[劇情] CSI: NY 702 詳細劇情雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間13年前 (2010/10/03 01:20), 編輯推噓30(30019)
留言49則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
webcam跟交友網站等使用要小心哪 之 防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 亞當拍拍~~ 片頭,一名長髮女子用著電腦玩著音樂在她的房間裡翩翩起舞, 許多人在Lookinatchu.com利用視訊看到她的表演, 她遇到沒興趣交談的人就切換到下一個。 然後亞當出場啦……(上班時間打混哪~~) 亞當: Hello 女子: Hello yourself. 亞當: Dig the tone… I like your move. 女子: Thanks, they’re both my own. 此時包子大從窗外經過,亞當匆匆下線關閉螢幕, 女子看著黑掉的螢幕輕哼了一聲; 後來包子大進了電梯下樓,亞當才又打開螢幕。 女子: Where did you go? 亞當: Nowhere. I’m just here. 女子: Are you telling the truth? 亞當: I hope so. I’m Adam. What’s your name? 女子: (邊說邊打字) Nice to meet you, Adam. But if I told you my name……    (一名蒙面人闖入從背後勒住女子) 亞當: No! No, no, no!!! 亞當邊喊著包子大的名字邊衝下樓。 亞當: (撥手機) Come ‘on, Mac! (電話接通) Mac, you gonna come back to the lab! 包子大: Why? 亞當: Because I- I think I just saw someone being murdered. Jo跟弗帥被叫到包子大辦公室。 包子大: Thank you guys for coming in. Jo問說能不能從視訊連結追蹤出女子的位置, 亞當: … But the video connection is existed only between two people… Until someone get nexted. 包子大: Nexted? 亞當: Yes, if you don’t like someone you can just click the next key… It’s been called “nexted.” Jo: Can we track the location from the service? 弗帥: Unfortunately, no. They basically give two strangers the electron keys and leave the rest to them. 包子大: So that means a young woman is murdered and we have no clue at all? 弗帥: No. Depends on where the computer is. And she could even not be in New York. Jo: … Are you 100% sure it is a murder? Adam? 包子大: You certain what you saw is real? 亞當: (深深吐出一口氣) I saw a man wearing black mask walked behind a beautiful woman and strangled her life out. I’ve never seen someone get murdered until tonight. 包子大: All right then. Got to find her first. 霍克葛格建好搜尋系統,就等著亞當吐露可以搜尋的細節。 亞當: You know what? It’s funny that I can’t remember any details… Jo: Well, it’s not uncommon. After a trauma, sometimes the brain just blocked out. But don’t worry. I’ll help you out… Tell me about your first kiss? 亞當: My what? Jo: How old are you? What is her name? 亞當: (看著霍克葛格,霍克葛格聳了個肩)    Okay… It was in the 5th grade. Her name is Julie. She lived across the street. One day I come across her after putting some stuff back home.    That is when she gave me the kiss. Jo: What does she look like? 亞當: Long black hair, brown twinkling eyes, which always made me smile. Jo: What about the girl you saw this evening. 亞當這下迅速的想起許多外貌特徵上的描述了。 霍克葛格: That’s impressing! Jo: Well, basically you’re just using some emotion triggers… Using what happened past to recall the recent memory. 亞當: She also has an accent. (描述女子的口音) Jo依據亞當的描述推測女子可能的出生地, 霍克葛格依據外貌跟出生地作了交叉分析。 霍克葛格: From Morocco maybe? Jo: Where were you standing when Julie gave you the kiss? 亞當: In the front yard… She’s in a bathing suit… Jo: And what you notice on the background from your webcam? 亞當: … A cloud with a number of 58 on it. 那是氣象報告的標誌,霍克葛格搜尋出五個城市那天有出現58度的, 然後Jo指出在亞當上班的那個時間點上,只有紐約有可能是真的58度。 亞當: She’s in Manhattan…… There’s another woman’s face outside her window. Stone, bronze, and some blades come out from her behind….. 霍克葛格: Search… female architect design and stone… 亞當: (認出他看到的浮雕) That’s it! 霍克葛格: … We got a location… midtown 30’s…     (全球地圖拉成紐約地圖再變成具體3D地圖) Jo: She’s not on all the four sides of that building. 霍克葛格: So look at this… this is the only building around that could have a view of her outside the window! 包子大、弗帥、Jo跟亞當前往該公寓。 弗帥: We’re clear. 包子大低下身檢查地板上的女子屍體,然後抬頭看亞當。 亞當: That’s her. 於是展開蒐證調查,丹尼開始東拍拍西拍拍。 亞當失魂落魄的站在大樓外, 包子大: Adam, you all right? 亞當: Better. 包子大: You want to talk about it? 亞當: What should I say? You strangled, you died, just between transmissions? I’m going to wait in the car. Jo跟包子大看著亞當離開。 弗帥: Our victim’s name is Sash Demore… She’s moving to New York for music program in Chelsea. Jo: Her clothes implied she’s quite open and free. 包子大: Which means she might have no smart experience about who to hang out with. She lived alone? 弗帥: No roommate. 此時Jo走過包子大去敲亞當的車門,亞當搖下車窗。 Jo: You’re being ridiculous! 亞當: What? Jo: You deal with death every day! This case is no different! Man up! 亞當: You kidding me? I saw this girl alive. She’s not just slang, dead body to me. Jo雙手叉腰淡淡的笑了~~ 亞當: Oh… did you just do that so I’ll speak my guts? Jo持續微笑。 亞當: Damn it… Jo: Sorry Adam. You can’t keep all your feelings down at bottom, it is gonna to blow your emotions sometime. What you told Mac a few minutes ago come back haunting me now. You said “between transmissions,” did you mean you got nexted? 亞當: I guess, yeah… there’s a few seconds before the murder and then The screen is shut down as chat terminated. Jo: So someone out there could be the one being nexted to… 丹尼跟蒙大拿搜查現場,蒙大拿檢查死者脖子上的勒痕說, 現場其他的纜線都太粗了不可能是凶器。 蒙大拿: Wait a minute, one thing is missing…      Adam said it is a installed webcam on a laptop? Where is the laptop? 丹尼: The murder must take that with him. 蒙大拿: So Sash is playing her music, which might be too loud to notice what is happening… until the murder is behind her…     Or, what if the killer walked in just as he owned this place? There is no force-entry trace on the lock… 丹尼: Right. But those locks in such an old building suck. Lucy can pick the lock as well. (蒙大拿笑了) This doesn’t look like just a murder. 蒙大拿: No… whoever kill this woman must want more. Jo在忙著查誰是下一個跟Sash連上線的人, 不過Lookinatchu.com的用戶還真是可怕的多~~ 蒙大拿則在檢查丹尼從現場採證回來的透明凝固物和木板片…… 霍克葛格、亞當跟包子大在處理電腦問題。 霍克葛格: I tried to locate our laptop… 包子大: And pin cannot find the location? 霍克葛格: It is inside an IP pool that changes every a few seconds… 包子大: Then find out who owns the pool. 霍克葛格: I tried. It belongs to a private service named Dragga Financial. 包子大: The one that Wall Street invested a lot… with thousands of users. 霍克葛格: Right… 包子大: There must be some other ways… 亞當: There is. 亞當提出說可以侵入Dragga Financial的系統, 鎖定跟Sash的電腦有相關聯的訊號來找出那台laptop。 包子大: Means we’ll be hacking. 霍克葛格: Illegally and we couldn’t use it! 亞當: Mac, I saw this girl got murdered… 包子大: The answer is no, Adam. Just because you saw a crime doesn’t mean you’re necessarily attached with that. 丹尼跟蒙大拿去Chelsea College。 原來丹尼拿回來的跡証顯示為一款特殊的高價耳機, 而且Sash的某位教授正式這種耳機的持有者…… 教授: They had been stolen. You didn’t find them? 蒙大拿: We did find Sash Demore’s body. 丹尼: And she was killed with your fancy headphones.(耳機線是謀殺工具)    I failed my Calculus but my teacher didn’t kill me. 教授: Wait a minute, you got all wrong. I’m the victim here.    Miss. Demore enrolled my class and turned in a demo as the final report. She then claimed I steal her melody. 蒙大拿: Did you? 教授: Of course not! I’m disclosed this year. I don’t need more trouble.    She then took her boyfriend in and he really gave me a hard time.    They then took my headphones! (回想畫面,教授被壓在鋼琴上,男生說”Now you know how my girl feel?”) 丹尼: Do you remember his face? Name? 教授: Well, I was too busy kissing the piano to have a polite introduction. Look, detectives. I’m not a fan of Sash… but I won’t kill her. 蒙大拿: Not even for a song? 包子大在辦公室裡看著陷入膠著的案情, 然後好奇心(?)驅使之下打開了Lookinatchu.com。 跳過一名男子後,一個小男生出現在螢幕上。 包子大: Aren’t you too young for this? 小男生: I don’t know… hey, do you know why firefly can light? 包子大: It’s a chemical reaction between ooo, xxx, ###.(小男生一臉迷惑) They have those special cells at the bottom of their body. 小男生: (振筆疾書) And can you tell me what’s the difference between larva and pupa? 包子大: (笑出來) No, no, no, no, no…     You do your homework and turn this thing off. Okay? 小男生: (嘟嘴) You must have a kid! 包子大笑著關上了螢幕。 然後,Jo跟蒙大拿都進來了, 蒙大拿說一名男子通報他女兒是Sash的下一位通訊者, 而且更幸運的是他女兒的電腦在謀殺當中是開著的…… 蒙大拿拿出那名男子傳來的檔案與圖片, 有一張是兇手查看webcam的樣子。 包子大: We’re looking into the eyes of our killer. 丹尼在Sash其餘器材如ipad找到的指紋指向Torrey Powell 弗帥跟Jo訊問Torrey。 Torrey: I didn’t kill Sash. 弗帥: Oh no? We know you took the professor’s headphones. Torrey: So? Jo: She’s been killed by the core of that headphones.   How long you’ve been dating? Torrey: A couple of weeks. We haven’t been talked recently. 弗帥指出Torrey送給Sash使用的ipad是偷來的, Torrey辯稱那是他在某間店買的, 弗帥問說哪間店,laptop的來源也一樣嗎?Torrey顧左右而言他。 Jo: … That’s funny, you swallow a lot. Torrey: So what? Jo: Nothing. It could just be a common NCD disorder indicates lack of   water… Usually it’s not a big deal, but if the condition continues… It can cause some problem. Sure we can do something about that, but… Torrey: But what? Jo: Since there is no great reaction to those questions right now, you’re kind screwed. 弗帥: Which means you can keep sitting there and trying to hide and lie, and do nothing to improve your situation now. Jo: It’s a matter of your personal safety. Torrey: Hey, lady. Is this kind of a mental game? Jo: No. It’s mere a fact. And sure you can just keep playing around. But the whole time you’re just gonna keep in swallowing, swallowing, swallowing, swallowing, swallowing… Torrey: All right, it’s from a beamer, at the Silver Sedum. 弗帥跟Jo相視而笑。 弗帥: (跟Jo走出訊問室) Feel thirsty? Jo: (笑) 弗帥: You believe him?  Jo: Yeah. His description toward the guy fits what we got from the   killer’s image. But we still lack a thing. 弗帥: What’s that? Jo: Motive. 霍克葛格重建的影像看起來結構上像教授、眉眼像Torrey。 Jo在使用Lookinatchu.com,接連遇到幾個怪人, 後來遇到一名正準備出發的海軍士兵, 士兵說他剛跟家人講完話,他老婆跟小孩現在都在睡了。 Jo: Just feel like chatting? 士兵: Yeah. Where are you? Jo: New York City. 士兵: I’ve never been here. I always want to though. Jo: come ‘on… (拿著電腦走出辦公室,直直走到窗邊) (把電腦轉向面對紐約夜景) This is for you. 士兵: Wow… It was a lot better than XXX. 亞當在辦公室裡發呆,想起他跟Sash的交談, 最後還是決定要潛入Dragga Financial系統…… 然後被拍上他肩膀的Jo嚇個正著。 Jo: Adam, you know, picking up a window is not a really a crime. But it can still cost you a great amount of punishment. 亞當: …… Jo: I’m here because I got a call from my friends in FBI…… Fortunately they won’t come in to check who is using NYPD computer to hack. 亞當: I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair. I shared Sash’s last moments. I heard the music. I saw her joy. I might even fall in love in those moments. And then it all ended within 3 minutes? Jo: Trust me this, Adam. None of you doing now will not bring her back, but bring you down. 亞當: What can I do now? Jo: Go home. Go to bed and come back in the morning. Be ready to do what’s right. 亞當: Okay… 弗帥告訴包子大他們找出ipad等東西的原物主了, 一名叫做Garcia的先生,同時也是Dragga Financial的前員工。 兩人去到Garcia的辦公室,裡面沒人, 然後包子大注意到Garcia桌上的東西…… 包子大: Dan. 弗帥: (走過去看到電腦螢幕上亞當的臉,唸出Garcia手邊紙條上寫的字)    Adam Ross. 包子大: If Adam saw him, he saw Adam. 亞當正走向停車場,電話響起。 亞當: Oh, no… She already told Mac?    (接電話) Look, Mac, I’m so sorry, and I… 包子大: Where are you now, Adam? 亞當: I just passed the parking lot, and… (一台車朝著亞當撞過來) Oh! 包子大: Adam! (跟車上的弗帥對看一眼加速前進) 亞當掉入垃圾堆中,Garcia的車倒車向他直衝! 之後,Garcia拿著槍下車,翻著垃圾看著車底尋找亞當的行蹤, 亞當利用這個機會跳到他的身上。 兩人扭打,亞當挨了幾拳、還了幾拳,但是最後還是被打倒在地。 Garcia那起槍準備射擊…… 包子大跟弗帥的車趕到現場,分心的Garcia決定先射擊警車。 亞當趁此空檔拿起燈管從背後打向Garcia, 破裂的玻璃劃過Garcia後頸,Garcia倒地,由警方制服。 結果調查後是,Garcia的電腦裡面有許多他由前公司竊取的資料等等, 所以當電腦被偷後,這些東西都可以成為他犯罪的證據, 於是Garcia慌亂之下調查了Sash的位置並痛下殺手…… 蒙大拿在實驗室裡放著Sash的音樂。 丹尼: What’s the music? 蒙大拿: Sash Demore. The track the professor mentioned.      It’s catchy, isn’t it? 丹尼: It’s good. She definitely has some talent. 蒙大拿: It’s really ironic. She made the music only by those computers. She shared them on-line so people can appreciate that. But she also lost her life due to those connections… 丹尼: … let me make this clear. Lucy is never going to come close to any computer. Never. 蒙大拿: Well, but she will have a laptop as soon as she entering pre-school from her grandparents. And she can use my iphone better than me. 丹尼: Oops! 亞當在包子大的辦公室被削… 包子大: … That’s not tolerate! …… you put the lab in problem… blah blah 疲累的亞當走進儲物間準備回家, 霍克葛格跟丹尼走進來,說他們聽說亞當的”英勇事蹟”, 作出拿光劍互砍的樣子(某人os: 你們這群阿宅… XDD)。 亞當笑是笑了,還是有點沮喪的說三天的suspension不好過啊~~ 丹尼跟霍克葛格鼓勵他。 最後,Jo對著電腦螢幕補妝, 接二連三的有人敲她的Lookinatchu.com。 一換二換三換,然後居然是包子大出現在螢幕上…… Jo: You gotta be kidding me. 包子大: Hey. Jo: I’m just doing some final research about the case. 包子大: In a serious scientific way? Jo: By the way, since you’re here, I sent Garcia’s file to Dragga Financial. They are highly appreciated and they’ll improve their security soon. 包子大: Well, they’re nearly driven by Adam. I almost thought I’ll need to… Jo: You wouldn’t do that. 包子大: I might. Jo: (微笑) … Now let’s see who can next first! (兩人比快按下next鍵,螢幕暗去) 本集心得: 1) 我是真的滿喜歡Jo的,只是看到包子身邊站的不是星姐還是有點不習慣。      2) 丹尼把拔,以你的工作性質,Lucy小公主以後不能碰的東西會很多耶! 3) 亞當乖,包子大的話要聽啊!太衝動囉~~ ^_^” 4) 話說FB的電影剛上映...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 話說為什麼用Word2010打好貼上來後格式都亂了? TAT

10/03 01:50, , 1F
Lookinatchu.com點進去會轉到CSI NY的blog! XD
10/03 01:50, 1F

10/03 01:51, , 2F
Oops!! 用心推~
10/03 01:51, 2F

10/03 01:53, , 3F
蒙大拿是說"and she can use my iPhone better than I can
10/03 01:53, 3F

10/03 07:36, , 4F
10/03 07:36, 4F

10/03 07:36, , 5F
及最後跟包子大玩起來的感覺, 超窩心的
10/03 07:36, 5F
我很喜歡她, 所以應該一陣時間後就會適應了吧~~跟烤魚一樣~~

10/03 07:37, , 6F
至於Adam 喔,大家噓他算了.....老闆話都沒在聽(丟筆)
10/03 07:37, 6F

10/03 09:41, , 7F
Adam應該是快下班了 因為所有人是被叫回來的
10/03 09:41, 7F
但是依然是在上班時間打混哪~~ XDD ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/03 10:54)

10/03 16:27, , 8F
是說 最後該不會是包子大配Jo吧...這集看完有這種感覺..
10/03 16:27, 8F

10/03 18:02, , 9F
10/03 18:02, 9F

10/03 20:38, , 10F
喜歡Jo +1 跟美國大兵視訊那段很感人
10/03 20:38, 10F

10/04 02:41, , 11F
這集是玩Chatrouletto啦 不是FB :D
10/04 02:41, 11F

10/04 06:40, , 12F
Chatrouletto 跟現在噗浪的那個「樂透」異曲同工,只是
10/04 06:40, 12F

10/04 06:40, , 13F
噗浪是文字版 XDDD
10/04 06:40, 13F

10/04 14:22, , 14F
Adam應該是被three-days suspension喔 被停職三天
10/04 14:22, 14F

10/04 16:05, , 15F
我覺得很不解 crime lab這種地方應該不能連外網吧...
10/04 16:05, 15F

10/04 16:05, , 16F
更別說還可以在上班時間上交友網站了 另外光用眼睛就得出
10/04 16:05, 16F

10/04 16:06, , 17F
整張臉的軟體也很扯... 覺得NY的編劇越來越不用心...
10/04 16:06, 17F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/04 22:05)

10/05 01:09, , 18F
10/05 01:09, 18F

10/05 15:13, , 19F
10/05 15:13, 19F

10/05 15:51, , 20F
10/05 15:51, 20F

10/05 15:52, , 21F
10/05 15:52, 21F

10/05 21:23, , 22F
10/05 21:23, 22F

10/05 21:46, , 23F
其實我從第一集她剛踏進 LAB 開始就很喜歡了~~XD
10/05 21:46, 23F

10/05 23:33, , 24F
10/05 23:33, 24F

10/05 23:50, , 25F
10/05 23:50, 25F

10/05 23:52, , 26F
10/05 23:52, 26F

10/06 00:00, , 27F
pisa大握手... 好想念星姐啊~~
10/06 00:00, 27F

10/06 00:01, , 28F
另外 CSI 應該是可以外連沒問題的,畢竟常要查資料或監控
10/06 00:01, 28F

10/06 00:02, , 29F
只要防火牆設好就好了... 之前不就有Adam玩 2nd life
10/06 00:02, 29F

10/06 00:02, , 30F
Reed 被綁時 realtime監控他的 blog,還有不小心被破防火牆
10/06 00:02, 30F

10/06 00:03, , 31F
這些劇情嗎? 所以這樣的劇情應該是很合理的說~~
10/06 00:03, 31F

10/06 18:43, , 32F
最後一句應該是"Not if I next you first" ^^
10/06 18:43, 32F

10/06 19:28, , 33F
樓上沒錯 XDDDD 超可愛的這兩位童心未泯的 XDDDDD
10/06 19:28, 33F

10/06 21:07, , 34F
10/06 21:07, 34F

10/07 00:07, , 35F
為了查資料連外網可以理解 但是私人上交友網站就太扯了吧
10/07 00:07, 35F

10/07 00:07, , 36F
我知道我認真了 但只是覺得這兩季的ny有很多不合邏輯的事...
10/07 00:07, 36F

10/07 01:04, , 37F
Jo姐的融入氣氛比烤魚的舒服多了~烤魚的加入令人不蘇胡= =
10/07 01:04, 37F

10/07 15:45, , 38F
10/07 15:45, 38F

10/07 15:46, , 39F
10/07 15:46, 39F

10/07 15:47, , 40F
10/07 15:47, 40F

10/07 15:47, , 41F
10/07 15:47, 41F

10/07 15:48, , 42F
10/07 15:48, 42F

10/07 15:49, , 43F
10/07 15:49, 43F

10/07 15:56, , 44F
嗚嗚天使姊姊(現在只能期待在Human Target多點戲份)
10/07 15:56, 44F

10/07 18:18, , 45F
是我記憶力有誤還怎樣?NY 是哪個前法醫被賜死?
10/07 18:18, 45F

10/07 18:20, , 46F
10/07 18:20, 46F

10/07 18:20, , 47F
Aiden 是被賜死的 CSI,Pino 被黑掉的前法醫,還有誰呢?
10/07 18:20, 47F

10/07 18:31, , 48F
10/07 18:31, 48F

10/08 12:00, , 49F
啊~是Pino啦~我忘記他只是被黑掉.......真糟糕 = =a
10/08 12:00, 49F
文章代碼(AID): #1CfsdJNd (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1CfsdJNd (CSI)