[火藥] 馬丁奧尼爾對溫格發言不爽

看板AstonVilla作者 (有泡泡)時間14年前 (2010/01/28 21:14), 編輯推噓16(1604)
留言20則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
來源 伯明罕郵報 Jan 28 2010 by Mathew Kendrick http://0rz.tw/cWUY4 Arsenal boss slammed by Aston Villa counterpart for 'long-ball' jibe MARTIN O’Neill blasted Arsene Wenger for an appalling insult after the Arsenal boss branded Villa an “English long-ball team” following last night ’s goalless draw. 馬丁奧尼爾對於溫格幾進汙辱說維拉是"英國長球隊"的說法很不爽 The rival bosses continued their simmering feud by getting embroiled in a war of words after the clash of the top four hopefuls ended in a scoreless stalemate at Villa Park. 嘴砲在比賽後持續上演 Wenger said: “I believe we dropped two points because we had two chances, but on the other hand it was a difficult game because they stopped us from playing when we had the ball and as well when they had the ball. 溫格認為己方掉了兩分 因為他們自己有兩個機會沒抓到 然後他認為無論是維拉持 球或槍手持球的時候 維拉的打法阻擋了他們的主織 “They played a very long ball game and closed us down and it was difficult for us to find our passing game. "他們都打高空球啦! 讓我們不好打passing game" “We know what we get when we come here and we were not disappointed. “It is a very efficient English game with long balls and very physical.” "這是是標準的英格蘭式打長傳而且身體對抗很強" (就是打很粗暴然後一直把球打 到高空去無限傳中(沒技術)啦!) But O’Neill was fuming that Wenger dismissed Villa as a route-one team – and claimed winger Ashley Young took Arsenal left-back Gael Clichy “to the cleaners”. 馬丁奧尼爾很不爽 (你不要惹我生氣 你如果惹我生氣 我就會不爽 我如果不爽 接下來會發生多嘴砲的事情 連我自己也不知道) “If that’s what he saw tonight....he’s made a few ridiculous statements in his time here and that is probably as good as any,” stormed O’Neill. "他講這話很蠢!(#‵′)凸" “That’s only an annoyance really at the end of it all. Anybody who saw the game wouldn’t take that viewpoint. "他很無知啦 任何有看這場球的人都不應該有這觀點" “Ashley Young didn’t have the time to play any long balls when he was taking that left-back to the cleaners. He didn’t have time to do that. It’s an appalling insult.” "當Ashley Young把Chichy丟到洗衣機裡面去蹂躪的時候 他根本沒時間玩長傳啦 (嗆) 講那些話根本就是汙辱(o一-一)=○# ( ̄#)3 ̄)" -- 我怎麼覺得馬奧有點反應過大? XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/28 21:22, , 1F
01/28 21:22, 1F
※ 編輯: awano 來自: (01/28 21:30)

01/28 21:59, , 2F
嘴砲是很需要的 這樣英超才好看啊
01/28 21:59, 2F

01/28 23:45, , 3F
雖然我還蠻愛看吊中衝頂 但是希望維拉能多利用阿邦的速度
01/28 23:45, 3F

01/29 01:00, , 4F
01/29 01:00, 4F

01/29 02:20, , 5F
溫格 Son of the B
01/29 02:20, 5F

01/29 02:53, , 6F
01/29 02:53, 6F

01/29 13:44, , 7F
01/29 13:44, 7F

01/29 14:03, , 8F
01/29 14:03, 8F

01/29 17:59, , 9F
01/29 17:59, 9F

01/29 18:28, , 10F
01/29 18:28, 10F

01/29 18:55, , 11F
我很愛 /_\
01/29 18:55, 11F

01/29 20:33, , 12F
01/29 20:33, 12F

01/29 21:48, , 13F
某樓嘴巴很臭 該去刷牙囉
01/29 21:48, 13F

01/30 10:30, , 14F
01/30 10:30, 14F

01/30 22:04, , 15F
01/30 22:04, 15F

01/30 22:04, , 16F
我看明年溫格搞不好直接把手榴彈買來用 哈哈哈
01/30 22:04, 16F

01/30 22:11, , 17F
輸手榴彈=龜起來 平AV=趕快打個嘴砲
01/30 22:11, 17F

01/31 21:41, , 18F
某隊每次都沒辦法在豪門提款機提款 下次也請阿布買一台
01/31 21:41, 18F

01/31 21:42, , 19F
維拉這樣打沒什麼不好 針對弱點去打沒什麼錯
01/31 21:42, 19F

02/01 03:02, , 20F
02/01 03:02, 20F
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