[資訊] 找到釋迦在一生補處菩薩階段的資訊請參閱

看板Buddha作者 (Am)時間9年前 (2015/06/11 03:19), 9年前編輯推噓8(8020)
留言28則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
佛法不是跟著半桶水、撐久了就變權威、戲臺下站久了年齡夠老了就成大師的光頭和尚 般自以為是學些跟正信佛法有距離的歪理(佛法三藏典籍中何時加入了「弟子規」、「了 凡四訓」這類書?若是善書就納入認為不違背佛法,那麼一貫道很多善書通通納入算了) 佛法有其正信內容。但因為華人文化中那種「差不多先生」想法的流毒,反正一切隨便都 好、弟子規也可、了凡四訓也可,全部大鍋炒當成佛法來學....反正學爽的,只要自己催眠 自己「信心夠!夠虔誠!不懷疑!(?...奇怪的想法)」死的時候就會有阿彌陀佛來接-- 反正這也沒啥可驗證的,那就祝福這類差不多先生精神的某宗網友吧.... 言歸正傳。我前文提到一生補處的佛學名詞。釋迦牟尼的千百回輪迴次數中,從凡夫、獲 授記、一生補處、成佛的漫長階段。一般佛教徒最熟知的是世尊從摩耶夫人肚裡生出的階 段。但是妙智(巴利原文也可意譯為「善慧」)沙門獲得燃燈佛授記後,還是要靠很多世 的修行來逐步圓滿十波羅蜜。在這些後續世代中,有時輪迴在人界、有時輪迴至天界,甚 至有時輪迴到惡道來磨練(修菩薩道的淨土宗信徒倒是不想太早碰觸惡道,所以要在淨土 中常待,等成佛後再去度惡道眾生--這發的真是奇哉怪也的「宏願菩提心」啊,算了不多 談)。 獲得燃燈佛授記,而取得菩薩身分的妙智沙門,屢經輪迴修行,到了「成佛前二世」是在 人間而且身為貴族,成為維山達拉王子(菩薩);那世代死亡後,成佛「前一世」輪迴到 天界的兜率天,(終於在進程中)成為一生補處菩薩。 PS:決不是某a網友以往學習到的「獲得授記」成為菩薩就直接取得「一生補處」的階段。 在兜率天死亡後,當事人輪迴投胎到人間的摩耶夫人子宮內、在該世代時出生、出家、苦 行、悟道(成佛)、傳法、涅槃。 我自己查到了在兜率天時,世尊的菩薩「聖號名稱」。算是資訊分享給各位(若想學這方 面佛學常識的)網友--淨空法師才不跟各位講這些呢,他自己講他那套兄弟個人獨獲創見 之「印光法師是大勢至菩薩再來」、「了凡四訓」叭啦叭啦的咚咚.... 資料是英文,對於不求甚解、差不多先生精神的網友(或是像我家長輩)直接因為麻煩 就不會看--不如直接相信淨空法師講的淺顯內容,淨空就是權威!這樣子學佛法多麼輕鬆 寫意!而且這樣子夠虔誠!死的時候一定會獲得阿彌陀佛來接引喔!動腦袋思考太累啦! 所以以下英文資料是給其他願意常保八正道之正思維的網友參考的(英文不難吧...) 我終於找到當時菩薩的聖號了。 http://wisdomquarterly.blogspot.tw/2013/01/the-story-of-setaketu-bodhisat.html The Story of Setaketu (Bodhisat) "The Great Chronicle of The Buddhas" (Maha Buddhavamsa), Tipitakadhara Mingun Sayadaw, edited and translated by U Ko Lay and U Tin Lwi; further intensive editing Wisdom Quarterly Setaketu (Santusita) in Tusita world 兜率(天) The deva Setaketu, the future Buddha, enjoyed the supreme deva bliss in the 天人 瑟塔凱圖(音譯) 白 旗 (意譯) [space] abode of Tusita for 4,000 years according to deva-time reckoning (which is equivalent to 576,000,000 years in the human world). Then 1,000 human years before the end of his life-span in the Tusita world, divinities (brahmas) of the Pure Abodes (suddhavasa) proclaimed: "Friends, 1,000 years from today there will appear in the human world an omniscient buddha!" Because of this proclamation from the vault of the deva world, the uproar (buddha kolahala) announcing the appearance of a buddha, "An omniscient buddha will be appearing! An omniscient buddha will be appearing!" reverberated across the entire human world 1,000 years ahead of the event [Note 1]. The Devas' Request On hearing the uproar announcing the advent of a buddha, the deva kings of the 10,000 world-systems -- such as the Four Great Sky Kings (near earth orbit rulers), Sakka, Suyama, Santusita (6th Heaven, Para-nimmita-vasavatti), Sunimmita, Vasavatti, and all Great-Brahmas congregated in a certain [galaxy or world-system] to hold a discussion on the Bodhisat (Bodhisattva) whose deva life-span had only seven days remaining, by human reckoning, and whose approaching end of life had become manifest through five predictive signs. Then they all approached the deva Setaketu with their hands joined in adoration and made this request: "O deva Bodhisat [Buddha-to-be], you have completely fulfilled the Ten Perfections, not with the desire to gain the bliss of Sakka [Michael or Thor, Lord of Lords (of Tavatimsa) and King of Kings (in the Realm of the Four Great Kings], of Mara (in Brahma's Retinue or 7th Heaven), of Brahma (in the Maha Brahma deva loka), or of a Universal Monarch (on Earth). You have fulfilled these perfections aspiring for all-knowing buddhahood in order to acquire for yourself freedom from the three worlds (spheres) as well as to liberate the multitudes of humans, devas ["shining ones"], and brahmas ["creative divinities," supremos]. "O deva Bodhisat, this is the most propitious time for you to become an omniscient awakened teacher! This is truly the right moment to become an omniscient awakened teacher! Therefore, take conception in the womb of the human world. And after attaining the supreme enlightenment of a teacher, liberate humans, devas, and brahmas from the round of suffering/rebirth (samsara) by teaching the Dharma of deathlessness: nirvana." The Five Great Investigations The deva Bodhisat Setaketu did not hastily consent to the supplication of the devas and brahmas who had come together from the 10,000 world-systems. Instead, in line with the tradition of previous bodhisattas, he made five great investigations: (1) Is it the appropriate time for the appearance of a buddha? (2) Is there an appropriate world (dipa, island, continent, planet, light) for the appearance of a buddha? (3) Is there an appropriate land for the appearance of a buddha? (4) Is there an appropriate family into which to be reborn (in a final existence)? (5) Is it the appropriate span of life of a bodhisatta's mother. More NOTE: With reference to the name of the Buddha-to-be as a deva, it was Santusita according to the chapter on Ratanasankama, Buddhavamsa which in Pali reads: Yada'ham tusite kaye santusito nama'ham tada. Also in the commentary to the Buddhavamsa and Jinalankara Tika the same name is mentioned. But in the exposition of the Pubbenivasa-katha, Veranja-kanda of the Parajika commentary, and in the exposition of the Bhayabherava Sutra of the Mulapanasa commentary, his name is given as Setaketu ["White Banner"]. ~~~~~~ 終於找到了(激動..) Moreover, successive authors of Burmese chronicles or Buddhavamsas such as the Tathagata-Udana Dipani, Malalankara Vatthu, Jinatthapakasani, etc., give Setaketu as the name of the deva. Therefore, it has been explained by various teachers that Santusita was a common name derived from Tusita -- the name of the celestial abode (space world) -- whereas Setaketu was the proper name that specifically refers to the deva who would become Prince Siddhartha the Buddha Gautama. 悉達多 喬達摩 以上是正思維所建立的正確佛教知識。某宗網友若問「實修比較重要啦!那麼你們的修行 方法」呢? 答:那就是大念處經講的禪修方法,經由四禪八定十六觀智而實證解脫啊~~ (阿難尊者轉述的由世尊講解佛法修行的大念處經經文) 世尊講法教說「觀入息長....觀入息短...」是要佛教徒真的去觀察來禪修 (當然,持戒同樣重要),會有神奇的親證(當然,層次是一步一步來) 而不是「誦念」「這些經文」N遍,若光是「誦念」「觀入出息」誦念了一千遍 但連一次也不好好地真的去觀察呼吸,則念了半天、念了半年,跟修道有何關聯? 我從小生長在家族長輩信淨土宗的家庭,我當然知道淨土宗的那些「修行方法」-- 我是突然有一天猛醒說淨土宗人悶著頭虔誠履行千遍萬遍的方法,是世尊傳授的足以承擔 人天導師名號高超「修行」嗎? a.教佛教徒們怎麼做:ex.觀察呼吸...等等的教導,並由阿難尊者轉述。 vs b.教佛教徒「要有信心喔!一直念(阿彌陀佛)佛號一直念佛號、一直念佛經句子、 一直念佛經句子」....的教導。並由阿難尊者轉述。 所謂的「佛經」,偉大的人天導師講的方法是b?那由大成就明師妙禪來講這種「念念念」 的方法也講得出來。怪不得帕奧禪師不相信某宗的經典依據為真。是有道理的。 當然,往上游追溯,關鍵在於「白紙黑字寫明念佛、念經...那些修行方法」的「某些 經典依據」是否偽經,這講起來就難為情了--不要跟我辯,去跟不認為有彌陀淨土存在 的帕奧禪師辯吧...... 某宗自己高唱的「實修」方法:一直強調念佛、「念經」例如念阿彌陀經、念一千遍、一 萬遍--等看看死的時候阿彌陀佛有沒有來接的「實證」.....有時我在佛寺看到一群女居士 (居多)穿著海青誦念阿彌陀經,一年三百六十五天非常虔誠的誦......我有時想想,她 們賭得真大啊--不過反正她們是信了:相信這樣念個十年念了3650遍阿彌陀經,她們此生 修佛的功力大致累積夠了、再加上吃素、捐錢給寺廟....阿彌陀佛就會來接她們到淨土了 !一定會來接的!<===========賭得真大。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Buddha/M.1433963947.A.D23.html ※ 編輯: CassSunstein (, 06/11/2015 03:49:14

06/11 04:51, , 1F
從那兩段NOTE看起來 deva Setaketu 的來歷 頗有典故
06/11 04:51, 1F

06/11 04:54, , 2F
祂似乎還有一個名號 叫santusito , 傳承經過可能有點複雜
06/11 04:54, 2F

06/11 05:06, , 3F
很好奇 這些典故 在漢傳文獻當中 是否會有相對應的資料.
06/11 05:06, 3F

06/11 10:17, , 4F
分享一連結 http://goo.gl/4fmzth
06/11 10:17, 4F

06/11 11:51, , 6F
T24n1462_p0703b16 斯多揩多(白旗天人)
06/11 11:51, 6F

06/11 11:52, , 7F
06/11 11:52, 7F
※ 編輯: CassSunstein (, 06/11/2015 12:42:12

06/11 15:50, , 8F
06/11 15:50, 8F

06/11 20:49, , 9F
感覺你偏向帕奧 但是四禪八定難度很高 你可能要實際
06/11 20:49, 9F

06/11 20:50, , 10F
去參加禪修活動 不然會很像考古學者。
06/11 20:50, 10F

06/11 20:51, , 11F
當你心越細膩平靜 呼吸會越微弱 會越難觀察。
06/11 20:51, 11F

06/12 07:50, , 12F
你如果去跟帕奧 他們可能會很高興 我覺得他們缺法工。
06/12 07:50, 12F

06/12 07:52, , 13F
台灣的佛教就像商機 看他的行銷策略比較符合大眾口味
06/12 07:52, 13F

06/12 07:53, , 14F
06/12 07:53, 14F

06/12 07:55, , 15F
我比較重視自己解脫 和有興趣解脫的人 不想擋人財路。
06/12 07:55, 15F

06/13 16:37, , 16F
06/13 16:37, 16F

06/14 09:00, , 17F
就會像如來宗信徒一樣 自稱信佛但不知信到哪去了
06/14 09:00, 17F

06/17 10:23, , 18F
06/17 10:23, 18F

06/17 10:26, , 19F
06/17 10:26, 19F

06/17 10:28, , 20F
不也是衆生自己的解釋嗎? 所謂魚在水中游,安知岸上景
06/17 10:28, 20F

06/17 19:16, , 21F
樓上觀念錯大了~詮釋就算有相對多元之處 但也有共通
06/17 19:16, 21F

06/17 19:16, , 22F
06/17 19:16, 22F

06/17 19:17, , 23F
不然妙禪門人對你親友行銷 你親友問你意見時 你也
06/17 19:17, 23F

06/17 19:18, , 24F
歡喜讚嘆你親友有機會接近妙禪好了~照你邏輯 妙禪的
06/17 19:18, 24F

06/17 19:18, , 25F
教義也算某種合理詮釋 淨土宗或如來宗 都是正信宗派
06/17 19:18, 25F

06/17 19:20, , 26F
魚在水中游 安知岸上景~你親友有幸追隨妙禪 旁人不
06/17 19:20, 26F

06/17 19:20, , 27F
06/17 19:20, 27F

06/17 20:03, , 28F
06/17 20:03, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1LU8shqZ (Buddha)