[推薦] 85的海鹽系列

看板Barista作者 (Jenny)時間14年前 (2009/10/28 14:34), 編輯推噓2(200)
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我非常非常喜歡喝85的海鹽系列 不管是海鹽咖啡,海鹽綠茶,還是海鹽青茶我都非常非常的愛! 有注意到嗎?我用「非常非常」兩個非常喔!!! 表示我真的很愛啦!!! 而且我冰的,去冰的,熱的,全糖的,半糖的,微糖的,無糖的全部都有喝過!!! 這樣我很有研究精神吧!哈哈哈。。。 我自己個人的口味是: 海鹽咖啡:我覺得還是熱的好喝,冰的感覺不是那麼優,而且甜度我覺得半糖剛剛好! 海鹽綠茶跟青茶:我覺得冰的比較好喝,不要完全去冰,還是要有一點冰塊會比較棒! 而且全糖到無糖都很好呵!!!我個人比較喜歡有點冰塊,半糖的喝法!!! 這是雜誌的報導 也可以學英文唷!!! 您的咖啡要加鹽嗎?台灣最夯的熱飲  Some Salt with Your Coffee? Taiwan's Hot Drink 記者/竺瑞娟          2009.01.15 By Natalie Tso / Taipei      Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009 台灣咖啡店將海鹽加入咖啡上的奶泡中國人喜歡吃些西方人覺的奇怪的東西, 像是豬血糕跟雞屁股串等等,所以”鹹咖啡”也就不是奇怪的事了。 但在你早上喝的咖啡中加些鹽,到底會有什麼不同呢? 台灣連鎖咖啡業者85度C在思索了半年後, 便決定開始販賣海鹽咖啡了。自從在十二月推出新品上市活動後, 馬上變成店裡熱賣的飲品之一。 Chinese people like to eat foods that Westerners consider unusual, things like pig-blood cake and chicken-butt kebab, to name just a few popular snacks. So the introduction of salty coffee shouldn't be such a shocker. What difference, after all, can a few sprinkles of salt make to your morning cup of joe? The chefs at Taiwan's top coffeehouse, 85°C Bakery Cafe, pondered that question for six months before they started serving sea-salt coffee, which became their best-selling drink following its December debut. 85度C的店名取自於泡咖啡最佳的溫度。 五年前創辦人吳政學以開設茶坊起家, 至今85度C已經超過星巴克成為全台最大的咖啡連鎖店; 目前全台共有325家分店,並且正擴展到中國、澳洲及美國。 為尋找品質良好的咖啡豆, 他先找到星巴克2004年最受歡迎咖啡豆在瓜地馬拉的供應商, 並說服供應商提供所有的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。 他同時聘請五星級飯店的主廚來製作出美味的飲品及甜點, 並以比低於新星巴克一半的價格銷售。 That's no small feat considering that 85°C (which is named for the ideal temperature at which to brew coffee) has surpassed Starbucks to become the biggest coffee chain in Taiwan. Founded five years ago by tea-shop owner Wu Cheng-hsueh, 85°C now has 325 stores in Taiwan and is expanding into China, Australia and the U.S. Wu first built the business by finding good beans: in 2004, he went to the source of Starbucks' most popular beans and persuaded the Guatemalan supplier to sell him virtually all its arabicas (sorry, megachain). Then he hired five-star hotel chefs to conduct fancy drinks and desserts that sell for about half the price of Starbucks'. (See the top 10 food trends of 2008.) 是什麼激發出那些主廚創造出海鹽咖啡呢? 根據發言人鐘靜如表示,台灣人習慣灑點鹽在鳳梨及西瓜等水果上, 藉以帶出甜味。另外也有些店家會在在剉冰上頭灑玉米和麵包上頭塗上 糖霜和些許豬肉。既然如此,那麼咖啡店賣鹹咖啡也是可行的。 一位王姓平面設計師在試喝過鹹咖啡時表示”台灣人是很貪心的, 想要一口就將所有的口味喝到。” What inspired those chefs to come up with sea-salt coffee? According to spokeswoman Kathy Chung, it was the Taiwanese habit of sprinkling salt on fruits like pineapple and watermelon to bring out their sweetness. Salty coffee also makes sense in a place where shaved-ice desserts are topped with corn kernels and breads get slathered with sugary frosting and bits of pork. "Taiwanese are greedy," explains graphic designer Xena Wang, one of six friends who recently tried the drink for the first time. "We like to get all the tastes we can in one bite." 豐富的口味及質地一直都是中國佳餚的迷人之處, 例如酸辣湯等,而這樣的本性也帶入了時尚飲品之中。 在台灣到處都充滿著賣珍珠奶茶的手搖飲料攤, 而一些受到歡迎的飲料之中也加了珍珠、椰果、百香綠茶等等, 這也能幫助解釋為什麼85度C未來的正研發咖啡加奶酪及新鮮水果了。 A striking palette of tastes and textures has long been a hallmark of Chinese cuisine (think sweet-and-sour soup), and this affinity for taste-bud workouts has carried over to trendy drinks. The countless drink stands that line Taiwanese streets flood the thirsty soul with endless variations of bubble teas, a.k.a. hot or cold teas with chewy tapioca balls and tropical juice blends. One popular combo, green tea with passion fruit, tapioca pearls and chewy coconut cubes, helps explain why 85°C's next coffee innovations will use panna cotta and fresh fruit. 鹹咖啡或許聽起來奇怪,但它的賣點並不是大家所習慣的鹹味。 喝的人應該先啜飲鹹的奶泡來提升味覺,之後再享受有奶味的香甜咖啡。 一位喝過鹹咖啡的建築師如此說著:”透過對比的口感, 你能在不同的時間體驗的它的鹹味及咖啡香,它是多重味覺的新體驗” Salty coffee may sound strange, but it isn't so much an acquired taste as it is sequential tasting. You're supposed to lick the salty foam to arouse your senses, then savor the sweet, creamy coffee. "Through the contrast of textures, you experience the saltiness and coffee at different times," says architect Jeff Lu of his first encounter with the drink. "It's a multi-sensual experience that works." 在台灣各地開賣的海鹽咖啡在上市促銷期間熱賣, 接下來85度C也將推廣至中國的分店。 若在中國能大賣,那麼這來自台灣最夯的飲料也應該能在西方國家熱起來, 相信下個鹹卡布奇諾應該也也不遠囉! After sea-salt coffee spent two weeks as the best-selling drink at 85°C outlets in Taiwan, the company is sending the flavor combo to its China branches. If it's a hit there, Chung says, this cup of Taiwanese sophistication may be exported to the West too. Could salty Frappuccinos be far behind? 翻譯自時代雜誌網路版(TIME .COM) 附註:本文章刊出後成為時代雜誌轉寄率    第六名的文章 -- =================================================== http://www.wretch.cc/blog/yellowjia/ Jenny喜歡搜尋全世界的美食, 更用愛台灣的心品嚐台灣在地料理, 希望大家喜歡我的食記, 也從我的食記中得到靈感唷~歡迎來我這裡搜尋美食~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/29 00:14, , 1F
10/29 00:14, 1F

11/19 10:31, , 2F
11/19 10:31, 2F
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