[劇情] CSI: LV 1103 大雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/10/08 12:53), 編輯推噓14(1407)
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血我想應該是很難吃的 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 到底該說閃還是不閃哩? (偏頭疑惑中) 片頭, 一名男子在樹林中奔跑, 穿插畫面是熱情滿滿滾床單的凱姐跟Vartan先生!!!!! >///< 然後就跳到犯罪現場啦..... Vartan: You know the speed limit is not a suggestion, right? 凱姐: So you're gonna to give me a ticket? 然後接近現場的兩人被血淋淋的犯罪現場愣住了..... 該死者身首異處, 身體被固定在鐵絲籬笆上, 頭被釘在木樁上. 烤魚: You can see horror in his eyes. This man knew he is going to die. 凱姐: ... That’s a great pool of blood. 烤魚: He was alive when his head is cut off. 凱姐: (看著還沒乾的血泊) Still tacky. Vartan: The rangers said they heard wolves roaring and then came in to check... 烤魚: Socratic killing usually take place in a natural environment as the park. But this...(對著血淋淋場面皺眉頭) If it was a socratic killing, it must have a sign... (抬頭看天空,樹梢上有紅色月亮) Blood moon. It had been thought as precursor for ending days. 凱姐; Well, it is certainly for this guy. 天亮了, 囧尼跟大?也都到現場啦~~ 囧尼: No tire track, no footprint. I can't even see one by myself. 烤魚: (檢視著鐵絲網跟頭顱, 一隻天牛從死者嘴裡爬出來...) Whoa. Where is the bug man when you need him? 囧尼: Here I am... That is a longhorn beetle. 烤魚: (檢視死者嘴裡) There is something else in his mouth... 囧尼: (夾出一團物質) Hair. Maybe he got this from his attacker? 烤魚: (檢視死者手腕上的勒痕) The pattern is inconsistent with the barbed wire. So, the victim ran into the barbed wire, and then caught up by his attacker... 囧尼: And our killer… turned him around. Killer wants to look into his eye. 烤魚: Maybe that makes the killer more comfortable. 囧尼: (看著大衛拿出電鉅) What are you doing. 大衛: Dr. Robin wants the whole head... I’ll grab the head? 囧尼: Huh. (大衛把木樁連頭砍下帶走) 回到局裡, 羅賓爺爺把頭拔下來... 羅賓爺爺: Trachea, soft pallete, and all the way into the brain... 大衛檢視屍體以後確認是多次砍擊才完成斷頭大任的, 大衛說了一串打油詩, 聽起來是啥都會傳奇之類的, 羅賓爺爺糾正說事實上詩裡的主角只做了19次的whap... (我不清楚這個故事, 請萬能版友補充吧~~ XD) 烤魚跟莎拉檢視屍體手上的勒痕, 確認是某種cult. 莎拉: It needs full struggle to make such a trace... 烤魚: It's a powerful thing. The will to live. 莎拉: So is the will to kill. 莎拉拿水管開始沖屍體, 發現死者皮膚上有一層油脂... 莎拉: Lotion and massage oil. He's been waxed! 烤魚: From head to toe. 莎拉: And all the areas between. (注意到死者肚臍聚集的物質) I think the wax is… still stick around. I'll send this to Hodges. Vartan跟凱姐報告案情進展, 無失蹤人口符合死者敘述. 然後Vartan眼見四下無人就開始進行私人對話啦~~ Vartan: You know, about last night...... 凱姐: (笑) It was great. We should do that more often. Vartan: (笑, 繼續往前走, 裝作不經意的問) Yeah, why don't you move in with me. 凱姐: (停下腳步, 愣住) Excuse me? Vartan: (回頭正色) Uh, I'm serious. I'd like to make dinners for you. Maybe the breakfasts bringing to your bed as well. If you’re good with that… 小哈: (從Vartan背後出現) That sounds nice. 凱姐: I- um - I’ll talk to you later. Vartan: (尷尬) Yeah. See you later. 小哈: I always imagine Wendy and I will move in together one day. We'll cuddling on the coach and what a movie all night... 凱姐: Do you have something for me? 小哈乖乖打住, 報告凱姐說死者身上的物質是橄欖油為主的按摩油. 凱姐: You know, I once went to a Anubis SPA. Is sugar-based SPA origining from Egypt... 小哈: Then an olve-oil base SPA... 凱姐: I'm guessing a trand from Mediterranean? 烤魚跟囧尼來到Las Vegas提供有地中海按摩的旅館, 其中一名失蹤的房客Michael跟死者形象吻合... 根據死者房間內的西裝/結婚誓辭/塞爾提克婚戒, 烤魚跟囧尼判定死者是準備在賭城結婚的, 囧尼找到兩張收據, 上面寫著花跟蛋糕必須送到旅館的時間, 赫然就是當天~~ 烤魚: The wedding is today. 兩人於是來到婚宴現場, 打開門卻愣住了, 滿滿的賓客盡是......吸血鬼!!! 吸血鬼們看到兩位不速之客紛紛露出獠牙發出hiss聲...... 囧尼: You wouldn't have any garlic with you, would you? 烤魚; No, I'm all freshed out. 凱姐跟烤魚詢問新娘子Julie, 吸血鬼聯盟的負責人Thomas也陪在她旁邊 Julie: I think I'm going be sick. Thomas: Please, doesn't she has enough? Don't you think you're out of kind? 凱姐: Out kind? A young man was brutally murdered, and you had better pull out the act. Thomas: The act? 烤魚: When did you see Michael last time? Julie: Um, yesterday afternoon. Thomas: After the rehearsal they went back to their rooms... They're not seeing each other before the wedding. It is a tradition. We want to keep the ceremony as sacred as possible. Not like people now... you can get the license by driving-in, and Elvis will hand you the paper. 囧尼在詢問伴郎... 伴郎表示新郎婚前一切正常~~ 伴郎: He is so happt to marry the love of his life. 囧尼: So you arrange the bachelor party? 伴郎: Bachelor party? No, we all just died and Michael went back to his room for vow practice and meditation. A true vampire needs great control to achieve the soul. Julie: This is all my failt... I just thought it is a good idea to get married here. All of our friends will be here. 烤魚: Friends? Thomas: All our Coves and Clans friends. And others... You know, vampires, and unfortunately werewolves. 烤魚注意到Julie跟Thomas手掌上的傷痕, 說Michael也有一樣的痕跡, Thomas解釋是吸血鬼們結盟的方式...... Julie: Whoever killed Michael, put a stake to my heart, too. 莎拉跟小葛邊檢查跡證邊談論吸血鬼話題. 小葛說在羅馬尼亞鄉間, 有一戶相信吸血鬼的人家, 不只把死者挖出墳墓, 砍斷他的頭(古老的說法是,釘木樁不夠,還要斷首才行!), 還把死者燒成灰混在水裡喝下~~ 莎拉: Seriously? 小葛: Yeah! Unfortunately, Romania cops don't believe vampires and therefore charge the family with abusing crops. But the townpeople? They are with the family. 兩人確認凶器是有弧度與重量的利刃 小葛: Most likely an axe, or a hatchet. 囧尼在充滿奇裝異服的人們的大廳找到烤魚(該旅館似乎正有相關活動...) 囧尼: You did see his room... 烤魚: Yeah, and... (忽然轉身) Ha! 囧尼: Whoa! (看著戴上血色隱形眼鏡與獠牙的吸血鬼烤魚) 烤魚: You know, I kind of understand their feelings now. I do feel powerful, more confident. 囧尼: Yeah, you kinda freak me to death. 烤魚: Anyway, this is the same contact we found near the victim. (烤魚轉身準備跟囧尼一起去各個攤位查看, 一名小男生跟烤魚面對面) 小男生: Wow. Cool eyes! Mom? I need your credit card~~ 囧尼: I think you just turned another kid to the dark side. 兩人接近一個武器攤, 攤上擺飾之一就是一顆插在木樁上的假頭. 烤魚: I didn't know vampires and werewolves need weapons. 攤主: Oh, they don't, you do. (轉身趕走他正在跟某狼人攀談的助手) Honey! Don't flirt with the dog! I'm the decent of the great Van Helsing. I've seen the evil, I can tell by just a look... 烤魚: Yeah, what's the best way to decapitate a vampire? 攤主: Whoa... (挑出一隻長劍) 囧尼: How many that cost? 攤主: For you, young man, I can do... 450 bucks 囧尼: And anything else? 攤主: You're not wasting my time, are you? (玩笑似的揮著劍) (烤魚和囧尼笑著閃躲) Honey, would you give me the wood aces? 烤魚: Curved, heavy... 囧尼: How mant of this you sold out? 攤主: Not much. People usually get the sword... if you want to... 烤魚+囧尼: We'll take it. 回到局裡,烤魚開始用新玩具砍果凍半身人,墨水濺的到處都是, 走進來的囧尼受到正面衝擊~~ 囧尼: Oh, man. 烤魚: Sorry for that. 囧尼: That's okay, the shirt is begging for that. How many times Dr. Robin said our victim got? 烤魚: 19 times. 囧尼: And how many times you're now? 烤魚: About 11... My arm is killing me. 囧尼: Let me...... Once you chop it, onec you burn it. (囧尼從另一個角度砍了五下,果凍人的頭終於斷了) That's my five. Your 11 makes it 16... 烤魚驚覺死者受到的攻擊是各方向的 烤魚: Why bother if you can finish the work in one angle? 囧尼: So he can make it easier by moving around? 烤魚: There is another possibility... Maybe he was not along? 小哈跟凱姐報告說,死者口裡的毛髮不是人類的,是狗毛~~ 小哈: Canis lupus. Or, maybe, Werewolves. You know, legens said that vampires are once werewolves' salvers before the Trajanic war. So their relationship is like ooo and xxx, @@@ and ***... 凱姐: Like Tome and Jerry, I got it. 小哈: Greg is running canin CODIS now. 凱姐: Okay. (轉身準備走人) 小哈: Catherine? Just curious... Detective Vartan and you will share his house or your place. 凱姐: (微微愣住) Really not your business. 小哈: I once had love in my hand, but I let it slip through my fingers. And I don't know if I'll regret it for the rest of my life. It's a terrible thing to wake up alone every day. 凱姐: I... will take that in mind. 小葛找到那隻狗啦~~ 小葛: Timber, here, join in the fight. His owner is Kurt Franciz. He's the leader of werewolf pack. 狼人們的聚會中, 吸血鬼女孩不甘不願的送著酒. Kurt: How about it, Honey? How about a lap dance? 吸血鬼女孩: Get your hands off me! 烤魚的柺杖出現把Kurt架開, 所有的狼人都開始鼓譟... 囧尼: Hey! Easy! 烤魚: (摸了一下Kurt的毛夾克) Is that wolf hair? Kurt一下反應要動粗, 結果被烤魚掠倒在地. 囧尼: (掏槍嚇阻其他狼人) Back up! Back up! 烤魚: The uncomfortable feeling is due to my fingers around your neck now that cutting off the oxygen from your brain… You should pass out right now, now! Kurt被帶回局裡, 吵著叫他們把背心還來. 囧尼: You know, when I was a kid, our dog died and we're really sad. We once thought to make him a vest, but we never did that... Kurt: Timber is a royal member of our pack. I want to keep him with me! 囧尼: The hair from your vest is appeared on a crime scene. 烤魚: You know, maybe you know him. You're all the same, aren't you? Vampires, werewolves, or maybe there even be a half-breed... Kurt: We are nothing like those dark sucks! We're honest. We follow our instincts. We follow our urge. 烤魚: Yeah, like the urge to kill. 囧尼: Kurt, you know, I'm really tired about all those acting now... Werewolf or not, where were you two night before? Kurt: ... I don't remember. There was a full moon, I changed. I'm not strong, I can't control it. 烤魚: (拿手杖敲桌子) Do you at least remember where you were when the sun arise? Kurt: ... I was in my car. 烤魚: And where is the car? Kurt說出了車子停放的地點. 烤魚: Good dog. 莎拉跟小葛開始查車, 車內有高濃度的酒類飲料空瓶, 然後車門跟車內座椅上都有血跡反應, 然後莎拉注意到一件事...... 莎拉: What is that smell? 小葛去找囧尼跟烤魚. 囧尼: Vomit. Do we have to talk about that now? I'm eating! Man. 小葛不管他們, 自顧自的說嘔吐物的分析結果, 結論是人體的消化酵素, 似乎是有人殺害了Michael後引用了他的血, 結果因為人體血液的成分引發的嘔吐... 囧尼: It's Kurt Francis? 小葛: No, it's not him. 烤魚: If we accept the theory, werewolves don't drink blood... but vampires do. 囧尼: How a vampire hook up with a werewolf? 小葛: How they got into carpool? I can't tell. But I can tell you... the vampire we're looking is sick. 小葛說從化學檢驗分析顯示嘔吐物的製造人患有紫斑症(Porphyria). 囧尼理所當然的想起了從前的那個案件, 開開心心的描述了她的犯罪手法, 害正在進食中的烤魚差點嗆到~~ 於是囧尼跟烤魚來到了Michael的告別式, 烤魚自告奮勇的上前說要緬懷Michael 烤魚: Michael lived and died as a true vampire. He is died because of hatred. Hatred comes from fear. Fear of thing we don't understand. In the past, people see someone with bloods poping out from their mouths and then thought them as vampires... Such as yourselves. However, it's simply a medical case the science can explain... 烤魚開始敘述紫斑症的徵狀, 場下的吸血鬼越聽越不開心, Thomas大聲抗議. 囧尼: You know, Ray, this is a somber occassion. Maybe we should show more respects. What does the poem say? 烤魚: Let there be light. (囧尼一把拉開窗簾, 所有的吸血鬼開始遮掩) 烤魚: (邊走邊檢視眾人) Science has a way to tell who has porphyria. A symptom of the disease is... even a brief exposion to sunshine can cause your skin to burn, and blister. (停在Thomas面前) 回到局裡. Thomas: When I found him, he was already died. And I can't resist the urge to blood. 囧尼: How do you know where he is? Thomas: Because I heard his soul calling to me. They killed him. 囧尼: Yeah, who is "they"? Thomas: Werewolves. 烤魚: The evidence tells us you and Kurt Franciz were on the same car that appeared on the crime scene where Michael was killed. Maybe he lost faith? Maybe he started seeing you as who you really are? A frustrated web designer in London. 囧尼: Or maybe it's about the girl? Julie. You want her all to yourself, don't you? Thomas: I want a lawyer. 莎拉跟烤魚重新檢視了車內所有的血跡, 發現血跡量不吻合, 然後小哈向莎拉/烤魚/凱姐和囧尼報告說, 他在Michael的服裝上發現了一種植物的跡證, 但那種植物並未在屍體現場發現... 莎拉: We know where Michael ended up with, and we know where he got killed. But where did it begin? 莎拉跟囧尼去"健行"找案發起點~~ 莎拉說漏嘴講出了那種只有老葛會引經據典講的話 囧尼: Grissom? Is that you, Grissom? 莎拉: (笑) Shut up. I don't think he will appreciate for calling him up. 莎拉判斷他們快要接近目的地了, 還有不少坡要爬就是了. 莎拉: You can check first... if you can keep up. (大步往前走) 囧尼: (有點上氣不接下氣) All right!!! 兩人走到了那種花的生長地~~ 莎拉: Big fat tire trace 囧尼: (檢起地上某張被撕碎的照片) Got something here. 莎拉: Dirt's been disturbed. 囧尼: Another piece... (把碎片對起來) I know this guy. That's Kurt Franciz. 莎拉: (找到被掩蓋的凶器) I think somebody try to bury the hatchet. 囧尼跟凱姐報告他們的發現. 囧尼: This is Kurt Fransiz... and look who's here? 凱姐: ... Michael Wilson! 囧尼: I think Michael is a wolf fall into a vampire. He changed himself for Julie and thought no one will be able to identify his past... But they ran into Kurt in the hotel, and he got in his face. My guess is that Kurt went to Thomas and told him there is a betrayer. 凱姐: They joined the force to kill the man. 烤魚跟莎拉查兇器... 莎拉: I didn’t get blood. There are some patterns in the wood though. 烤魚: I think I see this before... (走去調出他跟囧尼模擬試驗時的照片) 莎拉: They're not identical but quite similar... 烤魚: My, um, my wedding makes the pattern. 莎拉提到狼人團體的戒指,兩人開始嘗試拼出戒指的樣子... 烤魚: (看著最後成果) That doesn't look like a wolf to me. Julie被找來局裡, 烤魚: (取出Michael放在旅館的戒指) It's designed to fit your wedding band, right? May I? (幫Julie戴上戒指,兩枚戒指相互完滿成一個形狀) Julie: We both love symbols. The idea is that we'd be together forever. 烤魚: Unfortunately, it also leaves a unique pattern when you was swinging the hatcher to Michael. 凱姐: You must got his blood all over your cloth, pants, or shoes... CSI is searching your hotel room now. 烤魚: Did he ever told you that he was once a werewolf? Julie: ... No. Thomas told me to go to the xxx Hill that night. He said it is a pre-wedding ritual. As soon as we got there, everything just went wrong. He asked Michael to hand over his contacts and fangs... (回想畫面: 狼人從樹後走出, Michael看到Kurt時臉色大變.) They chased him to the wire and culted him there... (回想畫面: Julie: No! Let him go!) (Thomas: Show her! Julie不敢置信的看著照片證據) He said he saw me at the convention. He thought we're destined to be together...... 凱姐: He changed his identity for you because he loves you. Julie: Love built on a lie isn't love! You can't be someone you're not! He wasn't one of us... 烤魚: That's what Thomas told you? He asked you to show your royality? 回想畫面: Thomas靠近被人架住的Julie: You can choose to stand by him. Thomas: But that makes no better than him. We're watching, Julie. Thomas把斧頭交到Julie手上,Julie慢慢向Michael靠近 Michael: It doesn't matter which part I am! I love you! We can still leave this and be together! Vampire, werewolves, none of there is real. I love you, which is real! Julie: You said you love me? That was your mistake! You can't be you and love me! (揮下斧頭) 烤魚: If you agree to testify against Tomas Stuwart, we can make a deal... Julie: I killed Michael. Vartan跟凱姐在凱姐辦公室, Kurt和Thomas等都被起訴了. 凱姐: And Julie will spend her honeymoon in jail... Oh, this love. Vartan: Well, there is stil hope for the rest of us. 凱姐: (笑) Vartan: You never give me the answer. 兩人一陣沉默... Vartan: You know, I understand...... 凱姐: (打斷) I think that what we have now is pretty awesome. And I don't want to ruin it. If we move in together, we might start arguing with each other, for we forgetting to upload the washmachine or stuff like that. Besides, our last try both ended badly... Vartan: I'm willing to risk it. 凱姐: ... I am not. Can't we just enjoy what we got now? Vartan: ... Yeah. I'll take it. 最後, 烤魚跟囧尼一邊用餐一邊看一部黑白恐怖片. 囧尼: Man, I saw this movie when I was 7... that totally scared me off. 烤魚: Yeah? 囧尼: No kidding! 烤魚: Sometimes I feel that humans are incapable for such terrible violence. But... Somethmes I can’t even believe in myself. 囧尼: Well... 烤魚: Anyway, one thing is sure, if people stop breaking those expextations. We'd be out of job. 囧尼: (笑, 呼叫器響起) Well, speaking of that...Tripple homicide at xxx. 烤魚: (起身) Let's go out and hunt some monsters! 本集心得: 1) 小哈乖...雖然我嚴重懷疑你幫了倒忙...... 2) Vartan要對凱女王跟你們的感情有信心喔!!! (握拳) 希望阿編沒有要趁亂放梗的意思(合掌)~~ 3) 忍不住覺得這些人生如戲的例子好誇張, 現實生活真的有人這樣嗎?(偏頭) 總覺得Michael死的很...沒意義...... Orz 4) 烤魚這集鑑長上身一下很神勇耶~~ XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/08 13:27, , 1F
10/08 13:27, 1F

10/08 13:54, , 2F
最後烤魚+囧尼那一幕是電影梗吧 XD
10/08 13:54, 2F

10/08 14:05, , 3F
死小哈還是快去追愛不要再回來好了= =
10/08 14:05, 3F

10/08 16:08, , 4F
賣武器那傢伙還真逗XD if these blades could talk
10/08 16:08, 4F

10/08 16:09, , 5F
還說自己是凡赫辛的後裔 lol
10/08 16:09, 5F

10/08 16:23, , 6F
每次看csi都會覺得 這世上真是什麼人都有
10/08 16:23, 6F

10/08 17:36, , 7F
10/08 17:36, 7F

10/08 19:28, , 8F
10/08 19:28, 8F

10/08 21:08, , 9F
這集還蠻有NY風格的 最後兇手的動機真是囧 (搖頭)
10/08 21:08, 9F

10/09 21:06, , 10F
10/09 21:06, 10F

10/09 22:59, , 11F
這集讓我看了好久喔~~ 因為一直在重看某些片段... XDDD
10/09 22:59, 11F

10/10 22:20, , 12F
這一集讓我看的超火大的! 超級想把那些幻想的人打醒XDDD
10/10 22:20, 12F

10/11 00:33, , 13F
飾演Thomas是Hotel Babylon的Charlie…真的是倫敦來的XD
10/11 00:33, 13F

10/11 01:54, , 14F
烤魚有結婚喔?! 我到這集才發現耶...
10/11 01:54, 14F

10/11 02:35, , 15F
10/11 02:35, 15F

10/11 02:36, , 16F
10/11 02:36, 16F

10/11 02:37, , 17F
10/11 02:37, 17F

10/11 06:51, , 18F
星爺經典台詞...對耶!(單拳拍手掌) XDDD
10/11 06:51, 18F

10/11 09:48, , 19F
10/11 09:48, 19F

10/11 14:25, , 20F
戒指好漂亮....也想滿 嗚嗚~~~
10/11 14:25, 20F

10/14 18:10, , 21F
10/14 18:10, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1ChgEr8h (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1ChgEr8h (CSI)