Re: [閒聊] Graham quotes (1)

看板Blur作者 ( 豆 腐 攀 泥 )時間14年前 (2009/09/12 19:57), 編輯推噓11(1104)
留言15則, 4人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《cherified (榭俐霏)》之銘言: : 這篇文章也是從上面那個古老的網站中抓來的!! : 資訊還是一樣跟現在有點落差喔,有請三劍客幫忙更新補完啊!!! (拜) : 原本想要一次貼完的,但是批踢踢好容易當機喔,我的批幣都飛了 T T : 所以還是分個兩三次貼好了 版主辛苦了。本來想幫忙把每句都翻成中文,大家讀起來比較輕鬆, 可是這些句子實在太 多 啦!!所以我也發表一點感想就好... 囧 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Not only can Graham play the guitar and shitloads of other instruments, sing, : write and paint, he also HAS LOTS TO SAY ! : 1. "I bought Cinnamon and Golden Grahams and these indie kids in the shop : laughed at me. It was funny but embarrassing." : (綿羊何不用你的大牙反咬回去呢!!! 噢不年少時期可是很以和為貴的, : 可能是難搞的綿羊基因尚未突變,也有可能後來才進入擬態模式??????) 當時的情況他應該只是覺得很害羞又很好笑吧 XD Golden Grahams長這樣 : 2. (If you had a superpower what would it be ?) "The US. I'd make it small : enough to fit in my spare room. Then George Bush would be ant sized and I'd : put him in a matchbox so he couldn't come out." : (葛拉拉是個美國小孩,具體點說應該是德裔美國小孩 : 他除了穿衣風格稍稍英國以外,還是比較像德國人跟美國人!!!) 他是標準英國小孩。 葛拉爸是駐德國的軍樂隊,所以小葛拉出生後在德國待過幾年, 他過世的爺爺教過他講一點德文,除此之外他跟一般英國小朋友沒兩樣。 : 3. "Being a dad is amazing, yeah. That's where I'm learning more about me : than anywhere else, from this little girl who doesn't really know what is : happening in the world. Doesn't know anything. She's helped me become the : emperor of myself really." : (潛在的 control freak!!) 沒有控制狂這麼嚴重啦 XDDD 養育女兒那種被需要的感覺,讓他感受到自己也有照顧別人的能力, 這點讓一向缺乏自信且生活一度失控的葛拉稍微找回信心。 : 4. (What do you think of the Gorillaz stuff?) "That's a tough question. : (long pause) And now I'll leave it at that! No, it's cool, Damon's doing his : thing, and he needs to do his thing. We all do. You know, I don't expect : anybody to particularly like my stuff. And I think that's the healthiest way : you can make music really, not expecting people to like it." : (這應該是有點年紀以後說的話了,標準的後期訪問風格 : 不過gorillaz也是要到葛拉拉三十歲以後才比較上軌道不是嗎:P) : 5. (Are you pissed off with Gorillaz becoming more popular than Blur?) : "No i'm not, although i'd like to know who's buying Gorillaz. But it's good : because it's Damon's. He's doing what he wants to do. I think it's obviously : going to be more popular than Blur stuff because it's of a substandard nature : to Blur stuff. The music is pretty good but the more popular a thing is in : this country, the more rubbish it is. It'd be best if people listened to : simpler music, stuff that resonates more soulfully." : (同上,但他也間接承認大門猴是blur的主導人) 嗯,Gorillaz我也很喜歡。他們在英國以外真的比Blur紅很多, 在Youtube甚至有人把Gorillaz MV配上Song 2,引來路人問 "這首歌是誰唱的?聲音怎麼那麼像2D?" : 6, "I'm squeamish about seafood. I can't pull the heads off shrimps and : things like that ; get me fingers all mucky in their eggs and peel the armour : off. I dont like that." : (蝦很好吃耶@@ 可惜了葛拉拉) 他還是很愛吃海鮮,只是吃起來笨手笨腳,而且還吃到食物中毒。(遠目) : 7. (Do you have any phobias ?) "I used to not be able to walk up Parkway : (busy Camden thoroughfare). I'd completely avoid it because I thought people : would be making comments about me. I suppose that's what comes with being a : slightly recognisable figure around here, you wonder what people are gonna : be saying. " : (戴口罩跟帽子不就好了!!即使很怪,那就太陽眼鏡吧,好像也挺怪的齁!) 英國似乎不流行變裝那套? 葛拉那麼害羞又很介意別人對他的看法,難怪都宅在家上網。 : 8, (If you were Prime Minister, what would you do ?) "Change the national : anthem to nothing. I don't like nationality." : (很不英國的一面) 他只是對政治化的議題不感興趣。 : 9. (Are you good in bed ?) "Absolutely. Not. I'm very good at sleeping. : I go to sleep very quick. I don't know about shagging. I can be good, : i can be awful. I think i'm quite selfless." : (葛拉拉有一個傾向:回答不想回答的問題都會spaced out!! 亂講一通) 他不是故意的,離題太遠+碎碎唸是他的風格。XD 這個應該表示他在床上比較投入於配合對方... 版上可以出現這種話題嗎?!(羞) : 10. "Graham's fans seem to be really fucking mad. Alex fans just seem to be : mad. The classic fanbase of people that like Damon are completely fine. : I just seem to attract complete nutters." : (讓我想到大門猴曾經說"葛拉拉的fans都會想吃了他" : 烤羊肉真的不錯啊~~羊肉爐也很好吃~~) 綿羊何時變成官方外號了?(爆) 如果常去Blur官方討論區的人應該不難發現,葛拉常有超級熱情的粉絲, 這些粉絲的ID不外是Graham's Angel, Graham's Chic, Miss Graham之類, 特別是南美洲粉絲示愛相當激烈 XDDD 他的亞洲粉絲也很多,表達方式比較傾向普遍級。 : 11. "The obsessive psychos that are our original fanbase, you know, : they're the ones I like... Our original audiences, they're the people : I'm the most fond of, not the people who just do what the TV tells them : to do." : (fashion is doing the things you're told, innit? by吉他手06四月號) 葛拉拉說過,厲害的粉絲連他在小地方彈錯都會發現, 有次他還很開心地說這些專業粉絲很變態(當然是葛式稱讚)。 : 12. "I think it's better if blokes can admit that they can have crushes : on other blokes. I've probably had crushes but never really sexual crushes : on men." : (葛拉拉對男人沒有幻想!!!大叔fans要哭哭囉) 錯,他對男人常常有幻想!...... 我開玩笑的...吧。 此人前陣子才對Kevin Ayers大發花癡, 還在自己的討論區宣佈Ayers是他最新一任老公,(可見還有前幾任呢) 並且把簽名檔換成Ayers帥照一張。在家邊泡澡邊聽Ayers的歌... 嘖嘖。 難怪大叔們都要用雄厚的聲音對他示愛:Graham You're so great! 他(也)喜歡女生啦,大家別誤會。 : 13. "I crapped on my jumper. I wanted to poo and I forgot it was tied around : my waist. I had to throw it into someone's garden." : (好噁心XDDDDDDDDDD) 這個是在講他第一次喝醉的經驗,大便大在毛衣上。笨蛋 XDDDD : 14. "Being run over is quite scary,actually - You have that split second when : you say 'ooh, crikey!' shut your eyes, grit your teeth and bounce off the : bonnet. I had to ask a copper if I was dead." : (這個在訪問葛拉拉代言cordings那篇報導裡面有!! : 其實想起來那場景應該還頗無腦的...年少輕狂啊) 他被車撞過兩次,兩次都是都是喝醉的狀態下不小心被撞, 還有媒體亂揣測他可能想輕生,不過葛拉說兩次都純屬意外。 : 15. "I'm trying to learn skateboard at the moment. I tried to skate in : bare feet, bad idea. I completely cut up my toes." : (好吧我相信你曾經是滑板男孩,但老了別再做這種事情啦免得骨頭散掉!!) 以前他會在休息室溜過來溜過去,Alex那時候躺在地上睡覺,貼了一張紙條: "警告葛拉:不准在我頭旁邊溜滑板!敢吵醒我的話 我就把那塊該死的滑板折斷丟出窗外!" 葛拉將興趣轉到玩重機已經好幾年囉,30歲以後玩滑板可能要忍耐別人異樣的眼光。 不過上次他接受NME採訪,房間的書桌底下還是放著一個滑板。 : 16. "Spiders are cool but I'm still scared of them . But I don't kill them." : (可以想像他看到蜘蛛尖叫的畫面嗎!!!! : 或是他可以跟蜘蛛說: oochy woochy XDDDD) 昨天有人在他討論區貼了一張蜘蛛照片,他哀號: "那是什麼外星來的鬼玩意!把照片拿掉,不然我只好拿掉我的眼睛!" : 17. "My old flat is covered with carcasses of mosquitos all over the walls : because I never bothered to clean up , as a warning." : (the god of mess-ups again) 把蚊子屍體留在牆壁上以警告其他蚊子 ---- 不知道該說他很可愛還是很邋遢。 : 18. "I'm a Christian without God. I'm an agnostic erection boy. : Whatever that means... Barman! Barman!" : (他只相信酒神dionysus吧!!) 他沒有特別信什麼教,對於未知的力量持寧可信其有的態度, 他相信世界上有小精靈和小仙子,還在花園幫他們小蓋房子。 XD : 19. "I'm perfectly charming and then at the point where I start forgetting : what's happening I get drunk and that's when I turn into a horrible bastard." : (在喝醉以外的時刻我都是很迷人的唷~啾咪!!!) 清醒的葛拉對外是個禮貌的好孩子,對熟人意見比較多,難以取悅, 有點醉意的葛拉會搞笑也特別活潑,爛醉的葛拉是個恐怖的神經病。 : 20. "You have to learn to keep your mouth shut when you have to get any : drinks in." : (有加菲貓的感覺) 有段時間他就是學不乖,酒來張口。那是他逃避現實的方式。 : 21. (about alcohol) "Chocolate does the same thing to your happy centres. : But you can't have ten Mars Bars and be rolling around on the floor insulting : people and shouting and crying for no reason. Which is a shame. Heheheh." : (巧克力比起酒來還是略遜一籌因為他不會使你醉orz) 食用巧克力跟酒都會讓人快樂,但是吃再多巧克力都沒辦法讓你在地上打滾 邊罵人邊大哭大叫借酒裝瘋,這是巧克力可惜之處,嘿嘿。 真令人傷腦筋啊,葛拉。 喔對了,他很喜歡吃巧克力這類甜食。 : 22. "If I was one of my friends, Graham Coxon would be the person I most : likely saw stopped drinking." : (一度曾經是不可能的任務啊) 幸好現在戒了。他還活著真是個奇蹟,希望他繼續保持下去。 : 23. "When I started to swear at furniture, I knew it was time to stop drinking" : (XDDD 家具跟人傻傻分不清楚) 那畫面還蠻好笑的,此人是個爛酒鬼。 : 24. "Cynicism is something I really dislike, and the thing about becoming : soberer and clearer is that a lot of cynicism disappears. I don't want to : be a bloke who shies away from emotion." : (這段話有很怪的矛盾) 不曉得這段話有沒有漏字... 他的意思大致是說葛拉個性很直,遇到討厭的東西喜歡直接反應意見, 喝醉的他可以盡情取笑不喜歡的事物,可是沒有酒精的幫助, 生性害羞的葛拉無法暢所欲言,他不喜歡這樣害羞的自己。 (我看他在討論區酸人酸得倒是很開心呀 XDDD) : 25. (on being asked whether he'd quit drinking for good) : "I still drink non-alchoolic drinks" : (比方說紅牛提神飲料啊) 還有可口可樂啊... 咖啡,還有加了糖的茶。 : 26. "When you drink and smoke you kind of float around. : That's why these straight-edge bands are so uptight. I couldn't imagine : being teetotal forever. I like to be a bit of everything. Yeah, I am drinking : at the moment, but not too much." : (葛拉拉應該會很嚮往中國式的神遊太虛幻境,oh such an oriental touch!!) 小酌幾杯無傷大雅。 : 27. "Me giving up drinking was like a miracle." : (i cannot agree more!) : 28. "We used to drink so much. I'd have a bottle of wine under the chair : my amp was sat on and I'd swig my way trough that." : (感覺很像捷運上偷吃檳榔的大叔!!!!) 整團都很愛喝,他跟大門在95年以前常常在台上爛醉,特別是美國巡迴期間。 : 29. "Jack Daniels makes us all puke." : (哈哈哈) : 30. "I don't like drugs - never liked drugs. I'm not a very good creature : for things like that, I haven't got enough confidence." : (其實是怕吸毒人會變醜吧!! 葛拉拉這麼愛漂亮!!!) 葛拉自制力比較差,他說過自己不像大門抽煙嗑藥想戒就戒, 如果他當年沾了毒品... 後果不堪設想。 : 31. "Words I use for 'excellent' are brilliant, smart, decent, ace. : And we use 'blinking' instead of a real swear word, like when you're : with your grandmother." : (很基本的綿羊用語!!) 還有 "bah!" XD : 32. "Of course I'm an hedonist, what else worth living for? : The rest is just killing time really.. " : (這一看也知道至少是五~十年前說的話!!) 倒覺得這句話相當有道理... 活在當下! >D< : 33. "I'm attracted to trauma. I like things like that.I'm a born martyr." : (真的是天生要葬在忠烈祠的那種...下面還有一段說他為了女朋友冷戰而撞衣櫃!!!) 此人天生多愁善感,大門說葛拉很像那種會掏出手帕來咳血的古代詩人, 葛拉邊笑卻沒有否認 XD : 34. "After Blur , I'll get married." : (你現在也還沒結婚啊不是嗎XD) 有女朋友啦,這回不知可以撐多久。當年最想結婚的人到現在還是沒找到伴。 : 35. "We're very dissatisfied with anything that isn't slightly...twisted. : I like people like John Lennon who are stars in a totally anti-star way." : (說得好) 他本身就是這樣 - star in a totally anti-star way. cool in a totally un-cool way. XD : 37. "I hate the video for "Country House". I love the song, but : the association with it has become Page Three and Benny hill instead of : Blur." : (這MV的確還蠻糟的XD) 這支MV最沒意義的就是那些活脫來自色情雜誌的辣妹, 還上演"唷呵呵來追我啊"的老派戲碼, 導演Damien Hirst品味的確很糟。 : 38. "If I’d done what I was supposed to do in the "Country House" video : I would have had a lobotomy by now. I was supposed to do all sorts of nasty : things – getting bottoms in my face and chasing girls." : (這MV一定多半是alex出的主意... 我承認我對他有偏見) 你得到他了。Alex跟導演很麻吉,葛拉當年被逼著下海演出,相當不爽。 : 39. "Damon ?? sexy ?? He's about as sexy as a stuffed fish , pal!" : (嬉皮式的死魚XDDDD) 這個是某張大門演唱會照片的註解,那時有很多少女覺得大門很性感, 可是那張照片的大門流很多汗看起來有點恍神,於是葛拉在旁邊喊 -- "大門?性感?他的性感程度跟餐桌上肚子塞餡料的烤魚差不多!" 不過葛拉有在其他場合稱讚過大門長得很帥。XD : 40. "Damon wasn't liked (at school) and I thought he was a vain wanker." : (wanker這字用得很精確!!!) 啊哈哈哈,對熟人的吐槽毫不留情。大門以前在學校常常因白目被揍。 : 41. (on Damon) "I used to come around and see him and he'd play this : weird stuff that was endless piano, with no singing in it at all. It was : just nuts." : (綿羊大砲) 這是在講以前他們在學校剛認識的時候,當時大門的創作和表現慾望就很旺盛, 沒事喜歡彈些小曲炫技。殊不知往後好多年,Blur的歌曲多半由此方式生出, 大門先隨興彈奏,葛拉在旁邊以吉他應和,碰撞出火花後, 團員們以這段旋律延伸出完整的一首歌。這就是兩人無可取代的默契。 : 42. "Damon will always have extremes. When we were at school together, : he would always be duffed up in the toilets. We used to go out on the town : and he'd get beaten up by the New Model Army crew. We used to go to a pub : called The Cups, and every time I went there with Damon he'd go to the bog : and he'd have his beating up. And he'd go: 'Graham, Graham, I've just been : beaten up.' And I'd go: 'Oh my God.' So he'd go: 'I'm going'. And I'd say: : 'No, stay, have another drink.' And then he'd go, and I'd stay behind and : get drunk with the people who beat him up." : (兩個人都是爛嘴如泥的酒鬼,下面還有一段說葛拉拉是人型腳踏墊更好笑!!) 這段一直是我很喜歡的往事!非常好笑 XDDDD 那時候他們還在唸書,不是酒鬼,只是跟一般英國年輕人一樣去酒吧鬼混, 可是大門常常得罪人,被揍之後跑去跟葛拉抱怨:葛拉我們回家好不好? 葛拉就回答:老天啊(漫不經心貌) 大門說:我想走了。 葛拉就拗他:別走嘛再喝一杯。 於是大門就摸摸鼻子回家, 葛拉留下來跟剛剛揍大門的人一起喝酒。XD 由這段往事可以看出葛拉是做人比較成功的那個, 年少無知的大門老是被揍,實在又可憐又好笑。 : 43. "Damon is a self-centred fucker sometimes." : (牡羊座的人好像都這樣XD 哈哈我跟大門同星座) Yes he is, but he means no harm. : 44. "If Damon goes on about football and Page Three girls, that means : we all get associated with it. I hate football and I hate Page Three Girls, : but people always want to hear Damon's opinion." : (沒辦法誰叫大門比較三八啊) 他是主唱嘛,也是創作核心之一。媒體總是比較注意主唱。 : 45. "It seems that Damon and I are going to be in each other's lives musically : forever, in some way or other. Whether it's with Blur or without Blur or sort : of like the Old Gits, probably. Which is quite an amusing thought. We just : get on very well, especially musically." : (你們一定是生命共同體的啊^^ 兩人上輩子說不定是夫妻) 我很喜歡這段的描述,他們兩人的音樂默契不是蓋的, 很高興他們倆破鏡重圓,希望以後可以聽到新的作品。 : 46. The first thing Damon ever said to me was that his shoes were more : expensive than mine. Eventually, he went off to work in drama school in : London." : (大門猴小小年紀就掉入物欲的火坑啊...阿彌陀佛) 也不是說物欲,大門應該是個幾乎沒有物欲的人(以有錢人來講), 小時候大門的家境是四人當中最好,他又是個直來直往說話毫不客氣的人, 當年兩人見面的時候,葛拉穿著一雙皮鞋,大門就指指自己的皮鞋囂張地說: "你看,這才是真正的好貨。" (由此可見為何大門老是被人揍) 葛拉的意思是,大門行為戲劇化老愛引人注目,所以最後真的去上戲劇學校。 : 47. (on "The Great Escape" period)"Damon and I were becoming like : Business Associates, whenever we'd see each other we had to dress up : in suits and clean our teeth." : (那你們其他時間都在幹麻) 葛拉指的是他跟團員關係惡化的時期,有段時間他跟大門冷戰不講話, 見面的時候不像朋友,反而像生意人,很可悲其實。 : 48. "I hate a lot of things that Alex stands for.I don't want people to think : it's what this band is about. All that Groucho Club bollocks and him going on : about birds and boozing all the time, I hate that." : (綿羊對把妹痛飲的活動不感興趣...只喜歡彈吉他) 一個高調,一個低調的差別。 Alex喜歡泡夜店把妹,對Alex來說,Blur的走紅使他在各派對無往不利, 還可以結識各界名流,簡直置身天堂。 然而對害羞的葛拉來說,Alex喜愛的生活方式是他痛恨的, 成名之後的壓力和社交場合反而是地獄。 : 49. "It's nothing bad between me and Alex. It's just to do with sense of : humour. We're very similar. If he wants to try and be in The Average White : Band then I'm going to be in the Gang Of Four. I'm cutting against him all : the time, because he's, like, a sexy musician and I feel... shy and clumsy. : So I try and fuck up his funk. It's basically teenage party jealousy." : (dun every say that!! 綿羊類型的男人會越老越帥!!) 嘿嘿,綿羊的嫉妒。Alex是典型的風流帥哥,葛拉覺得自己是個阿宅。 然而我們都是被他的宅吸引呀! : 50. "Alex's idea of glamour is my idea of death, really." : (XD 可想而知) 品味相差十萬八千里。 XD 不過他們其實蠻要好的,生日都會互送禮物或一起慶祝, 特別是Alex對葛拉可說是讚不絕口,頻頻示好。 : 51. "You become totally aware of your every action. It's a very weird thing : not to be able to walk to the shops without thinking of yourself as the : guitarist in Blur walking to the shops." : (嗯嗯) 跟以前比起來,現在應該比較自在了吧。雖然還是喜歡宅在家。 : 52. "I don't feel famous at all. I've noticed it, and I suppose it's become : an effort to be unfamous. It's crude, but the idea I have of myself is of : someone who's getting pints of milk on the corner in the morning." : (incentive!! 若你有在牛奶公司上班的話, : 我一定會訂購你們的牛奶,而且每天早上都會站在家門口等你送過來XDDD) 這又讓我想到他很喜歡開牛奶車(Country House那台),說過想當牛奶工人。 好可愛。 好長.......!! 已經不知多久沒浮上水面po文... 另外兩篇有空再回覆。囧 -- ~ your humble shepherd. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/12 20:00, , 1F
09/12 20:00, 1F
※ 編輯: TofuPanny 來自: (09/12 20:04)

09/12 20:08, , 2F
完食!!! 果然是綿羊的秘書~~迫不及待要讀續集了!!!
09/12 20:08, 2F

09/12 21:34, , 3F
09/12 21:34, 3F

09/12 22:30, , 4F
想問一下喔 他爺爺不是住在德比郡嗎
09/12 22:30, 4F

09/12 22:31, , 5F
我還因此覺得德比郡來的男人都很帥說> <
09/12 22:31, 5F

09/12 23:09, , 6F
09/12 23:09, 6F

09/12 23:12, , 7F
09/12 23:12, 7F

09/12 23:13, , 8F
09/12 23:13, 8F

09/12 23:18, , 9F
09/12 23:18, 9F

09/12 23:22, , 10F
他是誰呢?? 完全不認識耶!! 他認識我嗎???
09/12 23:22, 10F

09/12 23:26, , 11F
09/12 23:26, 11F

09/12 23:35, , 12F
噢我很想要跟你一起衝浪說>//< 我可以去申請一個呦~
09/12 23:35, 12F

09/12 23:36, , 13F
有帳號的話可以加我喔~ ^^///
09/12 23:36, 13F

09/12 23:37, , 14F
09/12 23:37, 14F

09/13 01:06, , 15F
葛拉魔人不是蓋的,只有panny才回的起這種考究長文 :D
09/13 01:06, 15F
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