[劇情] CSI:LV 1016 雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/04/02 12:52), 編輯推噓19(19014)
留言33則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
等好久。LV本週回歸,NY下週也回來囉~~ 本集重點: 雖然有點小沉重,但是還是閃、瞎、了! 片頭,人們在賭城的街道上走著, 凱姐從一台計程車走了下來,走進一間賭場, 邊走邊看著賭場裡玩瘋了的男女, 凱姐走過布拔,眼神交會而已, 接著跟一名黑髮女子擦肩而過, 走進電梯,一名半醉的男子跟凱姐抱怨"看的到吃不到"的窘況, 到了17樓,凱姐出電梯,與小葛和阿奇擦肩而過,目光交會。 最後,凱姐走到一間房間前, 敲門,警探V先生(我又忘了他的全名,只記得是V開頭)開門, 兩人還未交談,V先生注意到一對喧嘩著走過的男女, 於是一把抓住凱姐就擁吻了下去(某人此時對著電視機尖叫XD)! 那對男女走過後,V先生讓凱姐進房。 V: Sorry, it's a close call. 凱姐: (微笑)Too close. 原來警方正在執行秘密監視任務, 準備收往逮捕兩名正在這旅館製造毒品的藥頭, 為免打草驚蛇,一切低調行事中~~ 此刻走到了樓下的小葛跟阿奇打電話給凱姐詢問下一步動作, 小葛被要求留在賭場待命,阿奇則必須回實驗室處理回傳的證物等等。 阿奇: So you get to hang out with the babies in casino, and I got Hodges in the lab? 小葛: Yap, sorry. 歹命的阿奇走進停車場,忽然被人撞倒在地, 他邊呻吟邊張開眼,看見一具女屍倒在他眼前...... 囧" 阿奇: (驚慌失措的)Catherine, I think I got a body here! 凱姐: What? Calm down. Here's what you're going to do. Stay with the body, don't let anyone come or go, and don't touch anything! 凱姐: (掛上電話) This is crazy. We got a xxx(代號) just under the building. V: We can't have a great presence of police here. 凱姐: Yeah. The last thing we need tonight, is a crime scene. 烤魚、尼克跟大衛被叫來處理這具屍體。 死者Sasha Katsaros是賭場的雇員, 最後被賭場大廳經理Mr. Thomas看到的時間是10:00, 而阿奇"發現"屍體的時間是11:45。 囧尼: There's blood on the stair. It looks like she's been tumbling. 大衛: (轉頭看著正被救護人員處理中的阿奇) He looked kind of green. 烤魚: First DB's the hardest. 囧尼: Hum, I talked to him. He has some special observations... David, could you check if our victim has any commando? 大衛: (一臉莫名奇妙的檢查) No underwear. Why the first thing he wants to check is the underwear? 囧尼: He was just being thoroughness. 烤魚: Maybe he kind of remembered someone takes it, which means it's not a accident. 樓上,凱姐聽取了電話簡報。 凱姐: Okay, Nikky. Just make sure no one enters casino with vest, caps, or lights. (掛電話) V: (盯著監視螢幕,兩個年輕的藥頭正在跟妓女翻滾中) I don't get it. They're born rich. They're not doing this for money. 凱姐: To get some excitement maybe? You got a problem with that? V: I got an issue rich kids killing poor kids. 該賭場最新的"商品販賣"是讓一群女生, 依不同角色扮演穿著內衣進行內衣展示, 然後大飽眼福的男性顧客可以選擇讓他們有"興趣"的內衣買回家, 烤魚跟尼克於是進入這些活動展場準備調查。 烤魚: How do you want to do this. (囧尼正看著某辣妹發呆中) Nick? 囧尼: Hmh? 烤魚: I said, how do you want to do this? 囧尼: Yeah, I'm sorry. Cheeerleader is my weakness. 烤魚: I can get that. We can divide by the concurt. 囧尼: O.K. 於是兩人分兩邊進行,囧尼走進一個打扮成天真無邪小妹妹, 綁雙馬尾還抱著一隻熊寶寶在白色大床上翻滾的模特兒。 囧尼: Excuse me, ma' Hi. 女子: Hi. 囧尼: Un, do you know where I can find this one Lon Rose. 女子: It's Brenda. 囧尼: Brenda? Ok. 女子: I haven't seen him today. Now, tell me what you think about this? (人趴下做出瑜珈的貓背式動作,屁股翹得高高的。) (囧尼傻掉,旁邊路過的男人也跟著瞪大眼睛。) 囧尼: I don't know what to think. I'm honesty with you. 路人: I'll take them! 烤魚邊檢視著陳列的"商品",邊看著台上搔首弄姿的模特兒們, 他眼前的展示檯是一名梳著包頭,帶著黑框貓女眼鏡, 手上晃著一隻尺輕拍另一名"女學生"的屁股的女教師, 她注意到烤魚拿起一件商品在檢視,於是輕輕的用尺勾起烤魚的下巴。XDDDDDD Lon: Welcome. So you prefer sweet or sour? 烤魚: Sweet or sour? Lon: Oh, I've never seen you before. You must be new to this. 烤魚: And you must be Lon Rose. Lon: I am. So, can I help you to pick? 烤魚: No, my name is Lengsten. Ray Lengsten. (出示警方證件) I would love to talk about Sasha Katsaros with you. Lon: Why? I think Mr. Pudder was out of line. 烤魚: Mr. Pudder? Lon: Yeah. One customer. He was a little bit overeacted earlier tonight. I asked Sasha to eject him. (注意到一名男客拆了包裝著的內褲用力聞著) Hey! You have to buy it once you open it! (轉頭對烤魚說)I'm happy to talk with you all night. But I have to deal with the business first. (離開) 囧尼: (走過來,一臉疑惑) Vacum pan panties. What's that mean? 烤魚: (偷笑,指包裝上的字給囧尼看) "Buy any other names." Get it? 囧尼: (看看其他字,看看那個一臉幸福聞著內褲的男客) "Would smell the sweet..." Oh. (恍然大悟臉) Oh. (不可置信臉) Oh... (有點被噁心到的臉) 凱姐跟警探先生繼續呆在蜜月套房(大誤)裡。 牠們監視的對象經過狂歡已經醒了, Evert進入浴室似乎準備作藥, 但是Bell來是一臉打算繼續縱慾的樣子, 此時忽然有人敲門,Bell拿出0.375手槍, V警探緊張了一下,結果只是客房服務食物外送... Evert: Room service? ... This is not a fucking vacation! V: (對凱姐說) That's a confirmation. 回到警局,烤魚對囧尼解釋Lon的生意, 烤魚說他去過日本, 他知道日本人甚至使用真空機器來保留那些穿過的內褲上的氣味。 烤魚: We smell through our brains, not our noses. The chemicals enters through nose, get into the particular area of the brain. It tells the brain how to response to the scent. 囧尼: We then follow our noses. 烤魚: True. Everytime I smell the scent of nail polish, I think about my first girlfriend Machelle. 囧尼: Right. (電話響) They got the Mr. Podder. 兩人去詢問Mr. Podder。 烤魚: Sasha kicked you out. You must be pissed. Podder: I didn't kill her. 囧尼: Whoever did it took her panties. We know you got a lot of them in your hotel room. Podder: I would never go to a loading dock. That place smells terrible. Besides, Sasha is not my type. 烤魚: So... what is your type? Podder: ... I have a very phisticated palate.(微笑) When all the conditions are just right, there's nothing to compare. Go ask that Lon Rose. I only bought off on one model, Brenda. 囧尼: So where are you last night after being kicked out? Podder: In my room. I paid a guy to buy up Brenda's whole table. 囧尼: Holded up in your room with all women panties is not an alibi. Podder: You'll have to try then you'll realize that. 烤魚: All right. We'll need your finger prints. (拿出指紋版) Podder: Is that thing clean? (皺眉) 烤魚: (嘆氣) I hope so. Podder: (很快的掃完指紋) Sticks. 繼續辛苦的監視工作的兩人。 凱姐開玩笑的提到他們在這樣的賭場可以做的事(看秀、吃高級晚餐...etc), V: (大笑) You're not a cheap date. 凱姐: (微笑) No, I'm not. Seriously, it all depends on the ingredient, and, um, the cook. (手機簡訊聲響起,凱姐看了一眼後翻白眼) V: Your kid? 凱姐: Lindsey wants to visit a friend in CA, alone. I said never think about it, but she just can't give up. V: You'll miss the fight one day. I do miss the times with my son. 凱姐: (略顯吃驚) You've never talked your son. V: Jake, that is his name. My ex-wife got the custody. So he's living with her. He's in school now, so still quite handing... ... But I miss someone to becoming home to. 凱姐: ... (一時無言以對) V: I didn't mean to put you on the spot. Just want to let you know. 烤魚和羅賓爺爺在驗屍, 羅賓爺爺: My uncle, he cannot resist the chocolate chip cookies. One time my aunt comes home and almost thoght that he's trying to kill himself for she caught his head in oven. That's how she learned the trick for a successful marriage, fresh hand-made chocolate chip cookies daily. 烤魚: You always have the most sad story. 羅賓爺爺: Coming from you, I'll take it a complient. 烤魚: So, our victim is grabbed, and then kicked. 羅賓爺爺: Yes. 烤魚: (注意到死者鎖骨下方的一個印記)Is that a birth mark? It's shaped like a stawberry... You know, it is calles xxx in Hebrew and believed to be the sign of the mother who has unfullfilled dream. 溫蒂走來把分析報告拿給囧尼,注意到囧尼在處理死者的胸罩, 溫蒂馬上清楚的告訴囧尼他們在找的底褲一定是同樣黑色質料成套的。 囧尼: How did you know? 溫蒂: It's an Amatore bra. It's expensive and it's beatiful. When a woman bought things like this, she'll bought the pair. And then she wears them together as a set. 囧尼: But... 溫蒂: Just trust me, I'm an expert. 死盯著監視螢幕的兩人,Evert跟Bell終於開始製藥了... 凱姐解釋製藥過程給V警探聽,一路講到最後冷卻的步驟。 凱姐: It's the most dangerous part. It has to be dealt with right, or... V: Or what? It goes bad? 凱姐: No, it explores. 阿奇在搜尋Lon的生意的網頁中,還是有點受到驚嚇的樣子。 烤魚: How're you holdin up? 阿奇: I'm fine. It's just... I'm looking all the webpages. But sometimes they looks just blur... 烤魚: It's all right, Archie. It gets easier. 烤魚看著網頁,網頁上模特兒們是看不到臉的, 但是烤魚注意到其中一個模特兒的鎖骨下有個草莓型胎記... 烤魚: That, is Sasha. 阿奇: Oh, I... I thought she works for the hotel? 烤魚: Well, maybe she didn't make enough money from her day job. 於是烤魚跟囧尼回頭去找Lon。 Lon承認了Sasha是他的模特兒之一,而他答應她要保密。 烤魚: That's her table. Lon: Yes. Look, you think my business is just for undersexed husband or loosers? 囧尼: Well... Lon: You don't understand. Sasha is special! She's my inspiration. 囧尼: Well, her killer loves her smell, too. Lon: (從口袋拿出一條內褲) Sasha gave them to me yesterday.    I plan to sell them. I would never make love with her. That's like scrbbling on Mona Lisa! Sex changes the chemistry of women! You cannot see it, but the nose knows. 監視螢幕裡,Bell打電話要兩個Asian chicks,Evert一把搶下電話。 Evert: No more hookers! We got three more hours and we have to finish then! 兩人爭執,門鈴又響了,來者是Bell的朋友Jill跟她男朋友(?)。 明顯過嗨的Jill巴著Bell熱吻,她男人很不爽,搞到後來與Bell持槍對立, Evert拿槍指著男人,另一隻手遞上兩顆藥丸,要他們立刻走人, Jill開開心心的拿了藥拖著她男人走了。 一切看在眼裡的V警探讓手下員警馬上逮捕離開的Jill兩人。 囧尼回到局裡將Sasha的內褲交由溫蒂去檢驗, 溫蒂: I was right? 囧尼: (笑) Yes. You were. Thanks for the insight! 然後阿奇走來說,他們發現Sasha的key card訊號依然活動中...... V警探走下樓跟小葛和布拔會合, 布拔說要在Evert跟Bell進入派對販賣毒品時罪證確鑿的抓人。 小葛身負重任要混進去,布拔問他到底行不行, 他很開心的說起自己年少輕狂的往事... 布拔: Well, think it as you're recruited. 囧尼烤魚去找那位大廳經理Mr. Thomas,要求察看他的key card。 這位仁兄用了很爛的"放在休息室忘記了"的理由試圖脫身, 被兩人攔下,搜出key card掃描後明明白白顯示Sasha是他殺的。 Thomas: Look, when I met Sasha, I knew she is special. I want to marry her in 3 days. When I figured out she was doing. I feel... disgusting. I made she promise to quit. But she didn't... (回想當晚,兩人爭吵,Thomas說那些人都是perverts。) (Sasha: They are nor perverts; they're my fans. Look, we're over.) (Thomas憤而痛下殺手。)     She was everything to me. I couldn't live without her. 囧尼: You can let her live without you. Take him. Evert跟Bell準備前往派對了,凱姐穿好化學防護衣準備中。 凱姐: I'll need a unit with me. When I doing the process I won't be able to defend or what. V: You're looking at him. 兩人進入Evert跟Bell的房間,浴室根本就是小型速成實驗室。 凱姐: You're not suited up. Stay out the room. V: O.K. I'll watch for you. 小葛著裝混進會場(棒球帽,綠色襯底的夾克外套,裡面是斑馬紋的上衣 XDD), 接近藥頭後學著別人伸手,拿到了藥。 凱姐在浴室進行蒐證中。 V: How's it going? 凱姐: Slow. 此時小葛注意到Evert跟Bell準備要離開, 小葛慌張的想送簡訊,但是訊號不良(囧"), 而此時Evert已經走到他面前了,小葛只好硬著頭皮攔人... 小葛: Can I get another roll? I lost the other one. Evert: ...... (略顯懷疑,還是拿了藥遞過去) 布拔: (從後面出現持槍抵著Evert的頭)    Don't move. Don't even twitch. You're under arrest. 樓上。 V: They arrested Evert. But they haven't find Bell yet. I'll go check their wallets. 凱姐: O.K. 結果沒幾秒鐘後Bell就回來了,對著手機慌亂的大吼大叫, 他注意到浴室不對勁,朝浴室靠近,凱姐躲到彩色玻璃窗後面... Bell繼續往後面的房間走,看到V警探在搜東西, Bill持槍,準備開槍,凱姐從後頭跳上去想制止他。 V聽到聲響匆忙回頭,凱姐已經被Bell壓在地板上持槍對著, 兩人扭打掙扎中,Bell準備開槍..... 然後下一秒Bell就被爆頭了,V警探沒猶豫了多久就開槍了。 凱姐邊喘著氣邊坐起來,兩人相視,V警探先生閉上了眼。 本集心得: 1) 女王情路這樣是順利還是不順利勒? 有點小沉重但還是很閃就是了......        是說V先生你拐彎抹角的那些話是...? 阿編大人請賜給凱姐幸福吧!!!!!!(攤手)      2) 這次阿奇囧了,拍拍......      3) 看囧尼跟烤魚兩個假正經的逛活體模特兒展場真的很有趣啊!XDDD      4) 溫正妹的"I'm expert.",讚! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 15:06, , 1F
是Vatan大哥喔 ^___^ 其實一開始他的人設是Sara舊金山工
04/02 15:06, 1F

04/02 15:07, , 2F
作時的同事,請見5x01 Viva Las Vegas >////////<
04/02 15:07, 2F

04/02 15:07, , 3F
04/02 15:07, 3F

04/02 15:08, , 4F
04/02 15:08, 4F

04/02 15:22, , 5F
是1016吧? 1015的3月中就播完了?
04/02 15:22, 5F
囧" 看來我繼續維持停撥完回來就會算錯的良好習慣Orz

04/02 15:53, , 6F
帥尼的弱點是啦啦隊(筆記) (不是紅髮女孩嗎?)
04/02 15:53, 6F

04/02 16:39, , 7F
應該是1016 - -
04/02 16:39, 7F

04/02 17:41, , 8F
04/02 17:41, 8F

04/02 17:58, , 9F
想偷偷說第10季最近都蠻無聊的 {逃~~冏~~~
04/02 17:58, 9F

04/02 18:07, , 10F
一開始,阿奇整個閃亮亮,讓我整個忽略小葛了 @__@
04/02 18:07, 10F

04/02 18:07, , 11F
然後,一開始的「close call」 我就瞎了啦 >////////<
04/02 18:07, 11F

04/02 18:09, , 12F
話說,要設監視器,怎麼沒打電話到Nerd Herd找某人(喂)
04/02 18:09, 12F

04/02 18:09, , 13F
04/02 18:09, 13F

04/02 18:18, , 14F
pisa麻煩改一下標題嚕 我精華區會先修 XD
04/02 18:18, 14F

04/02 18:23, , 15F
04/02 18:23, 15F

04/02 18:24, , 16F
然後阿奇怎麼會去看「那個地方」 @____@ 這不是SOP啊 XDD
04/02 18:24, 16F

04/02 18:31, , 17F
不過CSI真的很潮....[原味內褲]梗都寫進來了 @_@
04/02 18:31, 17F

04/02 19:01, , 18F
04/02 19:01, 18F

04/02 22:01, , 19F
04/02 22:01, 19F

04/02 22:16, , 20F
乾 日本更誇張 自動販賣機賣原味內褲...
04/02 22:16, 20F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (04/02 22:39)

04/03 00:02, , 21F
04/03 00:02, 21F

04/03 01:19, , 22F
04/03 01:19, 22F

04/03 06:47, , 23F
我很喜歡這集 劇情 節奏都不錯 有回歸該有的水準
04/03 06:47, 23F

04/03 11:21, , 24F
04/03 11:21, 24F

04/05 10:38, , 25F
04/05 10:38, 25F

04/05 20:51, , 26F
我沒看到 我沒看到 沒被雷到...反正每次雷文我看完就忘了
04/05 20:51, 26F

04/05 20:55, , 27F
有部電影在演在賣原味內褲的是男大生 自己穿著運動 然後
04/05 20:55, 27F

04/05 20:56, , 28F
再脫下來 裝罐賣出去耶....
04/05 20:56, 28F

04/11 19:59, , 29F
跟凱姐一起的警察好像在哪看過耶 有人知道嗎??
04/11 19:59, 29F

04/11 20:00, , 30F
剛發出就突然想到 他是不是有命案時會先到場作筆錄的
04/11 20:00, 30F

04/11 20:01, , 31F
04/11 20:01, 31F

04/11 21:04, , 32F
04/11 21:04, 32F

04/12 00:21, , 33F
喔 那個是在說他阿= =a 其實這個名子我沒看過
04/12 00:21, 33F
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