Re: [外電] This man is an island (

看板CMWang作者時間17年前 (2007/06/15 17:25), 編輯推噓49(4909)
留言58則, 50人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言: : Yankees' Wang is everywhere and everything in Taiwan : This man is an island : Friday, June 15, 2007 : BY ED PRICE : Star-Ledger Staff : NEW YORK -- : When Chien-Ming Wang flew home to Taiwan after last season, he tried to keep : his itinerary a secret. Word leaked out anyway. 建民在去年球季結束時回到台灣,他試著讓他的行程保密,然而還是洩漏了一切。 : After his plane landed at Taipei -- for a layover, no less -- airport : police were needed to help Wang negotiate a crowd of reporters, paparazzi : and fans. 飛機抵達桃園國際機場作轉機時,航警必須幫住他來穿過重重的記者,狗仔及超多的粉絲 : He faced the same problem when his connecting flight landed in Kaohsiung. : And after an hour drive to his hometown of Tainan, he and his wife waited : in their car for an hour for 200 more fans, reporters and cameramen to : disperse. 抵達高雄還是遇到同樣的問題,再一小時車程後回到台南時他和他太太在車上等了一 個多小時,等那些擠暴他家門口的記者,球迷離去 : "I'm very happy to see the fans there," Wang said recently, "but it was : hard to get home." '我很高興看到那麼多球迷',王說,'但是這回家的路實在太難走了。 : Such is the life of a celebrity in a country that doesn't have many. 對於一個沒有太多名人的國家來說,這就是他的生活。 : Wang, who is scheduled to pitch Sunday night against the Mets, is the : ace of the Yankees pitching staff -- last year he won 19 games and : finished second in AL Cy Young Award voting. Yet, he can walk the streets : of Manhattan without getting noticed. 建民預計在禮拜天晚上對上紐約大都會隊,這個去年19勝,賽揚獎票選第二名的選手, 可以輕易的走在曼哈頓的街上而不引起任何注意。 : But in Taiwan, Wang is a combination of Bruce Springsteen, Tiger Woods and : Brad Pitt. His fellow countrymen often refer to him as Taiwan zhi-kuang, : or "pride and glory of Taiwan." Time magazine even included Wang in a : recent list of 100 people whose power, talent or moral example is : transforming the world. 但在台灣,他就像是Bruce Springsteen, 老虎伍茲,布萊得彼特,台灣都民眾都稱他 為'台灣之光'也就是台灣的驕傲。時代雜誌更將他列入前一百個最具影響力的人物之 一。 : "There's a lot of politics in Taiwan, but everything stops for Chien-Ming," : said Andrew L.Y. Hsia, director general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural : Office in New York. "People have different political parties, different : political philosophies, but when they talk about Chien-Ming ..." Hsia : then stopped what he was saying and gave a thumbs-up sign. : Steve Wilson, a former big-league pitcher from Canada who now lives in : Taiwan, has seen the cult of Wang up close. 在台灣有很多政治家,但都抵部過王建民的風采,人民都有各自的黨派,各自的立場, 但只要談到了王建民,沒有人不為之瘋狂。 : "This past winter was a whirlwind for Wang," Wilson wrote in an e-mail. : "He was about as big as a celebrity can get in a country." : MAJOR MARKETING : Being a celebrity doesn't come natural for the quiet 27-year-old pitcher -- : and even that fact is used in the increasingly intense marketing effort that : surrounds him. Nike, for example, runs an ad campaign in Taiwan that : features the 6-3 Wang and the slogan, "I just pitch." The billboards show : Wang zipping his lips and the Chinese character for "silent." : That's not by accident. Wang's reluctance is part of his appeal in his home : country. 身為一個超級名人對一個27歲的投手並不是件自然的事情,愈來愈多的市場廣告,行銷 需求都紛紛向他招手.... : "He represents Taiwan -- very hard-working, very humble people," Hsia said. : It's also a country where someone can toss a ball into his family's : doorway, with a note attached saying, "Please sign this and I will come : back to pick it up." 這段不太會翻 : "It doesn't seem to bother him," Wang's agent Alan Chang said. "He : understands the job that he does and he just goes out and does it." : He also gives Taiwan, which has 23 million people in an area about twice : the size of New Jersey, a presence on the international stage. That's : no small deal for a country that lives with the constant shadow and threat : of the People's Republic of China. Not only has he succeeded in the majors : for the world's most famous baseball team (the three other Taiwanese to : reach the majors have had limited success), but Wang has played on national : teams in two Olympics and the Asian Games. 王給了台灣在國際舞台上展現的機會,這對於長期接受中共威脅與打壓之下的台灣可 不是件小事情,他不僅在大聯盟發光發熱,還曾代表國家隊出征奧運亞運。 : Wang's success has certainly made him richer. Commercial images of him are : everywhere in Taipei. Besides Nike, he has deals with McDonald's, Ford, Acer : computers and a major Taiwanese bank. He appeared in TV ads aimed to boost : Taiwan's national image (a New York cabbie asks Wang, "Where is Taiwan?" and : Wang answers, "I will show you"). 王的成功使他更為附有,一些與他牽上關係商業圖騰在台北街頭到處都是,電視上的廣告 甚至有一舉將他推向台灣意象代表的企圖。 : Acer last winter produced a special edition laptop in Yankees colors with : Wang's signature on the case. The company claimed that being associated : with Wang helped it increase its product turnover by 10 percent and lowered : the average age of its customer by 3.7 years. acer去年推出王建民版的筆電,業績果然扶搖直上,消費層的年齡還下降了3.7歲。 : "This last off-season was a phenomenon," said Nova Lanktree, who handles : marketing for CSMG, the agency that represents Wang. : Wang said he uses his endorsement fees for children's charities in Taiwan. : Paul Archey, MLB's senior vice president for international business : operations, said Wang is by far the most prominent athlete in the history : of the island of Taiwan. : About 25,000 fans showed up in Taipei last month for the Major League : Baseball Festival, an outdoor carnival of sorts where fans could hit in : batting cages, run bases and have baseball cards made of themselves. : "He creates more marketing in that country than we've ever had," Archey : said. 在上個月約有25000的民眾參與了mlb嘉年華的活動,'王在台灣創造了比我們 想像中還要多的商機及市場潛力'mlb資深副主席如是說。 : FEELING THE IMPACT : Then there's the indirect effect he single-handedly has on some Taiwanese : businesses. Newspapers there charge higher ad rates on the days he pitches : and the days after. 其中還有一些邊際效應,像是在王出賽的後一天報紙,廣告商通常會需要出多一點的廣告 費用,因為當天的銷售量總是特別好。 : Six Taiwanese TV networks, four newspapers and a wire service have reporters : covering Wang in New York. His pitching schedule is major news, since fans : will fly to the U.S. to see Wang and need to know which games he will : pitch. : In past years, the public-television network in Taiwan carried Major : League Baseball, since it was considered a public service to show Wang's g : ames. This year, MLB negotiated a three-year deal with Formosa TV, the : nation's largest network, to show his starts and 30 additional games. : Thanks to Wang's popularity, the per-year fee nearly tripled -- reported : to be about $1 million. 王也為mlb帶來更多的轉播權利金,從去年公視到今年的民視。 : Wang's games are televised live, despite the 12-hour time difference from : New York, and replayed again in the evening. Big games, such as the playoffs, : are shown on big screens in hotels and a giant one near Taipei's City Hall. : Earlier this season, when Wang came off the disabled list to make his first : start, Reuters reported "thousands of local fans, including presidential : hopefuls Yu Shyi-kun and Frank Hsieh, got up early to catch the start." 王的比賽都是現場直播儘管和紐約有著12小時的時差,許多比賽甚至會在大型廣場或 公共場所有大螢幕播出。當王在季初聰傷兵名單回來後的第一場比賽,成千上百的民眾 包括兩位候選人都早起來關心王的比賽。 : Wilson, who with his wife owns an English school in Taiwan, sees Wang's : impact every day. : "Of my 200 students, I'd say that 100 have Wang Yankee shirts and wear : them a lot," Wilson wrote in an e-mail. "We've got one little guy about : 10 years old that wears a Wang shirt pretty much seven days of the week." : But in New York, Wang avoids the spotlight. Fans don't know much about : him because although his English is decent, he is shy in any language : and therefore provides few sound bites. 在台灣擁有一座英語學校的wilson每天在見證王在台灣所帶來的各種改變,我的兩百位 學生中有超過一百位常常穿著王的T-shirt。但在紐約,王常躲鎂光燈,球迷們對他沒 有很深刻的認識儘管他的英語還不錯,不管什麼語言他一向害羞,也因此很少出先什 麼厥詞 : During the season, he mostly stays in with his wife, on the road or at : their Fort Lee home. He tries to pass off his hero status back home, : saying, "If you think about it too much, you've got too much on your : mind." 在球季中,大部分時間都和老婆相處,他一如往常的回到家"想太多,那只是給自己更 多壓力。"他說 : as the ad says:he would rather "just pitch." : In New York, "I can go anywhere," he said. "In Taiwan, it's crazy." 就如廣告上說的"just pitch","在紐約,我可以去任何地方,在台灣,那簡直是瘋狂" : Ed Price may be reached at : 第一次翻,煩請指教。謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Vicennial 來自: (06/15 17:26)

06/15 17:28, , 1F
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06/15 17:29, , 2F
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06/15 17:28, , 3F
有看有推 ^^
06/15 17:28, 3F

06/15 17:29, , 4F
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06/15 17:46, , 10F
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06/15 17:54, , 11F
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06/15 17:56, , 12F
附有==>富有 感謝翻譯:)
06/15 17:56, 12F

06/15 18:02, , 13F
推 言簡意賅
06/15 18:02, 13F

06/15 18:02, , 14F
06/15 18:02, 14F

06/15 18:08, , 15F
翻錯 應該是 台灣有很多政客 blabl XD
06/15 18:08, 15F

06/15 18:11, , 16F
那叫政客 orz
06/15 18:11, 16F

06/15 18:19, , 17F
Taiwan zhi-kuang
06/15 18:19, 17F

06/15 18:21, , 18F
Bruce Springsteen<--who??
06/15 18:21, 18F

06/15 18:25, , 19F
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06/15 18:27, , 20F
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06/15 18:48, , 21F
說Bruce Springsteen是美國搖滾樂的帝王也不為過 類似MLB
06/15 18:48, 21F

06/15 18:49, , 22F
06/15 18:49, 22F

06/15 18:49, , 23F
賽揚 萊恩那種地位 國寶級的
06/15 18:49, 23F

06/15 18:55, , 24F
06/15 18:55, 24F

06/15 18:57, , 25F
06/15 18:57, 25F

06/15 18:58, , 26F
主題曲就是Bruce唱的《Secret Garden》
06/15 18:58, 26F

06/15 18:58, , 27F
06/15 18:58, 27F

06/15 19:08, , 28F
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06/15 19:28, , 29F
好樣的!!! 推推推推!!!!!
06/15 19:28, 29F

06/15 19:29, , 30F
06/15 19:29, 30F

06/15 19:30, , 31F
王建民具備台灣人的代表性, 辛勤, 謙虛!
06/15 19:30, 31F

06/15 19:35, , 32F
06/15 19:35, 32F

06/15 19:36, , 33F
indirect effect 翻間接效應為妥,邊際效應有其他用法
06/15 19:36, 33F

06/15 19:58, , 34F
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06/15 20:08, , 35F
06/15 20:08, 35F

06/15 20:15, , 36F
在台灣看到阿民別再吵他了 搞的家不像家 簡直瘋狂
06/15 20:15, 36F

06/15 20:18, , 37F
06/15 20:18, 37F

06/15 20:34, , 38F
推^^ 那段沒翻的後面好像是在說去年回來發生的事 :P
06/15 20:34, 38F

06/15 20:53, , 39F
沒翻的部份 大概在說什麼?? 有人可以補充嗎?
06/15 20:53, 39F

06/15 21:18, , 40F
06/15 21:18, 40F

06/15 21:17, , 41F
佩服這位記者 不在台灣卻瞭解分析的這麼徹底
06/15 21:17, 41F

06/15 21:26, , 42F
Taiwan zhi-kuang
06/15 21:26, 42F

06/15 21:27, , 43F
06/15 21:27, 43F

06/15 22:08, , 44F
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06/15 22:11, , 45F
推呀^^ 真熱血
06/15 22:11, 45F

06/15 22:45, , 46F
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06/15 23:17, , 47F
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06/15 23:43, , 48F
按s推! 還是40 ^^
06/15 23:43, 48F

06/15 23:44, , 49F
06/15 23:44, 49F

06/15 23:44, , 50F
沒翻的那段 jonnyno5兄有提到:王建民具備台灣人的代表性
06/15 23:44, 50F

06/15 23:45, , 51F
辛勤, 謙虛! 這才是外國人真正對台灣人的印象!
06/15 23:45, 51F

06/16 01:07, , 52F
06/16 01:07, 52F

06/16 01:21, , 53F
06/16 01:21, 53F

06/16 02:04, , 54F
有看有推 .. !! XD
06/16 02:04, 54F

06/16 02:11, , 55F
推Bruce Springsteen&E street band,類似伍佰&China Blue
06/16 02:11, 55F

06/16 02:14, , 56F
但是更紅,他的"Born to Run"很棒。
06/16 02:14, 56F

06/16 02:48, , 57F
06/16 02:48, 57F

06/16 03:48, , 58F
06/16 03:48, 58F
文章代碼(AID): #16Sbi6Fe (CMWang)