看板BoardGame作者 (憲哥)時間13年前 (2010/09/16 23:50), 編輯推噓14(14014)
留言28則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今日去X古晃晃,剛好看到此款擴充,並入手一套, 聽說此擴充六月份上市 分享一下 本擴充共有10張情境牌+8張新角色 規則 將牌置混洗(簡稱WWS)置於檯面上,並將wild west show 放在WWS底(代表不會被覆蓋) 當玩家將diligence或是Wells Frago時打出時,翻開WWS一張,並立即執行卡片效用,此 張卡片翻開置檯面上時永久生效,直到下張卡片抽出時覆蓋上去才失效。 本人英文不好,目前翻譯完成,可請大家幫小弟再確認 此外本人有中文化表格,勘誤後會上傳到網路上 1.BONE ORCHARD 回合一開始時,所有死去的玩家可以獲得1滴血,並重新抽取角色牌,角色牌由死亡的角 色牌隨機分。 At the start of their turn, all eliminated players return to play with 1 life point. Deal their roles at random from those of the eliminated players. 2.HELENA ZONTERO 抽到此張牌時,抽取一張牌進行判定,若為紅心或是磚塊,除了警長外,全部陣營牌重新 洗牌分配。 When Helena comes into play, 'draw': on Hearts or Diamonds, shuffle all active roles, except the Sheriff, and deal them at random. 3.WIDE WEST SHOW 此場遊戲的最終獲勝條件更改為剩下1人。(此牌設定為WWS最後一張) The goal of each player becomes: Be the last one in play! 4.SHOW DOWN 所有的卡片都可以當BANG,原本的BANG可當MISS。 All cards may be played as they were BANG! All BAGN! may be played as they were MISSED! 5.SACAGAWAY 除了角色牌外,所有人的手牌請全部正面翻開。 All players play with their hands revealed (excluding their roles!) 6.MISS SUSANNA 玩家的回合時,至少使用3張卡,否則減少1滴血 During his turn, each playter must plays at least cards. If he does not, he loses 1 life point. 7.LADY ROSE OF TEXAS 玩家的回合時,任何玩家可以與右手邊交換位置,但換過去的玩家必須跳過此回合。 During his turn, each players can swap places with the player on his right, who will skip his next turn. 8.GAG 此回合玩家不可以說話,可以用任何手勢或是狀聲詞,否則減少1滴血。 Players may not talk (they can gesture, moan,....) whoerver talks loses 1 life point. 9.DOROTHY RAGE 玩家的回合時,可以強制任何玩家使用一張牌,並執行卡片功能。 During his turn, each player can force another player to play one of his cards 10.DARLING VALENTINE 玩家的回合時,玩家將手牌全部丟棄,並從牌堆抽取相同數量牌後,再進行抽牌。 At the start of his turn, each player discards his hand and draws the same number of cards from the deck. ====================================角色牌=============================== 1.Flint Westwood (4滴血) 每到他的回合,可將1張手牌與其他玩家隨機交換2張手牌 During his turn , he may trade one card from hand with 2 cards at random from the hand of another player. 2.Youl Grinner (4滴血) 在他進行抽牌時,任何玩家手牌張數大於他,必須選擇一張並交給他。 Before drawing, players with more hand cards than him must give him one card of their choice. 3.Big Spencer (9滴血) 起始有5張牌,但是此玩家不可使用Miss He starts with 5 cards. He can't play Missed! 4.Gary Looter (5滴血) 當每位玩家回合結束時進行棄牌,將棄牌卡交給他。 He draws all excess cards discarded by other players at the end of their turn. 5.Gerygory Deck (4滴血) 玩家的回合時,隨機抽取2張角色卡,並擁有此2角色卡能力。 At the start his turn, he may draw 2 characters at random. He has all the abilities of the drawn characters. 6.John Pain (4滴血) 若手牌低於6張,任何玩家進行抽牌時,可以從牌堆抽一張牌。 If he has less than 6 cards in hand each time any player "draws", John adds the card just drawn to his hand. 7.Teren Kill (3滴血) 遊戲進行任何時間時Teren被殺時,若判定的牌不是”黑桃”,可以回覆一滴血,並可再 抽一張牌。若為黑桃,則無法抽牌,直接死亡,判定後無法使用beer。 Each time he would be eliminated, "draw!": If it is not Spades, Teren stays at 1 life point, and draws 1 card. 8.Lee Van Kliff (4滴血) 在他的回合時,棄掉一張bang,可重複執行棕色邊框卡片的能力。 Note:可重新選擇抽2張牌或是抽3張牌,但是不能再翻WWS牌。 During his turn, he may discard a Bang! To repeat the effect of a brown-bordered card he just played. 多了好幾張特別的卡片,GAG看起來很棒,也多了換位置功能,換角色功能,看起來會更 歡樂。 此擴充規則我還在詳讀中 有問題可推文或是站內信,謝謝。 週末有機會新莊桌遊團測試,希望跟我借BANG的人會到 感謝 新莊團 Garfield 協助校正 新莊桌遊團 宗憲 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/17 00:18, , 1F
09/17 00:18, 1F

09/17 00:21, , 2F
另外我覺得也可以順便把英文貼上來 反正才18張
09/17 00:21, 2F

09/17 00:21, , 3F
09/17 00:21, 3F
※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/17 00:30) ※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/17 00:47)

09/17 00:31, , 4F
diligence 是哪張牌? Wells Fargo 是抽三張那張嘛
09/17 00:31, 4F

09/17 00:47, , 5F
09/17 00:47, 5F

09/17 02:22, , 6F
09/17 02:22, 6F

09/17 02:30, , 7F
09/17 02:30, 7F

09/17 02:38, , 8F
John pain的能力應該是有人檢定的時候可以拿走檢定用的牌
09/17 02:38, 8F

09/17 02:41, , 9F
09/17 02:41, 9F

09/17 07:41, , 10F
When you play a Stagecoach or Wells Fargo, take WWS
09/17 07:41, 10F

09/17 07:42, , 11F
DILICENZA = Stagecoach = 馬車 = 抽兩張牌
09/17 07:42, 11F

09/17 07:44, , 12F
09/17 07:44, 12F

09/17 07:45, , 13F
09/17 07:45, 13F
※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/17 09:03)

09/17 09:26, , 14F
Teren Kill 應該是抽到黑桃就死了吧,而不是不能抽
09/17 09:26, 14F

09/17 09:47, , 15F
講死了似乎怪怪的 因為這樣看起來他的能力像是被打可判定
09/17 09:47, 15F

09/17 09:48, , 16F
判定非黑桃則沒事 ie.打中他有3/4機會不會損血
09/17 09:48, 16F

09/17 09:48, , 17F
09/17 09:48, 17F

09/17 09:49, , 18F
講死了沒錯阿 因為只有被殺的時候才能draw
09/17 09:49, 18F

09/17 10:34, , 19F
啊 看到 BGG 上的卡圖了 的確是死前才能抽牌
09/17 10:34, 19F

09/17 10:44, , 20F
09/17 10:44, 20F

09/17 10:45, , 21F
似乎是找不到 www.davincigames.net 的 IP 的樣子...
09/17 10:45, 21F

09/17 11:48, , 22F
Teren Kill的說明的意思應該是 他要死的時候 死前可以抽一
09/17 11:48, 22F

09/17 11:50, , 23F
張牌 若此牌不是黑桃 則他的血馬上回復到1 而且抽一張牌
09/17 11:50, 23F

09/17 11:52, , 24F
也就是說 他掛的時候有3/4的機會可以復活
09/17 11:52, 24F
※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/17 13:09)

09/17 14:30, , 25F
插古......好痛~~ 這擴充牌有點少....
09/17 14:30, 25F
※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/18 01:46) ※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/18 01:47)

09/18 02:51, , 26F
那如果他手上有BEER 他選擇先抽牌判定若為黑桃那他還可
09/18 02:51, 26F

09/18 02:51, , 27F
09/18 02:51, 27F

09/18 07:53, , 28F
09/18 07:53, 28F
※ 編輯: ben30721 來自: (09/18 10:21)
文章代碼(AID): #1CaZpFIH (BoardGame)