Fw: [外絮] 大學隊友&教練分享Lillard"節儉"的軼事

看板BLAZERS作者 (他們的世界)時間5年前 (2019/05/05 16:15), 5年前編輯推噓1(100)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1Spdu_7i ] 作者: kenny1300175 (蘇湖) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 大學隊友&教練分享Lillard"節儉"的軼事 時間: Sun May 5 14:10:05 2019 Weber State staff, ex-players share stories about Damian Lillard being a cheapskate by Mike Cruz, May 4, 2019 Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard is now a superstar making millions of money – nearly $28 million a year. 拓荒者後衛Damian Lillard如今已經是個賺進數百萬美金的超級明星了, 他年薪將近2800萬。 Lillard signed a 5-year $140 million with the Blazers in 2016, and will go through the 2020-21 season, with still around $61 million left in this current deal. 2016年,Lillard與拓荒者簽下5年一億四千萬的合約,這份合約將持續到2020-21, 目前這份合約還剩下2年6100萬。 However, despite his current million-dollar stature, it seems like the 4-time All-Star was very tight with his money back when he was playing Weber State. In an interview with Jason Jenks of The Athletic, some of Lillard’s teammates and coaches in college shared anecdotes of the All-NBA guard being a cheapskate. 然而,儘管曾進過四次全明星賽Lillard現在身價不同凡響, 但當他還在母校韋伯州大打球時,似乎非常地"節儉"。 在接受《The Athletic》採訪時, 韋伯州大的一些前隊友和教練分享了Lillard在大學時代的軼事。 Phil Beckner, assistant coach: He was so damn tight with his money. He was the biggest tightwad ever. 助理教練Phil Beckner:「他對錢實在是抓得太緊了,他是有史以來最吝嗇的小氣鬼。」 First is Lillard’s utter refusal to have his car’s broken window fixed. 首先是,Lillard的車窗破了也不去修。 Beckner: He had a broken window in his car and he wouldn’t get it fixed. He couldn’t get the ice off his car one day so he had to put his head out the window to drive to class. 助理教練Phil Beckner: 「他的車窗戶破了,硬是不修。有一天擋風玻璃上的冰層無法清掉, 他就將頭探出那個破掉的車窗外開車去上課。」 The teammates also shared about how Lillard would always eat at Burger King and either order from their dollar menu or use coupons for discounts. 其他隊友也分享了Lillard在漢堡王吃飯,以及使用優惠券的事。 Kyle Bullinger, forward: Every single day Damian Lillard ate Burger King for lunch. Every. Single. Day. 前隊友Kyle Bullinger:「每天Lillard都吃漢堡王當午餐,每、一、天!」 Josh Noble, guard: He always ordered off the dollar menu and always used coupons. If he found a coupon somewhere, he would use it. He wasn’t paying full price for nothing. 前隊友Josh Noble: 「他永遠都點打折的套餐,而且老是使用優惠券。 如果他找到一張優惠券,他一定要用掉,非打折他不買單。」 Fulton: He would eat the meals the coaches would give us in the locker room, like PB&J sandwiches. On the road trips, he’d freaking fill his bag with as many Powerades and Gatorades as he could. 前隊友Fulton: 「他會吃教練在休息室發給我們的餐點,像是花生醬三明治什麼的。去客場比賽時, 他會盡可能地將他的包包全部塞滿Powerades以及Gatorades(開特力)飲料。」 Finally, which could be the most ridiculous of all, Lillard actually free-rode on his teammate’s Netflix account for three years. The 28-year old star even had the audacity to ask his teammate where the Netlix went after he reportedly failed to pay his credit card. 最後,最好笑的是,Lillard免費用了三年隊友的Netflix帳密, 甚至還向隊友詢問為何Netflix帳戶的扣款會失敗。 Fulton: Oh my God, man. This guy. His last year at Weber he moved in with us. There were four of us in this house. Dame asked me for my Netflix password so I gave it to him. Then after he got Rookie of the Year, I went on my Netflix one day, and this dude had himself his own account on my account, with his own little display box on there. I’m like, “Hold up.” 前隊友Fulton: 「我的天阿,這個人真是......他在大學最後一年,和我們共四個住一起, Lillard向我要了Netflix的密碼,我給了他。 在他得到NBA最佳新秀後,有一天我上去Netflix,發現這個人居然還在我的帳戶上, 他還在用我的帳密。」 Kirk: About a week or two after he got drafted, he sent me a text asking me for my Netflix login. 前隊友Kirk:「在選秀過後一兩個禮拜後,他傳簡訊給我,問我Netflix的帳號是多少。」 Fulton: And then one day, I forgot to update my credit card info with Netflix. We’re on a road trip, and Dame texted me, “Hey, what happened with Netflix? Why isn’t it working?” There were at least two or three years where I was paying for his Netflix. 前隊友Fulton: 「有一次,我忘了更新我的Netflix信用卡,那時我正在旅行途中, Lillard傳簡訊給我說『嘿,Netflix怎麼了,為啥不能看了?』 大約有兩到三年的時間吧,我都在幫他看的Netflix付錢。」 https://reurl.cc/R8bAn -- 小李!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1557036607.A.1EC.html

05/05 14:10, 5年前 , 1F
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05/05 14:11, 5年前 , 2F
Netflix也太扯 XDDD
05/05 14:11, 2F

05/05 14:11, 5年前 , 3F
樓下說客家人 樓樓下噓歧視客家人
05/05 14:11, 3F

05/05 14:12, 5年前 , 4F
我現在Netflix也用別人的 好爽
05/05 14:12, 4F

05/05 14:12, 5年前 , 5F
小李: 勤儉持家
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05/05 14:14, 5年前 , 12F
他網路一定也是連別人的 NBA李哥
05/05 14:14, 12F

05/05 14:14, 5年前 , 13F
超扯 XD
05/05 14:14, 13F

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05/05 14:14, 5年前 , 16F
跟隔壁棚李哥差不多 只是李哥是免費仔
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05/05 14:15, 5年前 , 19F
隔壁棚有李相赫 NBA有李拉德
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05/05 14:15, 5年前 , 20F
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05/05 14:15, 5年前 , 21F
客家人= =
05/05 14:15, 21F

05/05 14:15, 5年前 , 22F
超好笑 免費仔李哥
05/05 14:15, 22F

05/05 14:16, 5年前 , 23F
05/05 14:16, 23F
※ 編輯: kenny1300175 (, 05/05/2019 14:16:08

05/05 14:16, 5年前 , 24F
選上nba還在打電話問帳密 笑死XDD
05/05 14:16, 24F

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05/05 14:17, 5年前 , 29F
笑死 幫忙打這麼多廣告 Netflix可以考慮贊助他了吧
05/05 14:17, 29F

05/05 14:18, 5年前 , 30F
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05/05 14:18, 5年前 , 31F
不過NBA球員成名前大部分都很節儉 窮怕了吧
05/05 14:18, 31F

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05/05 14:19, 5年前 , 35F
有好笑到 但是台女遇到這種會SAY NO
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05/05 14:19, 5年前 , 37F
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05/05 14:19, 5年前 , 38F
從吃的到Netflix XDDD 小李真奇葩
05/05 14:19, 38F
還有 141 則推文
05/05 15:35, 5年前 , 180F
免費仔 XD
05/05 15:35, 180F

05/05 15:36, 5年前 , 181F
別騙喔 這是業配吧
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05/05 15:39, 5年前 , 188F
靠杯 頭探出窗外開車 那畫面能看嗎
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05/05 15:53, 5年前 , 203F
NBA李相赫 美國免費仔
05/05 15:53, 203F

05/05 15:54, 5年前 , 204F
可以代言漢堡王和Netflix 終身免費
05/05 15:54, 204F

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05/05 15:56, 5年前 , 206F
漢堡王就算了 Netflix也太靠北XDDDD
05/05 15:56, 206F

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05/05 16:10, 5年前 , 213F
笑死 太客家了吧 XDD
05/05 16:10, 213F

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05/05 16:15, 5年前 , 217F
借轉波特蘭客家人版 THX
05/05 16:15, 217F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Lillard (, 05/05/2019 16:15:41

05/05 18:12, 5年前 , 218F
05/05 18:12, 218F
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