Re: [外電] Enjoy Rudy Fernandez – while you can

看板BLAZERS作者 (萊斯)時間14年前 (2010/04/07 01:19), 編輯推噓5(502)
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※ 引述《Fernandez05 (Rudy Fernandez)》之銘言: : Enjoy Rudy Fernandez – while you can : Spanish guard's future with Trail Blazers seems iffy : By Kerry Eggers : The Portland Tribune, Apr 6, 2010 : Enjoy Rudy Fernandez while you can, Trail Blazer fans, through the rest of : the season. 拓迷們,在剩下的賽季中盡可能地享受有Rudy在的日子吧! : Because the Spanish sensation won’t be in a Portland uniform next season. : Fernandez will do his best to help the Blazers achieve success in the : playoffs. Then he’ll be gone – perhaps to play professionally in Europe : next season, perhaps to another NBA team via an offseason trade. 因為這位西班牙紅人在下個球季將不會再穿著波特蘭的球衣了。 Rudy將會盡他最大的助力幫助波特蘭的季後賽。然後他將消失-- 也許他會打歐洲職業球賽,也許他會被交易到NBA另一隊去。 : I’ve thought all season that Fernandez – a household name in his home : country with the talent to be the starter on half of the teams in the NBA – : wouldn’t be satisfied much longer as a backup. 我已經考慮了整個球季 -費南得茲 這個在他祖國家喻戶曉的名子, 有著大半NBA球隊發動角色者的天賦-- 不會滿足於只是一個後備的角色。 : Now I’m convinced. The 6-5 shooting guard is mired in a bonafide slump, : lonely and looking forward to a return to his native country in the offseason. : “It’s a tough situation for me,” Fernandez confided Monday after the : Blazers’ practice session. “I miss my family and my friends. Yesterday was : a hard day. My (25th) birthday, and I was by myself.” 現在我相信,這個6尺5吋的SG 真正陷入消沈, 孤單且盼望著在球季後回到祖國。 "這是一個很困難的情況" Rudy 在星期一波特蘭練習過後坦白的說,"我想念我的家人 和我的朋友。昨天是一個難熬的日子。 我的第25個生日,而我獨自過著。 : A year ago, Fernandez had countryman Sergio Rodriguez as a teammate. And Rudy : ’s family visited a couple of times, as did his girlfriend and a coterie of : friends. : “It’s been a tough year for Rudy,” coach Nate McMillan said. “He is : without Sergio (now with New York), and his mother was here a little more : often (last season). I’m sure that’s tough.” : Since coming to Portland before last season, Fernandez has had to learn a new : language and culture. 一年前,Rudy 還有位同鄉S-Rod作為隊友。 Rudy的家人、女友, 一群朋友也來拜訪幾次。 RankA 說"這對Rudy來說是艱難的一年, 他失去了同鄉S-Rod,而Rudy的媽 去年還來的比較多次。我相信這相當難熬。" 自從前個球季之前來到波特蘭,Rudy就必須學習新的語言和文化。 : “I can’t even imagine going to a different country to play basketball,” : McMillan said. “Honestly, I would never have done that. I don’t think I : could have dealt with being away from my family that long, or being in a : foreign country by myself.” RankA說 "我無法想像到別國打球,老實說,我不曾這樣做過。我沒想過 會離開家人這麼長的時間,或者獨自一人到國外去。 : In addition, Fernandez has had to adjust to a different style and level of : basketball and take on a reserve role for the first time in his career. : He made a big impact as a rookie, averaging 10.4 points, shooting well (.425 : from the field, .399 from 3-point range, .839 from the foul line) while : playing 25.6 minutes a game off the bench behind Brandon Roy. Oftentimes, : Fernandez was on the floor at the end of a close game. : This season has been a different story. Fernandez is shooting a paltry .376 : from the field, .365 on 3-point attempts and .871 from the line, averaging : 8.2 points in 22.8 minutes. 此外, Rudy 早被調整成另一種籃球的風格和等級,在他生涯中第一次做為替補角色。 他在菜鳥時有著很大的影響力,平均10.4分、fg 0.425, 三分 .399,罰球.839,平均 上場時間25.6分鐘做為Roy的替補。 通常,Rudy 在接近比數比賽的一端上場。 這個球季是完全不一樣的故事,Rudy fg .376 三分.365 罰球.871 平均8.2分 ,上場時間22.8分鐘 : Lately, Fernandez has looked like a fish out of water. Over the past seven : games, he is 6-for-38 shooting overall (.158) and 5 for 23 (.217) on treys. : Over the past two months, Fernandez has dealt with back and quad injuries. I : asked Monday if either were still bothering him. : “No,” he insisted. “The quad is good. The back is very good.” : What’s happening, then? : “Confidence.” : Has he lost confidence? : “Yes, oh yes,” he said. “I don’t know why, but I think I need to get back : to hitting my shot.” : Has this happened before in his career? : “Never,” he said, shaking his head. “And I need to change it.” 最近,Rudy 就像離開水的魚。 過去的七場比賽中, 投球38中6 (.158), 三分投23中5 (.217). 過去的兩個月中,Rudy在處理他的背傷和腿四頭傷。 星期一問他是否這些傷還困擾他 Rudy回答 "不, 我的背和大腿都很好。" "那麼發生什事了? 信心不足?" Rudy說 "對,我不知道為什,但我想我得找回我的我的投球" "以前發生過嗎?" Rudy 搖頭說 "從來沒有,而我必需改變" : In February, international press agency Eurosport interviewed Fernandez, the : result a story reflecting dissatisfaction with his situation in Portland. : “Last year, we had a different team, and at least I had Sergio, who : understood my game,” Fernandez was quoted as saying. “I have noticed a : change this year. I don’t get the ball as much, and the system is different. : “I try to play the way (McMillan) wants, but I don’t feel the trust that he : had in me the first year.” 二月,歐洲國際體育曾會面過Rudy, 結果反應出Rudy對波特蘭現況的不滿。 引用Rudy的話 "去年,我們有不一樣的隊,至少我還有S-rod 能了解我的比賽。 我注意到今年的變化,我沒能拿到一樣多的球,球隊系統也不同。 我試著照RankA的要球比賽,但我感受不到他像去年對我一樣的信任。" : Asked by Eurosport if he would be amenable to a return to Spain – where he : played professionally from 2003-08 – next season, Fernandez replied, “Right : now, in this situation, I don’t rule out anything ... because I just want to : play. I don’t mind where.” Eurosport 問到是否他樂意回到西班牙,那是他2003-08打職業球賽的地方。-- 下個球季吧 Rudy回答,"現在這種情況,我不會主導任何事,因為我只想打球, 但我不介意地點。 : Fernandez waved off my question about the report the following week, saying, : “I’m under contract with Portland. That’s all I can say.” : Don’t get the wrong impression. Fernandez has enjoyed the city of Portland : and playing for the Trail Blazers. He is a folk hero here – “Roooo-deee!” : rings out every time he enters the game at the Rose Garden – and he : appreciates the support. Rudy略過一些關於接下來幾個星期報告的問題,說道"我跟波特蘭有合約, 這些就是我能說的。" 別想歪了,Rudy一直很享受在波特蘭的比賽。 他在這是民族英雄。 "肉...弟" 每當他踏進玫瑰花園響起這樣的聲音,他非常的感激如此的支持他。 : “I am happy with the fans,” he said. “I am happy with my teammates.” : Asked if he is happy with McMillan as coach, Fernandez paused for several : seconds, smiled, and turned toward the weight room at the Blazers’ practice : facility. : “I got to go work out now,” he said. Rudy 說 "有這些球迷在我很快樂,我也很高興有這樣的隊友。" 但當問到他跟教練的關係時,Rudy停了幾秒鐘,然後微笑的往波特蘭的重訓室走去。 並說道 "我該工作了. " : There’s nothing personal between McMillan and Fernandez. On more than one : occasion, Rudy has told me he respects the coach. It’s McMillan’s style of : offense, and Fernandez’s reserve role, that is the problem. : McMillan prefers the halfcourt set that, coincidentally, is best-suited : toward Brandon Roy’s talents. McMillan’s teams ranked last in the NBA in : fastbreak points the past three seasons and are near there this season. : Fernandez thrives in an open-court, transition-based game. He’d be best : under a coach that can live with a player taking a few chances and making a : turnover now and then in the process. Rudy 跟RankA 間並沒有個人恩怨。在爾然的時機下,Rudy告訴我他很尊敬RankA 這是RankA 球風的攻擊,而Rudy是一個替補角色,這就是問題所在。 RankA 喜歡在半場巧合地設定Rudy做為最適合替補Roy的功能。 RankA的隊伍在過去三個球季快攻排名上都是吊車尾,這個球季也差不多了。 Rudy 強項在開放式進攻, 及傳導為主的比賽。 他絕對是在教練底下能夠在 少許的機會及製造失誤的最佳人選。 : That’s not McMillan, who regards turnovers and risky plays with disdain. : Fernandez doesn’t regard himself as a better player than Roy, nor does he : expect to be a starter in Portland. He’d like to be in a place where he can : be a starter again, though. With Roy around, that’s not with the Blazers. : It might be that Fernandez will break out of his slump Wednesday night at : Staples Center against the Clippers. McMillan will give him that opportunity. : “Rudy is a good shooter,” the Blazer coach said. “He hasn’t shot well in : the games; he has been shooting well in practice. Him just being out there is : a threat. It’s not like we’re going to pull him because he’s missing a : couple of shots. 但這教練並不會是RankA,一個不重視製造失誤及喜歡冒險球員的教練。 Rudy並不認為自己比Roy強,也不預期自己是波特蘭球賽的發動者。 他想要再當發動者位置。 有Roy在, 這就不適合波特蘭。 也許在星期三對LAC時 Rudy 可以打破他的消沈。RankA將給他這個機會。 RankA說道 "Rudy是個好射手,他在場上並沒有投射的很好,他在練習時很不錯。 他在場上是一個威脅。並不是我們刻意要收回他的機會,是因為他失準了好幾球。" : “You’re going to have times where your stroke may feel different or your : confidence is a little shaken. That happens to the best. What you do is keep : working, keep shooting. He works hard. I’m not concerned about him shooting : the ball. His shots look like they’re on line. Just keep shooting.” RankA "在攻擊時也許感覺不同或是你的信心有點動搖時你將獲得一些時間。這樣會 產生到最好的結果。 你要做的就是持續你的工作。他很努力,我不擔心他投球。 他的投射就像他在罰球線上。拿到球就射就對了。 : Fernandez will do that. But more and more, his heart may not be in it. : “I have a contract with Portland,” he said. “I have to be with this team. : But I tell you, sometimes I miss my family and my friends. And I miss the : Euro competition, too.” Rudy會這樣做。但更多的是,他的心已不在這了。 Rudy 說 "我在波特蘭有合約,我必須跟這隊伍在一起,但我告訴你, 有時後,我還是會想念我的家人,想念我的朋友, 和想念那些在歐洲比賽的對手。 : And the potential money. Fernandez is under contract to Portland for at least : two more years at far below market value. This season, he is making $1.165 : million, maybe a fifth of what he could command in Europe. : The Blazers need Fernandez to make a Rudy-like contribution to get anywhere : in the playoffs. He’ll give all he has to do that, but admits he has : thoughts about the future, too. 在潛在的利益中。 Rudy 在波特蘭的合約至少兩年遠低於市場上的價值。 這個球季他賺了 1165 million,也許只是他在歐洲能要到的第五多而已。 波特蘭需要Rudy 在季後賽任何地方完成他的 Rudy風格的貢獻。 他將貢獻他的所有,但不得不承認,他對未來也有些想法。 : “I’ll focus right now on playing hard the rest of the games and trying to : help my teammates,” he said. “This summer, we’ll see.” : If he decides he wants to play for Real Madrid, the Spanish team will have to : reach a settlement with Portland. Or perhaps General Manager Kevin Pritchard : will find a deal that works for both sides and trade him to an NBA team that : suits him. : Regardless, Fernandez’s days with Portland are numbered. Enjoy him while you : can. Rudy 說 "我現將專注在對剩餘的比賽貢獻我的幫助給隊友。 這個夏天就再看看。" 假如他決定他想要為 Real Madrid 打球,西班牙球隊會跟波特蘭協議好處置。 或許KP也會把他交易到其它NBA適合他的隊。 無論如何,Rudy在波特蘭的天數已經有限了。盡量享受他在的時後吧。 ------------- 哭哭!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/07 01:21, , 1F
曾經失眠看過一場歐洲聯盟的Live 不得不說的確比NBA精采
04/07 01:21, 1F

04/07 01:22, , 2F
整體強度比較接近 也不會有太多放水球 裁判吹判尺度也較
04/07 01:22, 2F

04/07 01:22, , 3F
鬆 不會有什麼摸毛犯規 或許放Rudy回去他會比較快樂
04/07 01:22, 3F
※ 編輯: dakkk 來自: (04/07 01:24)

04/07 01:42, , 4F
04/07 01:42, 4F

04/07 01:59, , 5F
04/07 01:59, 5F

04/07 07:46, , 6F
04/07 07:46, 6F

04/07 15:24, , 7F
1165 million太恐怖了XDDD
04/07 15:24, 7F
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