[情報] 10/17 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (all in good time)時間6年前 (2017/10/16 19:57), 6年前編輯推噓9(902)
留言11則, 9人參與, 6年前最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
www.astrology.com https://www.astrology.com/horoscope/daily/tomorrow/aries.html If it makes you feel warm, snuggly and as well taken care of as can be, you need to try it -- even if it makes you feel faintly ridiculous at the same time. It may lead to an unexpected purchase, but that is okay. You're after quality, not quantity, and you definitely won't settle for anything less than what you need. It shouldn't be a major effort for you. 如果某件事情讓你心底非常踏實、感覺暖洋洋的,那你非做不可-- 就算你心裡覺得有點荒謬也一樣。 雖然這麼做可能會造成預期外的支出,但沒關係的, 因為你在意的是品質,而且你絕對不會花錢買非必要的東西。 這次臨時購物不會對你造成嚴重影響。 ******************************* astrocenter.com http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1&ZSign=0&Af=0 You have a gentle way of expressing yourself to your loved one. It isn't your style to make grand gestures or buy extravagant gifts. You prefer to spend quality time together, talking and cuddling. Today you may be in an unusually romantic mood and confess the depth of your feelings. This will have just the effect you hope for! 你對所愛之人表達情感的方式非常含蓄。 高調示愛或禮物攻勢不是你的風格,你比較喜歡兩人相處,相擁談天。 但今天的你會非常浪漫,可能會坦承交代你有多喜歡對方。 對方聽了之後的反應也會如你所願! ******************************** Claire's Daily Horoscopes http://www.theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claire-s-daily-horoscopes-tuesday-17th-october You feel as if you're taking two steps forward and one step back, but at least you're still going in the right direction Aries. Don't tell tales on those you work with. It can and will come back on you. 你覺得自己好像走兩步退一步似的,但至少你走在正確的方向上。 工作上別和共事的人搬弄是非,否則麻煩終究會找上你。 ******************************** -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1508155035.A.96E.html

10/16 20:01, 6年前 , 1F
第二則…Love is in the air~
10/16 20:01, 1F

10/16 21:08, 6年前 , 2F
10/16 21:08, 2F

10/16 21:11, 6年前 , 3F
第2則 可是太陽和上昇的運勢剛好相衝突 一好一壞 怎麼辦
10/16 21:11, 3F

10/16 22:01, 6年前 , 4F
10/16 22:01, 4F

10/16 23:32, 6年前 , 5F
10/16 23:32, 5F

10/16 23:32, 6年前 , 6F
10/16 23:32, 6F
※ 編輯: matsuri (, 10/17/2017 00:07:39

10/17 00:46, 6年前 , 7F
10/17 00:46, 7F

10/17 00:46, 6年前 , 8F
10/17 00:46, 8F

10/17 02:25, 6年前 , 9F
10/17 02:25, 9F

10/17 13:51, 6年前 , 10F
最近羊羊的運勢比之前好一些了 讚
10/17 13:51, 10F

10/17 14:34, 6年前 , 11F
推 感謝翻譯分享~~~!!!
10/17 14:34, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1Pv9wRbk (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1Pv9wRbk (Aries)