, there is no sniper, is that clear? 包子大: They have the right to know the truth. Officer: Why? So they can get panic? ... The only thing public need to know is what we telling them. 包子大: I'm not going to lie this to you. Officer: ... there is only a thin line between lying and truth. 包子大: ... these cases are related. As soon as people know, they can take actions to protect themselves! Officer: Look, I don't want to throw the whole city into panic! 包子大: Well, I don't think we can control that. Why you need me there anyway? Officer: You own the crime lab and the press will expected you control something already. Just go there and smile for a few minutes, okay? 包子大很無奈... Officer: Good afternoon, this is Mill Cover here to answer your questions. 記者A: Are the two shootings related? Officer: There is no evidence to support they are related. 記者B: Is there evidence to prove they're not related? Officer: So far we cannot conclude, but we believe they're isolated. 記者B: So those are isolated accidents? Officer: That's what we believe... 記者C: Chef Cover, is there a sniper in this city? Officer: Look, we're not jump to the conclusion okay? We're using all our resources... 記者A: Detective Tylor. Did your lab find out what the type of weapon the shooter use already? 包子大: At this point we have no idea what the gun or the bullet the shooter use. 記者B: Both victim are shut throught the window, is it true? 包子大: Yes. 記者B: Since it is true, one can assume that the shooter is from the roof around somewhere, right? 包子大: I would assume that as well. 記者C: Is there any witnesses of the shooting? 包子大: No. 記者A: So what you said is that both the two victims is shut by a man armed with gun perching at the roof top. Sounds like a sniper to me, detective. 包子大: Me, too. (轉身走人) Officer: (追上包子大) What's that. 包子大: Ask yourself a question. Won't you want to know the truth? Officer: ... What am I supposed to tell the mayor now? 包子大: Tell them I was never in a world without the sniper! 亞當在第一名受害者的生日宴會現場檢查跡證, 蒙大拿跟Jo前往紅外線模擬指出的射擊點的屋頂檢查...... Jo: Boottran impressions... (之後發現一根毛, 撿起) 蒙大拿: You found something? Jo: Based on the length and the diameter, I think this is a hair from the shooter's forearm. 蒙大拿: Okay, so our shooter can stand just right here when he fire. DNA? Jo: Doesn't look it has a root. Must be shade and fall. (電話響) Devile. Right. Ah. Okay, thanks. It was Flack. There is still no connection between Elizabeth Holt and Venessa Walter. 蒙大拿: Great. So the shooter is just walking around and shooting people randomly? Jo: Starting to look like that. So many people, so many targets. 蒙大拿: You walk around everyday without realizing how vulnerable you are. Vanessa is killed in her office, and Elizabeth is shut with people who love her were around! So scary... Jo: And random. 蒙大拿: (低頭撿起一隻蟲) Jo: I don't know you're into bugs. 蒙大拿: I'm not. But I'm interested in witness. The body is green, not red. Jo: There is no evidence suggesting the shooter is bleeding here. 蒙大拿: So whose blood this is? 實驗室裡, 丹尼在做實驗, 想搞清楚兩個受害者傷口的差異...... 丹尼: (看到霍克葛格走進來) Perfect timing. I shut the gel, and boom, the wound is totally like our first victim. 霍克葛格: ... what about the second round? Why it exploded? 丹尼: I reduced the amount of Nitro Glysero to half, and look at it. 霍克葛格: The bullet is a whole... 丹尼: Until it is aggitated! (戴好頭盔, 拉下面罩, 戴上耳罩) 霍克葛格退後, 丹尼拿根尺從傷口戳進去...碰! 霍克葛格: That's just what happened to Sid during the anatomy. It's just he's using his own fingers. 丹尼: Yeah. How's he? 霍克葛格: He's fine. Actually he's ignoring the rest request from the doctors and is back to the office now. 丹尼: Right. I guess he won't be happy untill he's looking dead things. 蒙大拿在檢查那隻甲蟲, 機器手臂樣本資料庫又出現啦! Jo則在嘗試從手臂毛粹取DNA... 包子大, 霍克葛格, 蒙大拿和亞當在討論案情, 大家還是找不出兩名受害者的相關點. 蒙大拿說甲蟲是來自於熱帶美洲的物種, 用來作為顏料使用. Jo此時走進來說甲蟲上的血的DNA跟毛髮的粒腺體DNA, 都與十五年前一個九歲男孩失蹤案的受害者相吻合! 包子大: Michael Reynolds!? 蒙大拿: You know him? 包子大: There was a three-year searching of him. Jo跟包子大檢視案子... 包子大: Michael was missing after 72 hours and the case came to my table... He was kidnapped on the way home. The searching last three years. During the time we have no idea he's alive or dead. It was the first time I questioned which of the two options would be best... Jo: I bet the parents are asking the same question to themselves. 包子大: At age 12, he finally managed to escape. Jo: Gash, I can't imagine how heart-broken for a 12 year kid. 包子大: I went by to see him a few times after that. He always wanted to look my badge. He asked if it is pure gold when he put it on. His brother, Tom, too. I thought for sure one of those boys will become a cop one day. I want to keep in touch with the family. But one case come, and then another... then I lost the touch. Now the boy is the prime suspect of a murder investigation. (搖頭) Jo: Mac, there is so much this job allowed us to do. 霍克葛格出現說沒有任何紀錄Michael Reynolds的紀錄, Jo說非常有可能已經換了名字了, 包子大說那只好從他長大的家開始查起囉... 弗帥跟包子大到達Michael家,包子大看到Michael房間滿滿的壁畫, 許多是用那種甲蟲的紅色作為顏料畫出來的...... 對面住戶的女孩忽然跟包子大打招呼~~ 女孩: (拉開窗戶) There's no one there, you know. They haven't been there for a while. 包子大: (也打開窗戶) A while? 女孩: The kids are left once they're not teenagers anymore. The parents go to Florida once in a while after the dad retired. They're gone about a month now. 包子大: How long you've been there? 女孩: Long time. Are you a cop? 包子大: I worked in the crime lab. 女孩: So you know what happened to Michael? 包子大: I'm one of the detectives working on that case. Mac Taylor. 女孩: Hailey, Haily... 包子大: Hailey McCanne. I interviewed you when you sat by the window. When you're probably only about... Hailey: Nine. Same as Michael. I never forgot when my mom told me what happened to Michael. Bad things can happen to you in everyday life. When he came back, he had nighmares... I remembered that. God, those screams. You can heard them through the windows. It last a few more years. The only thing seem helpful is painting. That's when he seems in peace. 包子大: When did Michael leave home? Hailey: After 18. 包子大: Where did he go? Hailey: I don't know. I don't even think he told his parents. He just left. 此時弗帥走進來... 弗帥: Mac, we got another victim. 這次的受害者是一名男性. 弗帥: It's a male victim this time. 包子大: Clearly the gender pattern is broken now. Jo告知包子大受害者的身分... Jo: ... an accounting from Connecticut. 包子大: Married? Jo: Yeah. 包子大: Kids? Jo: (點頭) 包子大: (嘆氣, 看著走來的Mill先生) Prepared to tell the public the truth now? Mill: I've heard that you have a prime suspect now? 包子大: Michael Reynolds. He's a missing person I worked 15 years ago. Mill: You sure those cases are all connected? 包子大: You're trying to convience me or yourself? Mill: Look, let's try to get on the same page now. What do you exactly want me to go there and tell them? 包子大: Letting them know there is a sniper. That whole city should be high-alerted. Otherwise I promise you there will be another victim! 蒙大拿持續追蹤甲蟲線索, 利用同位素追蹤出來的甲蟲產地找出從該處進口該甲蟲的供應商後, 與Michael公寓裡發現的顏料廠商客戶名單交叉比對... 蒙大拿: That's what comes out. Jo: Michael Francis? 蒙大拿: A dead end. Jo: Francis, Francis... the adaptor syndrome! A lot of times the victims start symbolize their abusers. 蒙大拿: Right, especially after a long time. Jo: Colt Francis is Michael's kidnapper! He adapt his last name! We need a current address of Michael Francis! 丹尼跟弗帥帶著一隊員警去逮人, 但是破門而入見到的卻是Michael的屍體! 弗帥: Letter confirmed the ID of the body. Michael Francis. He leaved here alone. 丹尼跟弗帥找槍, 卻找不到. 丹尼: I don't think he commended suicide. Michael Francis is murdered. 弗帥: What a life. He got 3 years to run out from a kidnapper, only to get killed 15 years later. 丹尼: (嘗試抬屍體的腳) ... He's been dead over 48 hours. 弗帥: That puts his death prior than our victims. 局裡, 包子大告知蒙大拿和Jo這個消息. 包子大: Michael is not the sniper. He's dead, murdered. Danny and Flack just found his body. Jo: Oh, Mac, I'm so sorry. 蒙大拿: Any idea who killed him? 包子大: Must be the sniper, no matter who he is. 蒙大拿: Well, that explains why the beetle we found on the sight has Michael's blood on it. 包子大: ... They probably had a struggle... Jo: So the sniper transferred the beetle to the roof top. If Michael is not the sniper, then who he is? 包子大: (思考) The hair. There is only one possible source of it. Michael has a brother, Tom. 蒙大拿: The mitochondrial DNA is match to Michael. 包子大: Michael and Tom shared the same maternal root of mitochondria. 蒙大拿: So Tom is our shooter. Why? Jo: One sign I found here is that everyone is around Michael to celebrate his returning; Tom is just standing there and staring. 包子大: Cold and being neglected. 蒙大拿: You're saying he's shooting people because he didn't get enough hogs and kisses from Mommy and Daddy? Jo: A lot of studies of serial killers proved that neglection is one most common abusion to kids. 蒙大拿: But not everyone ends up shooting people randomly. Heading to that point must have some extra reasons. Jo: It is. Environment together with some particular genetic triggers leading to an unendurable points eventually. 包子大: Nature combined with nurture. 此時包子大的手機響起. Hailey: Detective Taylor. 包子大: Hailey! Hailey: He's back. Tom. He's acting crazy and searching for something. 包子大: Did he see you? Hailey: No, I don't think so. 包子大: Hailey, step away from the window. Hailey: (躲到窗簾後) Why? What's going on. 包子大: He's a suspect of an investigating murder case. Hailey: Tom killed someone? Oh my God! 包子大: What's going on? Hailey: I- I think he saw me. (對面窗戶的Tom匆匆離開) He's gone. Where is he going!? 包子大: Hailey, is anyone with you? Hailey: No, no. I'm home alone. 包子大: Hailey, lock the door, and stay where you are. (把手機遞給蒙大拿) Keep talking to her. Jo帶人前往Tom老家, 包子大則帶人前往Hailey家. 包子大最後在Hailey的衣櫃裡發現縮在裡面的Hailey. 包子大: Hailey, it's me. You're all right. Hailey: Thanks... 包子大: He's gone. You're fine now. Hailey: Why did he come back? What he's looking for? 包子大: I don't know. I'm gonna finding out. 包子大把Michael房間的東西都帶回局裡, 然後發現一大盒的錄像帶... 此時Tom正走在街上, 回想自從Michael回到家後, 每晚惡夢驚醒父母親馬上跑來安撫Michael都沒注意到也被吵醒的他... Jo跟蒙大拿檢查錄像帶. Tom: Emptiness, loliness, abandon! How much one person can take? How much can one person endure!? I tried, God know I did try! But it is too late now. You made my life a living hell. Jo: (停下錄影帶) Searching the facial image on all block cameras in Mannhaten now. (繼續撥放錄影帶) Tom: And for what? What did I do to deserve this? I'm tired waiting things to change! It always stays the same! 蒙大拿: He looks young. Maybe 17. Jo: I would say this is recorded before he starts killing the one. 蒙大拿: The one he thought is responsible for neglection? Jo: Yeah. And things sparks from that. 蒙大拿: So why searching them? Jo: Tom knows we're gonna figure out it is him. The videos confirmed it. So the only way is to destroy them. Tom: Every day, I wait you to look at me! But you pass me! You cast me a sign. I become invisible. I'm not invisible. I'm right here. Right here in front of you. Turn my life into hole. Empty of everything. One day, you'll pay. 蒙大拿: Nothing! This is taking forever! Jo: Then let's sending his image to the alert system. Now we only need one person to recognize him! 於是紐約市的大家都接到來自警局的警告消息啦(送到個人手機裡)! Tom在準備進入一間旅館前, 被坐在旅館外頭用咖啡的顧客認了出來, 該女子馬上打了911通知了警方. 包子大: This is Taylor. I'm on my way. (對Jo說) It's Flack. Someone just got a hit. Jo: Where? 包子大: Park Hotel. Tom在屋頂上組槍, 下方警車聚集, Tom嘗試要找個目標, 但是警方迅速驅散在場的民眾, 對街的辦公室們也紛紛拉上百葉窗...... 警方的狙擊手也都就位了, 並鎖定了Tom所在的西北角落. 包子大: Flack, we're on the roof. 弗帥: They responsed on the North West corner. Repeat. North West corner. 包子大: Air support? 弗帥: Denial. They're hovering around. 包子大跟幾名員警兩面包抄, 此時Tom針對警方的狙擊手開火. 包子大: There's a miss. The sniper is too well protected! (開始喊話) It's over! Tom! Put down your weapon. I know what happened to your brother. Tom: You don't know anything! (把獵槍放下換手槍) 包子大: I know what happening. I was there. I know what happened to you! Tom對另一側嘗試接近他的員警開槍, 員警中擔倒地. 包子大: Man down! Repeat, Man down. I need ER to stand-by! (Tom對包子大所在位置開槍) I need to go to my man, Tom. You need to let me do that! You heard me? (Tom再開槍) Tom緊盯倒地的員警 包子大: Your family turned away from you. We all did. I know how it must feel like! Tom: You don't know everything! No one knows what it feels like living in a hole! Abadoned! Neglected! No one knows how it is like! 包子大: Killing people won't change that! Tom: Look around you! What is happening? All those people are dead because of me! Because of what I'm doing! 包子大: There are other ways! Tom: I tried other ways! Nothing is change! But now, this is different. People will know me! They will know my names! They'll know my face! They'll know me because of this! Tom起身準備對該員警補槍 包子大: No! (開槍射擊Tom身邊的那些具爆炸威力的子彈) Tom被爆炸威力彈開, 眾員警一擁而上將他逮捕. 包子大: (趕到員警旁邊) Stay with me. Okay? You'll be all right. 席德大叔吃力的閱讀文件中~~ Jo: (出現, 遞上新眼鏡) Will this help? 席德大叔: A perfect match with the other one! Thank you! Jo: You're welcomed. How do you feeling? 席德大叔: The image is a little bit different. Jo: Impact-proof glass, just in case. I got my mom-mode. 席德大叔: The thing I can't figure out is how you know my prescription? Jo: (笑) I'm a detective, Sid. 席德大叔: And a very good one, I see. Jo: Good night, Sid. 席德大叔: Good night, Jo. Thanks. 包子大回到辦公室, 看著滿箱從Michael的房間帶回來的東西. 然後包子大注意到一幅畫, 上面有寫著四個數字: 8433. 包子大想了想, 低頭看自己的警徽, 果然那是他的警徽的號碼... 包子大最後把那幅畫放在辦公室的一角. 本集心得: 1) 對包子大來說好"情何以堪"的一集啊.....(拍拍) 2) 我說啊, 紐約的法醫室看起來是最不安全的一間哪~~ 席德大叔應該會覺得羅賓爺爺那裡讓人很羨慕吧? XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/07 14:46, , 1F
11/07 14:46, 1F

11/07 14:48, , 2F
在驗屍的時候,聽到"砰~"一聲..嚇死我了Orz 幸好沒事!
11/07 14:48, 2F

11/07 14:48, , 3F
包子 大拍拍 席德大叔也拍拍
11/07 14:48, 3F

11/07 14:58, , 4F
NY是法醫室不安全 海灘是法醫本身不安全
11/07 14:58, 4F

11/07 15:21, , 5F
11/07 15:21, 5F

11/07 15:22, , 6F
+得意門生走偏路,我看下次Sid被綁架也不意外了( ̄y▽ ̄)╭
11/07 15:22, 6F

11/07 16:01, , 7F
兇手其實只想引起人的注意的梗再現-.- 整集重點在法醫室!!
11/07 16:01, 7F

11/07 23:33, , 8F
不會呀 海灘的法醫是最自嗨的TOM爺爺XD
11/07 23:33, 8F

11/08 00:48, , 9F
11/08 00:48, 9F

11/08 13:37, , 10F
那個送照片到個人手機的功能 是每隻手機都收的到的嗎?
11/08 13:37, 10F

11/08 13:38, , 11F
這也太神奇 耗資龐大耶! 那兇手如果有手機不就也知道了?!
11/08 13:38, 11F

11/08 16:21, , 12F
那應該是什麼通報網之類的 要登錄過手機號碼的人才有
11/08 16:21, 12F

11/08 16:22, , 13F
11/08 16:22, 13F

11/08 22:33, , 14F
11/08 22:33, 14F

11/09 22:41, , 15F
手機那裡有夠像gossip girl八卦秒傳 XDDDDDDrz
11/09 22:41, 15F

11/09 22:42, , 16F
11/09 22:42, 16F

11/10 03:05, , 17F
11/10 03:05, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1CrZixIw (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1CrZixIw (CSI)