Re: [閒聊] Bugs

看板CCRomance作者 (chichaito)時間16年前 (2008/08/19 21:12), 編輯推噓2(202)
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※ 引 述《catherinewu (駐泰人妻代表)》之銘言: : 喔!這個我一定要回!最近才在為了昆蟲類跟胖獅子有了不少的口角。 : 熱愛大自然的胖獅子對於生活中除了人類之外的生物都非常的友善, : 友善到牆角的蜘蛛網他不會掃掉(胖獅OS:他可以幫我吃蚊子耶!!), (nodding) MM thinks like that, too!! : 到處爬的螞蟻他不會捏死(胖獅OS:他們在幫我清餅乾屑唷!!), (shake hand) My friend said that they'll leave when they're done. @_@ : 突然迸出的小強他裝作沒看到(胖獅OS:反正妳不理他他就會離開嘛!)… That's exactly what my hispanic friend said. "Leave it alone! It is not going to stay there forever. Let it go." : 靠腰咧!我在意的不是這些蟲子,而是你的生活習慣啊!! : 當初在英國那個整潔的獅子難道被外星人綁架了嗎? : (還是說結婚之後才被外星人釋放?XDDD) : 所以自從我們搬到新公寓之後,我嚴格執行生活公約, : 吃東西要用小盤子盛著,小心不要亂掉屑屑, : 廚餘垃圾不准在家過夜,杯盤也要馬上洗乾淨, : 當然,在泰國這個炎熱的地方,光是這樣還不足以抗拒蟲子們的侵擾, : 但也因為當地人太習慣了反而都覺得無所謂, : 胖獅子還覺得我太歇斯底里,說我怎麼可以一直殺生 ^^^^^ Right! The friends who I mentioned above think that I'm horrible killing bugs everyday, especially in front of my baby.... I agree with Cath. I've lived in Taipei for a long time thus can't co-exist with other creatures. I view them as invaders, trying to take over the limited space that I have. But now living a in a single house with a yard, I have to get use to all kinds of "visitors." Squirrels, rabbits, mice, racoon, all kinds of bugs and birds, sometimes even deers come and go, sometimes leaving poops behind. I guess I'll have to adapt and learn to embrace the nature. LOL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/19 22:40, , 1F
Where do you live?
08/19 22:40, 1F

08/19 22:41, , 2F
Can't believe that you have so many visiters.
08/19 22:41, 2F

08/20 02:44, , 3F
suburb Philly(about 1hr away from center city)
08/20 02:44, 3F

08/20 12:26, , 4F
08/20 12:26, 4F
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