Re: [New York Times]Small Ball, Dropped Balls a …

看板CMWang作者 (Beauty is a Rare Thing)時間18年前 (2005/10/06 18:30), 編輯推噓3(300)
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沒人翻?那我繼續....... ※ 引述《Ayler (Beauty is a Rare Thing)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《noray (nora)》之銘言: : : Small Ball, Dropped Balls and All Square : 小球、掉球,全部重頭 : : By TYLER KEPNER : : Published: October 6, 2005 : : ANAHEIM, Calif., Oct. 5 -- The Yankees have learned to rely on the glove : : work of Alex Rodriguez and the accuracy of Chien-Ming Wang. When both : : went haywire at Angel Stadium on Wednesday, the Yankees lost a chance : : to take a commanding lead in their division series. : 洋基隊這回可是從「A-Rod的手套技術」和「小王的傳球準確度」裡學了不少。 : 星期三在天使球場裡,這二件事都出了狀況, : 因此洋基也喪失了取得系列賽絕對領先的機會。 : : A fielding error by Rodriguez helped the Los Angeles Angels tie Game 2 : : in the sixth inning, and a throwing error by Wang in the seventh helped : : put the Angels ahead to stay in a 5-3 victory. Instead of giving Randy : : Johnson a two-games-to-none lead when the best-of-five series continues : : on Friday, the Yankees headed home tied with the Angels, a game apiece. : A-Rod第六局的內野守備失誤讓天使隊在第二戰裡扳成平手, : 小王第七局的傳球失誤則讓天使取得領先,並以5-3拿下了勝利。 : 星期五回到紐約主場繼續這個五戰三勝系列賽時, : 巨怪強森將面對的是一比一的平手局面,而不是二比零的領先。 : : "Wang did an outstanding job," shortstop Derek Jeter said. "You can't : : ask him to do much better. We made a couple of mistakes, and that's : : what happens - you make mistakes against a good team, and they're going : : to take advantage of them." : 「小王的表現非常出色」,游擊手Jeter這麼說著,「不能要求他再多了。」 : 「我們犯了一些錯,而當我們面對強隊時卻犯錯時,他們一定不會浪費這些機會。」 : : The Angels scored three unearned runs off Wang, whose error was his : : worst throw over six and two-third innings. He walked none and allowed : : six hits, but unraveled in the seventh. : 天使隊在小王手裡拿走了三個非自責分, : 六局下的失誤是他六又三分之二局投球中所投出最差的一球。 : 他沒投出任何四壞保送,只被擊出六支安打,但在第七局時遭逢困境。 : : The Yankees held a 2-0 lead in the fifth, but they stranded a runner on : : second that inning when third baseman Chone Figgins made a diving stop : : to rob Hideki Matsui and first baseman Darin Erstad made a nifty scoop : : at first base. The Angels were trailing but fielding well, and they : : kept the Yankees from building on their lead. : 第五局時洋基取得2-0的領先, : 但天使隊三壘手Figgins的美技飛撲和一壘手Erstad的精彩接球擋下了酷斯拉的進攻。 : 天使們雖然落後但守備精彩,讓洋基不至於拉開領先差距。 : : "I thought the Figgins play was a huge play for them, because it was : : basically a two-run turnaround," Rodriguez said. : A-Rod說:「Figgins那個防守對他們至關緊要,因為來回相差了二分。」 : : Rodriguez meant that the play cost the Yankees a run, and one batter : : into the bottom of the fifth, the Angels scored on a homer by Juan : : Rivera. Then, in the sixth, Rodriguez let Orlando Cabrera's leadoff : : chopper clang off his glove for an error. Cabrera would score on a : : two-out single by Bengie Molina, tying the game, 2-2. : A-Rod的意思是那讓洋基損失了一分,而五局下天使首名打者Rivera卻轟出陽春彈。 : 然後第六局A-Rod又讓首名打者Cabrera的彈跳球跳著跳著跳出了手套, : 二出局後Cabrera再藉著Molina的安打回本壘得分,二隊2-2戰成平手。 : : "It was pretty routine," Rodriguez said. "The ball was up, and when : : I looked down, I couldn't believe the ball wasn't in my glove. I : : don't know what happened." : 「那球實在平凡簡單」,A-Rod說, : 「那球彈起來了,但當我往下瞧,我無法相信球竟然不在手套裡,我不知道怎麼回事。」 : : In the seventh, Rivera chopped an infield single to lead off the : : inning, sliding headfirst into first base to beat Jeter's throw. : : Steve Finley then dropped a bunt that Wang fielded. Robinson Cano : : covered first, but Wang's throw pulled him off the bag for an error. : : Wang said later that he rushed the throw. : 七局下,首名打者Rivera砍擊成內野安打,他靠撲壘的方式戰勝了Jeter的快傳。 : 然後Finley觸擊,小王前去處理,Cano補位一壘,但傳球卻讓Cano的腳離開了壘包。 : 小王稍後表示:「我傳的太急燥了。」 : : The Angels, taken out of their small-ball style by the Yankees' early : : scoring in Game 1, kept at it here. Adam Kennedy bunted the runners : : over, and after a shallow fly to center by Figgins, Wang missed his : : spot on his first pitch to Cabrera. Catcher Jorge Posada wanted the : : pitch down and away, but Wang left it up and in. Cabrera lined a hard : : single to left center, scoring two to give the Angels a 4-2 lead. : 天使隊第一戰時由於洋基一開始便大量得分,並未使出小球戰術,但此時正是時候。 : Kennedy的觸擊推進了壘上二名跑者,而就在Figgins的中外野短淺飛球被接殺後, : 小王的一記失投球被Cabrera逮個正著。 : 補手Posada要的是邊邊角角的低球,但小王卻投出偏高且正中的球。 : Cabrera將這記失投球狠狠擊向中左外野,二分進帳,天使取得4-2的領先。 : : "A sinkerball pitcher like this guy, when they are getting tired, : : they usually start leaving the ball up," Cabrera said. "In the at-bat : : with Figgins, I was looking. Everything was up, up, up, so I figured : : he was getting tired." : 「像小王那樣以伸卡球為主的投手,他們累的時候球路會偏高」Cabrera說, : 「在Figgins那個打席,我一直在看,每一球都偏高,所以我猜他應該是累了。」 : ─ 好累,以下就休息一下再說吧! :   畢竟搞不好已經有強者翻好貼上了。 : : The pitch to Cabrera was Wang's 85th and last, and after Al Leiter : : got out of the inning and retired Vladimir Guerrero in the eighth, : : Molina homered into the first row of seats in the left field corner. : : That made it 5-2 Angels when closer Francisco Rodriguez came in for : : the ninth. 那記失投球是小王第85個球,也是最後的一顆。 Leiter接替上來完成了第七局,而在第八局順利解決了Guerrero後, 被Molina轟出落在左外野第一排座位的陽春鳥砲。 這讓天使守護神K-Rod第九局登場時取得了5-2的領先。 : : Jorge Posada blasted a leadoff homer, but Tino Martinez struck out : : and Derek Jeter grounded to short. : : Alex Rodriguez came up next and smacked a grounder down the third : : base line. Figgins backhanded it and fired to first, where Erstad : : scooped the throw to end the game and make Rodriguez 0 for 5 in : : the series. It was the second impressive play by Figgins and Erstad, : : and the Yankees could not play as skillfully. Posada先是擊出一支陽春彈,但Martinez遭K,Jeter又擊出游擊滾地遭刺殺。 A-Rod接著上來並擊出三壘車布邊強勁滾地球,Figgins反手接球並快傳一壘, Erstad順利接到傳球,比賽結束,也讓A-Rod在系列戰中五打席完全沒安打。 這是Figgins-Erstad連線在比賽裡的第二次美技演出,反觀洋基就沒那麼帥氣的演出了。 : : Their fielding blunders - Cano also made an error, in the second : : inning - obscured a fine effort by Wang, the rookie who was making : : his postseason debut. Wang is an extreme ground-ball pitcher, and : : Manager Joe Torre's lineup reflected that. 還包括了Cano在第二局的失誤,洋基的失誤讓小王季後賽初登板的精彩表現變得黯淡。 小王是個超級滾地球投手,而教練Torre的安排也顯示了這點。 : : Torre, the Yankees' manager, used Tino Martinez at first base instead : : of the more erratic Jason Giambi. Wang was the reason. "You try to go : : with the percentages, and this kid's mainly getting us ground balls," : : Torre said before the game. 洋基教練Torre之所以讓Martinez守一壘取代守備不穩定的大吉,就是因為小王。 「算算百分比吧,這小鬼被打的大部分都是滾地球」,Torre賽前表示。 : : In Wang's last three starts, opponents had made only four outs in the : : air. Everything else was a ground out or strikeout. Sure enough, the : : first nine Angels hitters on Wednesday put the ball on the ground. : : "He was getting ground ball after ground ball," Angels Manager Mike : : Scioscia said. "He's got a heavy ball, heavy sinker and just pounded : : it all night. We did a little better job as the game went on." 在小王前面三場先發出賽裡,對手只擊出四個飛球造成出局, 其他不是滾地球出局,就是三振出局。 事實如此,星期三比賽裡天使隊前九名打者全擊出滾地球。 「他簡直是滾地球魔人」,天使隊教練Scioscia說, 「他的球重,尤其是伸卡,整晚不停用這球攻擊我們。」 「而隨著比賽進行,我們對他的球也並沒有太多的突破。」 : : Cano, another rookie, got a lead for Wang in the second inning. Cano : : had doubled in three runs in his first at-bat of Game 1. This time, : : his first at-bat came after Matsui doubled with one out. Cano laced a : : fastball into left field off John Lackey, just inside the foul line, : : to put the Yankees ahead, 1-0. 另一名菜鳥Cano則為小王在第二局取得領先。 Cano第一場第一打席時擊出了三分打點的二壘安打。 這回,Cano接在酷斯拉擊出二壘安打後首度登場,他把Lackey的速球送到了左外野線邊, 也讓洋基隊先馳得點。 : : The Angels struggled, at the time, to get their running game going. : : Kennedy singled to lead off the third, and he tried to run with a 1-0 : : count on Figgins. The pitch sailed up and away and Figgins swung, : : helplessly, but he could not foul the ball off. : : Posada fired to Jeter at short, nailing Kennedy the same way he pegged : : Vladimir Guerrero on a botched hit-and-run on Tuesday. Figgins would : : strike out, and Cabrera would pop softly to right. 天使隊的速度在那時有些施展不開。 Kennedy在第三局率先擊出安打,他在Figgins打擊一好零壞的時候嘗試盜壘。 結果來了個高球,Figgins猛力一揮,但很抱歉,他無法把球碰出界外。 Posada把球快傳給Jeter活逮了Kennedy, 就像星期二在歡樂打跑戰術失敗後逮住Guerrero時一樣。 然後Figgins挨三振,Cabrera則擊出了右外野的軟弱飛球。 : : The Angels tried another hit-and-run in the fourth, with mixed results. : : As Guerrero broke for second, Cano broke with him to cover the bag. : : Because he did, he was in position to make a tumbling grab of Molina's : : grounder up the middle. Cano set his feet - knowing Molina is a slow : : runner after forgetting it the night before - and threw to first for : : the out. 天使隊在第四局時又使了一次打跑戰術,但這回結果比較複雜。 就當Guerrero衝向二壘之際,Cano也衝向二壘補位。 也因為這個補位動作使得他剛好跑到了Molina所擊出中間方向強勁滾地球的位置, 然後一個漂亮的倒地接球,他知道Molina速度慢〈雖然昨晚一時不查忘記了〉, 起身後調穩腳步,傳向一壘輕鬆刺殺。 : : While the Angels missed an opportunity, the Yankees took advantage in : : the fifth. Lackey walked Rodriguez for the second time, and then allowed : : a double to right center by Jason Giambi. A chopper by Gary Sheffield : : scored Rodriguez to make it 2-0, before Figgins robbed Matsui to stop : : the Yankees' budding rally. 既然天使隊錯失了機會,第五局洋基就不給面子了。 Lackey再度保送了A-Rod,然後被大吉敲了支右外野方向二壘打。 老薛的高彈跳球送回了A-Rod,比數變成2-0。 不過後來Figgins的美技擋住了酷斯拉,也阻止了洋基差點的大局。 : : By the time the Yankees scored again, the Angels had scored five runs. : : Rodriguez tried to run on Molina in the seventh, guessing that Kelvim : : Escobar, who had already thrown over to first, would try a splitter on : : 1-2 to Giambi, which would have been a good pitch to run on. Instead, : : Escobar pitched out, and Molina caught Rodriguez. : : Giambi then struck out, the first of five co 以下不翻了,覺得好像都一樣。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/06 19:40, , 1F
有看有推 翻的真通順!
10/06 19:40, 1F

10/06 19:42, , 2F
10/06 19:42, 2F

10/06 19:45, , 3F
推~~滾地球魔人 哈哈 XD
10/06 19:45, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #13HFpXUT (CMWang)