Re: [問題] 冷戰熱鬥一些問題

看板BoardGame作者 (不完全燃焼)時間9年前 (2014/11/24 19:45), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《DVE (看得神,就得真理)》之銘言: : 一個月前才遇到DEFCON 3的時候,導彈嫉妒抽到戰爭遊戲的狀況該怎麼解。 : FAQ就沒寫這個,最後是在BGG的討論區找到解答。 這題FAQ有寫阿... Q. Can ‘Wargames’ be played as an event for no effect at DEFCON 3-5 to remove it from the deck? A. ‘Wargames’ is only considered used when DEFCON is at 2. The “IF” makes the impact of the card conditional. Therefore, it would not be removed if DEFCON was at 3-5. defcon 3-5 還是可以發動 只是沒事情發生. Q. The wording on ‘Wargames’ has caused some confusion. What options does the player actually have? A. The word “may” is meant to communicate options not requirements. Therefore, the Player may choose to end the game after giving his opponent 6 VP. He may choose to not end the game, after giving his opponent 6 VP. He may choose to not end the game and is not required to give his opponent 6 VP. 發動事件就是照這些規則! ============================================== 同場加映一個我兩年前在BGG問過的 我還真的是在FAQ裡找不到.... Yuri & Samantha:可選牌之一,本回合美國每次政變都讓蘇聯得1VP 情境題- 蘇聯現在19分領先,defcon在2,本回合Yuri & Samantha已生效。 請問蘇聯在自己的回合打出CIA,美國選擇對戰場國發動政變,勝負? 解答- Hereby the official designer comments on the Yuri and Samantha issue (thanks to Ananda Gupta): "YES, the US wins in this case. DEFCON win should always take precedence over 20 VP." -- 運命の果実を、一緒に食べようーーー -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

11/24 20:12, , 1F
真的有耶XD!我用Missile Envy當關鍵字,難怪沒找到:P。
11/24 20:12, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1KSnfCtz (BoardGame)