[情報] 09/13 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (all in good time)時間6年前 (2017/09/12 18:50), 6年前編輯推噓24(2405)
留言29則, 25人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
www.astrology.com https://www.astrology.com/us/horoscope/daily-extended.aspx Seeing your family members in this type of mood is a rare occurrence. They're fiery, assertive and willing to say anything that crosses their minds -- except when it comes to exactly what they're up to. You can tell something is going on, but no one will give you even the tiniest of clues. They're keeping quiet, and they're proud of it. Well, think about it. Might they be trying to keep a surprise from coming out? Leave it alone, just in case. 你家人是脾氣暴躁、極度自信、有話直說的性子, 他們很少陷入今天這般的情緒,你覺得出了事情, 但對方完全沒有透露任何訊息給你,不但什麼也不說,還洋洋自得。 這麼想吧:他們可能是想保守驚喜?你就別管這件事囉,以防提前破梗。 ******************************* astrocenter.com http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1&ZSign=0&Af=0 Today you could spend a lot of time running errands. There might be delays due to circumstances beyond your control. You could experience that old mounting frustration. There's no use fighting the invisible foe. Accept the fact that you may not be able to accomplish everything you'd set out to do. Treat yourself to a quiet evening. 由於某些不可抗力的因素,事情可能會有所延誤,今天你會花不少時間處理雜務, 並覺得挫折感不斷累積。 試圖對抗看不見的敵人是徒勞無功的,你得接受現實,認清自己不可能事事順心。 過個平靜的夜晚,當作給自己的禮物吧。 ******************************** Claire's Daily Horoscopes http://www.theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claire-s-daily-horoscopes-wednesday-13th-september I know you’re feeling unappreciated, but I also see how far you’ve come on your personal journey since the beginning of the year. Look at life as if the glass is half full instead of half empty. Success is closer than you think if you do. 我知道,你覺得沒有人欣賞你, 但我也知道,你從今年開始成長了多少,在人生路上走了有多遠。 別悲觀的認為水杯半空著,你得樂觀起來,境隨心轉,成功比你想得還接近。 ******************************** -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1505213411.A.489.html ※ 編輯: matsuri (, 09/12/2017 18:50:58

09/12 19:03, , 1F
3戳中啊.............. 可是樂觀不起來唉QQ
09/12 19:03, 1F

09/12 19:10, , 2F
09/12 19:10, 2F

09/12 19:47, , 3F
09/12 19:47, 3F

09/12 20:06, , 4F
謝謝你 克萊兒
09/12 20:06, 4F

09/12 20:07, , 5F
看到有點想掉淚 嗚嗚
09/12 20:07, 5F

09/12 20:10, , 6F
09/12 20:10, 6F

09/12 20:18, , 7F
09/12 20:18, 7F

09/12 21:22, , 8F
09/12 21:22, 8F

09/12 21:52, , 9F
推第三則 最近心理生理狀況都不好(淚)
09/12 21:52, 9F

09/12 23:24, , 10F
感謝翻譯 被鼓勵到+1
09/12 23:24, 10F

09/12 23:24, , 11F
樓上握手 心身理狀況不佳+1
09/12 23:24, 11F

09/12 23:47, , 12F
第三則 QQ 鼻子酸…
09/12 23:47, 12F

09/12 23:48, , 13F
09/12 23:48, 13F

09/13 00:17, , 14F
09/13 00:17, 14F

09/13 00:25, , 15F
09/13 00:25, 15F

09/13 00:26, , 16F
09/13 00:26, 16F

09/13 01:03, , 17F
推 感謝翻譯分享喔~~~!!!
09/13 01:03, 17F

09/13 01:54, , 18F
09/13 01:54, 18F

09/13 03:12, , 19F
09/13 03:12, 19F

09/13 12:05, , 20F
09/13 12:05, 20F

09/13 12:30, , 21F
09/13 12:30, 21F

09/13 13:07, , 22F
09/13 13:07, 22F

09/13 17:50, , 23F
三 戳到了QAQ 謝謝翻譯哦
09/13 17:50, 23F

09/13 18:25, , 24F
09/13 18:25, 24F

09/13 19:08, , 25F
09/13 19:08, 25F

09/13 19:08, , 26F
09/13 19:08, 26F

09/13 20:26, , 27F
09/13 20:26, 27F

09/13 20:44, , 28F
09/13 20:44, 28F

09/13 20:54, , 29F
09/13 20:54, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #1PjxlZI9 (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1PjxlZI9 (Aries)