Re: [新聞] 探究BLACKPINK的攻美之旅

看板BLACKPINK作者 (法 藍 雞)時間5年前 (2019/03/02 09:01), 5年前編輯推噓6(607)
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《告示牌》雜誌 2019年第5期 Inside Blackpink's U.S. Takeover: How the K-Pop Queens Are Changing the Game 探究BLACKPINK的攻美之旅: K-Pop皇后們正如何改變遊戲 (承前文) The day before the showcase, the ladies of Blackpink are ensconced in a hotel suite high above downtown L.A. Lisa, dressed in a gray fleece and a checkered coat, spies the Hollywood sign through a corner window and bounds off a couch for a closer look. Her bandmates, cozied up in brightly colored sweatshirts and cardigans, admit they weren’t expecting Los Angeles in February to be so chilly. During some rare downtime the previous day, they went shopping in Santa Monica. “It was supposed to be for fashion,” says Jennie, “but we ended up just grabbing anything that was warm.” 在展示舞台的前1天,4位BLACKPINK女士入住洛城市中心一間飯店的高樓層套房。穿著灰 色抓絨衣與格紋大衣的Lisa,透過角窗眺望好萊塢標誌,接著從長椅上跳下,好看得更清 楚些。她的隊友們則穿著暖和的亮色系運動衫與開襟羊毛衫,坦言沒有料到2月的洛杉磯 這麼冷。更前1天是她們少有的休息時間,Jennie表示,她們去了聖塔莫尼卡購物,「這 原本應該是件時髦的事,但最終卻以大家搶著抓上任何能保暖的東西作收。」 This is Blackpink’s first trip to L.A., but it has been almost a decade in the making. The group’s members came to Seoul from all over the world starting in 2010 to take part in YG’s rigorous recruitment and training process. The company and its competitors hold tryouts both within and far beyond Korea (Rosé traveled to Sydney from her home in Melbourne), seeking recruits who are typically preteens or teens, ethnically Korean and fluent in the language, though these qualities are not mandatory. Lisa, who auditioned in her native Thailand in 2010, didn’t speak any Korean when she began training in Seoul in 2011. 這是BLACKPINK首次造訪洛城,而旅程的準備期幾乎長達10年之久。2010年,團員們分別 從世界各地來到首爾,開始YG嚴格的招募與練習過程。YG與其同業會在南韓國內,或其他 距離十萬八千里遠的地方舉辦選拔(Rosé是從墨爾本的家中前往雪梨甄選),找尋潛力 股。這些人通常是具韓族血統、能說流利韓語的少男少女甚至孩童,但也有例外。2010年 Lisa在泰國參加面試時,一句韓語都說不出口,但隔年人已經在首爾展開練習生涯。 For all four women, joining YG meant enrolling in a kind of full-time pop-star academy that Jennie calls “more strict than school” and that Rosé likens to The X Factor with dorm rooms. For 12 hours a day, seven days a week, the future members of Blackpink -- along with, by Jennie’s estimate, 10-20 other aspiring singers who cycled through the project -- studied singing, dancing and rapping, taking part in monthly tests designed to identify their strengths and weed out subpar trainees. “Somebody would come in with a piece of paper and stick it on a wall, and it would say who did best, who did worst, who’s going home,” recalls Jennie, whom YG initially steered toward rapping because she spoke fluent English. “You get a score -- A, B, C,” Lisa explains. “Lisa would always get A’s for everything,” adds Jennie with a laugh. 加入YG對這4個女人來說,就像進入1所Jennie認為「比學校更嚴格」的全天制流行明星學 院,Rosé則把它稱之為包含宿舍生活的選秀節目《X音素》。據Jennie估計,當時還有其 他10幾20人,與她們一起經歷了每週7天、每天12小時的循環,不斷學習唱歌、跳舞與饒 舌,並接受意在辨別個人強項與淘汰表現欠佳者的每月測驗。起初因為英語能力出眾,被 公司設定往饒舌領域發展的Jennie回憶:「會有人走進來把1張紙釘在牆上,上頭寫著誰 表現最好、誰最差,還有誰必須打包回家。」在Lisa解釋每次測驗都會被依A、B、C等級 評分時,Jennie笑著說:「Lisa在任何項目都能拿A」。 The process was lengthy. Before Blackpink debuted in 2016, Jennie spent six years in training, Lisa and Jisoo five and Rosé four. For the members who had left behind life outside South Korea, the pace of training on top of the culture shock was sometimes tough. “I’d call my parents crying,” recalls Rosé. “But as much as it was hard for me to cope with all of that, it made me more hungry. I remember my mom would be like, ‘If it’s so hard for you, just come back home.’ But I’d be like” -- she mimics a surly teen’s glare, much to the others’amusement -- “‘That’s not what I’m talking about!’” Lisa credits her future bandmates with easing her transition. “Jennie would speak English to me, and Jisoo helped me out with my Korean,” she says. Rosé was the last of the bunch to enter training, but she remembers the four of them bonding during an all-night jam session when she arrived. “We just clicked,” she says. 整個訓練過程是很漫長的,在2016年BLACKPINK出道前,Jennie當了6年練習生,Lisa與 Jisoo各5年,Rosé4年。對於離鄉背井的成員來說,這樣的生活步調加上文化衝擊,有時 讓她們十分難受。Rosé表示:「我有時會對著電話中的父母哭泣,雖然這些挑戰讓我難 以招架,但也同時讓我對成功更加渴望。我還記得媽媽會說『如果這麼痛苦,乾脆回家 吧。』但我會反駁她說『我才不是這個意思!』(Rosé在說這句話時,擺出了一副青少 年被別人嘲笑時的怒視表情)」Lisa則感謝團員們協助減輕了她在過渡期中的煎熬: 「Jennie會用英語和我對話,Jisoo則幫助我練習韓語。」Rosé是最後1批加入的練習生 之一,但她仍記得在抵達的第1晚,如今BLACKPINK的4名成員,就在徹夜未眠的即興演奏 中結成緊密關係,「我們就是一拍即合」。 That’s clearly still the case: Rosé sometimes puts her hand on Lisa’s knee when translating for her, and at one point Jennie and Jisoo huddle close together to silently adjust one of their necklaces, displaying the intimacy of close friends. “We don’t really have a day off,” says Lisa. (Once every two weeks, Rosé clarifies.) And because their families are so far-flung, they often spend their time off with each other anyway. “We’re stuck together,” says Rosé, laughing. 4人的感情深厚顯然所言不虛,在訪談期間,Rosé在幫Lisa翻譯時,有時會把手放在Lisa 的膝蓋上;緊緊依偎的Jennie和Jisoo,則會悄悄地替對方調整項鍊位置,在在顯示彼此 之間的親密。Lisa說:「我們其實說不上真的有休息日(Rosé澄清是每2週有1天)。」 因為她與Rosé的家鄉都遠在天邊,兩人休息時往往都是和對方一起度過。Rosé笑著說: 「我們被困在一起了!」
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