Re: [心得] LV 9x21大雷

看板CSI作者 (漫步。喵)時間15年前 (2009/04/25 12:57), 編輯推噓7(701)
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我趕完報告了!!!學期結束了!!!(灑花) 以下防雷頁~~ 本集重點: 跟版眾們說的一樣,女王帥、呆、了!!! 片頭是一名男子的自白, 很哀怨的說他18年前無辜入獄, "I never have the chance to tell the story on my side." 原來這位叫做Kent的男子是女王19年前的老案子, 他聲稱自己坐的是冤獄,向法庭要求重啟調查。 所以所以,女王帶著烤魚跟囧尼(唉...什麼鬼造型)到了舊案現場, 問題是那將房子在六個月前已被夷平了, 女王一邊在土地上游移一邊跟烤魚囧尼講解當年的案情; 19年前,屋主Mr. Harrot打電話報警說有人入侵他的房子, 之後到場的警方發現死在地毯上的Mr. Harrot, 沒找到兇器,只看到地板上用來打破玻璃闖入民宅的石塊, 石塊上的指紋是Kent的,加上有一名遠距離的目擊者指認Kent, 於是Kent先生被指為兇手入獄。 烤魚: All you got were just a witness on 2.5 miles away, the testify against    Kent from his ex-cellmate, and prints on a rock? 凱姐: Back then it is enough. 此時艾禿拿來一張法庭命令,凱姐必須去獄中接受Kent的質問。 囧尼: Yeah, he might want to talk with you about how he gets life based on a    rock. 死者Mr. Harrot跟警方通話的最後留言是說他要去客廳查看狀況, 仔細聆聽整段留言的阿奇跟小葛發現通話停止前有一些引擎聲, 小葛要求阿奇試著找出是哪一牌的車子可以製造出這樣的聲響; 烤魚則跟羅賓爺爺在看當時的X光片, 死者左肋斷了兩根,右肋一根,頭上傷痕符合鐵鎚敲擊致死的痕跡 (但是凱姐一直沒找到兇器), 烤魚: Beaten, then killed 此時的凱姐在警方律師陪同下進入獄中跟Kent面對面, 這傢伙18年來真的很認真閱讀了許多鑑識科學進展與相關法律條文, 他先是質疑凱姐當時才剛進入CSI任職18個月, (凱姐也承認那是她第一個solo case (相較之下,烤魚你進展的太快了吧!!!?)) 然後有提到凱姐當時和前夫的關係,以及凱姐那時有懷孕...... Kent: Did your pregnancy influence your judgement? 總之Kent說當時科技蒐證能力不夠, 所以他將要求要把那顆置他於罪的石頭由證物中移除。 Kent: I don't trust your lab results. Did you get anything else? Yes or No?(一臉跩樣) Riley跟溫蒂重新檢查起當年受害者陳屍的地毯, 在新科技的協助下Riley發現了地毯上有觸特殊的血印記, Riley: What do you think it is? 溫蒂: A giant sperm cell. Maybe a big comma. Riley: (想起什麼似的) You know, Catherine never recovered the murder weapon,     but she always suspect it is a hammer. 出了監獄的凱姐告知艾禿Kent的計畫, 凱姐: I got the bad new. 艾禿: What? About losing the case or our budget going down? 凱姐: Kent asked to remove one critical evidence from the case. 艾禿: Ah, the infamous rock? 艾禿問說上面准了嗎?凱姐說那只是Kent的計畫而已。 艾禿: Then let's not take a chance to losing this. 凱姐: O.k. Go back to the rock. 於是凱姐又重新調查石頭上的指紋, 這次使用新科技將指紋調查鎖定在特殊指紋pattern上, 比對結果確證那指紋是屬於Kent的, 凱姐開開心心的拿去給烤魚看。 烤魚: Is it a smily face? It is not easy to see it every day. 烤魚接著跟凱姐回到現場調查, 發現到當年的鞋印應該是Kent在原地跳躍窺伺圍牆後的鄰居是否有注意到他所留下的, 而不是像凱姐當年的推測一樣認為Kent越牆而逃, 所以估計兇器要掉要丟應該就在這一帶附近, 凱姐很苦惱的說她那時候可是大舉搜索了每一吋的土地耶... 後來凱姐靈機一動,抬頭看看圍牆,對烤魚說道: "The first thing Grissom told me: people never look up!" 於是兩人開始爬上屋頂跟大樹, 凱姐在樹幹上發現了一隻被卡在樹裡的鐵鎚! 凱姐: I've seen crazy things all my days, but this is gonna to take the prize. 烤魚: A stucking hammer. 凱姐: Ray, if this is the murder weapon, we have Kent dead to the right! 回到實驗室,囧尼查鐵鎚上的指紋,Riley比對鐵鎚頭跟地毯上的血印痕跡, 烤魚則在比對死者頭顱上的痕跡與該把鐵鎚合不合。 小哈找到了那棵橡樹的資料,告訴凱姐說那種樹大概18年可以長9 feet高, 依據鐵鎚被橡樹組織包圍的程度,可以確定鐵鎚是18年前被留在那裡的沒錯, 而且很幸運的橡樹組織的包圍某成程度的保存了當年的跡證! 小哈: But as it now, Catherine Willows, you’re a rock star. Unfortunately, improperbillity of obtaining print and DNA is not an issue here. I'll back you, Catherine. 開心的凱姐謝過小哈, 結果囧尼馬上就帶來壞消息: 鐵鎚上查到的指紋不是Kent的! 囧尼: I'm sorry, Catherine. just not him! 凱姐接著又再次與Kent會面, 她將笑臉指紋pattern指出來給Kent看, 並說明這個特殊圖案跟石塊上的指紋吻合, 指紋檢驗科技的進步依然顯示Kent當時人在現場沒錯, 所以石頭仍然會被視為證物! Kent終於鬆口,他說他那天挨家挨戶的私闖民宅在偷值錢的東西, 結果闖到Mr. Harrot那家,卻看到Mr. Harrot的屍體躺在地板上, 於是他驚慌失措的逃跑了~~ Kent: I was there. But I didn't kill the guy. 警局律師: Why didn't you call the police? Kent: Yeah. "Hello, I just break into a house, and there is a body on the ground. Oh, yeah, I'll wait till you're here." 凱姐: Then why don't you tell the truth? Kent: Because my lawyer adviced me so. 凱姐: Could you identify the suspect? Kent: Lady, if I would seen him, that would be the first thing coming from my    mouth. 於是凱姐說基於現在的一切證據,案發當時Kent人在現場, 他依然有殺了Mr. Harrot的嫌疑; 當凱姐往外走離開時,Kent在凱姐背後大吼: "All I want is my life back! Is it asking too much?" 回到局裡心煩意亂的凱姐找了布拔來聊聊, 凱姐: He admitted that he was in the house that night. But he said that he didn't kill the victim, when he got into the house... 布拔: The body is already there? I call that "prep fiction." I've heard a lot of people said that, but in the end they're wrong. 凱姐: What if he's telling the truth? Wrong place, wrong time. 凱姐悠悠提起她跟前夫交往時的往事, 說有一次兩人出門約會,前夫喝了酒所以讓她開車, 她記得前夫說了件好笑的事,她拍膝大笑, 然後下一秒她記得的事是,前夫衝過來抓住她的方向盤, 因為她差點撞上一名路中央的老人...... 凱姐: It could be a bad decision... So, un, what makes me different from Jeremy Kent? 布拔: If that happenes, you'll call the ambulance, you'll call cops.    But Jeremy Kent didn't. Don't let him live rent-free from your head. CSI小組集合,重新一起檢視案件, 小葛提到說錄音留言裡聽到的引擎聲在闖入時間點後仍可聽聞, 顯示車子是一直處於發動狀態的,也許搞不好車上還有另一個人? 烤魚贊同說Kent可能有共犯,一般十分之七的闖入案件都有共犯參與。 凱姐問說那為什麼這麼多年Kent都沒有把對方供出來ꄊ烤魚說一般在這種情形下還會保護對方的理由不外乎愛、血緣與恐懼(Love, blood, fear) 凱姐說Kent跟家裡人早就都沒有來往了,他那時是獨居於Las Vegas。 烤魚: Sometimes your friends are your family. 總之,大家依照這個新理論繼續分頭查案。 小葛又去找阿奇,引擎聲不合Kent當時駕駛的車輛,但是知道大致的車型, 另外他們在錄音留言最後聽到兩聲關車門聲, 顯示Kent可能真的有一名同夥, 兩人當時都下車了,不過不知是否兩人都有進屋; 小葛接著和Riley找到了Keny高中時的校刊/畢冊, 裡面有一張照片是他和一個女孩在一台 68' Super Bee前的合照。 布拔循線去找到了這位Sabrina Owen (已結婚,冠夫姓,婚前為Sabrina Littee)。 Sabrina力持鎮定的說她其實跟Kent不熟, 布拔挑眉問說那為啥Kent犯罪當晚開的是她老爸的那台Super Bee? Sabrina才承認說那時兩人有私下交往, Sabrina: My husband is an attorney. If you have any more questions, go ask him. 布拔: O.K. Here is a warrant for the Super Bee. 凱姐跟烤魚徹查那台車, 最後在把手裡發現一塊有寫的玻璃; 小哈檢驗玻璃後發現玻璃上的物質跟Mr. Harrot後門的玻璃上的物質一樣, 是一種十幾年前就禁用了的殺蟲劑, 溫蒂則告知凱姐說DNA不是Kent的,但是是female。 布拔於是找了Sabrina來問話,她老公理所當然的陪同; 布拔連珠砲似的問了一堆問題, Mr. Owen: Don't say a word. 布拔: What are you now? A lawyer or a husband? Mr. Owen: Both. She is just 16 at that time...... Sabrina: No, honey, I want to talk. Sabrina說她那時懷孕了,準備要跟Kent私奔, 但是他們沒有錢,Kent才想出私闖民宅這招籌錢。 Sabrina: I waited in the car. I did. 布拔: We have your finger prints on the hammer. It's a lie! You killed Mr. Harrot! Sabrina: I didn't kill him. No, no, no! Jeremy gave me the hammer just to through away!(失控) Mr. Owen: ...... 布拔: (笑) Why don't you explain the role in the law to your client? Mr. Owen: How about you telling her? (看著Sabrina) Cause' I don't know who you're anymore. (離開) Sabrina: Baby? Honey!? Don't leave me! 布拔冷冷的開始解釋法律,說知情不報共同犯法視同共同謀殺, "Regardless who actually hold the hammer." 凱姐回到獄中見Kent,將Sabrina的自白書拿給他; Kent: "...Jeremy gave me the hammer just to through it away!" I can't believe she would do this for me! 凱姐: Yeah, you protected her 18 years and she sells you out in 5 minutes. Kent: ...... 凱姐: Then why? Kent: Cause' I'm entitled to a fair trail. 凱姐: You know we'll find new evidence to keep you here. Why you ask to recheck the case? Kent: ......Sabrina never visited me once. I had never seen my son, or my daughter! I don't even know the sex or name! 凱姐: ...... Your son's name is Tyler. Kent: What's the deal between Sabrina and you guys? Will she testify me? 凱姐: No deal. Kent: Well, then you tell the DA to make sure it happens. 凱姐: ......You hope your son will be there. (Keny看她一眼) But, you have a choice, and Thomas Harrot didn't. I'm saving my sympathy for him. (轉身離開) 本集心得: 1. 女王大人帥呆了! 2. 下一集好像還是凱女王挑大樑耶~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/25 21:39, , 1F
下一集預告好可怕啊...女王 女王有危險啊....@___@
04/25 21:39, 1F

04/25 21:39, , 2F
04/25 21:39, 2F

04/25 23:22, , 3F
04/25 23:22, 3F

04/26 01:05, , 4F
04/26 01:05, 4F

04/26 10:15, , 5F
04/26 10:15, 5F

04/26 23:01, , 6F
04/26 23:01, 6F

05/01 14:00, , 7F
05/01 14:00, 7F

05/07 05:05, , 8F
05/07 05:05, 8F
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