[情報] Sherlock Series 3 Q&A整理 (有雷慎入)

看板BCumberbatch作者 (小蘋果)時間10年前 (2014/01/13 23:56), 編輯推噓18(1808)
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看了一下BBC One Twitter上的第三季麥哥跟魔法特的Q&A 一邊看就一邊順手整理,想說分享給大家 然後又順便做了一下不負責任翻譯 (((哪來這麼多順便,根本吃飽太閒XD ↓↓↓↓↓Q&A,以下↓↓↓↓↓ ======================================================================== Question 1: Imagine! If you could ask Sherlock Holmes a question, what would it be and why? Answer 1: "How on earth did Moriarty survive?" ^SM 問: 想像一下,如果你能問Sherlock Holmes一個問題,你會問甚麼?為什麼這樣問? 答: 魔法特:Moriarty到底是怎麼活下來的? ======================================================================== Question 2: Sherlock has been properly laugh out loud this season. Are there any contemporary TV comedies you take inspiration from? Answer 2: We take our comic inspiration from Doyle. His stories are funnier than people realise. ^SM 問: 這季的Sherlock讓人開懷大笑,不知道啟發你們的靈感的有那些現代電視劇? 答: 魔法特:我們的靈感皆來自於Doyle,他的故事遠比大家所了解的有趣很多~ ======================================================================== Question 3: What character is the easiest and what is the most difficult in terms of writing dialogue? Answer 3: Writing is never easy, but we have enjoyed bringing Mary to life and she seems to have gone down very well (the dirty liar!) ^MG 問: 想劇本時,哪個角色是最容易的?那最困難的又是哪個? 答: 麥哥:寫劇本從來不容易,不過我們還蠻開心將Mary這角色寫進來,而且她似乎還 蠻受觀眾喜愛的(卑鄙的騙子) (←這裡不確定是不是這樣翻,囧) ======================================================================== Question 4: what's the most similar personality trait between you and mycroft's character??? Answer 4: MG: "Astonishing dress-sense and a great arse." SM: "Astonishing self-delusion" 問: 你覺得你跟Mycroft最相似的人格特質是甚麼? 答: 麥哥:令人讚嘆的衣著品味與完美的翹臀 魔法特:驚人的自我感覺良好 ======================================================================== Question 5: Was it always your intention to bring back Moriaty? Answer 5: "We had no idea he was returning, we're still in a state of shock" ^SM 問: 一直以來你們早就做好讓Moriarty回歸的打算嗎?? 答: 魔法特:我們不知道為什麼他會回來,我們還處在驚訝的狀態啊 (↑↑↑裝無辜!!!超過份的啦!!!!) ======================================================================== Question 6: How many takes did it take for the "flick john in the face" scene? I wouldn't be able to control my laughter Answer 6: t took all day & Lars & Martin worked out exactly where he could be flicked without Martin actually wanting to kill him! ^MG 問: John被彈臉的那幕前後到底拍了幾次?? 我止不住地大笑啊~ 答: 麥哥:噢那拍了一整天,Lars跟Martin協調好哪些是他可以彈的地方,好讓Martin 不會燃起想殺他的念頭。 ======================================================================== Question 7: Did you ever consider other actors for the parts of Sherlock's parents? Answer 7: No other gene combination would be credible. ^SM 問: 你們有想過讓其他的演員來演Sherlock的爸媽嗎? 答: 魔法特:沒有甚麼比基因組合更令人信服的了!!! ======================================================================== Question 8: What made you decide to focus more on character development this season ? Answer 8: For a third season it's important not to rest on your laurels and we wanted to explore different approaches ^MG 問: 是甚麼讓你們決定在這季多聚焦於角色的發展上?? 答: 麥哥:在第三季很重要的是我們不固步自封,而且想更進一步尋求不同的撰寫、拍 攝方式 ======================================================================== Question 9: Steven if you had to play one of the characters which would you play? Answer 9: The other one ^SM 問: 魔法特,如果你必須扮演其中一角,你會選擇哪個角色? 答: 魔法特:下一位 ~ (←不確定是否是這個意思...囧) ======================================================================== Question 10: would you ever considered sherlock actually having a real relationship?? Answer 10: It's a whole new version, we are open to anything. ^SM 問: 你們有想過真的讓Sherlock來一段真正的戀情嗎? 答: 魔法特:這是個全新的視野,我們對於任何可能性是抱持非常開放的態度 ======================================================================== Question 11: Who is your favourite villain out of Moriarty and Magnussen? Answer 11: Mrs Hudson... stay tuned! ^SM 問: 除了Moriarty和Magnussen外,誰是你最喜歡的反派 答: 魔法特:Mrs Hudson....敬請期待!!!! (←OMG,別鬧啊啊啊XD) ======================================================================== Question 12: do you have any advice for aspiring tv writers? Answer 12: Stop it, there are no vacancies! Seriously, write every single day. ^SM 問: 對於那些有意成為電視編劇的人,你有甚麼樣的建議呢? 答: 魔法特:拜託不要有這想法,這裡沒有職缺了!!認真的說,每天勤於寫作吧!!!! ======================================================================== Question 13: Do you get annoyed at the fangirls and fanboys who have never read a page of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work? Answer 13: In our experience most people have read an awful lot of Doyle and one of the great joys is promoting the original ^MG 問: 對於那些連一頁Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's的作品都沒看過的迷弟迷妹們,會讓你 們很美送嗎? 答: 麥哥:就我們的經驗來看,大多數人都看過很多Doyle的作品,且最大的樂趣之一 在於原著的推廣啊~~~ ======================================================================== Question 14: You made Sherlock more & more human only to destroy that with murder - it was fantastic! Was this always your intention? Answer 14: As Sherlock Holmes would say, murder is terribly human ^SM 問: 你們讓Sherlock多了很多人性,沒料到又以殺人將之摧毀,這實在是太精彩了!!! 這是你們一直以來的意圖嗎? 答: 魔法特:就像Sherlock Holmes說的,殺人是可怕的人性。 (這題我不太會翻...囧) ======================================================================== Question 15: what do you think is the best thing Benedict Cumberbatch brings to the character of holmes Answer 15: He became famous overnight as Sherlock Holmes, which is not supposed to happen these days. Also he's brilliant. ^SM & MG 問: 你們覺得Benedict Cumberbatch為Holmes這角色帶來最棒的東西是甚麼? 答: 麥+魔:他並不是在最近才像福爾摩斯般的一夕成名,他是這麼地才華洋溢。 (這題也不太會翻QQ) ======================================================================== Question 16: is this why moriartys ringtone was staying alive or was that a happy coincidence? Answer 16: Clever. Wish we'd thought of that! ^SM & MG 問: 這就是為什麼Moriarty的手機鈴聲是"Stayin' Alive"還是只是個歡樂巧合? 答: 麥+魔:聰明,真希望我們也有想到那裏去~~ ======================================================================== Question 17: do you think you share any personality traits with sherlock? Answer 17: Searing intelligence and sex-appeal. ^SM & MG 問: 你們覺得你們有甚麼樣的人格特質跟Sherlock一樣嗎? 答: 麥+魔:燃燒的智力與性感迷人的程度 ======================================================================== Question 18: Just one question. When's the new series? Don't tell me we have to wait another 2 years! Would be torture! Answer 18: What, you want another series? ^SM 問: 一個問題,甚麼時候會有新的一季?不要告訴我還要再等一個兩年!!!太折磨了啊~~ 答: 魔法特:甚麼??你想要其他影集???? (←明知故意拐個彎問XDDD) ======================================================================== Question 19: The 3 episodes are always over far too quickly.Would there ever be an opportunity for a longer series,or am I just being greedy? Answer 19: The answer to your question is yes, you are being greedy. ^SM & MG 問: 一季三集總是這麼快就結束,有沒有機會出比較長命一點的系列,我會太貪心嗎?? (這是大家的心聲啊QQ) 答: 麥+魔:對於你問題的答案是「YES」,你太貪心了!!! (讓我們等這麼久的你們就不貪心嗎((翻桌) ======================================================================== Question 20: What with actors busy schedules, will it be a long wait for series 4? X Answer 20: Everyone is very keen to do more, but we have accidentally cast the 2 most successful actors in the world&schedules are tight 問: 演員們的行程都很滿,第四季會等很久嗎? 啾 答: 大家都很渴望能做更多,但是很不小心的是有兩個世界出名且行程很滿的的演員在 我們劇組。 ======================================================================== Question 21: Have any of your #leagueofgentlemen colleagues requested a role in #sherlock? Answer 21: Constantly. We are considering an episode set in a strange northern town for series 4. The Adventure of the Bleeding Noses ^MG 問: 有任何「紳士聯盟」的合作夥伴要求想在「Sherlock」裡面軋一角嗎? 答: 麥哥:經常啊!!!我們正在考慮第四季要取景在一個陌生的北方小鎮 流鼻血的冒險~~~~~ ps.似乎是「紳士聯盟」有關的梗 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%BB%85%E5%A3%AB%E8%81%94%E7%9B%9F ======================================================================== Question 22: Any chance of romance for mycroft? Answer 22: No. ^SM 問: 有沒有機會拍一段Mycroft的羅曼史~~ 答: 魔法特:沒有。 (嗚嗚好堅決的感覺,我想看啦~~) ======================================================================== Question 23: Was there much deliberation over Sherlock killing Magnussen? Answer 23: In Doyle's story, someone else shoots Milverton but we reckoned Watson was lying to protect his friend. ^SM 問: 編「Sherlock殺Magnussen」的這段有在多深思熟慮一下嗎? 答: 魔法特:在Doyle地故事中,有人射殺了Milverton,但我們推測華生是為了保護他 的朋友而說謊。 ======================================================================== Thank you for watching. We are honestly most excited about what we're planning next! The game will never be the same again. ^SM & MG 謝謝你們的觀賞,我們必須誠實地說我們對接下來的計畫十分的興奮! The game will never be the same again. (最後一句不翻感覺比較有fu~~~~~~~~) ======================================================================== 呼,好了~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 有錯誤或漏掉的地方煩請各位指正((鞠躬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yaxinxiao 來自: (01/13 23:56)

01/13 23:58, , 1F
01/13 23:58, 1F

01/14 00:01, , 2F
Q1回答太機車了!! John給我你的勃朗寧!!!
01/14 00:01, 2F

01/14 00:01, , 3F
01/14 00:01, 3F

01/14 00:05, , 4F
Q9的The other one應該是指福爾摩斯家的第三個兄弟
01/14 00:05, 4F

01/14 00:06, , 5F
也有一說the Other是Doctor Who裡的腳色
01/14 00:06, 5F

01/14 00:07, , 7F
Astonishing dress-sense and a great arse讓我大笑XD
01/14 00:07, 7F

01/14 00:12, , 8F
BTW, young Sherlock是莫肥的小朋友喔(不知道有沒有OP)
01/14 00:12, 8F

01/14 00:12, , 9F
01/14 00:12, 9F

01/14 00:41, , 10F
大推 覺得有幾題補完了我對這集的困惑QQ
01/14 00:41, 10F

01/14 00:42, , 11F
killing is terribly human大概可以翻"殺人是極度
01/14 00:42, 11F

01/14 00:42, , 12F
01/14 00:42, 12F

01/14 00:43, , 13F
問題23很棒的解讀 可是這裡的Sherlock可是光天化日
01/14 00:43, 13F

01/14 00:43, , 14F
01/14 00:43, 14F

01/14 01:27, , 15F
麥哥屁屁真的很翹啊!!!XDDD 期待哈太演反派XDDD
01/14 01:27, 15F

01/14 02:02, , 16F
killing is terribly human我覺得可以翻"殺人天殺的有人
01/14 02:02, 16F

01/14 02:03, , 17F
性啊!" terribly在這邊應該是utterly,completely的意思?
01/14 02:03, 17F

01/14 03:05, , 18F
Q15可以翻: BC一夕成名!而且現在這幾乎不可能!
01/14 03:05, 18F

01/14 08:35, , 19F
抱歉我英文小白 想請問Q2的has been properly laugh out lo
01/14 08:35, 19F

01/14 08:36, , 20F
ud為何是翻成使人開懷大笑 而不是sherlock開懷大笑@@
01/14 08:36, 20F

01/14 08:42, , 21F
01/14 08:42, 21F

01/14 09:50, , 22F
01/14 09:50, 22F

01/14 10:23, , 23F
推Q13!!! 這齣劇讓我想看原著~
01/14 10:23, 23F

01/14 17:50, , 24F
01/14 17:50, 24F

01/15 08:47, , 25F
01/15 08:47, 25F

01/22 03:04, , 26F
01/22 03:04, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ir0oSxC (BCumberbatch)