[情報] 07/25 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/07/25 01:06), 編輯推噓10(1001)
留言11則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
https://goo.gl/SZd9Mr Astrology.com For the moment, the universe will ask you to tone it down, just a notch. You need some sleep, you need some soft music and low lights -- and you need the affectionate attention of someone who'd like nothing better than to share it all with you. Bet you know exactly who to call, too. Your next quest is to stock up on provisions: candles, soft music and a couple of your favorite videos. 此時,宇宙的運轉可能會希望你也因此放慢步調,一下下就好也行。 你需要一些睡眠、來點輕音樂或昏暗的燈光氣氛; 然後你也會需要一位願意與你分享一切的對象來提供你愛的感覺與關心。 你其實知道應該要找誰,所以打完電話後,你唯一的任務就是: 準備好蠟蠋、放音樂、然後挑選一些你們會喜愛的影片吧。 https://goo.gl/WUtu7j Astrocenter.com The tension in the air might be what you need in order to become more aware of subconscious issues that affect your behavior, Aries. There's a great deal that you need to get off your chest. The more honest you can be about the pain people have caused you, the more love will flow in the future. Open the communication channels. 空氣中所帶有的緊繃感,或許就是你此時最想要的氛圍, 好像這樣才能讓你察覺潛意識裡那些影響你行為的因素是什麼。 你心中有許多需要發洩的情緒與感受,而你越是誠實表達的話, 內心將會有越多空間能夠空出來給未來將要湧入的那些愛的感受。 請大方的打開羊兒的溝通頻道吧~ https://goo.gl/gXCipW Claire's Mercury hands you the gift of clever talking. If you wanted to talk your way in or out of anything, then this is the day to do so. You can even make up with the person you thought may never talk to you again. Ring now for a confidence boost. 水星的影響提供了你絕佳的溝通力,如果有些事你需要透過溝通才能達到目的的話, 今天將會是很合適的日子。 甚至如果想要與原本鬧翻失合的對象再啟交流的話,就趕快把握這天的機會吧! -- 消失了幾天,因為眼睛實在是不太舒服, 想暫時先把工作必要使用電腦或手機以外的事務減少一些… (看螢幕就覺得眼睛好酸啊啊啊啊啊 T_T) -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 / 職場經驗分享 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1500915976.A.96A.html

07/25 01:18, , 1F
謝謝翻譯 眼睛很重要哦 不舒服就減少看螢幕吧 以前也有過
07/25 01:18, 1F

07/25 01:29, , 2F
07/25 01:29, 2F

07/25 01:46, , 3F
辛苦了!感謝翻譯 !身體保重啊
07/25 01:46, 3F

07/25 01:51, , 4F
07/25 01:51, 4F

07/25 08:54, , 5F
07/25 08:54, 5F

07/25 09:20, , 6F
07/25 09:20, 6F

07/25 10:45, , 7F
07/25 10:45, 7F

07/25 11:03, , 8F
07/25 11:03, 8F

07/25 12:40, , 9F
07/25 12:40, 9F

07/25 17:46, , 10F
謝謝翻譯 辛苦了
07/25 17:46, 10F

07/26 00:09, , 11F
感謝翻譯 辛苦了!
07/26 00:09, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1PTYa8bg (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1PTYa8bg (Aries)