Re: [問題]請問一下佛教對同性戀的態度為何?

看板Buddhism作者 (不用旅行也能離開我)時間16年前 (2007/10/09 10:55), 編輯推噓10(1006)
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※ 引述《Jack0 (南無觀世音菩薩)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《memoryfool (yes)》之銘言: : : 最近要做報告...研究各宗教對同志議題的態度 : : 以基督教天主教為例, 是反對同性戀的 : : 那佛教的看法呢??? : : 謝謝 : 網友提供 昭慧法師的觀點,末學提供 達賴喇嘛的觀點: : 達賴喇嘛於一九九七年七月十一日在美國舊金山與全美同性戀佛教徒領袖們的一項 : 座談會內容。達賴喇嘛首先表示,他個人對此議題願從兩個層面來回應,一是從社 : 會關懷的觀點;其次是從佛教本身的觀點。 : 他強調,從社會關懷的觀點而言,一個社會若拒絕一群人只為他們的性傾向,這是 : 錯誤的,因為這將為這些受歧視的人帶來莫大的傷害,因此,他肯定同性戀的平權 : 運動是合理的且合乎羅輯的。 : 其次,他從佛教戒律本身來說明這個問題,他指出,經典中對於何種性行為違反五 : 戒中的不邪淫有若干的說明,但根據此種規定,凡是陰道性交以外的性行為,都是 : 不正確的性行為,應該被佛教徒所避免的。因此,同性間的性行為從佛教的觀點來 : 說,是不能被列為正確的性行為。但他也進一步說明佛教所認為的不正確行為,可 : 分為兩個層次,一是本性上的惡,如殺人;另一個則是非本性上的惡,如邪淫及出 : 家人違反過午不食戒律等,所以一般而言,後者所引發的惡業是比前者來得輕。 : 達賴喇嘛進一步強調,「同性戀者仍可成為佛教徒,甚至為了避免因為性壓抑而導 : 致更大的負面結果,如暴力事件等,他認為,同性戀佛教徒最好還是保有他們的性 : 行為。」 : 當被問到為何戒律中允許異性戀信眾一天可以從事多達五次的性行為,卻認定同性 : 戀者哪怕一生只從事過一次性行為都是錯誤的呢?達賴喇嘛坦承,這項戒律的制定 : 可能與當時印度獎勵生產的風俗有關,他也認為,隨著時代的演進,或許過去認為 : 是不對的事,如今已普遍被認可,例如同性戀的議題就相當值得大家來集思廣議, : 但戒律中的規定與說明不是他個人或其他個人所能更改的,依照傳統,這必需經由 : 全體僧團大會討論決定,因此,他個人會建議將這項議題提到即將舉行的各教派佛 : 教大會中討論。 你給的翻譯根本和下面的英文原文多所出入。 -- 一九九七年六月十一日,於舊金山舉行的一個歷史性的會晤裡,達賴喇嘛首度與一群同志佛 教徒及人權領袖,共同探討關於同性戀,人權與佛教的議題,他強烈反對加諸同志身上的任 何暴力與歧視,並主張賦予所有人充份的人權,不論他們的性傾向為何 達賴喇嘛並對在場人士所曾經歷的失落與歧視感到不忍,力主應當對所有人予以尊重,容忍 與憐憫,他並清楚地表示,同志人權運動者可以仰賴佛法以為資糧,繼續為同志的平等權而 奮鬥! “達賴喇嘛對於我們的平等權的支持是非常有意義的!”,出席這場盛會的Tinku Ali Ishtiaq,他同時也是the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission的 共同主席, 於會後如此表示, “這位諾貝爾和平獎得主廣為世人尊重,更因他的智慧之語 而備受愛戴, 我希望他此次所傳達對於同志族群的平等對待與尊重,也能對佛教以外的宗 教傳統產生相當的影響力” 在這場溫馨而輕鬆的會晤裡, 達賴喇嘛嘗試說明他個人對於佛教經典中關於情慾記載的理 解, 對於在場人士因佛教戒律中有關同性性行為的不公允記載與規定所引發的關切與沮喪 , 達賴喇嘛則感同深受! 雖然傳統的佛教戒律禁止修行中的佛教徒從事某些特定的性行為,其中包括同性性行為在 內,但達賴喇嘛認為, 這些戒律可能只是因應某個特定的文化與歷史脈絡而設立的,他強調 , 他個人雖然沒有這個權力去片面地重新詮釋經典, 但他仍強烈呼籲所有當今佛教內的各 個宗派與傳承應該共同努力改變對於這類戒律的理解, 使佛法更能深植於當代人類社會! 達賴喇嘛對於當前一些關於同性戀的科學研究成果(如美國精神醫學學會不再視同性戀為 心理疾病),表達高度的興趣, 並認為這些洞見將有利於佛教教內重新詮釋同性性行為是否 如法的相關戒律! “達賴喇嘛的開明與平等的性格真是令人難以忘懷, 作為一位流亡政府的領導人和一位禁 慾的宗教領袖, 我猜想他過去大概無法花太多時間在人類性慾,同志人權和恐同症這類議 題上面, 但對於我們所提議將這些議題一併納入即將到來的幾場佛法會議中討論, 他則表 示歡迎”, Eva Herzer 會後如此表示, 她同時也是the International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet的總裁! 過去曾為佛教比丘, 現為加州大學聖塔芭芭拉大學宗教系教授的 José Ignacio Cabezó n 表示,“我被達賴喇嘛的開示所深深感動與鼓勵, 見到如此令人尊崇的宗教思想家願意 戮力探索解決關於性道德的議題, 特別是從一種相當開明仁慈而又十分嚴謹的角度, 來關 切同志族群的權利與義務, 作為一位同志佛教徒, 我感到相當榮幸能參與此盛會” 聖荷西西藏佛寺的精神導師Ven. K.T. Shedrup Gyatso也發表關於出席這場盛會的感言, ”作為一位公開現身的男同志, 但同時也是一位謹守禁慾戒律的佛教僧侶, 我對達賴喇嘛 的開示感到法喜充滿, 我現在可以回到我的佛寺, 跟我的同志信徒們說: “你們仍然是佛 教徒! 你們仍然是受歡迎的! 你們跟其他任何人一樣都有資格邁向成佛之道!“ -- : 原文如下: : The Dalai Lama meets with lesbian and gay leaders : Press Release June 1997 : Contact: : Mirka Negroni, IGLHRC, 415-255-8680 (SAN FRANCISCO, June 11, 1997) - In a : historic meeting in San Francisco on June 11, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, : for the first time ever, discussed issues of homosexuality, human rights and : Buddhism with a small group of gay and lesbians leaders. His Holiness : expressed his strong opposition to discrimination and violence against gay : and lesbian people. He voiced his support for full human rights for all, : regardless of sexual orientation. The Dalai Lama was moved by personal : stories of loss and discrimination related by the participants, and urged : respect, tolerance, and compassion for all. He made it clear that gay and : lesbian activists could rely on general Buddhist principles as a foundation : for their struggle for full equality. : "His Holiness the Dalai Lama's support for our rights is very significant," : said Tinku Ali Ishtiaq, co-chair of the International Gay and Lesbian Human : Rights Commission. "The Nobel Laureate commands tremendous respect among : people of the world and is highly respected for his words of wisdom. I hope : that his message of non-discrimination and respect for our rights will have : considerable impact on non-Buddhist religious traditions as well." : In a warm, relaxed meeting, the Dalai Lama sought to clarify his : understanding of traditional Buddhist texts concerning sexuality and : empathized with participants' concerns and frustrations about the unfairness : of the prohibitions for gays and lesbians. Traditional Buddhist teaching : prohibits certain sexual activities for practicing Buddhists, including : homosexual acts for men (and by implication, he said, for women). He : expressed his willingness to consider the possibility that some of these : teachings may be specific to a particular cultural and historical context. He : stressed that he does not have the authority to unilaterally reinterpret : Buddhist scriptures, but urged those present to build a consensus among other : Buddhist traditions and communities to collectively change the understanding : of the text for contemporary society. His Holiness expressed interest in the : insights of modern scientific research and its value in developing new : understandings of these texts. : "His Holiness the Dalai Lama was characteristically open and non-judgmental. : As Head of State of an : occupied country and as a celibate religious leader, I think he has not : spent much time considering issues of sexuality, gay rights, and homophobia. : Yet he welcomed our suggestion that these issues be explored in conjunction : with upcoming conferences," said Eva Herzer, President of the International : Committee of Lawyers for Tibet. : Jos Ignacio Cabez镢,, a former Buddhist monk and Professor of Philosophy at : the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, said, "I feel heartened and : encouraged by this dialogue. It is wonderful to see a religious thinker of : the caliber of His Holiness the Dalai Lama grappling with issues of sexual : ethics and especially the rights and responsibilities of gay and lesbian : people in such an open, empathetic, and rigorous fashion. As a gay Buddhist, : I am grateful for this opportunity." : Lourdes Arguello, a professor of education at the Claremont Graduate School : and a board member of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship summed up her : observations as follows: "It is always amazing to see how His Holiness rises : beyond the culture-bound context of his own tradition and grapples with : seemingly absurd proscriptions to focus on the complex needs and desires of : human beings in the here and now. I left the meeting with both the : understanding and the feeling that this is a first stage in an exciting and : provocative dialogue between His Holiness and other Buddhist teachers on the : one hand and gay and lesbian Buddhists and human rights activists on the : other." : "This open, honest discussion of Buddhist traditional doctrine, with the : participation of one of its most outstanding teachers, is 20th century : Buddhism at its best," said Steve Peskind of the Buddhist AIDS Project. : Ven. K.T. Shedrup Gyatso, Spiritual Director of the San Jose Tibetan Temple, : said regarding today's meeting, "As an openly gay, celibate, fully-ordained : Buddhist monk, I am very pleased with what His Holiness had to say. I can now : go back to my temple and tell our gay, lesbian and bisexual members that they : are still Buddhists, that they are still welcome, and that they are as : well-equipped for the Buddhist path as anyone else." : original report can be found on : -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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作為一個同志運動的新聞稿 這篇是否能夠代表達賴
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