Re: [劇情] CSI: NY 523 之 詳細劇情補完版~~ 大雷

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間15年前 (2009/05/11 12:53), 編輯推噓17(17021)
留言38則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
我回來啦~~ 一個禮拜在野外做實驗~~ 今天回來趕著找檔案補進度!!! XDXD 以下防雷頁 本集重點: 第一個CSI寶寶誕生!!! 片頭,一名駕駛在跟副座上的人講話, 主要是在說明他如何辦事、拿了錢以後就會解決之類的…… 駕駛: So let me ask you one more time. Are you sure you want him dead? 結果副座上的人默默的遞出一疊鈔票。 殺手的目標是一名壯碩的黑人男性,當天是他出獄的日子, 當這名黑人搭乘著獄方提供的交通車回到紐約市時, 一下車就看到等著他的包子大~~ 包子大: Buy you a cup of coffee, Mr. Navo? Mr. Navo: Who’re you? 包子大: Detective Taylor. I was at the scene of the accident. Mr. Navo: (回想畫面,想起包子大,臉色一變往前走) I don’t remember you. 包子大: I tried to contact you several times, but then you refused my call and not allowed my visit. You left me no choice but wait for you here. Mr. Navo: (繼續往前走) now you’re here? 包子大: I just wonder if we can talk. Mr. Navo: (停下腳步回頭) Why? 包子大: Because you just spent 18 months in prison for a crime you didn’t commit. 前方不遠處的一台車裡,那名殺手駕駛將槍上膛。 下一幕,警局裡蒙大拿扶著肚子匆匆往前走。 蒙大拿: Hi, have you seen Danny? 亞當: About 20 minutes ago, there is a call from a crime scene and he went there. 蒙大拿: How about Stella or Mac? 亞當: Stella is in xxx, and our boss just takes a day off. Can you believe it? Mac never took a day off before. It’s like one day you come in and your boss just called in and said “I won’t show up today.” I want to take a day-off, too. But…… (被蒙大拿打斷) 蒙大拿: Adam, O.K., enough! I just got back from Montana. I think I already got enough of you. This is not how I imagine that…. (抓住亞當的衣領) Adam, I need you to focus 亞當: (嚇到) What happened? 蒙大拿: I need you to get a key to a car, any kind of car, and it needs to be done in less than 5 minutes.   (吸氣) My water just broke. I am about to deliver, and I need you to take me to the hospital! 亞當: @o@” 蒙大拿: Go! 亞當慌慌張張的衝去找車!!! 還差點撞到人!!! XDXD 蒙大拿: Adam! 亞當: Sorry! (對那人說) Just relax, everything will just be O.K.! (對蒙大拿說) 蒙大拿扶著肚子,抓住已經準備好的行李箱微笑的往外走。 包子大跟Mr. Navo坐在一間咖啡店裡。 Mr. Navo: So it is all your fault!? 包子大: What do you mean? Mr. Navo: I just spent 18 months in the prison and at the day I got out, you just show up and told me I shouldn’t be there? 包子大: Two years ago your vehicle ran through Melrose Doniphan, and you claimed you’re behind the wheel. But I think someone else is driving. I’m just curious why you claimed that for something you didn’t do? Mr. Navo: You think that is what happened? 包子大: Yes, I do. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that none of the circumstantial DNA would pay attention without your story. Mr. Navo: Why would I do that? Why would I sentence myself to prison? 包子大說出他的理論,說他可能是想遮掩某人, 但是沒想到遇到了想殺雞儆猴的法官…… Mr. Navo: Another cop’s chasing theory, uh? 包子大: What I’m chasing is the truth. Somebody did the crime and got away from that. Mr. Anddison: There is no one else in that car. 包子大: Well, that is what you said and we believed you. Mr. Navo: Circumstantial, isn’t it? Thanks for the calling. (離開) 包子大嘆了口氣以後還是追了出去, 但是沒找到躲在柱子後面看著他離開的Mr. Navo。 Mr. Navo進入回想畫面, 想到他看到那名騎單車的小女孩被車撞到,倒在地上, Mr. Navo衝到小女孩旁邊,他嘗試要幫助她,但是已經太遲了…… 後來包子大、星姐和弗帥都到了現場勘查,死者為Melrose Doniphan, 包子大在駕駛座旁發現手機,弗帥則說Mr. Navo聲稱車上只有他一人, 手機停留在簡訊畫面,包子大認為Mr. Navo邊開車邊打簡訊; 接著,小女孩Melrose Doniphan的媽媽出現,哀慟欲絕, 媽媽: Melrose? Where is my daughter? Melrose! No!!! Mr. Navo: Listen, listen, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. (試圖上前) 媽媽: You did this? You!!! (搥打) 星姐: Mrs. Doniphan, please. Mrs. Doniphan… (抱著憤怒無助傷心哭泣的媽媽) 於此同時,霍克葛格飛車載著丹尼去醫院, 丹尼: Oh, why didn’t she answer the phone! Voice mail, again! (留言) Baby, hold on till I’m there! I don’t want miss this moment, O.K.? I love you, I love you. 霍克葛格的飛車差點擦撞到一個開車門下車中的駕駛… ^_^” 倒楣的駕駛: Hey! Be careful! 丹尼: Right there, right there, turn right at the corner! 醫院到了,丹尼開了車門衝下去,霍克葛格叫住他, 霍克葛格: Hey, Danny! (丹尼回身) Congratulations, Brother. 丹尼: Thanks, buddy. (兩人碰拳) 丹尼衝進去看到被人推著的蒙大拿,鬆了一口氣,蒙大拿看到他也開心的笑了。 弗帥在幫包子大調出Mr. Navo的地址, 同時編開包子大的玩笑,說一般人休假一天的時候都是去博物館幹嘛的, 只有包子大會跑來探討一個已經close的案子; 包子大跟弗帥解釋說,他三個月前緊急煞車閃避一台來車後, 左肩被安全帶勒的痠痛瘀青, 於是他想起了Mr. Anderson案發那晚揉的其實是右肩…… 弗帥: Which puts him on the side seat… 包子大: And somebody else is driving the car. I supposed I could just let it go. But I cannot forget the look on Catherine Doniphan’s face while she found her daughter lying there lifelessly on the street. I remembered I think that this is so good that the guy who hit the girl takes full responsibility. He didn’t try to avoid the work, and he didn’t point his finger to the victim… There is something so tragic, but descent at the end. But now I believed someone else is involved, and that someone … if he thinks he can get away from this… No, this is not how it going to end. Thanks for this. 包子大開車去找Mr. Navo。 Mr. Navo: (很煩) What the hell you want, detective? 包子大: The truth. A name. Mr. Navo: I have nothing to say. 包子大: All right, then I have something to tell you. Mr. Navo: I’ve heard that already. 包子大: Tell me the truth or I’m not getting out your way. I could just pull you to the police office. You might wonder why a crime scene officer asks so many questions. I have more complicated things to show you. Come’on, get in. Mr. Navo: (投降上車) Stop telling me the “story.” 包子大: (拿下墨鏡看著他) My lab recovered the car from the scene. (包子大回想畫面,丹尼、亞當和霍克葛格都查了車&做了模擬測試) (結果他們發現Mr. Navo那時並非在駕駛座上,) (副座的安全帶沒有鬆開的痕跡,方向盤上沒有大拇指指紋,) (這顯示要馬Mr. Navo從副座騰出左手在駕駛車輛,要馬就是有另一名駕駛!) Mr. Navo: There is no one else in that car. I struggled with my belt. I panic. I can’t get out. 包子大: The evidence doesn’t suggest so. There is no problem for the button to release the belt, and the prints just showed that you’re not on the driving seat at that time. Mr. Navo: Why would I lie? What would I get? I would now and forever have no permission to a car. I’m worthy. It does sound insane for a normal man to admit it. Do you see the guy over there? I’m a single father. I worked intensely, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. I’m trying to live honestly for my kids. My son, Joe, is a professor , and my daughter Karina, she’s a surgeon. 包子大: And don’t you want them to know the truth? Were you in the car with someone you shouldn’t be? Or your family is threatened if you don’t keep the secret that much? Mr. Navo只是一直搖頭… 包子大: While you’re in the prison, you refused any other visitors except one guy, Matt Donny. Mr. Navo: He’s one of the local 9-15s. I want to know how my business work. 包子大: He’s also a tough guy. He asked for protection fees. (假想畫面,案發當晚Matt去找Mr. Navo想收錢,Mr. Navo要求寬貸幾天) (Matt卻說要去take a ride,Mr. Navo說他工作了一天很累想拒絕,) (Matt說: Guess what? I’ll drive.) Mr. Navo: Matt was not on the car at that night. 包子大: Then who is? You were not behind the wheel at that night. Who did that to Melrose Doniphan should be punished. Mr. Navo: (不爽的下車) That, has been paid. 包子大: Unfortunately, Mr. Navo, that is not a decision you could make. 殺手先生此時躲在暗處看著Mr. Navo離開。 星姐到了醫院陪著蒙大拿待產, 蒙大拿還沒有進入產房,在醫院的走廊走來走去,星姐陪著她走; 蒙大拿: I’m kind scary, Stella. 星姐: That’s normal, Linsey. Just remember, you’re health and strong. You and Danny already went through all those courses…… 蒙大拿: I mean, I never thought that I’ll have a baby and now I’m soon to be a Mom! What if I stink it? And I won’t know it until it is too late… She might scream at and hate me. She’ll need antibiotic things while she’s 12. She might get eating disorder and soon the therapy will try to save my whole family! 星姐: (笑) Well, the fact that you already think about those things tells me that you’ll just going to be fine. 蒙大拿: I’m loosing it, huh? 星姐: Yeah. 蒙大拿開始陣痛,扶著牆壁。 亞當此時陪著丹尼走在醫院走廊上。 丹尼: I’m worried it might be twins, Adam. You know, those stories that people got really surprised. I mean, you see Linsey, right? She’s huge. 亞當: Wow. 丹尼: She knows it. 亞當: Relax, you got ultrasound, right? So you know it’s not twins. Do you feel O.K., now? 丹尼: No, not really. I’m going cardiac back and forth unless she’s (手機響起) Mac, I’m here. No, no, she’s not yet. I look forward. 另一頭的包子大, 包子大: All right, I’ll be there soon. 此時醫院響起廣播在呼叫Dr. Karina Navo, 包子大回想起Mr. Navo有說過他女兒Karina是個surgeon; 好奇的包子大於是走去那一區想看看Karina長什麼樣子, 結果發現當晚案發現場外的一名黑人女子赫然就是Karina! 包子大: (對自己說) She must have drove the car...... 包子大和星姐在醫院中庭裡走著討論。 星姐: Are you sure it is Dr. Navo? 包子大: I’m pretty sure. I remembered her face. It turns out that James lied to protect her that night. She’s the one who drove the car. 星姐: And then she just went to crowd and looked at him to be blamed? Why? 包子大: They exchanged the seat because she has more to loose, I guess. She might loose her medical certification for that. 星姐則說她隱約記得當初Karina似乎有出現在到場急救的急救人員名單上, 也許包子大記得她是因為這樣的原因? 於是包子大說他們必須找出很明確的時間表, 可以顯示說Karina Navo那時沒有任何可能出現在除了駕駛座以外的地方! 包子大到了停屍間, 想起他那時陪同著Mrs. Doniphan在窗外看著席德大叔清洗Melrose的屍體, Mrs. Doniphan問包子大說Mr. Navo會背叛幾年, 包子大說刑期長短是由法官決定的, 於是Mrs. Doniphan恨恨的說那代表Mr. Navo可能很快就可以出獄, 包子大說Mr. Nova相當合作,之後就被Mrs. Doniphan打斷了。 Mrs. Doniphan: Yes, it is an accident, I know. Everyone keeps saying that… Just to feel how it really is behind this window. The fact is he took my daughter’s life, and he has to live with it. Unfortunately, so do I. 席德大叔: Mac? Do you need anything? 包子大: Yes, I’m just wondering if I can get an old document. 席德大叔於是走到電腦旁。 包子大: Melrosa Doniphan, she came in about two years ago. 席德大叔: (邊輸入邊問) I think you take a day-off. 包子大: Come’on, why is everybody curious about what I did at my day-off? 席德大叔: Are you kidding? You never took a day-off. 包子大: Yes, O.K. The file. 席德大叔: It will take a few minutes. Are you looking anything special? 包子大: Melrose Doniphan. Car accident. 16 years old. 2 years ago. Is there any evidence could show any possibility for her to live a while after the accident? 席德大叔: I can’t recall. But, new technique, new evidence. I have some CT-scans here… (換一台電腦查) 結果席德大叔果然找到了Melrose的CT-scan,發現在胸腔附近有個瘀青, 可能是做心肺復紓術留下的,但是因為是瘀青,顯示施行時間與死亡時間極近, 幾乎是同時的,因為席德大叔相信Melrose只短暫存活了一下下…… 包子大認為這可能是Katrina闖禍後想救人留下的~~ 醫院裡,星姐在詢問Katrina, 星姐挖出了舊檔案顯示,Katrina八年前就有過DWI紀錄, 再犯會受到嚴重的處罰,並可能影響她的工作, 所以星姐對她說他們推測為此Mr. Navo頂下來了。 Katrine: Detective, I’m gonna say this one more time: I was not on the car. Now, I have patients. 星姐: I thought you already swear that not lie before you become a doctor. I can’t imagine what it feels like to watch your father being cuffed and then locked with knowing that it should be you. I’m just curious. Was there a moment you ever feel guilty? Katrine: The death has been paid. 星姐: No, Dr. Navo. No death has been paid with the wrong person who doesn’t committ. I don’t want you to forget my name. You’ll see me again. (離開) 包子大去找Melrose的媽媽,想跟她說最新進度, 並且說可能將需要她重新出庭…… 結果Catherine Doniphan把包子大趕出辦公室, 她說兩年過去了,她還在努力接受每天早上起床, Melrose不是在淋浴間而是真的不在了的現實…… Mrs. Doniphan: If there is any new investigation, I want you to keep me informed as less as possinle! 無奈的包子大接著打了通電話給弗帥,要弗帥幫他追蹤到Mr. Navo, 他認為Mr. Navo需要知道他們新發現了什麼。 弗帥到了Mr. Navo的住處,門沒關, 弗帥只看到地上有個紙團,裡面包的是一個腳踏車踏板…… 回到實驗室,亞當檢視該踏板,此時霍克葛格走進來, 結果霍克葛格看了一眼就知道那踏板是啥意思, 霍克葛格: Ghost riders, ghose riders. 亞當: Huh? 霍克葛格: Follow me. 霍克葛格把亞當帶到窗邊,讓他用望遠鏡看附近公園裡架的一台白色腳踏車, 霍克葛格說那是紐約是用來紀念騎單車時出意外死亡的人們的, 大家把那台腳踏車紀念的人們稱作ghost riders, 霍克葛格: The paddle appeared in Mr. Navo’s house comes from the bike memorized Melrose Doniphan… Somebody don’t want him to forget after 18 months in prison. 殺手先生忽然出現在警局, 看來要他下手的人就是Melrose的媽媽Catherine, 殺手先生: An hour ago, my client had a changed heart. My target changed from this man to this woman. (丟出照片) 星姐: Some feeling tells me that your client is not the only man with a changed heart. 殺手先生: (聳肩) No woman, no children. 星姐: Anyway, what you did is a right thing. 殺手先生: Watch out. This woman is desperate, I have a feeling that she’ll finish the job on her own. 所以,包子大自己去找Mrs. Doniphan。 包子大: Please tell me that Karina Navo is alive, Mrs. Doniphan. Mrs. Doniphan: That’s an odd question to ask me. 包子大: Are they safe? Mrs. Doniphan: Those flowers are from one of my friend. He was supposed to do a favor for me. But he can’t. It turns out that I don’t need it done anyway. 包子大: I know about the grief, Mrs. Doniphan. About loosing someone you cared about. Mrs. Doniphan: I lost everything when I lost her! It has been two years, but it still hurts so badly! 包子大: I lost my wife from 911. Some days, it seems has been so long ago, but some days it just likes yesterday. I wish I have ways to help you stop thinking about Melrose, but I can’t. Mrs. Doniphan: I’m so afraid that if I stop think about her it will be like I’m forgetting her. (哭)   But you come here for another reason. So what’s it now, detective? 包子大: Confession. Grief is an emotion that can force a good and descent man make a very very bad decision, and knowing that I can make a decision. I can do nothing to prove that you’re involved to a murder now. Right now, I have no evidence, no confession, and no victim… Or, I can show a little confession? Mrs. Doniphan: Why you believe me would do that? 包子大: I believe Melrose’s mother deserved. However, I have to clear. If you violate the law in any way, I will do whatever I need to do to prove. Do you understand, Catherine? 警局裡,星姐和弗帥看著Karina走了進來。 Karina: I’ll tell you what happened. I’ll tell you the truth. 當晚的確是Mr. Navo一肩扛下, 事情一發生,Mr. Navo馬上催著Karina離開, 他怕之前的紀錄會讓法官不相信女兒當晚沒有喝醉、一切真的只是意外, 他不想讓女兒失去一直以來努力的一切。 Karina: He still believed it is the right thing to do. The greater, the good. He said. The greater, the good. 弗帥在講電話, 弗帥: Danny, Danny. How’s Linsey now? The background scream is hers!? All right, talk to you later, Daddy! 接著Mr. Navo走了進來。 Mr. Navo: Detective Flack? I believe you have something belonged to me, and I was wondering if I can get it back. 於是,Mr. Navo將那個踏板裝了回去。 包子大: I want to say I’m sorry. Mr. Navo: Why? 包子大: For the past 18 months. Mr. Navo: I will do the same thing still. 包子大: Your daughter means your world to you. Mr. Navo: Oh yeah. And I believe that Melrose has the same meaning to her mother. 包子大: So what makes you so afraid? Mr. Navo: My daughter made a mistake. The DWI, one mistake. But it could make no one to believe her. I want to preserve what I worked for. Only one regret… That this little girl lost her life at that night…… So what happened to Karina now? 包子大: It was an accident, Mr. Navo. Even we know what happened now, no D.A. will bother to assess that. The greater, the good. Mr. Navo對包子大感激的點點頭轉身走了。 接著包子大接到丹尼的簡訊,寫著: MAC IT’S TIME。 產房裡,蒙大拿在尖叫。 丹尼: You can do it, Baby. Come’on. Come’on. You’re doing great! Good job, good job! One more push! 小孩出來啦!!! 大家都到了,星姐開心的抱著小貝比。 星姐: Danny, I hate to admit. But she looks just like you. 丹尼: Yeah, she doesn’t look like a cow. (大家大笑) 亞當: How do you feel? 蒙大拿: I'm great! But she would be the only child, there is no way I'll do that again. 霍克葛格: You guys have a name? 蒙大拿: Lydia. 丹尼: Lucy. 弗帥: That sounds inconsistent. (笑) 丹尼: Mac, we did agree with one thing. 蒙大拿: We are hoping that you will consider being her Godfather. 包子大: (一愣,微笑) Sure. 弗帥: The task of Godfather might include changing the diapers. (大家大笑) 最後是星姐取出送給小朋友的粉紅色衣鞋給大家讚嘆囉~~ ^_^ 本集心得: 五加侖的蜂蜜閃很大大家都很開心的啦~~ 這樣不是很好嗎? 阿編~~ >"< 雖然說整集重點可能都在第一個CSI寶寶身上, 不過針對這樣的過程安排這個案子還是滿有意義的啦! 爸爸媽媽可以為孩子做的事,真的是無法想像的啊~~(遠目) Lydia/ Lucy以後應該也會是很幸福的孩子吧!!! 話說我忽然好想家.......(畫圈圈) 本店923明天看完再補完~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/11 14:03, , 1F
05/11 14:03, 1F

05/11 14:03, , 2F
05/11 14:03, 2F

05/11 15:26, , 3F
05/11 15:26, 3F

05/11 15:32, , 4F
小朋友超可愛的~~ 以後Danny一定是個疼女兒的傻爸~
05/11 15:32, 4F

05/11 15:48, , 5F
05/11 15:48, 5F

05/11 17:14, , 6F
那 baby 看起來像滿月似的~~y
05/11 17:14, 6F

05/11 17:24, , 7F
05/11 17:24, 7F

05/11 17:25, , 8F
Lindsay 生女兒,演 Lindsay 的 Anna 生的可是兒子喔。 ^^
05/11 17:25, 8F

05/11 17:47, , 9F
小孩真的超可愛的! 好粉嫩啊!!! >////<~
05/11 17:47, 9F

05/11 22:09, , 10F
05/11 22:09, 10F

05/12 07:23, , 11F
這集的老爸也很偉大 保護小孩的目的達到了
05/12 07:23, 11F

05/12 07:57, , 12F
這位老爸在Without a Trace也是個愛小孩到Q___Q的角色
05/12 07:57, 12F

05/12 10:39, , 13F
05/12 10:39, 13F

05/12 10:40, , 14F
05/12 10:40, 14F

05/12 13:29, , 15F
05/12 13:29, 15F

05/12 13:29, , 16F
05/12 13:29, 16F

05/12 14:18, , 17F
補個詳細名字好了 那位黑人全名是 Talmadge Neville
05/12 14:18, 17F

05/13 02:25, , 18F
05/13 02:25, 18F

05/13 02:25, , 19F
Mac: Do I get to spoil her?
05/13 02:25, 19F

05/13 02:26, , 20F
Flack: No, Danny's got that covered.
05/13 02:26, 20F

05/15 03:44, , 21F
05/15 03:44, 21F

05/15 03:45, , 22F
05/15 03:45, 22F

05/15 03:46, , 23F
05/15 03:46, 23F

05/15 09:40, , 24F
05/15 09:40, 24F

05/15 09:40, , 25F
05/15 09:40, 25F

05/15 09:42, , 26F
講簡單點就是 Anna 請完產假再回來演 Lindsay 生小孩。
05/15 09:42, 26F

05/15 23:52, , 27F
05/15 23:52, 27F

05/15 23:54, , 28F
05/15 23:54, 28F

05/15 23:58, , 29F
05/15 23:58, 29F

05/16 00:00, , 30F
05/16 00:00, 30F

05/16 00:02, , 31F
05/16 00:02, 31F

05/16 00:37, , 32F
05/16 00:37, 32F

05/16 00:38, , 33F
05/16 00:38, 33F

05/16 00:39, , 34F
05/16 00:39, 34F

05/16 00:40, , 35F
05/16 00:40, 35F

05/16 00:41, , 36F
05/16 00:41, 36F

05/16 00:42, , 37F
05/16 00:42, 37F

05/16 00:43, , 38F
05/16 00:43, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1A1wypSo (CSI)
文章代碼(AID): #1A1wypSo (CSI)