Re: [外電] McMillan discusses rotation in after …

看板BLAZERS作者 (跟我續約好ㄇ><)時間13年前 (2010/10/25 15:44), 編輯推噓12(1207)
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讓西北組好朋友來幫忙吧! 不過西北組好朋友英文不是很好,有錯要跟我說內~ === TUALATIN — Less than 24 hours after the Trail Blazers traded Jerryd Bayless to New Orleans for a first-round draft pick, coach Nate McMillan revealed his plans for a new-look player rotation. 拓荒者完成Bayless交易之後不到24小時,總教練McMillan就透露了他將如何因應陣容的變 化。 Bayless was penciled in at backup point guard and McMillan said he will be replaced by a host of Blazers — Brandon Roy, Wesley Matthews and Armon Johnson — in a versatile and potentially dynamic second unit. Bayless曾是拓荒者的二號控衛,不過McMillan說他手下還有一票可以代替Bayless角色的人 :Roy、Matthews跟Armon Johnson-一名多才多藝並且有潛力的二輪新秀。 “Wesley has shown that he can play some point, Brandon can play some point and Armon did a good job for us in training camp and showed that he can play a few minutes at the point guard position, too,” McMillan said. “There’s a number of guys that we can use to bring the ball down to initiate the offense.” 「Matthews可以打控球,Roy也可以打控球,Johnson在訓練營表現很好,他也可以打控球啊 。我手下還有一堆可以帶球發動進攻的人勒,科科。」 McMillan joked that Roy had “asked for the ball a little more” in training camp, and it appears the Blazers’ All-Star will be a prime beneficiary of the trade. As starters are pulled from the first shift, specifically point guard Andre Miller, Roy will stay in and play alongside Matthews and Rudy Fernandez in a backcourt that will feature three guards who can shoot, score and set up an offense. McMillan笑說,在訓練營時Roy不是說想多拿點球嗎,看來他將會是這個交易案最主要的得 利者呢。當先發節奏被影響了,特別是控球Miller,Roy可以繼續留在場上,跟替補 Matthews & Rudy一起發功-他們可都是能投籃、能得分,並且還可組織進攻的人呢。 Any one of the three players can run the offense at any given time, McMillan said, and the trade opens up minutes and a larger role for them all. McMillan說這三個後衛無論何時都能發動進攻,這個交易也讓他們有更大的表現空間了。 “There was going to be a squeeze for minutes with Bayless, Rudy and Wesley coming off the bench,” McMillan said. “Now we just feel that we’ve got to get Wesley and we’ve got to get Rudy minutes on the floor (off the bench). And Armon can pick up a few minutes.” 「我們當初不得不想辦法讓替補的Bayless、Rudy跟Matthews有差不多的上場時間。現在我 們只需要幫Matthews想了,Rudy一直以來都有上場時間的。當然Johnson現在也能夠得到一 些時間了。」 McMillan said Johnson, a second-round draft pick out of Nevada, will get roughly 10 minutes a game. When Johnson met with reporters following Sunday’s practice, he had not yet talked with McMillan about his new role. Told he would likely become a rotation player, Johnson flashed a wide smile but vowed to maintain the extraordinary work ethic that has helped him turn heads thus far. McMillan說二輪新秀Johnson每場可能拿的到10分鐘。當記者在週日的訓練結束後訪問 Johnson時,Johnson說他還沒有跟McMillan討論過他的新角色。記者跟他說他也許可以擠進 輪值時,Johnson看來相當開心,不過他表示他依然保持他原有的原則,努力不懈。 “I’m not sure that this (trade) guarantees that,” Johnson said of playing time. “I’m just worrying about what I’ve been doing this whole time to get playing time. I’m not worried about the different politics ... around here. If coach puts me in the game earlier, that just means I’ve been working harder. I don’t feel like things have changed.” 關於上場時間,Johnson說:「我不確定這交易能夠保證什麼(關於我上場時間的事)。我只 是擔心我作的努力能不能讓我拿到上場時間。球隊的政策也不是我所在意的。如果教練很快 就讓我加入戰局,這只代表我非常努力。我不認為(交易)改變了什麼。」 The only thing that changed for Johnson on Sunday was that he showed up even earlier for practice — at 8:30 a.m. or roughly 30 minutes earlier than he had been showing up. Johnson not only was the first player in the practice facility Sunday, which has been the case before practices and shootarounds for roughly two weeks, but he also beat most of the coaching staff. 在週日,交易案唯一對Johnson有影響的是他練習時間提早三十分鐘。他並不是唯一一個週 日來訓練中心的練習與投籃訓練的球員,不過他也比大多數的教練團早來呢。 Despite his rise in the rotation, Johnson - — like several teammates — revealed a mix of emotions about the Bayless trade. Multiple players talked about “losing a brother” with Bayless’ departure and they said his presence would be missed in the locker room. 儘管Johnson跟其他幾個隊友(因為交易讓他們)在輪值陣容中更穩固了,不過他們對於 Bayless的離開還是相當不捨。許多隊友都以「一個好夥伴離開了」來形容Bayless的離去。 大家還說一定會想念Bayless在更衣室的日子。 But they mostly focused on the benefits. For Bayless, the move most likely provides more playing time and, at the very least, guarantees “A fresh start,” as he phrased it on Twitter Saturday night. And for the Blazers, the trade clears up what had been a logjam at guard. 不過他們知道這交易對兩方都有利。對Bayless而言,這個交易讓他能夠有更多的上場時間 ,至少也算是一個全新的開始,正如他週六晚上的推特所言。對拓荒者而言,這個交易讓他 們後衛塞車(?)的情形有所紓解。 “I hate to lose Jerryd,” Roy said. “It was no secret we were really loaded at that combo guard position. It gives us a chance to open it up a little bit. Rudy gets to play a little bit more and not worry about those minutes and so does Wesley.” Roy表示:「我討厭失去Bayless。大家都知道我們有一堆雙能衛(?)。這讓我們每個人都會 有比較多的上場時間了。Rudy可以打久一點,我們也不用擔心Matthews沒時間上場。」 Note: McMillan said that Nicolas Batum (sore neck) and Wesley Matthews (sore right Achilles) practiced Sunday and are on pace to play opening night. 筆記:McMillan說Batum(背痛)跟Matthews(右阿基里斯腱痛)他們週日練習都有參加,而且 他們也能夠趕上開幕戰。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: UncleGreen 來自: (10/25 15:46)

10/25 15:46, , 1F
10/25 15:46, 1F

10/25 15:50, , 2F
推~~翻得McMillan很靠唄...XD 倒數第二句好妙QQ"
10/25 15:50, 2F

10/25 15:53, , 3F
Rank A誤Bayless多年!!!!!!
10/25 15:53, 3F

10/25 17:24, , 4F
看到前面幾段RankA的說法真的滿腔幹意 難道Bayless原
10/25 17:24, 4F

10/25 17:25, , 5F
來在拓拓是個那麼麻煩的存在嗎 他走了皆大歡喜這樣?
10/25 17:25, 5F

10/25 17:58, , 6F
感謝翻譯。 某人食屎吧
10/25 17:58, 6F

10/25 18:51, , 7F
10/25 18:51, 7F

10/25 19:45, , 8F
10/25 19:45, 8F

10/25 19:57, , 9F
10/25 19:57, 9F

10/25 19:57, , 10F
10/25 19:57, 10F

10/25 19:58, , 11F
10/25 19:58, 11F

10/25 19:59, , 12F
10/25 19:59, 12F

10/25 19:59, , 13F
10/25 19:59, 13F

10/25 21:09, , 14F
看第二段我就想end了 破你個西瓜
10/25 21:09, 14F

10/25 22:07, , 15F
10/25 22:07, 15F

10/26 02:06, , 16F
石頭搬開了 @@
10/26 02:06, 16F

10/26 05:44, , 17F
10/26 05:44, 17F

10/26 07:12, , 18F
真的會讓人感覺累...這麼多年, 因為個白癡, 球隊不上不下
10/26 07:12, 18F

10/26 13:33, , 19F
第二段的second unit應該是指替補 也就是那三個人分的時間
10/26 13:33, 19F