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看板Arsenal作者 (Tulpenmanie)時間13年前 (2011/08/16 00:34), 編輯推噓3(308)
留言11則, 6人參與, 最新討論串20/33 (看更多)
大家對法布的離去紛紛表示祝福... Persie_Official Robin van Persie Congratulations to @cesc4official move to Barca. We will miss u here! Enjoyyy it! Respect amigo Nanas08 Samir Nasri Official Congratulation to my mate @cesc4official i will miss you world class player and top men aaronjramsey Aaron ramsey Wishing @cesc4official the best of luck with his new club, great role model and a great guy! JackWilshere Jack Wilshere Good luck to my friend @cesc4official at barca!Very sad to see him leave,learnt alot from him!great role model! Best of luck mate! 13Szczesny13 Wojciech Szczesny Good luck to our friend and captain @cesc4official. He's been fantastic for Arsenal and will be missed at the club! 其實內容大同小異 但不知道是不是我太敏感 總覺得小西用詞怪怪的 一個真正的槍迷不會說"恭喜"法布轉會 那廝里恭喜法布也就算了 = = 也有球迷問小西"Why is it congratulations??" 希望范小西不要亂來... btw N8還跟球迷對嗆起來 XD Nanas08 Samir Nasri Official I heard what the fans were singing about me on saturday and it is really disrespectful because i'm still a arsenal player 其實N8是用心良苦啊 他不希望槍迷因他的離去太悲傷 只好自己當壞人...... (?) 最後是法布致槍迷的留言: cesc4official Cesc Fàbregas Soler To all Gunners: A big thank you for your unconditional support during the last 8 yrs. Just say that I will always carry you in my heart! 就這樣吧。 -- 「所以我人沒在那裡,我什麼也沒看見。」                       --尼克.宏比《足球熱》                        -- Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/16 00:43, , 1F
08/16 00:43, 1F

08/16 11:00, , 2F 難怪他會不爽
08/16 11:00, 2F

08/16 11:02, , 3F 大師抵達伊斯坦堡準備體檢
08/16 11:02, 3F

08/16 12:17, , 4F
Sami you are a...這也難怪他會生氣吧
08/16 12:17, 4F

08/16 14:38, , 5F
08/16 14:38, 5F

08/16 20:33, , 6F 體檢照,已通過,簽四年,等官方
08/16 20:33, 6F

08/16 20:35, , 7F
08/16 20:35, 7F

08/16 20:35, , 8F
;_; 埃布埃...
08/16 20:35, 8F

08/16 21:24, , 9F
3.5M 好像是
08/16 21:24, 9F

08/16 21:25, , 10F
08/16 21:25, 10F

08/16 21:41, , 11F
一直賣人都不補 ......
08/16 21:41, 11F
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文章代碼(AID): #1EIKgSoT (Arsenal)