Re: [心得] 胡金龍08球季何處去?

看板CLHu作者 (galaN￾ )時間17年前 (2007/07/15 00:42), 編輯推噓6(609)
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※ 引述《BigChiu (shooting light's out)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《BigChiu (shooting light's out)》之銘言: : : 2007 上半季 道奇 2A : : 2007 下半季 道奇 3A : : 2008    ?? MLB : : : 一個來自外國朋友的觀點: : : 還蠻夠意思的 回了一長篇 雖然王已經固定在MLB出賽~ 曹也是個稱職的set up 可是我最期待的還是有一天會有一個台灣選手成為大聯盟的固定先發野手! 永遠忘不了看到CCF打出MLB生涯第一支安打時, 他在一壘的笑容跟那時感動的淚水, 期待胡可以帶給我更多更多的感動! 快速翻譯版,大家隨意看~ Mailbag Q: Hu just won the MVP of futures game, who is blocked through 2008 by Furcal. If any, the award raises his trade value or not ? 胡剛贏了未來之星的MVP,但是在他的前面卻有Furcal卡著 贏的MVP這個獎項是否有提升他交易的價值勒? Once Hu gets traded at some point before 2008 season, which team would be a good fit for the gold-glover ? 如果胡在2008之前被交易了,哪一隊最適合這位"金手套"級的選手勒? Red Sox, Blue Jays, Royals, Mariners, Nationals, Cardinals or Giants ? 紅襪?藍鳥?皇家?水手?國民?... C.C. Kiske, Taiwan. 某台灣鄉民 A: I think you're right about the trade of Chin-Lung Hu making plenty of sense for the Dodgers. Obviously, plenty of factors go into a trade, but a quick look at the teams you mentioned shows Toronto as one possibility: 我覺得交易胡對於躲人來說的確合理的多! 很明顯的,眾多的因素都指向交易是比較好的, 但是在你提出的隊伍名單中指出藍鳥是可能人選之一! ‧ Red Sox: Sure, Julio Lugo is struggling, but this team has World Series aspirations and trading for someone who isn't proven at the major-league level seems unlikely. If the Sox were going to do that, they might just promote Jed Lowrie, who's hitting .303 in Double-A. 紅襪,乳溝陷入低潮,但是這個球隊正在邁向世界大賽, 如果交易一個沒有大聯盟經驗的選手似乎不是這個球隊會做的事情! 如果紅襪打算這麼做, 他們乾脆把他們在2A的Jed lowrie(avg 0.313)升上來就好啦! ‧ Blue Jays: Royce Clayton is no offensive star, but he does play good defense. Of course, even if they can live with his offensive limitations, the Jays certainly realize Clayton's career is winding down. If they trade for Hu, they'd be landing a guy who could be slight upgrade over Clayton on offense while still providing good defense (Hu has never had the power fantasy owners love in the minors, so it's hard to see that changing given his size and better pitching he'll see in the majors.) On the prospect front for Toronto, Sergio Santos'average isn't anything special, but he is showing power in Double-A. 藍鳥隊的Roy Clayton是一個防守型的球員, 藍鳥也隻蕩Clayton的生涯也正在走下坡, 如果他們把胡買過來,他們可以得到一個比Clayton攻擊力稍微強一點點 而且防守毫不遜色的選手, (胡在小聯盟沒有展現過迷人的長打能力,所以要看他在大聯盟長大他的砲管有點難度) 藍鳥的小聯盟裡面只有一個打擊率不怎麼樣卻似乎有power的Sergio Santo's ‧ Royals: Mike Aviles is hitting .307 in Triple-A and seems like a good candidate to be called up before the end of the season. Throw in that the team drafted a shortstop second overall in last month's draft -- Matt Moustakas -- and Hu might not be a great fit here. 皇家自己在3A就有一個avg 0.307的潛力股,而且可能這個季末就會被call up 所以如果被交易到那邊就有兩隻潛力股,這樣老師也不知道要投隻哪一檔 這不是個好選項~ ‧ Mariners: Yuniesky Betancourt is committing a ton of errors, so Hu would provide an immediate defensive upgrade. Still, there are problems with that scenario. Betancourt is only 25 and a decent hitter, so he's a solid fill-in until Carlos Triunfel eventually makes his way up. Triunfel is only 17 but has tons of potential. 水手現在的游擊手是個失誤大師,所以胡可以馬上提供穩定的防守, 但是這位大師他還年輕,而且後面還有一個17歲的潛力股. ‧ Nationals: It would seem this is a possible destination, although you have to wonder if the Nationals would be interested in Hu given that their biggest need seems to be offense. Still, Felipe Lopez hasn't lived up to expectations and Stephen King is struggling mightily in rookie ball, and the team's other top prospects at short, Ian Desmond and Esmailyn Gonzalez aren't doing much better. 國民隊似乎是個可能的選擇,雖然國民隊現在比較需要攻擊力, 國民隊現在兩個游擊手表現都不好,而且小聯盟的選手似乎也沒什麼潛力股! 交易胡似乎是個不錯的選項! ‧ Cardinals: The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the team's top middle-infield prospect is Brendan Ryan, who has 12 stolen bases in Triple-A Memphis. Look for the Cardinals to give him every shot before trading for Hu. 紅雀3A這個.....我看不太懂...... ‧ Giants: If the Dodgers would be willing to help out a big rival, the Giants do need to get younger. The move might be temporary, though, if Emmanuel Burriss can keep showing progress. He's batting .330 in Single-A. 躲人隊會好心的給他們的競爭者這個好康嗎? 雖然巨人確實需要這個年輕人 不過巨人在1A也有個avg 0.330.的潛力股 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/15 01:06, , 1F
紅雀那個阿 是說胡去那邊更沒機會orz
07/15 01:06, 1F

07/15 01:39, , 2F
07/15 01:39, 2F

07/15 01:40, , 3F
07/15 01:40, 3F

07/15 01:40, , 4F
07/15 01:40, 4F

07/15 01:41, , 5F
07/15 01:41, 5F

07/15 01:41, , 6F
07/15 01:41, 6F

07/15 09:45, , 7F
07/15 09:45, 7F

07/15 16:04, , 8F
Royce Clayton 是低於平均的防守者。
07/15 16:04, 8F

07/15 16:05, , 9F
Nationals 那段後半翻錯。Stephen King 在新秀聯盟打得很濫
07/15 16:05, 9F

07/15 16:06, , 10F
,其他比較出色的人選 Desmond 與 Gonzalez 在 A-Ball 也是
07/15 16:06, 10F

07/15 16:08, , 11F
07/15 16:08, 11F

07/19 04:56, , 12F
我之前看ZR說Clayton在平均左右 不過Hu要來藍鳥當然
07/19 04:56, 12F

07/19 04:57, , 13F
很好 並且這邊還有兩個台灣選手在小聯盟
07/19 04:57, 13F

07/19 04:57, , 14F
假如道奇現在還想找棒子的話 藍鳥是個不錯的交易對象
07/19 04:57, 14F

07/19 04:58, , 15F
並且道奇也能給藍鳥合理的籌碼(Hu+SP prospect之類的)
07/19 04:58, 15F
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