Re: 職涯測驗

看板CM34th15作者 ( )時間20年前 (2004/06/24 22:28), 編輯推噓0(000)
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老實說 缺點都很準 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16種職業性格類型 測驗結果   屬於 理想者型 01. 理想者型介紹 INFP- The Idealists 他們是理想追尋者,他們最重視的是自己價值觀與理想的實現。他們的創造力豐富, 總不忘尋找新的可能性。基本上他們是隨遇而安且容易相處的,但是有人挑戰他們堅 信的價值觀,他們會激烈反彈。理想型的人思緒敏捷、往往能看到別人所看不到的機 會,因此做事屢獲新意。 Quiet, reflective, and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well- developed value system, which they strive to live in accordance with. Extremely loyal. Adaptable and laid-back unless a strongly-held value is threatened. Usually talented writers. Mentally quick, and able to see possibilities. Interested in understanding and helping people. 02. 理想者型的人格特質- INFP's Personality Traits 1.相當關心自己的價值觀 Strong value systems 2. 努力追求個人成長 Growth-oriented; want to be growing in a positive direction 3. 獨特的個人風格,不盲從主流 Original and individualistic- "out of the mainstream 4. 有極高的創造力,能吸引他人一同為共同目標努力 Creative and inspirational 5.有服務熱誠,重視別人的需求甚於自己的 Service-oriented, usually put others need above themselves 03. 優點 Strengths 1.重視他人的個人空間,不喜歡勉強他人 Likely to recognize and appreciate other's need for space, dilike to lead or follow 2. 真心關懷他人 Warmly concerned and caring towards others 3. 凡事爭取雙贏局面 Strive for "win-win" situations 4. 流暢表達自身的想法與感受 Able to express themselves well 5. 個性彈性,做法多樣化 Flexible and diverse 04. 缺點 Weaknesses 1. 需要透過別人的讚美和肯定來自我肯定 Strong need to receive praise and positive affirmation 2. 極端不喜歡衝突與批評 Extremely dislike conflict and criticism 3. 壓力太大時,容易出現情緒失控的情況 May react very emotionally to stressful situations 4.容易把所有過錯都歸咎在自己身上 Tend to blame themselves for problems, and hold everything on their own shoulders 5. 不忍心苛責、處罰他人 Have difficulty scolding or punishing others 05. 職涯規劃建議 Career Plan for INFP 理想者型的人追求的是一種可以貢獻生命實踐理想的職業,只要是能實現他們心中 理想的工作,他們就會盡全力去追求。他們的執著與熱情能鼓舞他人一同往相同的 目標前進。他們喜歡從事對人類社會有貢獻的工作,很多偉大的作家都擁有追求者 型的性格。 The INFP are driven to do something meaningful and purposeful with their lives. The INFP will be happiest in careers which allow them to live their daily lives in accordance with their values, and which work towards the greater good of humanity. Many the truly great writers in the world have been INFPs. 06. 合適職業 Possible Caree Path for INFP 1. 作家 Writers 2. 教師/ 教授Teacher/ Professors 3. 心理學家 Psychologist 4. 神職人員/ 宗教家 Clergy / Religious Workers -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #10skJv1y (CM34th15)
文章代碼(AID): #10skJv1y (CM34th15)