[官網] CCC尼推特答客問 (請自備墨鏡)

看板Arsenal作者 (Tulpenmanie)時間10年前 (2013/12/11 21:43), 編輯推噓8(804)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前情提要: CCC尼最近交了新女友 對方是波蘭電音名模 兩人在臉書曬恩愛 曬曬:http://0rz.tw/9l2yE 看球:http://0rz.tw/SKtHe 正文開始: Your best save? The one at West Brom away from a deflection. That was technically the most difficult. 你最棒的撲救? 客場對西布朗的那個折射球。技術上來說那是最難撲的。 how do you celebrate a clean sheet when you get home or after the game? I try not to celebrate them now. I enjoy them but don't celebrate really. 你賽後都怎麼慶祝零封對手? 我現在盡量不慶祝了。雖然我還是很享受那種感覺。 what is the last movie you watched? Oh no, that's embarrassing! It was Love Actually. The missus made me watch it, I swear! 你最近一部看過的電影是? 喔不,好尷尬的問題!《愛是您,愛是我》。我發誓是我女朋友逼我看的! what type of music do you like? I have a few favourites. I like Ed Sheeran, I love Drake and I like my missus' music as well! 你喜歡什麼樣的音樂? 我喜歡紅髮艾德、德瑞克還有我女朋友的音樂! Who's the best goalkeeper in the world? It would have to be Manuel Neuer for me. 世界上最好的守門員是? 我認為是諾伊爾。 If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 items would you take with you? I'd take the missus, I'm not going to lie. Also a football and definitely my iPhone, just for music. 如果你困在一個無人島上,你希望身邊有哪三樣東西? 我女朋友,我不想說謊。還有足球與唉鳳,我想聽音樂。 (你忘了唉鳳充電器) Who would play you in a movie of your life? Definitely Matt Damon! Theo sent me a picture where he looked just like me. We basically brothers! 如果有你的傳記電影,你會找誰來演? 當然是麥特戴蒙!小老虎寄給我一張照片,我們長得超像的,根本就是兄弟! http://0rz.tw/JnNaI v http://0rz.tw/JGmmc 我覺得其實沒有很像 麥特戴蒙比較帥  <毆> 但還是有外國網友做了這張圖 XD http://0rz.tw/k7tsCdo you play any sports apart from football ?? Not anymore. I used to love basketball, I liked volleyball and I did javelin as well. I play pool and darts! 除了足球你還做什麼運動? 沒了。我曾經喜歡籃球、排球、標槍。對了,我會打撞球跟射飛鏢! what is the scariest thing in your life that you've been through? A few things; a fire, a car accident - I got run over by a car. I'd say when I broke both wrists though. 你遇過最可怕的事? 遇過一些,例如火災跟車禍--我被一台車輾過。不過最可怕的還是我弄斷自己兩隻手腕。 (他曾經在訓練時,槓鈴掉下來砸到前臂骨折,現在他手臂裡還有兩塊鋼板。  話說這樣看來,他遇過的災難還不少……能這麼樂觀挺難得的……) -- 「假裝足球是一時的喜好,或是我們會挑選比賽來看, 這樣繼續假裝下去是沒有用的。」        --尼克.宏比《足球熱》                    -- Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/11 21:48, , 1F
12/11 21:48, 1F

12/11 21:48, , 2F
麥特戴蒙應該找他去上綜藝節目 XD
12/11 21:48, 2F
※ 編輯: trilvie 來自: (12/11 21:55)

12/11 21:56, , 3F
12/11 21:56, 3F

12/11 22:02, , 4F
12/11 22:02, 4F

12/11 22:10, , 5F
12/11 22:10, 5F

12/11 23:02, , 6F
12/11 23:02, 6F

12/11 23:08, , 7F
想帶女友為什麼說是不想說謊 CCC尼是不是在想色色的事...
12/11 23:08, 7F

12/11 23:18, , 8F
12/11 23:18, 8F

12/11 23:33, , 9F
看到充電器不小心笑出來XD 其實他可以帶一艘船就行了XD
12/11 23:33, 9F

12/11 23:34, , 10F
樓上真是天才 破除了這多少年來的大哉問!
12/11 23:34, 10F

12/12 01:32, , 11F
12/12 01:32, 11F

12/12 01:47, , 12F
還不錯 而且很英倫 我有買原聲帶~~
12/12 01:47, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ig6lr0W (Arsenal)