[情報] 04/17 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/04/17 11:03), 編輯推噓5(500)
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https://goo.gl/SZd9Mr Astrology.com Conveying your emotions to the people who have affected them (whether in a negative or positive way) is a good thing to do, but you have to be careful not to overwhelm anyone. Being sensitive to other people is extremely important today -- your conscientiousness will go a long way toward keeping them from getting defensive about what you say. Gentle praise will go a lot further than wildly enthusiastic gushing, too -- keep a lid on your enthusiasm and play it cool. 對於能感受到你情緒的人(不論正向或負面的),如果能把心情真誠的表達會比較好, 不過,你同時也需要小心別太過大量的把他們都壓垮。 今天保持敏感細膩是很重要的 - 你認真表達的態度,能大大減少別人的防備心; 同樣的,與其用浮誇的稱讚來表現熱情,比較中庸的讚美反而更有效果 - 在你的熱情之上蓋個蓋子,保守的使用它們吧。 https://goo.gl/WUtu7j Astrocenter.com You might feel lonely and insecure due to lack of contact with a close friend or romantic partner, Aries. You might wonder if the person has forgotten you or simply doesn't care anymore. Take the time to try to connect with this person. You may discover that no neglect was intended and that the relationship is solid. It's better for you to tackle this directly rather than speculate. 因為最近比較少與某位親近的朋友或愛人聯絡,以致於讓你開始覺得孤單與不安, 猜想著對方是否忘記你了,或者對方其實根本就不在意你。 建議羊兒們可以花點時間再聯絡一次對方,你或許會發現對方不是刻意不理你, 而且你們之間的關係仍然十分穩固。 總之與其在那邊猜測,不如直接出擊比較實在。 https://goo.gl/MyuO7k Claire's I know you are going to feel like saying the first thing that comes into your head, but resist. You’re about to learn that you have friends in high places professionally if you can show patience and a positive attitude. Ring now for a love prediction to surprise. 羊兒可能還是喜歡想到什麼就講什麼,不過可以的話請盡量克制吧 - 如果你展現足夠的耐性與正向心,你有機會在職場上發現有些高層是與你站同一陣線的。 -- 週末小偷懶,現在才發今天的運勢… -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 / 職場經驗分享 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1492398205.A.F6B.html

04/17 11:13, , 1F
04/17 11:13, 1F

04/17 11:43, , 2F
04/17 11:43, 2F

04/17 11:44, , 3F
推喔 感謝翻譯分享囉~~~
04/17 11:44, 3F

04/17 15:37, , 4F
04/17 15:37, 4F

04/17 16:35, , 5F
04/17 16:35, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1Oz31zzh (Aries)
文章代碼(AID): #1Oz31zzh (Aries)