Re: [規則] MACAO 馬靠大舵佬 - 卡片篇

看板BoardGame作者 (所謂溫暖人間沒有鬼)時間14年前 (2010/02/10 12:46), 編輯推噓4(403)
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既然台灣不再只有一盒馬靠了.... 我也該釋出中文化卡表!!! 附錄德文卡片名及BGG上的英文翻譯 讓你不會對錯名, 玩錯卡!! ABT At game end you receive no penalty points for cards still on your Player Board. 修道院院長 在遊戲結束時,還在你遊戲板上的卡片,都不會讓你扣分。 AMTSDIENER Receive 1 GM for each different kind of Scroll card ("Zoll", "Bau" etc) you use. 雜工僕役 你這回合啟動過幾種顏色的契約,就得幾元。 AMTSLEITER Receive 1 GM if you have at least 3 Scroll cards activated. 工頭 如果你已經有三張以上完成的契約卡,得1元。 AMTSSTUBE Receive 1 PP if you use at least one Scroll card. 工作室 如果你這回合有啟動契約,得1分。 ARCHIV You can deduct 1 AS from the cost of activating a Scroll card. 檔案室 你在完成契約卡時,可以少付1個資源。 BANK Receive 2 GM. 銀行 得2元。 BARONESA DOIS At game end receive 3 PP. If you have 2 Baronesa cards receive 4 PP each, if you have 3 receive 5 PP each. 朵司男爵 遊戲結束時,得3分。如果你有2個男爵則得4分、有3個男爵則得5分。 BARONESA TRES At game end receive 3 PP. If you have 2 Baronesa cards receive 4 PP each, if you have 3 receive 5 PP each. 崔司男爵 遊戲結束時,得3分。如果你有2個男爵則得4分、有3個男爵則得5分。 BARONESA UM At game end receive 3 PP. If you have 2 Baronesa cards receive 4 PP each, if you have 3 receive 5 PP each. 烏姆男爵 遊戲結束時,得3分。如果你有2個男爵則得4分、有3個男爵則得5分。 BAU Pay 1 green AS cube to receive 1 GM. 小屋 付1個綠色資源,得1元。 BAUMEISTER Receive 2 GM when you activate a building. 建築師 當你完成一張建築卡時,得2元。 BETTLER Take 1 AS of any colour when you are last on the scoring track. 乞丐 如果你是唯一最低分的人,得1個任意資源。 BISCHOF Pay 1 GM to receive 2 PP. 主教 付1元,得2分。 BOTSCHAFT Receive 2 PP extra when you use the Prestige bar. 大使館 當你貢獻時,多得2分。 BOTTCHEREI Receive 1 PP extra for each commodity you deliver. 木桶工坊 每當你將一個商品送達港口得分時,再得1分。 BRUNNEN Move forward one space on the wall when you purchase a commodity/joker tile in the city. 井 每當你從城區拿取一個商品時,將你在城牆上的圓木片推進一格。 DIPLOMAT You can use the Prestige bar twice. 外交官 再進行一次貢獻。 DONNA BLU Receive 1 blue AS cube. 布魯女郎 得1個藍色資源。 EDLER Pay 2 GM for 1 AS of any colour. 貴族 付2元得1個任意資源。 EXERZIERPLATZ Receive 1 GM when you use a “Militarwesen” card. 操場 當你啟動「軍隊」時,得1元。 FESTUNG Receive 1 PP for each activated “Militarwesen” card. 堡壘 你每有一張完成的「軍隊」,得1分。 FINANZEN Pay 1 grey AS cube to receive 1 GM. 財務專家 付1個灰色資源,得1元。 FORSCHER During phase 2 when you choose a dice take 1 extra AS of the same colour (place all the cubes next to the number of the dice!) 研究員 在第二階段選擇骰子時,你可以選擇其中一種資源多放一個。 FRAU ROT Receive 1 red AS cube. 蘿特女仕 得1個紅色資源。 GAUKLER You can use each joker tile twice (and take a mix of GM and AS). 雜耍藝人 你可以將「任意資源/3元」商品板塊使用2次。 GELDVERLEIHER Receive 1 GM and 1 PP. 高利貸商人 得1元和1分。 GELEHRTER Receive 1 AS of any colour. 學者 得1個任意資源 GERICHT Receive 1 PP for each activated “Justiz” card. 法院 你每有一張完成的「司法部」,得1分。 GESANDTER Take one AS of any colour when you receive PP from the Prestige bar. 大使 如果你這回合有貢獻,拿1個任意資源。 GEWURZLAGER For each of the commodity “Spices” you deliver, receive double PP. 香料公會 每次你將「香料」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 GOLDSCHMIED Pay 1 AS of any colour to receive 1 GM. 金匠 付1個任意資源,得1元。 GOLDSUCHER Pay 3 AS of any colour to receive 1 GM. You may do this as many times as you like. 掏金者 付3個任意資源,得1元。啟動這個功能沒有次數限制。 GOUVERNEUR At game end receive 7 PP. 總督 遊戲結束時,得7分。 GRAF Instead of paying the AS cost you can pay 4 GM to activate a card. 行政官 付4元,完成1張卡。 GRENZPOSTEN Receive 1 GM when you use a “Zoll” card. 哨站 當你啟動「關稅」時,得1元。 HANDWERKER You don't have to pay the cost to activate a card but you must have the necessary AS in your stock. 手工藝者 你在完成卡片時,可將付出的資源拿回來。 HEBAMME At game end you receive 1 PP for each activated person card (including Hebamme). 助產士 遊戲結束時,你每有一個完成的人物卡,得1分。 HEILER You can deduct 1 AS from the cost of activating a Person card. 醫師 你在完成人物卡時,可少付1個資源。 HEROLD Instead of paying the AS cost you can pay 3 GM to buy a commodity/joker tile from a district. 傳令官 在拿取商品時,你可不付資源,改為付3元。 JADELAGER For each of the commodity “Jade” you deliver, receive double PP. 玉飾公會 每次你將「玉飾」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 JUSTIZ Pay 1 blue AS cube to receive 1 GM. 司法部 付1個藍色資源,得1元 KAMMERER Receive 1 GM when you activate a Scroll card. 財政官 當你完成一張契約卡時,得1元。 KANONIER Receive 1 GM if you are last on the wall. 炮兵 如果你是唯一在城牆順位最後面的人,得1元。 KAPELLE Receive 1 PP if you have received at least 1 PP this round. 禮拜堂 如果你這回合有得分,得1分。 KAPITAN Receive 1 PP if you move your ship at least 2 fields. 船長 如果你這回合航行小船至少2格,得1分。 KATHEDRALE Pay up to a maximum of 6 different coloured AS to receive 1 PP each in return. 大教堂 付出不同色的資源各1個,付出幾個得幾分。 KLOSTER Receive 1 PP when you're first on the scoring track. 寺院 如果你是唯一最高分的人,得1分。 KRAN You can deduct 1 AS from the cost of activating a Building card. 起重機 你在完成建築卡時,可少付1個資源。 KUTSCHER Receive 1 GM when you have at least 3 activated building cards. 馬伕 如果你已經有三張以上完成的建築卡,得1元。 LACKWARENLAGER For each of the commodity “lacquerware” you deliver, receive double PP. 漆器公會 每次你將「漆器」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 LADEN Pay 2 AS of any colour to take 1 AS of any colour. 雜貨店 付2個任意資源,得1個任意資源。 LADY BLACK Receive 1 black AS cube. 布蕾克淑女 得1個黑色資源。 LEUCHTTURM Receive 1 GM for each commodity you deliver. 燈塔 你每將一個商品送達港口得分,得1元。 MADAME VERT Receive 1 green AS cube. 佛特夫人 得1個綠色資源。 MAGISTRAT Receive 1 GM when you use a “Verwaltung” card. 部長 當你啟動「行政部」時,得1元。 MEISTER During phase 2 you can choose to place the AS cubes from your chosen dice on a neighbouring number (but not behind the 6! i.e. you may not place the AS on the 1 die side). 大師 在第二階段選骰時,你可以將一份資源放在「隔壁」的邊上。但不能將六個資源放在 點數1的邊上。 MIK'S TAVERN Receive 1 GM if you have at least 3 people cards activated. 米克的酒館 如果你已經有三張以上完成的人物卡,得1元。 MILITARWESEN Pay 1 black AS cube to receive 1 GM. 軍隊 付1個黑色資源,得1元。 MISS GREY Receive 1 grey AS cube. 葛蕾小姐 得1個灰色資源。 MUSSIGGANGER During phase 1 you don't have to take a card. 遊民 在第一階段時,你可以不拿卡片。 NACHTWACHTER You can buy 2 commodities/joker tiles in the city. 守夜人 可付出對應資源,從城區拿取一個商品。 PALAST At game end for each card that yields PP (incl. this one) receive 2 PP. 皇宮 遊戲結束時,你每有一張在此時提供分數的卡片,得2分。 PAPIERLAGER For each of the commodity “Paper” you deliver, receive double PP. 紙張公會 每次你將「紙張」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 PFANDLEIHE Receive 1 GM if you have received at least 1 GM this round. 當舖 如果你這回合有得到錢,得1元。 PORZELLANLAGER For each of the commodity “Porcelain” you deliver, receive double PP. 瓷器公會 每次你將「瓷器」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 PRAFEKTUR At game end for each Scroll card you have activated receive 1 PP. 區長 遊戲結束時,你每有一張完成的契約卡,得1分。 PROFESSOR During phase 2 receive 1 GM for each dice you choose with the number 1. 教授 在第二階段選骰時,你每選一個點數1的骰子,得1元。 RATHAUS Receive 1 PP for each activated “Verwaltung” card. 市政廳 你每有一張完成的「行政部」,得1分。 RATSHERR At game end receive 6 PP for each different kind of Scroll card ("Zoll", Bau" etc) where you have at least 3 activated. 議員 遊戲結束時,你每有三張完成的同色契約卡,得6分。 REISLAGER For each of the commodity “Rice” you deliver, receive double PP. 稻米公會 每次你將「稻米」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 RESIDENZ At game end receive 1 PP for each activated building card you have (including the residence). 官邸 遊戲結束時,你每有一張完成的建築卡,得1分。 RICHTER Receive 1 GM when you use a “Justiz” card. 法官 當你啟動「司法部」時,得1元。 SCHATZKAMMER Receive 1 PP for each activated “Finanzen” card. 財務部 你每有一張完成的「財務專家」,得1分。 SCHATZMEISTER Receive 1 GM when you use a “Finanzen” card. 收藏家 當你啟動「財務專家」時,得1元。 SCHIFFSJUNGE Receive 1 PP, if you have 0-2 commodities on your Player Board. 實習水手 如果你面前有0或2個商品板塊(不包含任意資源板塊),得1分。 SCHMIEDE At game end for each of your markers in the city receive 1 PP. 打鐵舖 遊戲結束時,你每有一個代表物在城區,得1分. SCHREIBER You can use each different kind of Scroll card ("Zoll", "Bau" etc) twice. 書記員 你可以啟動每種契約卡的其中一張兩次。 SCHULE Receive 1 GM if at least 2 of the card storage areas on your Player Board are free. 學校 如果你的遊戲板上有2個以上的卡片空位,得1元。 SEGELMACHEREI You can move your ship two fields. 製帆工坊 航行你的小船最多2格。 SEIDENLAGER For each of the commodity “Silk” you deliver, receive double PP. 絲綢公會 每次你將「絲綢」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 SENORA VIOLETA Receive 1 purple AS cube. 費歐蕾塔太太 得1個紫色資源。 SITZUNGSSAAL At game end for each different kind of Scroll card ("Zoll", "Bau" etc) you have activated receive 2 PP. 議會廳 遊戲結束時,你每有一種完成的契約卡,得2分。 SOLDAT Receive 1 GM for each set of 4 of your markers in the city. 士兵 你在城區每有4個代表物,得1元。 SPEKULANT You can deduct 1 AS from the cost of buying a commodity/joker tile in the city. 投機商人 你在拿取商品時,可少付一個資源。 SPITAL Receive 1 GM when you activate a Person card. 醫院 當你完成一張人物卡時,得1元。 STATUE At game end receive 3 PP for each of your markers in a “dark” district (dark districts are where the jokers are placed). 雕像 遊戲結束時,你每有一個代表物在黑色城區,得3分。 STEINBRUCH Receive 1 PP for each activated “Bau” card. 採石場 你每有一張完成的「小屋」,得1分。 STEUERMANN Pay 1 GM to move your ship up to four fields. 舵手 付1元,航行你的小船最多4格。 TEELAGER Receive double PP for each of the commodity “Tea” you deliver. 茶葉公會 每次你將「茶葉」商品板塊送達對應港口時,得2倍分數。 TOR Receive 1 PP if you are first on the wall. 城門 如果你在城牆順位為第一,得1分。 TOTENGRABER Put one other of your activated people cards on the discard pile, in return receive 2 GM. 墓園管理人 將一張你完成的人物卡棄掉,得2元。 TURM When your counter on the wall is in a stack, your counter is always on top. 塔樓 如果你在城牆上的圓木片被疊覆住,將它移到最上面。 UNIVERSITAT Receive 1 PP if at least 2 of the card storage areas on your Player Board are free. 大學 如果你的遊戲板上有2個以上的卡片空位,得1分。 VERMESSER Receive 1 GM when you use a “Bau” card. 測量員 當你啟動「小屋」時,得1元。 VERWALTUNG Pay 1 purple AS cube to receive 1 GM. 行政部 付1個紫色資源,得1元。 VIZEGOUVERNEUR At game end receive 4 PP. 副總督 遊戲結束時,得4分。 WACHPOSTEN If you are not first on the wall, advance one space forward. 哨兵 如果你的城牆順位不是第一,將你城牆上的圓木片推進1格。 WIRT Receive 1 GM, or 3 GM if you have the “Wirthaus” activated. 旅店老闆 得1元,或是如果你有完成的「旅店」,就改得3元。 WIRTSHAUS Receive 1 GM, or 3 GM if you have the “Wirt” activated. 旅店 得1元,或是如果你有完成的「旅店老闆」,就改得3元。 ZIMMERMAN Receive 1 GM each time you buy a commodity/joker tile in the city. 木匠 你在城區每拿取一個商品,得1元 ZOLL Pay 1 red AS cube to receive 1 GM. 關稅 付1個紅色資源,得1元。 ZOLLSTATION Receive 1 PP for each activated “Zoll” card. 海關 你每有一張完成的「關稅」,得1分 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/10 12:53, , 1F
02/10 12:53, 1F

02/10 13:05, , 2F
我的是英文的喔 ㄎㄎ
02/10 13:05, 2F

02/10 13:08, , 3F
02/10 13:08, 3F

02/10 13:08, , 4F
02/10 13:08, 4F

02/11 00:28, , 5F
02/11 00:28, 5F

02/11 09:30, , 6F
02/11 09:30, 6F

02/11 10:55, , 7F
02/11 10:55, 7F
※ 編輯: jogkong 來自: (06/10 17:08)
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文章代碼(AID): #1BSZf3aK (BoardGame)