Re: [評分] Arsenal v Barcelona

看板Arsenal作者 ( )時間13年前 (2011/02/18 23:14), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多) (SKY評分) 阿森納球員: SKY 球迷   斯澤斯尼: 7 8.3   埃布: 8 7.0   喬魯: 7 7.1   科斯切爾尼:8 8.7   克里希: 7 7.1   威爾謝爾: 8 9.1   宋: 7 6.7 小法: 7 7.4   沃爾科特: 7 7.2   納斯里: 8 7.9   范佩西: 8 8.2   本特納: 6 6.3   阿沙文: 7 7.9 巴薩球員評分:   巴爾德斯: 6 5.0   阿爾維斯: 7 6.2   皮克: 7 6.1   阿比達爾: 7 6.3   馬克斯維爾:7 5.6   哈維: 7 6.2   布斯可茨: 7 5.8   伊涅斯塔: 7 6.1   佩德羅: 8 6.1   梅西: 7 6.4   比利亞: 8 7.0   凱塔: 7 4.7   阿德里亞諾:6 4.5 (Telegraph)By Duncan White Szczesny Stood up well to Messi well in the early stages and kept calm and composed when rushing from his area. Two important late saves. 7/10 有效阻擋梅西 Eboue Energetic but occasionally reckless and while he did get forward well at times, it often ended with him giving the ball away. 6 充滿活力但偶爾略顯魯莽,助攻無力 Djourou Not quite as confident as Koscielny and made a couple of errors but helped hold a good high line for much of the game. 7 偶犯小錯 Koscielny Arsenal's best defender in an impressive, aggressive performance. Intercepted well and covered when his colleagues got slack. 8 富侵略性、四處補漏 Clichy Had to be very disciplined and did not get forward as much as he normally does. Played Villa onside for his goal but made Van Persie's with an excellent pass. 7 不能像平時一樣助攻,拖後造成失球、但助攻抵過 Song Gave himself a problem by getting booked for a blatant early trip on Messi and then had to be careful before Wenger took him off. 6 太早吃牌 Wilshere A mature, accomplished performance. Snappy in the tackle and always looking to create when he got on the ball. The best player in a red shirt. 8 成熟穩健的表現,全場最佳 Fabregas A hard-working, diligent performance, knitting everything together for Arsenal. A leader's performance, even if everything did not come off for him. 7 兢兢業業、領導者風範 Walcott Had the Emirates chanting his name with some explosive early running but faded from the game after that. 7 開場閃光不斷,但後期疲軟 Nasri Initially struggled to get in the game and was booked but grew in confidence and made the winner with a clever pass. 7 熱機過慢還吃牌,但逐漸恢復且傳出致勝助攻 Van Persie Powerful hit or the goal after missing a series of more promising chances earlier in the game. Reward for his ceaseless movement. 7 不間斷的跑動收到成效 Substitutes Arshavin for Song 68. Scored the winner with a calm, assured finish. 冷靜的致勝入球 Bendtner for Walcott 77. Should have passed to Arshavin in late chance. 最後應該傳給阿沙 Barcelona Valdes Good early save from Van Persie and did not have a lot to do before being embarrassed by Van Persie. 5 在被范佩西羞辱之前並沒什麼可做的 Alves Harried the Arsenal left with his attacking bursts and worked hard to cover when the ball was lost. Beaten a couple of times by Nasri, though. 6 偶爾被納斯里困擾,但給兵工廠左路帶來很大威脅 Pique An uncompromising, imposing display. Passed the ball around confidently and squeezed Arsenal by pushing up hard. 7 很有氣勢 Abidal Good distribution from centre back and even made a couple of sallies into the Arsenal half. Great savimng header to deny Van Persie from close range. 7 傳球很好、上前助攻也有威脅,及時攔阻范佩西頭球攻門尤為關鍵 Maxwell Frustrated Guardiola by failing to provide the necessary width on the left but was wary after watching Walcott sprint away from him early on. At fault for the winner. 5 在左路沒有拉開空間,且須對失第二球負責 Busquets Kept an eye on Fabregas when Arsenal broke and was elegant on the ball before fading from the game in the second half. 6 上半場箝制小法,但下半場開隱形模式 Xavi Whether from five yards or fifty Xavi's passing was up to its usual standard, especially in some of the spells when Barca left Arsenal to starve. 7 短傳長傳都很有水準 Iniesta Slick as he roamed the areas between Arsenal's midfield and defence. A touch subdued by his standards, though. 7 在對手中場與後衛線中滑溜不定 Pedro The quietest of Barcelona's s attacking trident, getting caught offside on a couple of promising runs. Still, helped circulate the ball at pace. 6 三叉戟中最安靜的、屢次越位 Messi Proved his mortality with a couple of misses when clean through but made the opener with an exquisite through ball with the outside of his boot for Villa's goal. 7 錯失幾次好機會,但仍有助攻 Villa Took his goal in typically clinical fashion but was just as impressive for his phenomenal work rate off the ball. 8 冷靜的推射進球 Substitutes Keita for Villa 68. His introduction coincided with a loss in momentum. 上場反而讓球隊失去動能 Adriano for Iniesta 88. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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