[-OP-] Opera推出類似Chrome的發版機制(轉錄)

看板Browsers作者 (クロ)時間11年前 (2013/05/29 23:42), 編輯推噓12(12026)
留言38則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
via. http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/opera-features-and-release-cycle http://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-1575941-1-1.html 中譯:歐陽宣 First off, thanks for all of your feedback. With over one thousand comments following yesterdays release, we wolistd like to provide you with a further explanation of our plan, 首先感謝你們的所有反饋。根據昨天帖子下面的一千多條回覆,我們將把我們的後續 計劃解釋一下。 Our plan all along is to have three different streams of Opera for Desktop running all the time. Each stream will have an increasing level of stability. The streams will be: 三個並行的發行分支,穩定性依次遞增。 Opera Developer: Most unstable, all the cool stuff developer分支,全部最新的特性 Opera Next: The work we are stabilizing for the next final version next分支,注重讓新特性穩定下來 Opera (Stable): The most stable build for everyone stable分支,最穩定的版本 是不是很熟悉呀。 We didn't settle exactly how often we will be releasing new builds in these streams but we can tip that you will see new versions coming at much, much faster pace than it was with the classic, Presto-based line. 我們沒有確定每個分支發版的頻率是多少,但是可以肯定的是相比presto時的發版來 說新版的發布速度會快得多。 You don't need to worry about Opera becoming a clone of something, or that you will be forced to stop using 12.x before you think we're ready. Our mission didn't change - we're going to bring you the best Internet experi- ence. We are on the way to build the best browser out there. A browser that is not tied to the particlistar version number but is a continuously work in progress. Seeing your engagement I think we can count on your help and feedback. 不用擔心Opera會成為什麼的克隆,或者你在等到所有你想要的特性之前必須先用著12 系。我們做最好的瀏覽器,提供最好的網路體驗的使命一直沒變。瀏覽器不是一個個 特定的版本號,而是一個徐徐漸進的改進的過程。看到了你們的堅持讓我們相信我們 依然能依靠你們的反饋和幫助。 So if something is not in Opera 15 stable - don't worry, Opera Next 16 will be released roughly same time as Opera 15 stable. And the time span between the two will be shorter than ever. 如果你有什麼特性沒有在15的穩定版裡看到,不用擔心,Opera Next 16會在15穩定版 發版差不多的時候發,而從next到stable的時間會比以往都要短。 So let's talk about features. 下面來談談特性。 We got a long list from you yesterday. Yes we made a list! As we have ment- ioned in the comments and we want to say it loud now - more features will come in future versions. Just to mention Link, themes support, geolocation and a feature rich tab bar to start with. Some are already in the making - just disabled since not stable enough just yet. Over the time also our settings/configuration will become richer too. And one more - Dragonfly is not dead though we cannot give you more information yet. 昨天我們列了個很長的清單。正如我們昨天說過的,而現在我們再大聲宣佈一次: 來版本絕對會加入更多功能:比如link,主題,地理定位,還有包含豐富操作的分頁 列。有些我們已經在做了, 只是因為不夠穩定而暫時被禁用而已。隨著時間的推移 我們的設置和首選項也會變得更加豐富。還有一點:Dragonfly沒死,但現在還不能 透露更多 Stay tuned, and please keep sending in your feedback. 保持關注吧,請持續提交反饋和建議。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/30 00:02, , 1F
感覺版號要起飛了 Opera也要跟上流行
05/30 00:02, 1F

05/30 01:39, , 2F
05/30 01:39, 2F

05/30 02:11, , 3F
作為一位曾是opera早期的使用者 即使opera做了重大妥協
05/30 02:11, 3F

05/30 02:12, , 4F
還是希望它能保持自己一定的特色 目前也才更換核心後的第一版
05/30 02:12, 4F

05/30 02:13, , 5F
未來還是頗值得期待的 希望各位opera目前的用戶不要太失望
05/30 02:13, 5F

05/30 03:02, , 6F
期待正式版跟Linux版 !!
05/30 03:02, 6F

05/30 07:28, , 7F
05/30 07:28, 7F

05/30 08:10, , 8F
05/30 08:10, 8F

05/30 08:39, , 9F
05/30 08:39, 9F

05/30 08:39, , 10F
05/30 08:39, 10F

05/30 09:40, , 11F
05/30 09:40, 11F

05/30 11:20, , 12F
kaoh: sidebar 也是被反應很多的部份, 重點是有3個分支
05/30 11:20, 12F

05/30 11:20, , 13F
有任何想法, 任何建議, 都非常非常非常歡迎大家反饋建議 !
05/30 11:20, 13F

05/30 13:40, , 14F
05/30 13:40, 14F

05/30 13:40, , 15F
05/30 13:40, 15F

05/30 14:10, , 16F
05/30 14:10, 16F

05/30 14:11, , 17F
05/30 14:11, 17F

05/30 15:59, , 18F
05/30 15:59, 18F

05/30 16:30, , 19F
05/30 16:30, 19F

05/30 16:40, , 20F
t7yang: 把硬體加速關掉 還會這樣嗎
05/30 16:40, 20F

05/30 16:52, , 21F
硬體太舊了, 720p以上cpu就快滿載了
05/30 16:52, 21F

05/30 17:18, , 22F
05/30 17:18, 22F

05/30 17:18, , 23F
05/30 17:18, 23F

05/30 17:41, , 24F
05/30 17:41, 24F

05/30 18:07, , 25F
05/30 18:07, 25F

05/30 20:29, , 26F
我硬體加速一直都開著 把沙盒關掉就沒問題了
05/30 20:29, 26F

05/30 21:26, , 27F
05/30 21:26, 27F

05/30 21:26, , 28F
05/30 21:26, 28F

05/30 21:27, , 29F
05/30 21:27, 29F

05/30 21:27, , 30F
05/30 21:27, 30F

05/30 21:52, , 31F
用Blink我也沒什麼意見 不過正式版可改的東西還跟現在一樣
05/30 21:52, 31F

05/30 21:52, , 32F
的話 就Pass了 本來就是為了那個側邊欄還有整合良好的手勢
05/30 21:52, 32F

05/30 21:53, , 33F
才用Opera的 現在這副樣子實在沒必要用
05/30 21:53, 33F

05/30 22:54, , 34F
一樣對Google跟FX沒什麼意見 我只要原本的功能其它無所謂
05/30 22:54, 34F

05/30 22:55, , 35F
05/30 22:55, 35F

05/30 22:55, , 36F
官方那底下的留言很多也是差不多的意見 弄成這樣誰要用
05/30 22:55, 36F

05/30 23:04, , 37F
我是Opera F2鍵的重症病患啊啊啊啊
05/30 23:04, 37F

05/31 00:48, , 38F
側欄,note,wand,gesture,link,custom UI,這要求不多吧><
05/31 00:48, 38F
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