[官網] 懷特:我不想去別地方

看板Arsenal作者 (KEEP THE FAITH)時間1月前 (2024/03/15 00:27), 編輯推噓207(2070278)
留言485則, 16人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/1
After putting pen to paper on his new Arsenal contract, Ben White admitted that there was no other place he would rather be playing his football right now. 簽下合約後本白表示他只想在阿森納踢球,沒有其他地方。 Our defender has extended his stay in north London which will delight Gooners everywhere, as well as Mikel Arteta and Edu who were alongside Ben to see the ink dry on his new deal - as they were back in July 2021 when he first became an Arsenal player. 我們的後衛延長了他在北倫敦的合約,這讓各地槍迷以及總教練阿特塔 和技術總監Edu都感到高興,他們和班一起見證簽下合約的墨水乾涸— —就像在2021年7月他成為阿森納球員那一刻一模一樣。 And while Ben laughs that the contract signing moment is always a little strange, he is thrilled that it means he gets to continue playing in our youthful side challenging at the top of the Premier League and in the latter stages of the Champions League. 班笑說簽約的時機總是有點怪時,但他還是很高興, 他將繼續和我們的年輕陣容一同挑戰英超聯賽和歐洲冠軍聯賽 Speaking after signing, he said: “I’m so happy – it’s been a long journey, and amazing to sign again and be here for more years. I’ve said before I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, so it’s perfect. 簽約後說:「我很高興——這是一段漫長的旅程, 再次簽約並待上更多年真是太棒了。 我之前就說過我真的不想去別的地方,所以這是個完美的決定。」 “When you’re in that office, it’s a little more daunting but it ’s amazing to sign again and have the same feelings of pride It’ s a really good achievement.” 「當你在那辦公室裡有點可怕,但再次簽下合約有著一樣驕傲感真是太棒了, 這是一個很好的成就。」 After committing his future, Ben chatted with Gooner and YouTuber Timbsy as they took Win the dog for a walk around the Sobha Realty Training Centre, and he was asked when he first felt at home at the club. 在承諾了自己的未來後,Ben和槍迷YouTuber Timbsy聊天,他們帶著 Win 在 Sobha Realty 培訓中心散步, 被問到第一次在俱樂部的感覺如何 “I’d probably say not until the pre-season after I joined,” Ben revealed. “I feel like I’ve always done a year somewhere and left again straight away to go on loan, or go back to Brighton for a year and then come to Arsenal. It was the first time I’ve been back-to-back and stayed somewhere. I think that was probably then when I realised I’m here to stay, and to play.” Ben透露: “我覺得我總是在某個地方待了一年, 然後馬上再次離開因為租借,或者回到布萊頓一年, 然後來到阿森納。 這是我第一次連續待在同個地方。 我想那可能是我意識到我該留在這裡繼續踢球的時候。 And playing is something that Ben has done virtually more than any other player since he joined the club. He has made 122 appearances out of a possible 134 in that period, and has sat out just seven Premier League matches over the past three seasons. 加入俱樂部以來,Ben幾乎比其他任何球員都出賽更多。 在此期間,他在134場比賽中上場122次, 過去三個賽季中,他只缺席了7場英超比賽。 In that time he has developed alongside a host of other hugely talented youngsters to take us back into title contention and return to the Champions League. He admits that the main reason why he wanted to stay is he feels the sky is the limit when it comes to what our squad can go on to achieve. 那段時間裡,他與其他許多才華橫溢的年輕人一起練球,帶我們回到冠軍爭 奪戰中,重返冠軍聯賽。 他承認他想留下來的主要原因是因為談到我們 接下來繼續取得的成就時,就覺得沒有什麼能擋下我們。 Reflecting on the past couple of campaigns, Ben added: “Last season we did better than what people expected. I think there was a little bit of belief that we could do it, and we didn’t get what we wanted last season, but this season, we’ve started so well. Coming in for pre-season, everyone was top and ready to go, you could kind of tell in pre-season that we were going to be another team this year. 在反思過去的幾次活動時,班補充說:「上個賽季,我們做得比人們預 期的要好。 我想我們有些信念,相信我們可以做的到, 上個賽季我們沒有得到我們想要的東西, 但這個賽季我們開始做的非常好。 季前賽熱身,每個人的表現名列前茅都蓄勢待發, 你可以在比賽裡看出我們今年將脫胎換骨變成另一支球隊。 “I think with the team, there’s not too much said about where we want to be. I think everyone knows we’re in for the highest we can, and I don’t think anything is too big for us to be able to challenge and win. There’s no limit to what we can achieve.” “我認為對球隊來說對於我們的目標,不需做太多說明。 每個人都知道我們正達到所能達到的最高水準, 沒有什麼太大的困難是我們無法挑戰和獲勝的。 將來能取得的成就是沒有限制的。” -- "Who do you think will win the Premier League? City or Chelsea?" "Arsenal." Thierry 14  Henry -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Arsenal/M.1710433634.A.A39.html

03/15 02:59, 1月前 , 1F
好本白 這裡是你的家 保持狀態到退役再留下來顧草皮好了
03/15 02:59, 1F

03/15 09:06, 1月前 , 2F

03/15 09:06, 1月前 , 3F
沙卡哥(弟)跟他好像 我們怎麼沒考慮簽他XD
03/15 09:06, 3F

03/15 09:23, 1月前 , 4F
03/15 09:23, 4F

03/15 10:22, 1月前 , 5F
03/15 10:22, 5F

03/15 15:28, 1月前 , 6F

03/15 15:28, 1月前 , 7F
03/15 15:28, 7F

03/15 16:32, 1月前 , 8F
03/15 16:32, 8F

03/15 16:34, 1月前 , 9F
03/15 16:34, 9F

03/15 16:34, 1月前 , 10F
03/15 16:34, 10F

03/15 16:34, 1月前 , 11F
03/15 16:34, 11F

03/15 16:35, 1月前 , 12F
為什麼我腦袋中冒出來的是 慾望師奶裡那種 跟人妻出軌的
03/15 16:35, 12F

03/15 16:35, 1月前 , 13F
超帥大肌肌園丁 哈哈哈哈哈哈
03/15 16:35, 13F

03/17 12:49, 1月前 , 14F
最近維尼修斯種族歧視事件各種炎上 連皇馬官媒都不小心
03/17 12:49, 14F

03/17 12:49, 1月前 , 15F
拿猴子圖案配維尼文 把他氣炸了 我認真認為他適合來英超
03/17 12:49, 15F

03/17 12:49, 1月前 , 16F
03/17 12:49, 16F

03/17 12:50, 1月前 , 17F
(那個 要不要來槍手 跟巴西幫聚聚……)
03/17 12:50, 17F

03/17 13:29, 1月前 , 18F
維尼不行啦 這樣就失控暴氣
03/17 13:29, 18F

03/17 13:33, 1月前 , 19F
而且看起來這次還真的只是小編帶衰@Vini 跳出 Vini Vici
03/17 13:33, 19F

03/17 13:33, 1月前 , 20F
那個logo就這麼剛好 XD~ 維尼在不懂自嘲解套前都先不要
03/17 13:33, 20F

03/17 13:33, 1月前 , 21F
更別說他來要踢哪? 我們有0M薩卡跟6M小馬捏 為啥要亂花錢
03/17 13:33, 21F

03/17 13:33, 1月前 , 22F
03/17 13:33, 22F

03/17 14:47, 1月前 , 23F
03/17 14:47, 23F

03/17 14:51, 1月前 , 24F

03/17 14:51, 1月前 , 25F

03/17 14:51, 1月前 , 26F
03/17 14:51, 26F

03/17 14:51, 1月前 , 27F
法維回波圖看球 聖代伉儷去摩納哥
03/17 14:51, 27F

03/17 22:49, 1月前 , 28F
這場車狐戰 雙方球衣好像!都是藍色系 真奇怪
03/17 22:49, 28F

03/17 22:50, 1月前 , 29F
03/17 22:50, 29F

03/17 22:52, 1月前 , 30F
狐狸Mavididi世界波 是我廠青訓
03/17 22:52, 30F

03/17 23:11, 1月前 , 31F

03/17 23:11, 1月前 , 32F
光看這張圖 我們防守屌炸天
03/17 23:11, 32F

03/17 23:25, 1月前 , 33F
這張圖看起來好舒服 這麼厲害
03/17 23:25, 33F

03/17 23:25, 1月前 , 34F
Saliba可能會被召去踢奧運 猜我廠會擋 不然會卡到下賽季
03/17 23:25, 34F

03/17 23:26, 1月前 , 35F
亨利想招薩利巴踢奧運 會錯過季初幾場比賽 我廠有否決權
03/17 23:26, 35F

03/17 23:27, 1月前 , 36F
太有默契了啦 www
03/17 23:27, 36F

03/17 23:27, 1月前 , 37F
可是不知道我廠會不會擋耶 說不定賣亨利面子
03/17 23:27, 37F

03/17 23:32, 1月前 , 38F
亨利教練生涯已經很掙扎了 如果這次我廠不幫他 法國奧運
03/17 23:32, 38F

03/17 23:32, 1月前 , 39F
沒拿金牌 亨利教練生涯說不定就進行不下去了
03/17 23:32, 39F
還有 406 則推文
03/21 02:15, 1月前 , 446F
本白不想在爭冠對手面前討論自己俱樂部 情有可原吧?這
03/21 02:15, 446F

03/21 02:15, 1月前 , 447F
就等於洩底了 會問這種問題的霍蘭德才毫無情商好不好
03/21 02:15, 447F

03/21 02:16, 1月前 , 448F
難怪我廠堅定支持本白 也算是幫俱樂部保守秘密(?)
03/21 02:16, 448F

03/21 02:51, 1月前 , 449F
03/21 02:51, 449F

03/21 04:10, 1月前 , 450F
03/21 04:10, 450F

03/21 04:10, 1月前 , 451F
03/21 04:10, 451F

03/21 04:10, 1月前 , 452F
03/21 04:10, 452F

03/21 04:10, 1月前 , 453F
03/21 04:10, 453F

03/21 04:12, 1月前 , 454F
03/21 04:12, 454F

03/21 04:12, 1月前 , 455F
03/21 04:12, 455F

03/21 04:12, 1月前 , 456F
03/21 04:12, 456F

03/21 07:45, 1月前 , 457F
有差嗎? 反正下賽季就換唬爛仔去曼聯被震撼教育了
03/21 07:45, 457F

03/21 08:38, 1月前 , 458F
1.霍蘭德根本針對 其他球員可以不知道 本白不知道就立刻
03/21 08:38, 458F

03/21 08:38, 1月前 , 459F
嗆他以前採訪的內容 根本有bear來 是不是嫉妒他帥
03/21 08:38, 459F

03/21 08:39, 1月前 , 460F
2.考迪哥respect! 看了一下他的故事 他常常站出來幫同性
03/21 08:39, 460F

03/21 08:39, 1月前 , 461F
03/21 08:39, 461F

03/21 08:43, 1月前 , 462F
3.都在卡達踢世界盃了才在諮詢球員每隊戰術 靠北會不會
03/21 08:43, 462F

03/21 08:43, 1月前 , 463F
太廢馬上就要上場了欸欸欸 這不是你們教練組一百年前就
03/21 08:43, 463F

03/21 08:43, 1月前 , 464F
03/21 08:43, 464F

03/21 08:43, 1月前 , 465F
03/21 08:43, 465F

03/21 08:43, 1月前 , 466F
03/21 08:43, 466F

03/21 08:46, 1月前 , 467F
4.再次稱讚本白不願透露俱樂部戰術秘密(比心) 這麼有
03/21 08:46, 467F

03/21 08:46, 1月前 , 468F
職場倫理道德觀的人 別再抹黑他不愛足球 至少他愛俱樂部
03/21 08:46, 468F

03/21 09:17, 1月前 , 469F
03/21 09:17, 469F

03/21 09:19, 1月前 , 470F
(設計對白) 唬爛哥的太太:欸死鬼, 你們這次有召那個白白
03/21 09:19, 470F

03/21 09:19, 1月前 , 471F
喔?他好可愛好帥喔 <3 你去卡達的時候幫我跟他要個簽名
03/21 09:19, 471F

03/21 09:19, 1月前 , 472F
球衣好不好<3 還要是他有穿過的那件喔<3 記得喔<3
03/21 09:19, 472F

03/21 09:21, 1月前 , 473F
03/21 09:21, 473F

03/21 09:28, 1月前 , 474F
03/21 09:28, 474F

03/21 09:38, 1月前 , 475F
03/21 09:38, 475F

03/21 09:38, 1月前 , 476F
03/21 09:38, 476F

03/21 09:42, 1月前 , 477F
對一個必招馬怪的後防教練 雀食
03/21 09:42, 477F

03/21 11:26, 1月前 , 478F
目前流出的消息 本白都沒有做什麼出格的事情 還是挺職
03/21 11:26, 478F

03/21 11:26, 1月前 , 479F
03/21 11:26, 479F

03/21 11:26, 1月前 , 480F
如果這樣搞到球員要在世界杯期間離隊 這個100%教練團的
03/21 11:26, 480F

03/21 11:26, 1月前 , 481F
03/21 11:26, 481F

03/21 11:28, 1月前 , 482F
南門還大言不慚說助教沒問題 噁心
03/21 11:28, 482F

03/21 11:52, 1月前 , 483F
收集各隊弱點 然後去帶鬼鬼 蒿吐露絲 (咦?)
03/21 11:52, 483F

03/22 07:08, 1月前 , 484F
03/22 07:08, 484F

03/22 09:00, 1月前 , 485F
應該吧 畢竟三喵有滿滿的右後 白白表現好的話TAA就 (ry
03/22 09:00, 485F
文章代碼(AID): #1byoLYev (Arsenal)