[新聞] 太空人以平常心備戰

看板Astros作者 (Faith)時間18年前 (2005/10/19 12:04), 編輯推噓11(1100)
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Astros feel loose heading into Game 6 Players joke about Pujols' homer day after crushing loss By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 太空人隊懷著平常心迎向第六戰 就在被 Pujols一棒擊敗的隔天,太空人隊員已經釋懷。 記者 Alyson Footer ST. LOUIS -- Come down from the ledge, Astros fans. Brad Lidge is just fine, and so are his teammates. 各位球迷們冷靜~~不要那麼激動~~ Brad Lidge現在很好,他的隊友們也是。 If the mood on the plane ride to St. Louis on Tuesday gives any indication about how this team will bounce back from Monday's deflating loss, you would have to like the Astros' chances in Game 6 of the National League Championship Series 如果球員在搭機轉移陣地到 St. Louis這個空檔中的心情、談話可以當成 下一場比賽戰情分析的因素之一,那麼,您可能會壓寶在休士頓太空人身上。 The ribbing began immediately after takeoff. 笑鬧幾乎在起飛的瞬間就開始了。 "We kidded with [Lidge] the whole time on the plane today," Roy Oswalt said. "We actually told him we almost got hit by the ball when [the plane] took off." Roy Oswalt說:我們整趟路都在開他玩笑( Lidge),事實上,我們告訴他 ”我們起飛的時候都快被「那顆球」K到了。” The ball, of course, was the one hit by Albert Pujols off Lidge with two outs in the ninth inning that would have likely left Minute Maid Park had the roof been open. It counted for a three-run homer, turning the Cardinals' two-run deficit into a one-run victory. 所謂的「那顆球」,當然就是 Albert Pujols在九局上2人出局兩人在壘時, 擊出的那顆球,假如 Minute Maid Park的屋頂當天呈現開啟狀態,很可能 那球真的會飛出去。而這支三分全壘打,把紅雀隊兩分的落後,轉換成一分的勝利。 When the team reconvened at noon CT on Tuesday to board the buses to Intercontinental Airport, the bad taste of Monday's bitter loss had considerably diminished. 隨著球隊在週二搭上巴士前往機場準備轉移場地,週一輸球的苦澀已經消去不少。 Apparently, the intercom system on the plane was put to good use in the initial minutes of the Astros' two-hour flight. 另外,機艙廣播系統在兩小時的飛行中可是好好的被使用的一番。 "The pilot had a pretty good joke for us on the way here," Oswalt said. Oswalt說:機長一路上可是開了不少玩笑 Actually, as general manager Tim Purpura revealed, it wasn't the pilot. 不過,根據GM Tim Purpura的說法:那不是機長。 "Let's just say, it was the veteran guys, with the approval of management, " he said. 他說:這麼說好了,其實那是隊上的老大哥,在教練團許可下做的(開玩笑)。 No one would reveal what the joke was, but it was most definitely directed toward Lidge, who has been the butt of a few jokes this postseason. First, it was the fake letter from the Commissioner's office fining the club $25,000 for dropping a taboo word on a live interview following Houston's clinching of the NL Wild Card. 沒有人願意進一步的說明那個笑話是什麼,不過,那絕對又是跟 Lidge有關。 這個季後賽,他已經好幾次被作弄。第一次,有人給他一封「假罰款通知」, 理由是在拿到外卡的那場比賽中,有人在直播訪問中說出不雅的言語,罰款 金額是 $25,000 On Tuesday, the attention shifted toward the home run that sent the NLCS to a Game 6, one that was devastating for all in the immediate aftermath of what looked to be the clincher that would send the Astros to the World Series for the first time. 這天(週二),注意力被轉移到那發阻止太空人隊在主場慶祝首次進入世界大賽 的全壘打,那發讓全場一片寂靜的全壘打。 If laughter is the best medicine, call the closer Dr. Lidge. 假如大笑可以醫病,那麼,太空人有位名醫 Lidge。 "That's the beauty of Brad," Purpura said. "He can take it. He can dish it out, but he can take it, too." Purpura說:這就是 Brad 的長處,他開得起玩笑。無傷大雅的笑話他會, 他也可以被當成玩笑的對象。 The Astros did not hold a formal workout when they arrived to St. Louis mid-afternoon on Tuesday, but a select group headed to Busch Stadium for a light workout. Relievers Dan Wheeler, Russ Springer and Chad Qualls did some work on the field, as did starters Oswalt and Andy Pettitte. 在週二下午抵達 St. Louis後,太空人沒有正式的熱身,只有一小群 選手到 Busch Stadium 簡單的活動活動筋骨。中繼投手 Dan Wheeler, Russ Springer 和Chad Qualls有出現, 兩位先發投手 Oswalt跟 Pettitte也在。 The hanging slider that sealed the Astros' fate on Monday was all of the news the next morning. Nearly every newspaper in the country ran it as its lead story in the sports section. It made headline news on CNN. Even non-sports fan Katie Couric talked about it in the initial minutes of the Today Show. 那顆失投的滑球登上全美幾乎所有報紙的體育板頭條,CNN也以頭條新聞處理, 即使是不常提起運動的脫口秀主持人 Katie Couric都在自己的節目 Today Show 中講到這件事情。 But in the Astros' isolated world, the focus is toward the future. Wednesday, to be exact, at 7:28 p.m. CT. At that time, the Astros will turn to Oswalt, a two-time 20-game winner who allowed one run in Game 2 in the Astros' 4-1 win. 但是,在太空人隊的選手、教練之間,注意力已經放在未來,或者,週三 7:28 p.m. 那個時刻。 那時候,太空人將把球交在 Oswalt手上,一位兩次20勝投手, 一位在太空人以4-1勝出的季後賽第二場比賽中只丟一分的投手。 If that doesn't work, Houston has Roger Clemens rested and ready for Game 7. In that respect, it's easy to understand the light mood among players and staff on their way to St. Louis. The Astros have to win once, the Cardinals, twice. 如果這還不夠,休士頓還有氣力充足的 Roger Clemens 準備在第七戰先發。 從這個角度來看,球員與教練團在飛機上的好心情似乎不難理解,太空人要 再拿下一場,而紅雀要拿下兩場勝利。 "We're still in the lead," Purpura said. "We're up, 3-2. We can win this thing. We've got one of the most dominant pitchers in baseball going tomorrow, and we've got another dominant pitcher going the night after that. So we feel very well set up for it." Purpura說:我們仍然是領先的一方,我們有3-2的優勢,我們可以拿下這場。 我們派出聯盟中最有壓制力的投手,我們還有另一個同樣強悍的投手準備在隔天 出賽。所以,目前我們覺得自己準備的相當充分。 The players had the same sentiment in the immediate moments following the Game 5 loss. 球員在第五場比賽輸球後也有類似的感受。 "They did a great job of coming back in that spot and that provides a tremendous amount of confidence," Morgan Ensberg said. "But they still have to climb up the hill. We're up a game and we have two more horses coming at them. We're in the driver's seat." Morgan Ensberg表示:他們真的盡了很大的努力來贏球,而這場勝利會給他們 很大的信心,但是,他們仍然是仰攻上山的一方。我們在系列中佔優勢,我們 還有兩名優秀先發投手準備上陣。我們佔有主導地位。 Mike Lamb alluded to the theme of the entire season, and said he wasn't surprised getting to the World Series wasn't going to be any different. Mike Lamb 也有類似的觀點,那就是整季球隊如何奮鬥,並不會因為現在 目標換成了世界大賽就有所不同。 "It's never been easy," he said. "It's never going to be easy. It came down to the last day for the Wild Card, then the marathon against the Braves and now against the Cardinals. It's like we refuse to make it easy. That's just the way it's going to be." 他說:從來都沒有輕鬆過。從來不會是輕輕鬆鬆就能贏球。我們打到最後一場才 拿到外卡,接著跟勇士隊馬拉松,現在是面對紅雀隊。我們好像很不喜歡簡簡單單 贏球,我們從來不是這種風格。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/19 13:22, , 1F
身為球迷的我們也從來都沒有輕鬆過 XD
10/19 13:22, 1F

10/19 14:08, , 2F
翻譯的大大辛苦了~ 好棒的新聞!
10/19 14:08, 2F

10/19 16:07, , 3F
謝謝大大翻譯 其實我也釋懷了 太空人要加油阿!!!
10/19 16:07, 3F

10/19 16:27, , 4F
We will overcome!!!
10/19 16:27, 4F

10/19 17:18, , 5F
最後那三段.....= ="
10/19 17:18, 5F

10/19 17:49, , 6F
10/19 17:49, 6F

10/19 18:04, , 7F
10/19 18:04, 7F

10/19 18:16, , 8F
另外Pupura是GM吧? 翻成教練怪怪的...
10/19 18:16, 8F
※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (10/19 19:48)

10/19 19:48, , 9F
10/19 19:48, 9F

10/19 20:06, , 10F
會贏的 明天就贏了 等著看吧!!!
10/19 20:06, 10F

10/20 00:01, , 11F
10/20 00:01, 11F
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