[劇情] CSI: LV 1018 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/04/16 12:06), 編輯推噓36(36019)
留言55則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
(笑到臉很痠的Field Mice!) 本集重點: 靠!!!!我瞎了!!!!!!!可魯你在哪裡!!!!!! 小哈你老實說你塞給編劇多少錢!!! 呃,話說也因為這樣本集某人忙著在電視前大笑+尖叫+被室友打, 所以內容想必有不少小錯誤,請大家多多包涵。 本集極度推薦大家去弄來看!!! (灑花+轉圈圈+繼續尖叫) 片頭,小哈跟帥尼坐在車裡。 小哈: I'm not ready for this. 帥尼: Yes, you are. Besides, you have no choice. Dr. Ray is still on leave for the concussion. And I have multiple poisoned case out of town. Now, stepped yourself in! 於是小哈下車,臉色凝重的拎著鑑識箱走入校園裡... 一個女孩被對小哈在對著屍體照相, "屍體"忽然咳嗽了起來... 女孩: Damn, Derrick, you ruined my picture! Derrick: Sorry, the stuff is giving me the feeling as tasteing a piece of dried pancake... 旁邊的小朋友們一起哈哈大笑。 小哈: (翻白眼) Kids. 原來這是類似CSI體驗營的校園活動啦! 小哈被丟來"支援"。 小女生轉頭跟小哈自我介紹。 女孩: CSI Hodges? 小哈: (微微愣住,傻笑) Yes, CSI Hodges. 女孩: I realize this is just an experiense. But... Is it at east based on real case. 小哈: (翻開資料看看) No. 女孩: Oh... (略為失望貌) You know, I always hope to be a CSI and solve real crimes. Like what you do. 小哈: (可開心了) ... Okay. Look, let's wrap this up. And meet me at the parking lot. I can show you the crime lab. 女孩: Would you!? (開心的回頭叫一個男生) Guillero, he's willing to do that! Come with me! You, too. Derrick, it will be fun. 於是說小哈帶著兩個小朋友回到辦公室(Derrick沒出現), 辦公室裡某本雜誌上的封面是穿著衝浪防水衣的阿奇(笑的一臉陽光的帥啊!), 小哈翻了白眼後把雜誌丟到了一邊。 小哈拿了一個案件的檔案給兩個小朋友看, 小哈: You said you want to match with real CSIs? Now it's your chance. This case began with the firemen, which we called "evidence eracation crew," entered an apartment and...... 溫蒂: (忽然從後面走出來) Oh, I remember the case. It was an incrediable case. 小哈: Wendy! 溫蒂: Hey, so who are you guys? 女孩: Crime crabbies. 溫蒂: Huh, you guys are realy going to enjoy this. 那件奇怪的案件是,凱姐跟烤魚在火場發現了一具完好無缺的女屍, 沒有任何被"燒烤"過的痕跡...... 凱姐: There's merely a mark. 烤魚: Which means, the body is putting here after the fire? 凱姐: With at least 200 firemen walking around? 小哈: It's as if the fire refused to touch her. 溫蒂: The question is, is it a miracle, or a murder? 以上是小哈想像中的敘述,當然溫蒂馬上發現了不對勁, 於是溫蒂把小哈私下揪了出去。 溫蒂: You're lying to children! 小哈: It's an educational experience! 溫蒂: It is not! We're not there! 小哈: Just play along as a role model... Besides, if you cannot image in the crime scene, how can you solve the case? 溫蒂: ......All right. 於是回到小哈想像敘述畫面,溫蒂一甩頭髮,重複了那句台詞。 溫蒂: The question is, is it a miracle, or a murder? 小哈: Either way, she tried her best to survive. 以上敘述畫面被嗤笑出生的小男生打斷。 男孩: Sorry. Sounds like something I would say. 人在某分局的帥尼接到凱姐電話, 凱姐說她要晚點才能趕回辦公室, 帥尼正在告訴凱姐說他的事情都處理完了, 凱姐可以慢慢來時,那間分局的員警接二連三的吐了起來... 囧" 帥尼: Catherine, looks like I'll be tied up here longer... 小哈繼續陪小朋友進行實案探討, 小女生問了幾個很有意思的問題,被小哈小小稱讚了一下。 然後溫蒂說她們並未辨識出死者身分,小哈繼續描述現場... 布拔: (似乎認為死者是自殺,然後被小哈敘述成上班中喝酒的瘋狂警探!XD) No body lives a life that's not include a death. Why fight? Why should I? Why should you? My suggestion? Go home and cuddle up with somebody you love! I'm gonna go home, got painted out, and let cupper-jacket justice get its way... (喝口那種方形小酒壺裡的液體) What? (看一眼不可置信的小哈和溫蒂) No, I choose life. 回到現實空間。 小女生問說犯罪現場的浴缸哪來的,溫蒂回答說從二樓掉下來的。 小女生開心的提出了自己的假說, 認為死者是在沐浴中因為樓下火場上竄的二氧化碳中毒而死亡於浴缸內, 之後火災造成建築物結構坍塌,死者連人帶浴缸掉了下去, 而浴缸裡的水位在消防人員撲滅火勢的時間裡保持了屍體的完整。 溫蒂: It's an interesting theory. 小哈: But a wrong theory. With the temperature of the fire, it's impossible to coserve the body with that amount of water. 小哈讓溫蒂陪小朋友繼續檢視犯罪現場的影像,自己往外走, 結果亨利從後面追上來,說有事要問小哈... 亨利先恭維了一下小哈,說之前小哈的鑑識讓他"跟溫蒂"都很admire。 小哈: Is she? 亨利: Yes... Actually, Wendy and I have a lot in common. We're both B negative, and we're allergic to eggplant. You know, I should ask her out, as a date. Are you cool with that? I mean, since you're concerned with the rule... 小哈: (愣住了,心裡五味雜陳吧,我想。) ... Totally. 亨利: Thank you! You're a man with priciple. (開心的離開去邀請溫蒂) 小哈看著溫蒂跟亨利交談,接受亨利的邀請,一整個囧了(攤手)。 帥尼穿著防護衣跟一群人在檢查分局辦公室, 結果證實不是由空氣引發的中毒。 檢查人員: We're good, people. Area's clear. 帥尼: (脫下頭罩) If it's not in the air, it's with contact... (四處看看散落在辦公桌上的各種食物) But how? 檢查人員: You're a CSI. It's not your problem. 帥尼: Well, I think I'm making it mine tonight. 小葛被放到醫院去詢問中毒的警探們。 小葛: Hey Jenkins, how are you doing? I know you just want to go home and rest... But I need you to tell me what you eat or drink today? Jenkins先生往床的邊緣掙扎,看來要說話的樣子, 於是小葛靠上前...... 嗯,然後就被Jenkins吐了一身。 ^_^" 局裡,小朋友被丟給大衛,大衛解釋屍體上的跡證中, 提到該火場死者身上的男性分泌物證據時, 大衛看了一眼清純的小女生而有點不好意思的吞吞吐吐。 女孩: Semen? 大衛: (囧) Yes, thank you. I believed she had sexual activity before death. 男孩: Could we have C.O.D. please? 大衛: (被打斷有點不開心) Not so fast. So I found this tatoo, and therefore I believe she's a Ru... 男孩: (再次打斷大衛) Russian or European, of course. 女孩: What are there glossy patches? 大衛: I don't know, but... 男孩: (又打斷大衛) C.O.D? 大衛: (嘆氣) Right... 於是大衛描述他跟羅賓爺爺的發現, 羅賓爺爺被描述成上班偷閒瀏覽好笑的貓咪網站、又搶他工作成果的怪老人。XDDD 大衛: We found the trace of ooo and xxx in victim's body... 男孩: (打斷) Which means... 大衛: (搶回發言權) The C.O.D. is multiple drug overdose. Victim was dead before the fire. 男孩: ... I was going to say that. 大衛: Too bad you said it now. 亨利在他的實驗室裡面對一堆樣本目瞪口呆; 是的,帥尼拿了所有嘔吐物的樣本要他處理。XDDD 小朋友回到小哈和溫蒂那,小哈描述下一步的發現。 小哈: Check this out, Wendy. 溫蒂: It's a natural gas line... 男孩: (打斷) Did you find the gas cap at the scene? 溫蒂: (微笑) No. 女孩: I'm sure you still finding stips at places you don't consider originally, right? (看向小哈) 小哈: ... (心事重重的出神中) 溫蒂: Hodges. 小哈: What? Oh, right, we... 結果溫蒂接手敘述,很給小哈面子的說在他們調查中, 脆弱的建築物又掉落了一些磚塊,是小哈幫著她躲開的。 溫蒂: He saved my life. He saved the evidence, too. 小哈不敢置信的看著幫他cover過去的溫蒂,笑了。 小葛來找亨利, 小葛: You gonna be kidding me. You haven't get the results? (幫著亨利檢查機器) You set it to run with clear samples! 亨利: I didn't! I don't know why... 小葛: (不耐煩的打斷亨利) Here you go. Problem solved. You lucked out. 小哈帶著小朋友繼續檢察證物。 小哈: The uncapped gas line is the fuel, and what about the fire? 男孩: A spark! 小哈: You're right. 小哈說警方之後詢問了維修人員,維修人員一開始說不干他的事, 但是CSI後來在維修人員的車上發現了壞掉的gas cap, 維修人員才承認說,一般來說他們應該都要帶著備用的gas cap, 但是他發現他沒有帶,所以他把壞的拿掉了以後就離開了...... 該維修人員有短期記憶的問題,而他的醫藥紀錄證實了這項說詞。 女孩: It was an accident. 小哈: Which means the victim is another case...... 此時,小哈留意到外頭在跟溫蒂說話的亨利... 亨利很開心的說他預訂了Eiffel Tower Restaurant, 亨利: I just want to inform you that. So you can dress appropriately. 溫蒂: (有點尷尬) You're wearing a suite? 亨利: Yeah! (開心的落了一句法文,應該是法文。) It means, "it will be perfect." 小葛打電話告訴帥尼說集體中毒事件跟毒物沒關係。 小葛: We just cultured on sick samples. The problem is, all those people who puke... None of them ate the same thing today. Where is the source? 帥尼: (邊講電話邊轉過轉角,看到某員警在點心桌挑三撿四中) ... I might be able to answer that. (掛電話) 帥尼: Hey. 員警: Hey, Nicky! You want some? 帥尼: No... do me a favor. Put out your hands, please. And, don't touch me. (採樣員警的雙手) 小哈的教學持續進行中...科科... 男孩: So the body just managed to maintain unburned? 小哈: You always can get some trace. 接下來在小哈的描述裡,烤魚成了實驗室人員,噗。 小哈: Tech Lengsten, what you have for me? 烤魚: CSI Hodges. The sloppy patches on the body, is starch. Do you know that "cornstarch" comes from a word which means "to stiffen" firstly... 小哈: Tech Lengsten, your knowledge is always... 烤魚: Thrilling? (兩人相視而笑) (P.S. 小哈這段敘述中有用到Star Trek某集的對話,麻煩版上專業人士補充!) (我的ST進度因為忙碌的實驗跟論文已經停滯很久了~~ = =") 溫蒂: (注意到男孩若有所思) You look concerned. 男孩: I am... So the body got coated in vapoured starch... Cornstach peanuts! The snack in the box melted under high temperature and covered the body. It then protected the body from the flame! 小哈: (與溫蒂相視而笑) Nicely done. Congratulations! 女孩: That's it? But we never IDed the body, or the killer. 溫蒂: Neither do we. 女孩: That sucks. 小哈附和,然後宣佈他們取得帶小朋友們去現場探勘的資格! 小哈: We're going to a field trip! 中午休息時間,亨利去停車場開車,才發動車子就冒了黑煙。 亨利: What? No! 開著車的小哈載著溫蒂跟小朋友經過... 小哈: Car trouble? You should stay out the parking garage. Bad things happen to you there... 亨利不可置信的看著四人離開。 亨利找了凱姐來。 凱姐: You know, Henry. I really don't have time to check out your radiator hose for you. Well... here is it! ... Which mean it comes from outside... 亨利: Somebody poke my hose! 凱姐: You've been pissing out a lot third parties lately? 亨利: (拋下凱姐往外走,低聲碎碎唸) Hodges! 小哈、溫蒂跟小朋友們在現場, Derrick加入了他們,女孩的注意力被引走了一下下,青春啊青春...(笑) 男孩: (跟在溫蒂後面走) Fire scenes always smell this bad? 溫蒂: What? Oh, yes... 男孩: (正色) What do you feel about lying to us? (看著溫蒂臉色一變)I suspect Hodges a tech. That, and the apparent fact that you're close, suggest that you're a tech also. 溫蒂: ... I'm DNA. 男孩: Why? 溫蒂: I guess I am just tired about waking up in the morning and feeling like I spent time fighting crimes in a test tub... 男孩: CSIs gather evidences but you guys give it meanings... (看著另一頭找到幾枚銅板的小哈) It's really not that different. Derrick: (從某處出聲) That girl was a blonde, right? 大家靠過去,Derrick發現了一張有彩色照片的ID,上面是死者,以及死者的名字。 女孩: Stacia... 小哈: We did it. We ID the victim. Mendy: Who did it!? In your face, CSIs. 帥尼的案件持續調查中... 小葛告訴帥尼說菌株分離出來了, 跟某day care center的食物中毒案件是同一細菌源。 於是布拔找了某警探談話,因為污染源來自該警探的pastry box, 這位老兄手在大家的食物桌摸來摸去造成了感染... 布拔: They laugh at your diet and you want to teach them a lesson? Did you get the sample from your kid's day care center? 員警: No! I would never... It's my girlfriend's kid. Well, ex-girlfriend... 布拔: Was it a nasty break-up? 員警: It's very kind... 布拔: We're gonna to talk with her. 於是小葛在醫院裡詢問該員警的前女友, 小葛: A post-break-up diet? 前女友: It was a gift! 小葛: To cause a situation like this? 前女友: ... Would it be helpful if I said I'm really sorry? 凱姐聽取小哈跟溫蒂的新發現。 凱姐: You konw, Hodges. I'm suprised that you're that kind enough to do this. 小哈: It was... you know, for the children. 凱姐: I suspect that. 溫蒂跟小哈、凱姐討論案情,不過句句暗潮洶湧啊... 小哈: Sounds a lot of patience... 溫蒂: ... It's worth it. Once the two are bonded together, everything else is left behind. 凱姐: (一整個非常識趣的大好人) All right, let me know what things going on. (離開) 走到外面的小哈再次被亨利攔下,亨利質疑是小哈在暗中動手腳。 亨利: Our date is still on. I hired a limo! Back off, man. I am a tocologist. I know all those tasteless and smellless poisons... You think about that! 溫蒂示範DNA檢驗步驟給男孩看,DNA指向一名不明男性。 布拔從住戶中找到了一位Melvin Doage... 布拔: You know what I hate about the box? You never know what those things inside. Those peanuts...kept a dead girl from the flame. Melvin最後承認說他跟Stacia兩人有個瘋狂的夜晚, Melvin: She got drinking a lot. She said she did that before... Then I woke up the next morning. She was dead. I freaked out... 布拔: So you put her body in one of your boxes... Melvin: When the firemen told me my apartment is on fire, I kind of think I'm lucky again. 小哈帶著女孩在外面觀看。 女孩: This guy's life is totally over. How can you get out of this everyday? 小哈: ... You know you're on the right side. 女孩追上步出詢問室的布拔,先是感謝布拔, 然後又問了關於未來進實驗室工作的可能, 還問了布拔有沒有尋求勒戒中心的幫助了。XD 布拔: (萬分冷靜的) Who are you? (看向女孩背後一臉"糟了"的小哈)And what's he has been telling you? 亨利下班了,去置物櫃拿鞋子,卻發現鞋子被人黏住了。 亨利: Oh, no way! This is not funny! (用力扯,結果是手被黏住整個人卡到櫃子上) Help, my face! 整集終於出現的烤魚前來解救亨利... 亨利: Is it acetone? 烤魚: Yes. It's the best way to dissolve that. 亨利: It's poisonous! 烤魚: Use this (遞上一條毛巾) and cover your eyes with that. Obviously, someone has not understand the boundry of prank. 亨利: (咬牙切齒的) I have a very good idea who. 這廂,溫蒂找小哈。 小哈: Look, I haven't been messing up with Henry. 溫蒂: ... I didn't say you are. 小哈: Why are you putting your hands in your pockets? 溫蒂: Because I'm socially awkward, and I'm a little insecure? 小哈於是說,因為莫名奇妙被亨利指控,他在亨利的櫃子動了手腳, 任何接近亨利的櫃子動手腳的人,一但接觸了手就會被染成紫色的... 小哈: You may want to wear a dress with pockets tonight. 溫蒂: ... (默默的攤開手掌,紫色了) I really don't know why. He's everything that I wanted. He's gentle, he's funny, he's intelligent, he's... 小哈: Okay, I got it! 溫蒂: ... But then I realized. What I supposed to want, is not what I really want. (兩人沉默的相視) 然後凱姐帶著怒氣沖沖的亨利走過來,跟小哈說亨利指控他對同僚惡劣的惡作劇。 溫蒂: Henry, I'm so sorry... 小哈: (打斷溫蒂) That you didn't stop me early. I swear, it will never happen again. I am sorry. Are we good? 凱姐: (看向亨利) You got your confession, happy? 亨利: (點頭) 凱姐: Okay, that's it. Nobody like a snitch. (我說女王你這到底在婊誰? XDD) 於是小哈轉頭假裝做事,讓亨利可以跟溫蒂說話。 溫蒂: I'm sorry... 亨利: That's fine. Maybe we can get out next time? My face needs some rest... Can I get a rain check? 於是溫蒂給了亨利一個抱抱,亨利整個抱很久,然後亨利離開。 溫蒂: (在亨利離開後對小哈說) It's never going to happen... 然後小哈看著溫蒂離開,悵然若失的轉頭準備作事, 結果溫蒂又忽然轉頭走回來,捧著小哈的臉就這樣親下去了啦!!!!!!! 最後,溫蒂笑著不好意思的離開了, 呆住的小哈露出幸福的、小小的、不敢相信的微笑~~ >///< 本集重點: 1) 瞎了瞎了瞎了........ 最後的閃光彈絕對可以列入CSI各家店史上前五! 2) 那群小朋友是哪來的有人知道嗎? 我都只看犯罪影集......(小聲) 小男生Guillero滿帥的,在他一直打斷大衛那裏我準備歸類成死小孩的, 不過看他跟溫蒂的對話又加分回來了。 XDD 3) 我幫帥尼正名囉~~ XDD 不過他今天的食物中毒案件真是有夠囧的。哈。 4) 給可憐的亨利拍拍,整集狂衰不說, 心裡面的女孩已經默默的發卡了本人都不知道才是最慘的啊~~(攤手) 5) 完全只是驚鴻一瞥的不重點: 阿奇穿那樣很帥! XD 謝謝chan大的提醒,基本上對我這個常算錯集數的人, 手殘跟眼殘的狀況總是會發生的,再加上中文/英文思考模式切換不輪轉的情形... Well,我會盡量不要造成閱讀不順的(握拳吶喊)! 也謝謝體諒我這個接手留學前輩老舊而叫不出字幕電視機, 於是只能靠聽力手忙腳亂紀錄的人的大家, 一開始寫這些是因為俺美國室友完全不了解CSI的好, 每次要開小花、要尖叫轉圈圈、要分享對最新進度的熱血,都只能從版上尋求溫暖... (現在也還是一樣啊,嘆氣。明年找新室友我一定要問對方看不看CSI!) (話說今天我對著最後一幕大叫"靠~~"的時候,) (我走過的親愛的室友問我說螢幕上沒有牛我叫那麼大聲幹嘛...... Orz) 知道寫的這樣落落長還都有人看我是很開心的喔! 以上,有人要下注本店阿編會繼續讓小哈溫蒂曖昧下去嗎??? XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (04/16 12:11)

04/16 12:54, , 1F
本集是編劇自肥之作,就是小哈本尊+溫蒂本尊+編劇寫的! XD
04/16 12:54, 1F

04/16 12:54, , 2F

04/16 13:26, , 3F
04/16 13:26, 3F

04/16 13:36, , 4F
04/16 13:36, 4F

04/16 22:57, , 5F
自肥的好啊! XD 阿奇那雖然只是驚鴻一瞥但是很驚豔哪!科科
04/16 22:57, 5F

04/17 00:05, , 6F
所以最後是第一次也是最後一次的吻嗎? 這集很輕鬆沒負擔
04/17 00:05, 6F

04/17 00:06, , 7F
我四周也是沒人在看CSI的 都是看Fringe GA
04/17 00:06, 7F

04/17 00:06, , 8F
04/17 00:06, 8F

04/17 05:57, , 9F
臭章魚,老布哪會那樣在現場喝酒還那樣掛Badge啦 XDDDDDD
04/17 05:57, 9F

04/17 06:02, , 10F
臭章魚,羅爺哪會那樣不專業啦 XDDDDDDDDDD
04/17 06:02, 10F

04/17 06:06, , 11F
啥時跡証組從章魚組變烤魚組啊 xddddd
04/17 06:06, 11F

04/17 06:09, , 12F
為啥亨利車子掛了要用比才的卡門當配樂啊 XDDDDDDDD
04/17 06:09, 12F

04/17 06:12, , 13F
臭小哈,那個Lucky Day變成你的出場樂是吧 XDDDDDDD
04/17 06:12, 13F

04/17 06:20, , 14F
女王您真慈悲 >//////< 亨利你應該爭取一集整章魚 XD
04/17 06:20, 14F

04/17 06:31, , 15F
結果女王離開前也婊了亨利 XDDD 最後20秒根本是核爆閃光
04/17 06:31, 15F

04/17 06:33, , 16F
曖昧一定會有啦,我覺得要下注的是女王的愛情 Q___Q
04/17 06:33, 16F

04/17 06:41, , 17F
昨天蘋果店太虐所以今天用歡樂本店來安慰大家嗎 Q__Q
04/17 06:41, 17F

04/17 07:04, , 18F
看完這集,有一個結論:囧神分靈到亨利身上了 XDDDDDDDDD
04/17 07:04, 18F

04/17 10:44, , 19F
話說抹黑爺爺的是大衛吧...XD 女王,我想逃避現實啊啊啊啊
04/17 10:44, 19F

04/17 10:45, , 20F
感覺只要不刻意提醒阿編就會讓女王跟V平平順順下去... >"<
04/17 10:45, 20F

04/17 20:38, , 21F
04/17 20:38, 21F

04/17 23:12, , 22F
哈哈哈 最喜歡這種歡樂本店啦 XDDDDDDDDDDDD
04/17 23:12, 22F

04/17 23:23, , 23F
是大衛抹黑爺爺阿 把他說成偷閒又搶別人工作成果 XDDD
04/17 23:23, 23F

04/17 23:31, , 24F
實驗室的烤魚根本是烤魚皮小哈骨 XD
04/17 23:31, 24F

04/17 23:41, , 25F
Henry嗆聲: 我是毒物學家 我知道所有無色無味的...XDDDD
04/17 23:41, 25F

04/17 23:45, , 26F
那女孩好像是問布拔有沒有參加治療計畫之類的 XD
04/17 23:45, 26F

04/17 23:46, , 27F
Henry只要遇到衰事就會放卡門 XDDD
04/17 23:46, 27F

04/17 23:49, , 28F
不過歡樂歸歡樂 我也覺得Wendy這樣做滿過份的 囧
04/17 23:49, 28F

04/17 23:50, , 29F
Well...正妹有優待? XD 我是覺得溫蒂大概只是想讓亨利自動
04/17 23:50, 29F

04/17 23:51, , 30F
04/17 23:51, 30F

04/17 23:52, , 31F
這集太有趣 很久沒這麼歡樂了 多些惡搞吧!XD
04/17 23:52, 31F

04/17 23:52, , 32F
04/17 23:52, 32F

04/17 23:54, , 33F
不然就是發現自己喜歡的居然是小哈打擊太大了!? XDDD
04/17 23:54, 33F

04/17 23:57, , 34F
Wendy跟小男生的對話 算不算暗示她其實有想走出實驗室?
04/17 23:57, 34F

04/17 23:58, , 35F
不過那小男生也太厲害 簡直可以預約幾年後加入CSI XD
04/17 23:58, 35F

04/18 00:17, , 36F
再推一下P大 因為我自己看戲常常會出神 一邊搭配你的recap
04/18 00:17, 36F

04/18 00:17, , 37F
才會清楚記得在演啥 XDD
04/18 00:17, 37F

04/18 12:12, , 38F
那個小男孩給我的感覺像是年輕的老葛 女生則是凱姐 這集真
04/18 12:12, 38F

04/18 12:12, , 39F
04/18 12:12, 39F

04/18 12:37, , 40F
04/18 12:37, 40F

04/18 15:16, , 41F
這集真是超級自肥之作 XDXDXD
04/18 15:16, 41F

04/18 21:44, , 42F
男孩好帥ˇ 結果Archie只出現在雜誌封面...囧
04/18 21:44, 42F

04/18 22:17, , 43F
kiss !!
04/18 22:17, 43F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (04/19 00:29)

04/19 00:34, , 44F
04/19 00:34, 44F

04/19 01:20, , 45F
04/19 01:20, 45F

04/19 01:34, , 46F
樓上好像對了! 我沒看過High School Musical,但是剛剛晃
04/19 01:34, 46F

04/19 01:35, , 47F
去CBS官網,介紹是說Lucas Grabeel為guest star。
04/19 01:35, 47F

04/19 01:36, , 48F
我是後知後覺還是只能問"他誰啊?"的老人家... XDD
04/19 01:36, 48F

04/19 01:37, , 49F
最後那一幕 實在 讓我揪了一下心結 >.<
04/19 01:37, 49F

04/19 01:48, , 50F
lucas就是ryan啊XD 為什麼我覺得不像..片頭好像也沒打
04/19 01:48, 50F

04/19 16:13, , 51F
04/19 16:13, 51F

04/20 04:08, , 52F
04/20 04:08, 52F

04/20 04:08, , 53F
04/20 04:08, 53F

04/23 03:28, , 54F
非常閃光的一集 另外雜誌叫做surf geek也很好笑
04/23 03:28, 54F

05/27 16:04, , 55F
05/27 16:04, 55F
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