[劇情] CSI: LV 1014雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2010/03/05 13:06), 編輯推噓16(16012)
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(Rascal Flatts <- 誰啊?) 本集重點: 1) CIA耶~~ 2) Rascal Flatts耶~~ (我還是要問"誰啊?"XDD) 片頭,Las Vegas裡的一場演場會, 台上的Rascal Flatts中年大叔們唱著"Love~~ is unstoppeable.", 台下的粉絲們尖叫著(我得說,吉他手是我的菜啊! XDD); 忽然貝斯手Jay因麥克風觸電不穩昏迷,帶出場外處理。 主唱先生奮力穩住現場, Travis Murray (Bass tech) 上場救援,拔插頭換貝斯時卻沒事...... 小葛在醫院裡為一個斷指的年輕人拍照存證, 凱姐則詢問著貝斯手Jay。 凱姐: Mr. DeMarcus. I have a few questions for you. So... do you remeber what happened? Jay: No. 凱姐: (小心檢查著電擊的傷痕跟Jay的手) Hey, you're married! Jay: I'm not married. I'm not a marrying guy. (凱姐抬頭一臉錯愕,兩人眼對眼。) You want kiss me, don't you? (微笑) 小葛: (從隔壁隔間過來) Psss... (凱姐走到他旁邊) This is the Rascal Flatts guy? 凱姐: Yeah, there's a trace of ferning on his right hand. I don't think a ferning can form from 110 valt... This is not an accident. Someone must substage him. (此時Racal Flatts的其他成員出現,主唱Gary Levox與吉他手Joe Don Rooney) Gary: Jay! Dude, what happened? You can't walk out like that! It's all about us! (Jay一臉茫然) Joe Don: It's us, Dude. Joe Don and Gary. (Gary手機響起,鈴聲是他們的歌曲Unstoppable) Jay: What's the noise? Gary: Noise? It's our song! Dude, you wrote that song. Jay: ... but I hate country music. Joe Don: What... 凱姐: He was fried for a few seconds on the stage. We think it is substaged. Jay: Dude, I don't even know your name. (一名黑人看護的手機響起,是首rap) That's much better. (點頭隨音樂搖擺) 荒郊野外的一座湖,發現了一具屍體,莎拉跟烤魚前去處理。 烤魚: Based on the bleeding, he's been in the water for more than 12 hours. 莎拉: Fishing vest, fishing cap. Boating accident? 員警: Uh... usually there will be a boat. 莎拉: (看看周圍湖面) No boat. 烤魚: (開始翻找死者衣物) Cuban cigar... a lighter... 莎拉: That seems an interesting watch. 烤魚: Hum... Luftwaffe. It belongs to a German pilot during the World War 2. 員警: Then maybe he comes from there? 烤魚: Somehow I doubt it, unless issuing to the CIA. 囧尼跟凱姐到演唱會準備現場詢問事發經過, Travis讓他們去找Buddy。 囧尼: Who's Buddy? Travis: He's the band's manager. (Buddy走來) 囧尼: We have to take the guitars, chargers and all the cores Jay used last night back to the office. Buddy: Well, this doesn't sound pretty good... Gary: We can't play without those! 囧尼: Well... why don't you tell us about the fight last night? Gary: Families fight. 囧尼: Is there a family fight too last night? Travis: That's none of your business. 囧尼: Well, how about this: I can make you out of business. 凱姐: Okay, okay, gentleman. We're just trying to figure things out. Joe Don: No. We're fine last night. Gary: And we don't think it is quite well, so we tried to kill him. Joe Don: Dude, they were cops. (笑) 烤魚去找羅賓爺爺問不明死者的C.O.D., 羅賓爺爺說頭上有傷,但不致死, 死者體內有嚴重的癌症發展(第四期),但也不是死因... 莎拉此時則在處理死者衣物, 她發現死者襯衫上有血跡,背心卻只有內裡有血跡。 烤魚在工作,小哈從背後冒出來。 小哈: Hum, fishing. You know, my father never took me fishing. 烤魚: Maybe he felt you're crowding. 小哈: No, I don't think so. Anyway, My mother and I will bake the cookies at home. Did your father ever took you? 烤魚: Fishing? No. 莎拉走來告知烤魚她的發現。 莎拉: ... He was standing when he was hit. He was dressed out. 凱姐接到一名自稱為Craig Holliday的男子的電話, 他聲稱自己為CIA探員, 並指出他們的消息指出他們的Deputy Director: Vance Colton的案件, 正由凱姐的CSI小組進行調查。 凱姐: Before I give you any information, I need to clarify your identification. Craig: Yeah, you'll be surprised how many people won't answer... Call Lesley at ooo-xxx... (凱姐確認後回撥) 凱姐: My team is investing a floater case. If it is what you meant. Craig: A floater? 凱姐: A body we found in Lake XXX. Male Cocasion. Craig: We'll need all your logs, files... 凱姐: If, he is your Deputy Director Colton. Craig: Whoa, there, yikes. I see. How about an collaboration. Exchanging as helping the goverment, how about I give you something you can't get otherwise? 莎拉跟烤魚討論案情中,凱姐走過去告訴他們這項發展。 凱姐: Our victim is Vance Colton. He once worked to deal with Eastern German Starci. You guys will go meet a CIA and hand him the files we got. 莎拉: Do we get any benefit by doing this? 凱姐: Colton's home address, and maybe a primary. 囧尼準備檢查一台吉他中,被驚駭的羅賓爺爺叫住了。 羅賓爺爺: Put down the saw!!! 囧尼: What? 羅賓爺爺: You were about to commit murder to an extremly precious xxx guitar! As a guy comes from Texas, you show very little respect to this kind American art! 囧尼: The fact I come from Texas does not mean I like country music...(無奈) 羅賓爺爺向囧尼展示了他的吉他知識, 到最後結果很明顯的是這把吉他並不是Jay當晚使用的吉他。 烤魚跟莎拉抵達了Vance Colton家。 烤魚: Craig Holliday? Craig: Yes. 莎拉: (驚駭的看著屋裡屋外搬著東西的人們)Who are those people? Craig: They're the kind officers who helps to deal with some national security problems. Is there a problem? 烤魚: I guess... you didn't learn from Catherine that We're investigating his death as a homicide... Craig: Oh, I'm sorry. What can I do to cooperate? 莎拉: By calling back your officers. Craig: Well, time is slowpokes. I'm out of your way and I'm listening to. 莎拉: (一臉不爽的看著床墊被移走) Since when a mattress is associated with national security? 遠處,有人對著莎拉跟烤魚被拍照。 囧尼回到演唱會準備現場。 囧尼: Travis, why did you give the guy a wrong guitar. It looks now a conspiract to me... Travis: I don't know. I give him the case, and I think I put that guitat in the case! Buddy: (走過來) How's the preperatipon? Gary: Look, we'll have no show without Jay. 囧尼: (嘆氣) Figure it out yourselves, boys. I'm going to talk with the security. 莎拉跟烤魚哀怨的在空蕩蕩的房子裡搜尋,兩人走到屋後,發現停在溪邊的Canoe。 烤魚: One canoe missing, one paddle missing. 莎拉: Green piseces of plastic material on the ground. Same as the canoes. 烤魚: Looks like the missing canoe crashed somehow? 莎拉: No. I don't think so. Grissom and I once want canoeing together... We're looking for bugs during our honetmoon. (微笑) 烤魚: ......(挑眉+咳嗽) 莎拉: The point is, the things today don't usually sink. 兩人依據現場推測,Vance是準備上船時遭到攻擊, 兇手從背後襲擊後將背心給Vance穿上,Vance直接倒入船內, 兇手破壞了船隻,將船推出,以為船會自己沉下水底,連帶著Vance的屍體。 小葛告訴囧尼說, 他們在RascalFlattsBoysBitch.com網站發現一名女子再談Jay的吉他, 於是兩人前去找那位粉絲。 囧尼: We're asking to check Jay's guitar... 金髮美眉: Well, you don't need warrant for that! I'm died in showing people that! (兩人跟著美眉走進客廳,吉他被供在牆上跟許多Rascal Flatts的簡報一起) 金髮美眉: Isn't it beautiful? I love them so much! 小葛: Unfortunately, it is asscociated with an attmpt of murder... 囧尼: ... maybe they'll reward to you when we're done with it... (囧尼上前準備檢查吉他) 金髮美眉: J-J-J-Just look, don't touch. There might be Jay's fingerprint on it! 囧尼: Yeah... (咬牙) I hate to break your heart, but we have to take it with us. 金髮美眉: But... 小葛: (跟著拿了吉他就跑的囧尼迅速撤腿) Maybe we can get you an autograph! 金髮美眉: (無限惆悵的看著牆面,在看看自己手上的簽名) But I already have their autographs... Craig來到警局跟布拔打招呼,但是其實是故意來跟Vance的兒子見上一面。 Vance的兒子顯然很恨他,不認為他是英雄,只稱他為殺人兇手, Craig語帶諷刺的回說要是沒有殺掉那些人,現在他哪有可能站在這裡。 莎拉跟烤魚到了湖的另一側,看來是獨木舟最後漂流上岸的點。 烤魚: Three sets of trace of suburbans... 莎拉: Holliday beat us here. (留意到不遠處一台黑頭車) Holliday's spooks? 烤魚: That's not a suburbane. (往前走去) 莎拉: I'll call it in. 烤魚敲了敲車窗,車窗搖下,是兩名德國男子。 男子: (用德語說) I don't speak English. 烤魚: (用德語回) I know a little Germany. 男子: (用德語說) It's a nice day, isn't it? Looking for a place to fishing. (伸手要從西裝外套內袋掏東西,烤魚注意到一把槍) 烤魚: Gun!(閃身,莎拉穩穩的舉槍對著男子) 男子: I'm reaching for my identification. 烤魚: (翻閱著男子遞出的護照) 莎拉: You're with the German Counelor... 男子: Yes, but what's wrong with that? 烤魚: (對莎拉說)... He's right. (對男子說) For your information, gentleman. It's illegal to shoot fish in Nevada. 小哈在實驗室內,聽到印表機的聲音, 她的印表機自動印出了一本書,談的是Vance Colton的回憶錄! 莎拉、凱姐、烤魚、阿奇跟小哈在一起檢視這份文件, 阿奇: Apparently, even working inside the station, someone hacked Hodge's computer to use the printer printing out this... 小哈: Why me? 阿奇: Maybe someone has extra out-site connections than others while working...(挑眉) 小哈: ...It's all research. Now, if I am not needed, excuse me... I need to go delete some personal files.(離開) 烤魚指出,整份回憶錄裡很重要的地方是, 二戰時期一名雙面間諜Mollar(最後被判某方)的一些錄音檔案, 似乎就是在Vance Colton的手上。 莎拉: It all linked together... Holliday, the house, the German. 烤魚: The tape! They're looking for the tape. 凱姐: A tape worth killing for... 小葛跟囧尼查吉他,發現吉他的地線(ground)被人為取走了, 這造成了Jay在拿著吉他時,會成為一整個導電體, 小葛: As soon as his lips touch the mac. Jay fried. Question is: why it didn't happen when he touched that at first time? 顯然,有人在演唱會中動了手腳,將插頭由110伏特移往220伏特的charger box... 烤魚找上Henry,請亨利幫忙驗幾項特別的藥物, 然後問了Henry有沒有發現一些藥物的跡證,亨利說沒有,連治療藥物都沒有。 烤魚: The man has a stage-four cancer. Henry: Then he must stop the theropy... 阿奇跟莎拉追蹤小哈電腦的駭客訊號。 阿奇: Blue Siren Hotel. Not sound very 007. 莎拉跟著布拔來到那間旅館, 原來正是Vance的兒子下榻的地方,而且依據櫃檯紀錄, 他其實是在Vance死亡的前一天就到了...... 在布拔和莎拉行進間,男子已經被不明人士殺死了... 布拔: (留意到不對勁) The door is open. (Las Vegas警方衝入房間中) 警員: (查探脈搏) He's dead. 布拔: Probably tracing the tape. 莎拉: And his computor is gone. 莎拉注意到床上散落的底片,拾起,有Vance兒子行兇時的照片、有莎拉、有烤魚... 莎拉: The Germans want us to know who killed Colton, and they also want us to know they kill the son. 回到局裡,莎拉、烤魚跟凱姐嘗試串起案情, 推測是Vance的兒子看到那份網路上的回憶錄後, 憤而來向老爸質問(You call my mother a whore? And I'm a bastard?); 最後一言不和殺了老爸Vance... 但是其實那個時候CIA跟德國人都已經盯上Vance Colton了。 莎拉: Vance Colton was going to die anyway. 烤魚: By which side? That's what bothering me. 烤魚跟莎拉準備收工,Henry跑來。 Henry: Just call me H. Got it? "H," like "Q"... 烤魚: So what's the result? Henry: The C.O.D.. He was died because of a super pesticide back to WW2. They don't produce it now. But back then it was usually produced in a form of sarin in Germany. 莎拉: I don't get it. Why didn't they just kill him? This doesn't make any sense. 烤魚: Well, Catherine needs a C.O.D. And we have it now. (莎拉走去報告凱姐) Henry: Huh, Ray? Can I get the rest of the book? I really want to read it. 烤魚: No, I'm going to return it to its author. 烤魚在一家酒吧跟Craig Holliday見面,兩人客套了一下,烤魚直驅重點。 烤魚: ... We both know what killed him was the sarin you gave him. Craig: Sarin? They don't even produce that now. 烤魚: You put him back to the business, right? You provide the Mollar type. I believe that you both know the Germans will read the memoir when he put it on-line. Craig: He was dying. 烤魚: So you helped an old friend to get his way out of the world... Craoig: You know, you're like the extra spin around the block. Looking for the truths desperately... The block I was working for has unlimited forces. 烤魚: ... Are you offering me a job? Craig: Haven't you find one that fits? 烤魚: ...(沉默) Craig: Well, my mistake. Have your father ever told you about Vietnam? It was a strang point to leave the field, wasn't it? Or maybe you two are not that close? (離開) (烤魚臉色難看的把酒喝完) 囧尼跟凱姐前往演唱會現場。 囧尼: Mr. Murray. You know why we're here. (看向Gary跟Joe Don) He's the one that subtaged Jay's guitar. Joe Don: What? Why? Travis: ... I'm getting old. I want have a chance to perform one song there. The show is over after this tour for me. Jay: Why? What did I do to you? Travis: (被押走) I'm really sorry... Gary: Jay? You recognize me? Jay: Yeah, your face, as ugly as it is. It's hard to forget.    (三人相視而笑)    I wrote a song in the hospital for you. You guys just following me.    (對凱姐和囧尼說) Go hanging around. Enjoy yourselves tonight! Rascal Flatts上了台,大家熱烈歡迎Jay的歸來, 然後Jay宣布說他寫了新歌,貝斯一刷下去,見鬼的是條Rap! XDDD 一時觀眾跟成員都默默的傻了眼,不過沒幾句後就接回他們的"Unstoppable"啦! 凱姐跟囧尼微笑的看著這場表演~~ 本集心得: 1) CIA啊? 改天可以請Patrick Jane來玩玩嗎? (狗狗眼) 2) 小哈啊,老師有講過,上班不要亂上網,你就是不聽嘛~~(攤手) 3) 烤魚莫名奇妙的被閃了一下,即使企鵝先生明明不在場! 是說蜜月旅行再找蟲子抓真是太符合葛瑞森夫妻的風格了!XD 4) 女王大人,有人要拐你們家的烤魚,拐不成還欺負他啦! 話說死不認帳的CIA最後那段有一點點要加分的, 結果他一拿烤魚爸來欺負烤魚,我又瞬間扣回負分了,哼! 5) Rascal Flatts...對不起我真的沒聽過... Orz 是說不少老美好像對鄉村音樂有偏見? 我...我覺得還不難聽啊...? (之前問過Language Partner鄉村音樂的定義,他說就比較cheesy的rock'n roll 囧") 下週本人在荒郊野外露營做實驗暫停一次~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/05 13:08, , 1F
下週 NY 跟 Miami 都重播,本店我不清楚。
03/05 13:08, 1F

03/05 13:13, , 2F
03/05 13:13, 2F

03/05 13:17, , 3F
Pisa,是Patrick Jane喔 XD 小哈自己活該啦 XDDDDD
03/05 13:17, 3F

03/05 13:18, , 4F
Patrick Jean是CBI不是CIA
03/05 13:18, 4F

03/05 13:18, , 5F
03/05 13:18, 5F
犯罪影集看太多,一整個混很兇。 XDD 反正都是CBS的,而且WAT跟Cold Case都有人來CSI玩過了(雖然不同店)... 我好想看Patrick, Charlie或者Reid來CSI玩喔!!! (打滾~~)

03/05 13:33, , 6F
我錯了,是下下禮拜,NY & Miami 下禮拜有新進度! Orz
03/05 13:33, 6F

03/05 14:02, , 7F
03/05 14:02, 7F

03/05 14:03, , 8F
03/05 14:03, 8F

03/06 02:31, , 9F
鄉村音樂另有一批喜愛的聽眾 影響力比我們想得大多了
03/06 02:31, 9F

03/06 02:32, , 10F
Carrie Underwood Taylor Swift都是融合流行大紅的例子
03/06 02:32, 10F

03/06 03:43, , 11F
Rascal Flatts的歌是比較偏流行的鄉村團,主唱歌聲很棒!
03/06 03:43, 11F
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (03/06 05:06)

03/07 16:30, , 12F
幫p大推一下, 有人發現囧尼要幫電吉他"驗屍"時, 手上拿
03/07 16:30, 12F

03/07 16:31, , 13F
03/07 16:31, 13F

03/07 16:31, , 14F
開的. 呵呵!
03/07 16:31, 14F

03/07 16:45, , 15F
03/07 16:45, 15F

03/07 19:01, , 16F
03/07 19:01, 16F

03/07 21:22, , 17F
流行的鄉村我只知道Billy Ray Cyrus 家裡還有他的CD -.-
03/07 21:22, 17F

03/07 22:04, , 18F
這集真的狂推 主唱真的是冷面笑匠 主唱 : 不要這樣看我
03/07 22:04, 18F

03/07 22:05, , 19F
Nick : 我又沒在看你 主唱 : 那我怎麼冷汗直流
03/07 22:05, 19F

03/07 22:20, , 20F
看CSI長知識 原來各國領事館的車也算該國的領土
03/07 22:20, 20F

03/07 23:04, , 21F
是阿 看電影很多劇情都是把人往領事館送當作庇護
03/07 23:04, 21F

03/07 23:15, , 22F
N大 其實在國際法上這種說法是有爭議的....
03/07 23:15, 22F

03/08 23:33, , 23F
03/08 23:33, 23F

03/09 00:01, , 24F
搜Rascal Flatts Unstoppable就能找到
03/09 00:01, 24F

03/10 00:04, , 25F
這屆的American Idol有參賽者唱Rascal Flatts的歌。
03/10 00:04, 25F

03/10 05:07, , 26F
American Idol只好推一下Pants On The Ground了
03/10 05:07, 26F

03/13 02:19, , 27F
03/13 02:19, 27F

03/16 14:49, , 28F
You call my mother a whore? 我聽到的是slut @@?
03/16 14:49, 28F
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