Re: [情報] 12/4在墨西哥將舉辦免費回饋演唱會

看板Britney作者 (Yan-Xun Hank Li)時間12年前 (2011/12/05 06:23), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
-The government has cleared enough space for 50.000 people to attend, but they may increase it to include up to 90.000 people. -Britney's contract will not be made public (but it seems that she might have not been either payed at all, or payed a modest ammount of money, i dont know which because the article isnt really clear about it) -The show will start at 21:30 -No word on whether or not the concert will be filmed yet article from Yahoo (translated) "The concert of singer Britney Spears at the Monument to the Revolution this Sunday is agreed in contract whose contents are confidential, said the director of the Federal District DIF, Mario Carrillo, who mentioned that that day will be determined, depending on conditions, if you open more spaces for attendees so far are covered by 50 000. And although the details of the contract was not made known, the director said that the singer will not charge the administration of the capital. "As Head of Government informed that the concert is free, not just people in general, but for self-government, ie, so that informed the Head of Government, the Government will not pay the singer." However, there is a previous contract, a commitment to attend the singer performing his show, which will not be a lightweight version of that has occurred in other countries, said in a news conference. "We are obliged not to publish the contract. Do not know what she asked instead," said the official to the questions about the requirements of the singer. We are obliged not to publish the contract. I do not know why you asked to change it, maybe if you check your Twitter account, then she ever mentioned the other times I came here, about how he was and would have to see what she says. " There will be two thousand policemen who safeguard the event in the Plaza de la Revolution, and although it is expected that 50 000 people are entering to see her, could increase capacity to 90 000, a decision will be taken the same day, depending on the situation. "The Ministry of Public Security, Civil Protection and all agencies involved in the safety of the population may allow capacity to increase to 80 or 90 thousand people depending on the intensity with which you can make the event for assistance." The occupation of the spaces will be from 18:00 pm, but the event will begin at 21:30 hours." 場地預估可容納人數,從原先的五萬增到可能容下八、九萬人之多! 只能說墨西哥政府真的太優了,台灣的Gaga免費演唱會還是唱片公司自己出的錢, 真的超超超羨慕墨西哥人的啦!>< -- 【Seizing My Days】 Britney Spears is my virtue, and Christina Aguilera is the demon I cling to. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/05 08:19, , 1F
我就住在那場地附近 基本上這種免費的演唱會還是不要去
12/05 08:19, 1F

12/05 08:20, , 2F
比較安全 人實在是太多了~也看不太到 被踩傷就冤枉了~
12/05 08:20, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1Es_BoTh (Britney)
文章代碼(AID): #1Es_BoTh (Britney)