[劇情] CSI: NY 602 大雷~~

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間14年前 (2009/10/01 12:24), 編輯推噓16(1609)
留言25則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
防雷頁 本集重點: 1. 包子大跟包子爸的父子情 2. 弗帥啊....(拍拍) 片頭,Aaron Dexter,一名藥商,駕著車在紐約行駛, 同時打電話回家在電話答錄機留言說, 他很快就要平安抵達旅館了, 然後明天會平安到家跟家裡的人進行spaghetti might跟board game。 掛斷電話後,天殺的GPS卻把他帶進暗巷裡,跟他說已抵達目的地, 於是Aaron打了On-Boardsafety的客服電話, 告訴客服說他人在一個奇怪的暗巷內,只看的到前方有一間Jack & Sam Storage; 接電話的客服帶著奇怪的沉重呼吸聲, 還冷冷的跟Aaron說那是個治安糟糕的區域,他不該在那裡, 然後當Aaron想問更多問題時,電話就掛了。 之後車子的警報器開始亂叫,兩名男子走來, Aaron想開車逃逸,車卻熄火了,還反鎖...... 最後是某名男子反手打破車窗。 天亮了,弗帥在犯罪現場發呆,想著天使姊姊在血泊中的樣子... >"< 之後包子大出現了,弗帥跟他報告說Aaron是外地人,車是在JFK租的, 然後霍克葛格的現場分析說Aaron的死亡時間約在6小時前。 回到局裡,亞當、丹尼跟包子大在研究錄影帶, 亞當找出了幾個把車子值錢的東西搬的一空的jokers(bugs), 包子大讓他們繼續辨認出人名, 包子大: I want to squash some of the bugs! 最後找到一個名叫Willie的黑人男子, 由弗帥問話,男子一直在講些簡寫字的全名來晃點弗帥, 像GPS=Global Positioning System, PIN=Personal Identification Number, 然後弗帥就冷冷丟了一個TYAJI代表要把男子丟進監獄的意思簡寫XD, 總之最後確認男子拿走的GPS確實就是Aaron租來的車上的, 但是不能證明Willie殺了Aaron。 霍克葛格在查車,蒙大拿匆匆趕到,因為保姆被困在車陣中遲到了, 霍克葛格對蒙大拿身上的衣物做了挑了個眉, 蒙大拿: Baby throws on everything! 之後兩人利用車門高度找出亞當辨識出的三名bugs中可能的槍手。 弗帥跟包子大去找人, 那個笨蛋正在注射藥品還是什麼的樣子, 在警方衝入的時候針頭扎在腳趾上了,於是邊跳邊慘叫, 嫌犯: Please let me take it off first! 包子大: You can't. It's evidence. 弗帥拿出小DC照相。 XDDDD 回到局裡,包子大跟弗帥詢問嫌犯, 證實殺死Aaron的槍手就是這人沒錯。 嫌犯: The street is a jungle. You gotta to do what you have to do. 包子大: The man you killed has a wife, and two kids. 嫌犯: Well, and so do I.(無動於衷的聳肩) 包子大: Now both of you have no chance to see them again. 已為結案了,星姐卻跑來告訴包子大說有新發現。 Aaron確實在GPS輸入了到Midtown旅館的正確地址,但GPS卻帶著他到了Bronx; 亞當檢查後證實有人刻意駭進GPS電腦系統, 搗亂路線,同時還利用GPS與汽車系統的相連性破壞了車子的作用。 外頭,一男一女在餐廳用餐, 男子吃了一口麵後忽然像噎住了一樣, 餐廳服務生打了911求救電話, 接電話的卻又是那個On-Boardsafety的男子! 男子: Is Dr. Evans turning blue? 侍者: Yes, he can't breathe! 男子: Good. 弗帥與包子大抵達餐廳現場,簡短的讓包子大了解了情形。 包子大: So where is the crime? 弗帥: Accesary to murder? 包子大結論有人駭了餐廳的電腦作業系統, 於是主廚不知道男子Dr. Evans對花生過敏, 於是沙拉醬裡的花生引發了嚴重的過敏反應, 然後那個人又脅持了911報案系統,所以侍者打出去的求救電話其實沒成功。 弗帥: That's Big Brother, Mac. Is it even possible? 包子大: Our suspect is using the technology as a murder weapon. 局裡,星姐跟蒙大拿對話。 蒙大拿說Aaron所屬的GMI Health System跟Dr. Evans的St. Sabastine Hospital有合作, 星姐說GMI Health System跟超多家醫院都有合作的...... 星姐: Correlation isn't science. Let's see if we can truly connect Aaron to Dr. Evans... 蒙大拿: O.K.(轉身要走) 星姐: Wait, Lindsy. I've heard that Danny's leg got some improvement? 蒙大拿: (微笑)Yeah, limited movement on his toes. Doctors said it is a good improvement. 星姐: Good to know. I'll get my fingers crossed. 然後星姐發現有人在大樓裡裝sedurity camera, 剛好包子大從電梯裡走出來,星姐疑惑的問包子大說他幹嘛訂新的camera? 包子大說他沒有訂購...... 接著包子大做出結論說這就是他們正在追捕的那個嫌犯的伎倆,想要知道他們的進展, 星姐正準備叫人拆掉時,包子大卻說把camera留著就好。 包子大: If he wants to watch us, let's use is as an advantage. 相機裝好了,包子大寫下電話號碼牌子,舉著站在camera前, 結果嫌犯果然打來了~~ 嫌犯先洋洋得意的說了一串他對包子大的歷史的認知, 包子大: You seem to know me well. But I know nothing about you... it's not too fair. What's your name? 嫌犯: Grave Digger...... 包子大: You think it's funny? You made one man killed today, and the other is still in hospital unconciously. 嫌犯: How miserable. 包子大: You'll be just more miserable than them. Because when I catch you, you gonna spend your rest life in jail. 嫌犯: ......(沉重的呼吸) 包子大: You sound not too well. It will pass. Why don't you just do everybody a favor to turn yourself in? 嫌犯: I'm not gonna play this game with you.  包子大: Then what you want? 嫌犯: I want talk your father, McCane Boyld Taylor...Tell me how he died. 包子大: He died a long time ago. 嫌犯: Let's be specific. It was small-cell lung cancer, right? It must be hard for you. 包子大: Everyone has their bad times. 嫌犯: But it's especially for you. I have that profile the Time did on you a few years ago.He's your hero, right? It said you accept the job for him. 包子大: So? 嫌犯: Your hero spent his last eight months on bed with feeding tubes installed on him... Not a very dignified way to end the life, isn't it? 包子大: I think I'm running out my patience. 嫌犯: And I think I'm done now, but don't worry, I'll catch-up with you soon. Until then, you think about your father. 包子大到走廊上買咖啡,回想起在父親過世前回家的日子。 (回想畫面) 包子大: Mom, I'm home.How is he? 包子媽: He's good. He's been looking forward to you all the day. 包子大想起父親癌末插著鼻管時沉重的呼吸聲...... 包子大又回到camera前,舉起"Call me"的牌子,嫌犯果真打了來。 包子大: How much time you have left. 嫌犯: Enough. 包子大: Is it why you choose me? 嫌犯: No, Detective, I didn't pick you. Fate brought us together when I read your story. 包子大: That is all you want? My story? Then why don't you tell me yours? 嫌犯: In time, Detective, in time. 包子大: Dr. Evans is your oncologist, isn't it? He must mistreat you in some ways? And Mr. Dexter? Surely you don't blame them for your cancer. 嫌犯: I blame genetics. 包子大: So it's someone in your family? 嫌犯: I think we have enough conversation now.(斷線) 亞當、霍克跟丹尼查到幾個地點間可能的發信位置,Cyber Security, 他們交叉比對了Cyber Security的雇員與Dr. Evans的病人姓名, 最後查出嫌犯是Victor Benton。 原來,St. Sabastine Hospital因為經濟問題,關閉了oncology department, 致使某些保險負擔的病人們無法繼續接受治療。 星姐: When they cut the treatment, Benton must think like they sign his death certification. CSI小組查出了Benton下一個目標當時是醫院裡的護士Lisa Kim, 霍克跟包子大驅車前往醫院,其他人在警局裡幫忙查資料連線。 而此時Lisa已經被困在電梯裡了,她按了呼救鈴。 Victor: What floor you are? Lisa: It's 20th. Victor: It's very high, Lisa. Lisa: Victor? Is that you? Victor? What's going on? Victor: I remembered you told me about your fear to closure environment. So what is your thoughts now? You must feel suffocating and forgatten... Didn't you get the memo I sent? Lisa: (憂閉恐懼症發作) I can't breathe. Victor: I'm so sorry about that, Lisa. You want me help you? Why would I do that, Lisa? Lisa: ...I'm...sorry Victor: Yeah, sorry. That's all I heared for you and Dr. Evans. You can help me in other ways, but you just said sorry! Lisa: We weren't allow to... Victor: The coperation isn't the charity business, right? "I'm sorry. I wish we wouldn't need to take your bed, Mr. Benton." "If your insurence can cover..." "I'm sorry, but there is nothing we can do for you, Mr. Benton." 包子大跟霍克葛格跑上20樓,兩人想辦法弄開電梯門, 包子大進去扶Lisa,Benton一看馬上按鈕讓電梯下降, 好在包子大剛好來得及將人扶出。 因為Benton一直在忙著折磨Lisa,所以這次沒有費心注意遮掩訊號位置, 亞當終於得以成功的辨識出他的所在地,包子大跟霍克葛格於是驅車前往。 Victor: (又打來)I tried your office, but it doesn't work... 包子大: You're not the only case I'm working on. Victor: Well, soon it will be if you didn't ruin my plan. 包子大: She suffered already. Victor: You see. She needs to feel what it feels to be suffered and forgetten. That's the lesson here. I need to put Aaron Dexter, Dr. Evans and Lida in my shoes to understand. 包子大: You won't be able to get my sympathy. 此時Benton在電話裡聽到的家附近的教堂的鐘聲,理解到包子大他們正在前來抓他的路上, 病重的已經不可能逃亡的Benton於是選擇把維生系統拔掉等死...... 包子大跟霍克葛格趕到,Benton還沒死,包子大進行心肺復紓術。 Victor: (在醫院醒來) You should have let me die. 包子大: Yeah, maybe I should. Victor: Don't worry, I won't make that far. 包子大: I said that you won't get my sympathy. Victor: Oh, come on. You think I'm killing people to get my treatment? If your father didn't get what he need...... 包子大: My father wasn't a rich man. He died with the company of his family and friends. He took comfort leaving by his own mind. He cherish the time he had. Victor: Yes, but if he didn't get what he need, you'll do whatever you could to get that. You'll do that to honor him... 包子大: You think you know me? By just reading the story? You have no idea who I am. You're a cowerd. I put guys in jail like you everyday. That's how I honor my father. 轉身離開的包子大,在醫院走廊上想起跟爸爸的對話...... 包子爸: You did good, son. 包子大: Thank you, sir. 包子爸: I've heard that there is a job offering in New York? 包子大: Yes, sir. 包子爸: The polica station in New York is the best. You've had your wars, son. Claire has family and friends there, right? You're gotta need their helps when babys are coming. 包子大: (笑出來) We're just newly married. I am... actually thinking... that since I'm retired now, maybe I could have moved back to Chicago for a period...? 包子爸: There're no need for you to be here. I've had a good life, and you should have yours. Pick up the phone, make the call, and take the job. 包子大: ......O.K. 包子爸: Promise me, you'll make the call. 包子大: I promise. 本集心得: 1. 弗帥片頭不久想天使姊姊那裏真的是有心疼到...... T_T 2. 包子爸感覺是個關心孩子的嚴父啊~~稱呼爸爸為Sir是怎樣? ^_^" 3. 阿編這次摸到美國的醫療保險問題了... 這議題真的超複雜,看有沒有熱心版友要幫忙解釋好了...XD 4. 看完這集瞬間覺得人還是不要太依賴科技的好~~ OTL 還不錯看的一集,對包子大的背景又多了解了一點, 然後星姐的愛的關心很溫暖~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/01 12:34, , 1F
10/01 12:34, 1F

10/01 13:06, , 2F
偷偷問 丹尼還是坐著(**)嗎?
10/01 13:06, 2F

10/01 13:27, , 3F
Danny 沒有這麼快好喔!
10/01 13:27, 3F

10/01 13:36, , 4F
10/01 13:36, 4F

10/01 13:37, , 5F
10/01 13:37, 5F

10/01 13:51, , 6F
要看美國健保的issue可以google一下 XD 不然看ER好了 XDD
10/01 13:51, 6F

10/01 14:04, , 7F
10/01 14:04, 7F

10/01 14:42, , 8F
10/01 14:42, 8F

10/01 19:51, , 9F
10/01 19:51, 9F

10/01 19:52, , 10F
下一集天使爸要再登場了 看是不是會中止弗帥的悲傷 T_T
10/01 19:52, 10F

10/01 19:54, , 11F
10/01 19:54, 11F

10/01 20:14, , 12F
這集還蠻緊湊的 不過看到兇手是Greg Germann時還是忍不
10/01 20:14, 12F

10/01 20:14, , 13F
住笑了一下 他在Ally McBeal的形象太深了...
10/01 20:14, 13F

10/01 20:59, , 14F
弗帥 >.<~~~~~~~ 來 姊姊抱你一下..
10/01 20:59, 14F

10/01 23:13, , 15F
天使爸只有出現 5.25 這一集,第六季到 6.04 都沒有啊!
10/01 23:13, 15F

10/02 00:02, , 16F
Lisa是電影"面子"的女主角耶~ 弗帥真讓人心疼T^T
10/02 00:02, 16F

10/02 07:23, , 17F
10/02 07:23, 17F

10/02 13:03, , 18F
10/02 13:03, 18F

10/02 13:46, , 19F
原來 Mac 從芝加哥老家把到紐約美眉 Claire... XD
10/02 13:46, 19F

10/02 17:42, , 20F
10/02 17:42, 20F

10/02 17:42, , 21F
10/02 17:42, 21F

10/02 17:43, , 22F
10/02 17:43, 22F

10/02 21:00, , 23F
兇手是由Greg Germann飾演 好久不見了啊
10/02 21:00, 23F

10/02 21:07, , 24F
10/02 21:07, 24F

10/02 21:11, , 25F
10/02 21:11, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1An2y93s (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1An2y93s (CSI)